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British Commonwealth continued...

Hong Kong
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2255 Ohne Gummi image1865, single page with a unique working color proof as well as a finished proof in color on toned paper, also three BPA card proofs, the proofs in color are ex Carl Walske (Image 1)

SOLD for €2,200.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2256 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1882/89, India & Convention States, two pages with six items, includes Sperati's original negative for the 1854 issue half anna (ex Robson Lowe), the only reported perforated example of the 1856 unissued 2 anna (two are known imperforate), three Gwailor overprints and a BPA card proof, all are ex Carl Walske (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



SOLD for €4,000.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Kenya , Uganda and Tanganyika
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2257 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1890/94, single page with 3 finished reproductions, 2 unique overprint proofs and 5 BPA card proofs, the surcharge proofs and reproduction were first reported and illustrated in Plate A of Sperati II, all except the card proofs are ex Carl Walske collection. Also included, but not mounted, is a genuine 5a surcharge from Sperati stockbook that apparently served as the model for Sperati's image used to make the forgery (Image 1)

Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) Collection]

Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2258 Ohne Gummi image1860, the single page with proof in black and a BPA card proof, both ex Carl Walske (Image 1)

SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2259 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1848/79, the mounted collection of 8 reproductions and three BPA card proofs, includes the 1848 issue 1d signed proof in color described as being unique in Sperati I (ex Robson Lowe collection), the 1860 issue 9d proof and an "unused" reproduction, one of two known 1879 issue 13c type B reproduction (illustrated in Sperati II) as well as the 1879 issue 38c finished reproduction illustrated in Sperati I, all ex Carl Walske (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for €5,200.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2260 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1884, the mounted page with two finished reproductions and four BPA card proofs, two states of the 4d are shown, the retouched state was inadequately described in Sperati I and corrected in Sperati II, all except BPA card proofs are ex Carl Walske (Image 1)

Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2261 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1886, the mounted collection of 13 items on two pages, includes 9 proofs and four finished reproductions, includes 5s type B reproduction and type C proof each first reported in Sperati II, all items are ex Carl Walske (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Southern Nigeria
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2262 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1903/06, the single page with six items, includes two reproductions, 1903 issue and 1906 issue £1 Edward watermarks (the example on multiple crown CA watermarked paper was not reported in Sperati I), ex Walske and four BPA card proofs (Image 1)

Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
St. Christopher
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2263 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1890, page with one finished reproduction, illustrated in Sperati I, plate 18, ex Walske and 3 BPA card proofs (Image 1)

SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2264 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1876, single page with one finished reproduction, illustrated in Sperati I, plate 14, and five BPA card proofs, ex Carl Walske (Image 1)

SOLD for €250.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
St. Lucia
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2265 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1885/86, the mounted page with 9 items, includes 1886 issue 6d proof in black (the only format reported as having been seen in Sperati I), 1s finished reproduction with forged cancel and proof in color, also 6 BPA card proofs (Image 1)

Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Sierra Leone
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2266 Ohne Gummi image1859, the single page with imperforate reproduction of 1859 issue 6d on bluish paper, ex Walske and a BPA card proof (Image 1)

Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Cape of Good Hope
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2267 Ohne Gummi , Gestempelt image1883, single page with a die proof in color, 9 BPA card proofs and two exceptional and rare models used to make forged cancels, the genuine models have their genuine cancels retouched with paint, Sperati then photographed removing the background to make his cliché for the forged cancels, it is obvious by comparison with the BPA card proofs that show cancels over the perforations that these are the original models, they were found in Sperati's stockbook, all items except the card proofs are ex Carl Walske (Image 1)

Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) Collection]

SOLD for €700.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2268 Ohne Gummi image1900, the single finished reproduction, one of two known, illustrated in Sperati I on plate 20, ex Robson Lowe and Carl Walske (Image 1)

SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Trinidad and Tobago
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2269 Ohne Gummi image1884, the single page with the two different proofs in color, ex Walske and four BPA card proofs of forged cancels (Image 1)

Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM


German Airmail
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2270 Flugpostbrief image1930, 1. Versuchsflug Condor mit Lufthans, Fotokarte "Fliegerbund Blumenau“ frankiert mit Mischfrankatur Condor-Marken mit Brasilien mit Flugpoststempel "BLUMENAU 19.MAR.“ via Berlin und Essen mit Flugpostbest.-Stempel nach Hattingen, selten (Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
Foreign Airmail
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2271 Flugpostbrief imageLitauen: 1925, III. Küsten Segelflug Wettbewerb mit Zuleitung aus Litauen, Flugpostkarte mit Freimarke 60 C. von "KLAIPEDA 16.V.“ mit Absender L3 "Junkers-Werke Abt. Luftverkehr Flugleitung“ und L1 "Memel“, adressiert Rittmeister Röhre, Leiter der Segelflugschule Rossitten mit vorderseitigem Segelflug-Sonderstempel vom 17.5. als Flugpostbestätigungsstempel (siehe Otto 1925-56) (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for €220.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
2272 Flugpostbrief imageLitauen: 1925, III. Küsten Segelflug Wettbewerb mit Zuleitung aus Litauen, Flugpostkarte mit Freimarke 60 und Flugpostmarke 20 C. von "KLAIPEDA 16.V.“ mit Absender L3 "Junkers-Werke Abt. Luftverkehr Flugleitung“ und handschriftlichem Vermerk "Memel“, adressiert an den Leiter, Rittmeister Röhre, der Segelflugschule Rossitten mit vorderseitigem Segelflug-Sonderstempel vom 17.5. als Flugpostbestätigungsstempel (siehe Otto 1925-56) (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for €240.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
2273 Flugpostbrief imageLitauen: 1925, III. Küsten Segelflug Wettbewerb mit Zuleitung aus Litauen, Flugpostkarte mit Flugpost 40 und 20 C. von "KLAIPEDA 16.V.“ mit Absender L3 "Junkers-Werke Abt. Luftverkehr Flugleitung“ und handschriftlichem Vermerk "Memel“, adressiert an den Leiter, Rittmeister Röhre, der Segelflugschule Rossitten mit vorderseitigem Segelflug-Sonderstempel vom 17.5. als Flugpostbestätigungsstempel (siehe Otto 1925-56) (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for €460.00
Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM
2274 Brief image1918, "FLUGPOST POCTZA LOTNICZA KRAKAU 17 V " auf mit Österreich 1,50-4 Kr. und Zufrankatur frankiertem Umschlag ab "WIEN 17.IV.18" nach Lemberg mit Ankunftsstempel, tadellos (Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Nov-15, 05:00 AM

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