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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Turkey French Post Offices
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
161   image1873 (December 19), 80c rose single franking on folded letter from Constantinople to Smyrna, with contents datelined Constantinople, franked with 80c rose Ceres, bright color, tied by 5098 "Gros Chiffres", postmarked with black oval BM (Boite Mobile), Smyrna c.d.s. (19 Dec), red boxed "PD" and "Paquebots / de la / Mediterranée", to Marseille, with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (24 Dec), light horizontal fold, small grease stain, else a fine entire and uncommon Boite Mobile usage from the Levant. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
162 36, 57 image1873 (December 24), Ceres and "Siège" issue mixed franking, registered cover from St. Jean de Losne to Beaune, franked with 10c bistre "Siège" issue and 80c rose Ceres, each tied by "3671" Gros Chiffres, with St. Jean de Losne c.d.s. (24 Dec) alongside, struck with red CHARGÉ marking and boxed weight handstamp, with Beaune arrival c.d.s. backstamps (25 Dec), a few small tears at bottom, mostly confined to reverse and clear of adhesives, else fine and scarce. (Yvert 36, 57). (Image) (image2)


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163   image1874 (July 28), Brest to a Lieutenant on board a ship at Quebec, Canada, cover franked with 10c brown on rose horizontal pair and 80c rose Ceres, tied by "611" Gros Chiffres of Brest, with corresponding Brest c.d.s. (28 Jul) alongside, red London PAID transit on front, with Paris (28 Jul), Paris Étranger (28 Jul), and Quebec (11 Aug) backstamps, opening tears to back flap with some pieces removed, otherwise fine and scarce. (Image) (image2)


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164 55, 60 image1875 (October 16), Bureau de Passe cover to Mulhausen, folded letter, with contents, franked with 15c bistre and 25c blue Ceres, tied by a superbly-struck "1307" Bureau de Passe c.d.s. (16 Oct), with adjacent Dijon c.d.s. of the same day, red boxed PD, and oval "BM" (Boîte Mobile) marking, addressed to Mulhausen, with a fine strike of the Mulhausen-Elsass horseshoe (Hufeisenstempel) receiver (17 Oct), a beautiful and scarce cover, the Bureau de Passe c.d.s. being particularly desirable tying the adhesives, further complemented by the Boîte Mobile usage and the distinctive horseshoe receiver. (Yvert 55, 60). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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165 72 image1876 (December 19), Paris to Guadalajara folded letter, with 1fr bronze Sage solo franking,  tied by Paris / Gare de l'Ouest c.d.s. (19 Dec), endorsed "per St. Nazaire," struck with "25c" due marking in black, with Ligne B / Paq Fr No 4 ship mail c.d.s. transit backstamp (21 Dec), light horizontal filing fold well clear of adhesive, a lovely usage, signed Calves. (Yvert 72). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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166 56 image1876 (February 19), Marseille Boîte Mobile, folded mourning letter to Constantinople, franked with 30c brown Ceres, tied by black Anchor in dotted lozenge, postmarked with Marseille B.M. (Boîte Mobile) c.d.s. (19 Feb), addressed to Constantinople, no backstamps, light horizontal filing folds, else fine. (Yvert 56). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
167   image1880, "Corr D'Armées / Pte-à-Pitre" military cover to Rochefort, franked with 15c Ceres General Issue, thick figures, tied by octagonal "Corr D'Armées / Pte-à-Pitre" datestamp, backstamped with octagonal "Ligne B / Paq. Fr. No. 2" TPO transit,  some staining at upper right affecting adhesive, nevertheless a rare franking, illustrated in Yvert & Tellier (2017); ex-Grabowski. (Yvert & Tellier €1,700). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
168   image1884 (January 30), Cette to Port Louis, Mauritius, folded cover, with contents, franked with two 5c and a single 25c Sage issue, tied by Cette c.d.s. (30 Jan), with Étranger / Marseille transit c.d.s. (31 Jan) and Mauritius c.d.s. receiver (March), receiver partially cut out from removal of wax seal, else a fine entire to an uncommon destination. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
169   image1885 (July 24), Pointe-à-Pitre to Besançon, registered cover franked with 10c and 40c Dubois, tied by Guadeloupe / Pointe-à-Pitre c.d.s. (24 Juil), with transit markings including Ligne B PAQ FR NO 2 (27 Juil), Paris à Lyon 1 (13 Août), and indistinct red Paris c.d.s., with Besançon arrival backstamps, horizontal fold clear of adhesives, the odd toning spot, else a fine registered usafe. (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
170 CVR   image1890, 15c Sage postal stationery advertising letter card, unused, with "Vendue 5 Centimes" multiple fold-out advertisements on the inside, very fine, seldom found in this quality.  (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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171 CVR 162, 163 image1912 (July 2), Lézardrieux to Valparaíso, Chile, re-directed to La Rochelle and returned to sender, cover franked with 5c red and two 10c green Sage definitives, tied by three "LÉZARDRIEUX" double circle cancellations, with two "PARIS R.P. ÉTRANGER"and "VALPARAISO RECEPCION" (14 Aug) c.d.s. backstamps, re-addressed to La Rochelle, with blue oval "GMO. WILMS VALPARAISO" (17 Aug) handstamp and "VALPARAISO MARITIMA" (17 Aug) despatch c.d.s., arriving in La Rochelle where "LA ROCHELLE CHARENTE INF." (19 Aug, 20 Aug) single circle receivers applied, struck with three-line "RETOUR À L'ENVOYEUR" (24 Aug) and subsequent "LA ROCHELLE PALICE CHARENTE INF." (20 Nov) c.d.s., two "LÉZARDRIEUX" (21 Nov) single circle receivers on front and back, small edge flaws, else fine. (Sc. #162(x2), 163). (Image) (image2)


