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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Egypt continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
141 CVR 203-206 image1936 (December 22), Anglo-American Treaty, first day cover from Cairo to England, specially printed envelope franked with a complete set of three (5m-20m), tied by  bilingual "CONTINENTAL SAVOY EGYPT" single-circle cancellations, with Cairo (22 Dec) single-circle transit backstamp, a few small toning spots, else very fine. (Sc. #203/6). (Image) (image2)


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142 CVR Egypt 214/5; K.U.T. J7/8, image1938 (22 Jan), forwarded postage due cover, Cairo to Kenya, South Africa, and Singapore, franked with 15m dark violet brown and 20m blue King Farouk definitives of Egypt, each tied by bilingual "Cairo" c.d.s. , initially addressed to Nairobi, Kenya, where it was affixed with 5c violet, 10c red, and 30c brown postage due issues, which were further marked with a violet ‘CHARGE NOT COLLECTED FRESH LABEL REQUIRED’ handstamp and two oval double circle NAIROBI REGISTERED (27 Jan) cancellations, re-addressed to Cape Town (7 Mar), then to Durban, South Africa, (10 Mar), before being returned to Cape Town (11 Mar), again re-addressed, this time to Singapore, where 8c scarlet and 10c yellow-orange postage dues were affixed and a Singapore (13 May) double circle cancellation applied, typical edge flaws for such a well-traveled cover, else a fine and striking example worthy of further study. (Egypt Sc. #214/5; K.U.T. J7/8, J10; Malaya J9/10). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6)

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Falkland Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
143 CVR 41-44 image1928 (May 25), registered cover from Port Stanley to Birmingham, England, franked with four different ½d to 2½d George V definitives, each tied by Port Stanley c.d.s., with blue-on-white Falkland Islands Stanley registration label on front, without backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #41/44) (Image) (image2)


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144 CVR 54, 55, 56, 57 image1937 (May 25), registered cover from Port Stanley to Los Angeles, readdressed to New York, franked with ½d, 1d, 2d (pair), and 2½d (pair) George V definitives, each tied by single-circle Post Stanley c.d.s., with blue-on-white Falkland Islands Stanley registration label on front, two violet Los Angeles (6/7 Apr) transit markings on front and back, along with two double-oval New York (11 Apr) arrival datestamps, a few light edge creases, else very fine. (Sc. #54(2), 55, 56(2), 57(2)) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
145 CVR 116, 19, 20 image1919 (November 27), censored registered cover to Susak, Croatia, franked with 5c on 15c blue, 10c on 45c orange, and two 15c on 45c orange overprinted issues, each tied by four strikes of "FIUME" double-circle cancellations, with "FIUME MILITARY POSTAL CENSOR" double-circle handstamp, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #116(x2), 19, 20(x2)). (Image)

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146 CVR 136, 140, 162 image1922 (April 22), registered cover to Budapest, Hungary, franked with a single and three pairs of 15c dark gray on buff and 45c olive gray on buff "Governo Provvisorio" overprint issues, single 10c rose Second Constituent Assembly overprint, each tied by "FIUME 2" double-circle cancellations, "Fiume 1" registration etiquette affixed, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #136(x7), 140, 162). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
147 CVR   image1801 (June 25), Paris to Philadelphia, re-directed to George Town, stampless forwarding agent cover, dated using the Republican calendar (“12 Messidor”), carried from Paris to Philadelphia, with forwarding agent endorsement on reverse, struck upon arrival with red Philadelphia datestamp, redirected to George Town, with oval New York transit mark at lower left, multiple manuscript rate notations, a most unusual transatlantic cover, and a scarce example during the period of the First Republic. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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148 CVR   image1847 (November 1), Le Havre to New York, transatlantic forwarding agent letter, carried via Southampton and Liverpool, with no contents but most likely written in Le Havre, as indicated by the red "Forwarded by yours respectfully Jos. Lemaitre & Co. Le Havre" handstamp on the back and red "BUREAU MARITIME LE HAVRE" (1 Nov) c.d.s.,  struck with boxed "PD" handstamp and was placed in a closed bag for Southampton to connect with the Ocean Line from Bremen, struck with red boxed "FOREIGN PAID" arch handstamp upon arrival in Southampton and red "A PAID" (2 Nov) London tombstone handstamp, backstamped with red "SOUTHAMPTON" (2 Nov) c.d.s., carried then to Liverpool, where struck with black oval "L G" (3 Nov) packet office handstamp, then carried by the Cunard Acadia on its 27th voyage from Liverpool on November 4, arriving in Boston on November 20, where a red "7" in circle was applied, indicating 2 cents ship fee and 5 cents internal postage due, and fine and well-traveled letter. (Image) (image2)


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149   image1854 (September 30), Paris to Havana, stampless folded letter via England, with contents, handstamped "PD" in red, postmarked Paris (30 Sep), with UK "PAID" transit (2 Oct) struck on front, Havana c.d.s. arrival backstamp (24 Oct), bearing "2" reales due marking and "NE" handstamp in blue, light filing folds, a fine and scarce transatlantic usage to an uncommon destination. (Image) (image2)


