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Europe continued...

Great Britain continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
171 54y,61y imageUnzureichend frankierter blauer Brief von LONDON 24.OCT.1949 in die Schweiz. Mit CH-Portomarken 5 und 50 Rp. Ziffer und Kreuz austaxiert, sauber gestempelt BERN 16 BURGENZIEL 25.X.49(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
1207 32d+38b image30 Rp.-Frankatur, 10 Rp. rot und 20 Rp. orange, farbfrisch, saubere Stempel GENEVE 1.III.74, nach LONDON (England) adressiert, fehlerfrei. Attest BP(Image 1)

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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
2411   image1941, Brief des Britischen Roten Kreuzes vom 9.12.1941(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Dec-13, 10:59 PM
2424 o/ 7 image1847, Königin Victoria, 1 Sh. grün, 4 lose Marken und 2 Briefe, eine Einzelfrankatur und eine Frankatur mit 2 Exemplaren, auf einem beschrifteten Ausstellungsblatt, gute Erhaltung(Image 1)

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Closing..Dec-13, 10:59 PM
Great Britain 1840 1d black
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
160 A1.D1 image1840, Victoria, 1d, black, CL,ED,FI/FL, horiz. strip of four and 2d. blue,DA, mostly good margins, FL just a liitle ragged at right as applied at edge of R. (side flaps gone) and parttly tied by Cross backstamped GLASCOW NOV 23 1840, with red SHIP LETTER PAID LONDON 25NO25 1840 and rated 1/6 via SYDNEY 27/51841 to MELBOURNE. A great early foreingn franking. Attest BP(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
161 **/* 1 image1840, 1 P. schwarz, Platte VII, EG-GI, farbfrischer 9er-Block mit Originalgummi, an 3 Seiten angeschnitten, eine spektakuläre Einheit, trotz der Schnittmängel, sehr dekorativ. Atteste Scheller und BP. Kat. ca. 350`000 Euro(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
162 1 image1840, 1 P. schwarz, plate 1B,II, variety: non-coincident re-entry showing recut and enlarged corner letters "L", Michel Cat.-No. 1b. StG. No. 2 - AS5c, tied by red Maltese Crosses to entire letter with NEWCASTE ON TYNE JA 2 1841 in blue for dispatch on front, ms. 1/10 in red indicating 1s. 10 d being paid in cash confirmed by PAID 5JA 5 1841, Tomstone alobstone alongside, adressed to "Mr. William Nicholson, Mr. Paynes, FUNCHAL. MADEIRA. The 1 d. adhesive with large margins all round, small corner crease in upper left corner, tied by oily-red Maltese Crosses to freshly preserved entire. Olny two covers adressed to MADEIRA islands besring an 1840 recorded(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
163 2 image1840, A lettersheet to F`RANCE bearing an 1840, 1d black, plate 6, letterd KB, watermark small Crown, imperf., cancelled by a Maltese Cross in red, sent from Leicester Square, London, receiving on the reverse a straight line "P.T.PallMall"nd a London date stamp "P. Oct.30.1840". In transit to FRANCE the letter was rated 10 (d) by the Exchange Office, the stamp was cancelled in manuscript and received an illegible "Angl. Boulogne s. Mer." cds. sent to its destination, Boulogne sur Mer, where 15 d. postage due was collected on arrival. It was possible at this time to send a letter to Calais, France, paid or unpaid bit not partially prepaid. The 1d black allthough cancelled in London and paying the postage to Dover was in fact superfluous; it was crossed out by the French autorities and the letter was rated 10d, and was charged 15 deci. internal postage from Calais to its destnation. A most unusual and early usage of a 1d. black on leter to France. Certificate B.P.A. and Peter Holcmbe(Image 1)

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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
165 V1 image1842, 1d., black, "V R", (Official Stamp), lettered K-B, 10 September. Part entire from Darlington to The Honorable, The Commissioners of Stamps & Taxes, Somerset House London, canselled with blak Maltese Cross. Manuscript "Not Paid" at lower left, not accepted. Cert. Brun 2008, Calves 2008, Expert Committee David Brandon 2007(Image 1)

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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
166 1 image1840, entire letter from Kilmarnock to Prince Eduard Island, franked with 1840 1d black, Plate 6, letterd E-H, tied by Maltese Cross in red, with Halifax, Nova Scotia 14. 11. 40, backstamped Kilmarnock 18.10.40 (Sunday). Cert. B.P.A. Expert Committee 1992(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
167 1 image1 d. schwarz, Platte 4, PJ, vollrandig, unten Teile der Nebenmarke, schön übergehend entwertet mit schwarzem Malteser Kreuz und nebenstehendem Aufgabestempel STORE. ST (Feldmann L514/STOR13) und rückseitigem rotem FE 1841, auf Faltbrief an FIELDEN, Esq. MP (Parlamentsmitglied), 18 Hannover Square und umadressiert nach PANTON mit Taxzahlstempel "1", fehlerfreie Erhaltung. Attest BP(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
168 1+2 image1840, 2x 1 d. schwarz (E-F) und 2d. blau (A-K), als 4 d.-Frankatur, sauberes, rotes Malteser Kreuz, auf den Brief übergehend. Rückseitig der Stempel BALLYCASTLE SE 25 1840, adressiert an James Thomson, Esq. BELFAST Bank Branch in BALLYMONNY (Grafschaft Antrim, Nordirland). Eine 1d unten leicht berührt, ansonsten sind die farbfrischen Marken gut gerandet, sehr schöner Brief. Attest Zumstein 1972(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
169 8 image1841, 1 d red-brown, lettered II, watermark small Crown, cancelles b a Maltese Cross in black with the cds. of Southampton, 23 June 1841 on the reverse, paying only the internal postage, rated 1s/2d, and marked with a tomstone Paid 24.June 1841, sent via Calais to GENEVA (Switzerland), where it was rated 12 (deci) on arrival 28.June. A sacare usage of stamps in part payment of the postage. Cert. Holcombe(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
158 (*) 138+ image1901, Freimarken, Hermes, Sonderdruck, Neujahrskarte auf illustr. Karton mit Aufdruck: Le Directeur Général les Chefs de service et les employes à la Direction Générale des Poste et des Télégraphes de GREECE - Vous souhaitent heureuse La nouvelle année. Athènes, le 1 Janvier 1901. Fehlerfreie Erhaltung(Image 1)

Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
159   image1937, 2 attraktive Karten mit sauberen Stempeln, nach ZÜRICH adressiert(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
312   image1924, 23.SEPT., Erstflug Budapest-ESZTERGOM, saubere Ausstellungskarte(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
313   image1936, 2 Erstflüge, Budapest-Wien, 25.V.36, eine Karte mit der S-Vignette, beide in die Schweiz adressiert(Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
314 208 image1931 (16.8.), Münster-Essen, ab Friedrichshafen Sauberer Beleg mit rückseitigem Ankunftsstempel ESSEN/MÜLLHEIM 16.8.31 18-19, Zuleitung Ungarn. Kat. 320.-(Image 1)

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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
315 219B image3. SAM-Fahrt, Ungarn nach Rio de Janeiro, schöne Frankatur(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM
316 241a image4. SAM-Fahrt, 2.5.32, BUDAPEST - RECIFE, gute Frankatur(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Dec-12, 10:59 PM

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