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172 CVR B23 image1927 (June 8), Strasbourg Philatelic Exhibition, registered airmail cover to England, franked with 5f+1f deep blue and black La Marseillaise semi-postal, tied by "STRASBOURG PHILATELIC EXHIBITION" special event c.d.s., black on red "Par Avion" airmail label and black "STRASBOURG PRINCIPAL" on red registration label on front, to Handsworth, Birmingham, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #B23, $300). (Image)

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173 CVR 61/2, 64/70, 73/4, 79, 81 image1932 (November 12), pair of registered covers from Bamako to France, one franked with eleven and the other with nine different Sudanese-themed pictorial issues, each tied by "BAMAKO R.P SOUDAN FRANCAIS" double circle cancellations, with violet "REGISTERED" handstamp and black "BAMAKO R" on red registration etiquettes on front, both addressed to Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, France, each struck with "LE PRE – ST. GERVAIS" single circle receiver on back, an attractive and very fine duo. (Sc. #61/2, 64/70, 73/4, 79, 81, 83, 85, 91, 95, 98/9). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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174 CVR 329 image1937 (June 19), PEXIP Souvenir Sheet on registered cover from Paris to Switzerland, additionally franked with other period issues, including seven 30c green Jean Mermoz, 2f ultramarine Windmill, 40c bright violet Peace, and 20f Pont de Gard issues, all tied by black "PARIS" Philatelic Exhibition octagonal cancellations, red-on-white 'PARIS.75' registration etiquette on the front, backstamped "BASEL" (19 Jun) back flap removed and slight edge wear, but an uncommon franking. (Sc. #329). (Image) (image2)


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175 CVR J14 image1937 (October 2), airmail cover from Paris to Jerusalem, re-directed to Jaffa with Palestine postage dues, franked with two 1.50Fr ultramarine 150th Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution, tied by "PARIS DISTRIBUTION" double circle machine cancellation, with "PARIS AVION" double circle slogan on back, black boxed "To Pay MILS" handstamp with red manuscript "8", and two 4m green Palestine postage due issues, each tied by "JAFFA" (6 Oct) single circle cancellation, originally addressed to the "German Colony" in Jerusalem, re-addressed to Jaffa, a fine and  usage of these postage due issues. (France Sc. #332(x2), Palestine J14(x2)) (Image) (image2)


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Palestine and Holy Land
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
176 CVR 147, 278, 352, J14 image1938 (December 4), Strasbourg, France, to Tel Aviv, postage due cover, franked with 50c greenish-blue Sower, 1Fr rose-pink Peace pair, and 1.75Fr blue France-England Friendship issue, tied by three "STRASBOURG Pl. DE LA GARE BAS-RHIN" single circle c.d.s., with "STRASBOURG – GARE AVION" c.d.s. backstamp, blue on white "Par Avion" airmail etiquette, black boxed "To Pay MILS" handstamp with manuscript "12", and a strip of three 4m green Palestine postage due issues on front, tied by two "TEL AVIV" (9 Dec) c.d.s., edge wrinkles and minor opening tear to back flap, elsde fine and scarce. (France Sc. #147, 278(x2), 352; Palestine J14(x3)) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
177 CVR 26 imageExpeditionary Corps in Mexico, 1866 (September 7), folded letter from the Mexican Expeditionary Corps to St. Denis S. Seine, France, franked with 20c blue Louis Napoleon definitive, tied by "CEM A" in lozenge obliterator, with black "CORPS EXP. MEXIQUE BAU A" c.d.s. and two red "CORPS EXP. MEXIQUE V. FRANC" (11 Oct) double circle transits on front , "PARIS" (11 Oct) and "ST. DENIS S. SEINE" c.d.s. backstamps, some soiling and creasing, stamp cut into at left, but a scarce usage. (Sc. #26). (Image) (image2)


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178 CVR 23, 25, 26 imageOffices in Egypt, 1866 (October 14), folded letter from Alexandria to Marseille, France, with partial contents, franked with two 5c yellow green, 10c bistre, and 20c blue Louis Napoleon definitive issues, each tied by large numerals "5080" in lozenge obliterators,  "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE" double circle cancellation, black boxed "PD" handstamp, and red "MARSEILLE" (20 Oct) double circle transit on front, "MARSEILLE" (20 Oct) c.d.s. arrival backstamp, fine. (Sc. #23(x2), 25, 26). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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179 CVR   imageOffices in the Levant, 1856 (June), Crimean War, folded cover from Kamiesch, Crimea, to Lyon via Constantinople, manuscript "Kamiesch" notation inside and manuscript "10", struck with black boxed "MER NOIRE" handstamp and two red boxed "PAQUETBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" handstamps on front, French Offices "CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE" (5 June) double circle transit, "MARSEILLE" (14 June) transit, and "LYON" (16 June) double circle receiver on back, a fine Crimean War cover. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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180 CVR 25, 27 imageOffices in the Levant, 1866 (January 8), folded cover from Beirut, Syria to Lyon, France, franked with 10c bistre and 40c orange French Louis Napoleon definitive issues, each tied by large numeral "5082" in lozenge obliterators, with "BEYROUT SYRIE" double circle cancellation, black boxed "PD" handstamp, and red boxed "PAQUETBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" handstamp on front, Marseille (26 Jan) and Lyon (26 Jan) c.d.s. backstamps, fine. (Sc. #25, 27). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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