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150   image1855 (January 28), St. Etienne to Carouges, postage due folded cover to Switzerland, franked with 20c blue Napoleon, tied by indistinct dotted cancel, postmarked St. Etienne (28 Jan), struck with boxed red "Affranchisement / Insuffisant" due marking and "35 CS" due marking in black, with backstamps of Lyon (30 Jan), Genève (31 Jan), and Carouges (31 Jan), horizontal filing fold, a scarce and attractive postage due cover to Switzerland. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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151 17I image1855 (July 19), 80c dark carmine on folded letter from Bordeaux to Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, with contents,  tied by diamond of dots, with Bordeaux c.d.s. (19 Jul) alongside, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande c.d.s. arrival backstamp, a scarce shade, signed Calves. (Yvert 17l). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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152 blOF 14A image1856 (January 19), 20c blue Napoleon, Type I, rouletted block of four, on cover from Nantes to Rennes, multiple tied by "2221" Petit Chiffres cancel of Nantes, with corresponding c.d.s. (19 Jan), Angers transit and Rennes c.d.s. arrival backstamp (29 Jan), cover folded at bottom and right, a rare and visually striking multiple franking. (Yvert 14A). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
153   image1858 (October 4), San Miguel to France via Forwarding Agent, stampless folded letter, with contents datelined San Miguel, 1 Sept 58, struck on front with circular PD in red, Liverpool (4 Oct) and London FX PAID (5 Oct) transits, ANGL / AMB CALAIS (5 Oct) entry mark, endorsed in manuscript on reverse "Forwarded by E. Zwilchenbart & Co " of Liverpool (unlisted in Rowe), backstamped Paris and "Paris A Bordeaux" (6 Oct), Bordeaux (7 Oct), a lovely transatlantic forwarding agent letter, very fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
154   image1860 (August 24), Chambéry to Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, folded letter from former Sardinian territory, with partial commercial contents dated (22 Aug), franked with 20c blue Napoleon, Type I, tied by Sardinian grid cancel, postmarked Chambéry (24 Aug), addressed to Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, no backstamps, piece cut from back to remove wax seal, a fine usage from Chambéry, which had been part of the Kingdom of Sardinia until its cession to France under the Treaty of Turin on 24 March of the same year. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Turkey French Post Offices
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
155   image1863 (February 19), Constantinople to Lyon, ship mail cover via Marseille, folded letter, with contents, franked with 10c bistre and 40c orange Napoleon III, perforated, tied by dotted anchor cancellation, struck with black PD and red boxed "PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MEDITERRANEE", postmarked Neva (19 Feb), backstamped  Marseille, Marseille à Lyon TPO, and Lyon (26 Feb), piece trimmed from back outer sheet to remove wax seal, trivial filing fold, else fine and scarce  usage. (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
156 CVR 22 image1863 (September 29), 20c blue Napoleon block of cover on cover from Pont-l'Évêque to Paris, block tied by "2950" Gros Chiffres cancels, with corresponding Pont-l'Évêque c.d.s. (29 Sep), Paris c.d.s. arrival backstamp and partial TPO transit marking, pencil signed alongside the block, a scarce and attractive multiple franking. (Yvert 22). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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157 24 image1868 (December 27), Paris to Madrid, 80c rose Napoleon III single franking, on folded cover, tied by pointillés cancellation, postmarked Paris (27 Dec), with red ESPAÑA / IRUN transit (28 Dec) and Madrid c.d.s. arrival backstamp (29 Dec), light wrinkles, a scarce and fine high-value franking to Spain. (Yvert 24). (Image) (image2)


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158 24 image1871 (September 6), St. Étienne to Lyon, three-colour Napoleon & Ceres mixed-issue franking, folded letter, with contents, franked with 1863-71 1c bronze-green Napoleon, 1870-71 20c blue Ceres, and 1870 4c grey imperforate Ceres, each tied by Gros Chiffre cancel, postmarked St. Étienne (6 Sep), with next-day Lyon arrival backstamp, portion torn from back, light horizontal filing fold, else a fine and scarce mixed-issue franking; with 1971 von der Weid certificate. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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159 59, 60A, 38 image1871 (November 11), Marseille to Constantinople, paquebot cover with Ceres three-colour franking, folded letter, with contents, datelined Marseille, franked with 15c brown, 20c blue (Type I), and 40c orange, each tied by Anchor in dotted lozenge, postmarked "Ligne U / Paq Fr. No 3" (11 Nov), with Constantinople c.d.s. arrival backstamp, 40c adhesive somewhat discoloured as often seen, else a pleasing and scarce franking to Turkey. (Yvert 59, 60A, 38). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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160 28B, 59 image1872 (February 9), Napoleon & Ceres mixed franking folded letter, Château-Gontier to Morannes-sur-Sarthe,franked with 10c bistre Napoleon (Type II) and 15c bistre Ceres, tied by "918" Gros Chiffres, with corresponding Château-Gontier c.d.s. (9 Feb) alongside, transit markings including "Brest à Paris" TPO (9 Feb) and "2188 Bureau Passé" (10 Feb), with arrival c.d.s. (10 Feb) on reverse, some perf discoloration to adhesives, yet a scarce and appealing mixed-issue franking. (Yvert 28B, 59). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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