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Postal History, Foreign continued...

France continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
181 CVR 1-4, 7 imagePort Said, 1899 (December 31), cover from Singapore to Hong Kong, re-addressed to Yokohama, on Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) stationery with embossed insignia on backflap, franked with five different PORT SAID overprinted Sage definitive issues (1c-4c & 15c) totaling 25c, tied by "SINGAPORE" single circle cancellations, originally addressed to R.M.S. Empress of India, Hong Kong, China, and re-addressed to R.M.S. Empress of China, Yokohama, Japan, with "SINGAPORE TO HONG KONG" (1 Jan) single circle transit marking on back, an unusual paquebot usage, very fine (Sc. #1-4, 7). (Image) (image2)


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182 CVR 16 imagePort Said, 1899 (November 25), registered cover from Port Said to Carpentras, France, franked with pair of 25c red overprinted "PORT-SAID VINGT-CINQ" on black 10c Sage definitives, tied by  "PORT SAID EGYPT" double circle cancellations, backstamped with "LIGNE T PAQ.FP. No. 2" (27 Nov) octagonal transit marking and "AVIGNON, VAUCLUSE" (2 Dec) c.d.s. receiver, light vertical crease, else fine. (Sc. #16(x2), $275). (Image) (image2)


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183 CVR 13 imagePort Said, 1900 (March 16), registered cover from Port Said to Holland, franked with 1f bronze green on straw Type Sage, tied by "PORT SAID EGYPT" double circle cancellations, boxed truncated-corner "R" handstamp and "PARIS ETRANGER CHARGEMENT" (22 Mar) double circle transit on front,  to Roermond, Holland, with Belgian "LIEGE (GUILLEMINS)" (22 Mar) single circle transit, oval "RECEPTION BRUXELLES" double circle transit, and "ROERMOND" (23 Mar) double circle receiver backstamps, includes original registration receipt, very fine. (Sc. #13). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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184 CVR 41 imagePort Said, 1921 (April 12), registered cover to Milan, Italy, franked with a strip of three 10m on 25c blue Rights of Man definitive issues, each tied by "PORT SAID" single circle cancellations, with black "PORT SAID" on red registration label on front, MILANO" double circle arrival marking and second indistinct c.d.s. backstamp, a rare and very early usage, posted on the second day of issue of this stamp. (Sc. #41(x3)). (Image) (image2)


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French Equatorial Africa
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
185 CVR 67, 71, 77 image1941 (September 22), Mayumba to New York, United States, twice-censored registered armail cover, franked with a pair of 2f 25c blue & light blue, 10f dark violet & blue, and 20f dark olive & yellow Governor Victor Liotard definitives, tied by five strikes of "MAYUMBA GABON" double circle cancellations, with violet "REGISTERED" handstamp and black "MAYUMBA" on red registration etiquette on front, Egyptian censorship tape with associated bilingual violet "Postal Censor" handstamp at left, along with "CONTROLE POSTALE COMMISION B AFRIQUE EQUATORIAL FRANCAISE" double circle censor marking and five "B3" in circle on front and back, all tied to brown paper censor tape at right, further marked with "OUVERT PAR LE AUTORITE MILITAIRE" handstamp, violet Honolulu, Hawaii (16 Nov) double circle transit and New York receiver backstamps, creases, closed tear at top, but scarce. (Sc. #67(x2), 71, 77). (Image) (image2)


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German Post in Turkey
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
186 CVR 6/7/2025 12:00:00 AM imageGerman Offices in the Levant, 1899 (June 6), registered cover from Constantinople to Merseburg, franked with a block of four 10 Para on 5Pfg green and a corner margin pair of 20 Para on 10Pfg carmine overprinted issues, each tied by "CONSTANTINOPLE DEUTSCHE POST 5-6N" single-circle c.d.s., "Deutsches Postamt Constantinopel 1" registration label on front, Merseburg (9 Jun) double-circle receiver on reverse, fine (Sc. #8/9; Mi. #6/7). (Image) (image2)


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187 CVR 37, 42 imageGerman Offices in the Levant, 1907 (April 22), registered cover from Beirut to Ancon, Canal Zone, franked with 20 Para on 10Pfg carmine and 2½Pi on 50Pfg purple & black Germania issues, each tied by "BEIRUT DEUTSCHE POST" single-circle cancellations, New York (12 May) double-oval transit markings on reverse, with violet circular Ancon, Canal Zone (24 May) receiver and red registration marking (28 May) on front, a fine example to a unusual destination. (Sc. #43, 49; Mi. #37, 42). (Image) (image2)


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German Post in Turkey, Forerunner
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
188 CVR V21a imageOffices in the Levant, 1874 (August 11), cover from Constantinople to Wiesbaden, franked with 2½Gr on 2½Gr brown surcharged Eagle & Large Shield issue, tied by black "KAISERL. DEUTSCH P.A. CONSTANTINOPLE 3-4N" single-circle c.d.s., manuscript "Via Varna" route directive on front, reverse with "AUSG" (17 Aug) single-circle transit marking, some tone spotting and tears to back. (Sc. #27; Mi. #V21a, €350). (Image) (image2)


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German Colonies Kiautschou
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
189 CVR 19-20 imageKiautschou, 1910 (December 13), registered red band envelope from Tsingtau-Tapautan, franked with two 2c green and a 4c red single and pair Kaiser Yacht, each tied by "TSINGTAU-TAPAUTAN" single-circle c.d.s., multiple red Chinese markings, fine. (Sc. #24/5; Mi. #19/20). (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Saxony
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
190 CVR 2 image1851 (August 10) 3pf green Coat of Arms on wrapper to Lichtenstein, close margins on three sides, touched at left, tied to wrapper by black “Hohenstein-Ernstthal” boxed datestamp, next-day c.d.s. transit backstamp, with original contents, a fine and scarce usage. (Sc #2, Mi. 2II) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Oldenburg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
191 CVR 4 image1852 (circa) (May 11), 1/10th black on yellow on folded letter to Mecklenburg-Schwerin, single franking, margins ample to large, tied by boxed blue "Oldenburg" datestamp, reverse with Hambrug double-circle transit in black (6 May), partial contents, else fine. (Sc. #3, Mi. 4) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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192 CVR 2III image1856 (July 19) 1/30 Th black on blue imperforate pair on folded cover to Bremen, tied by neat boxed Jever datestamp, left-most stamp cut into on two sides, else fine, a difficult franking. (Sc. #1; Mi. 2III) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Mecklenburg Schwerin
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
193 CVR 1 image1856 (July 7) 3 Sch yellow Coat of Arms, single franking on cover from Hamburg to Zisendorf, tied by black Hamburg double-circle c.d.s., with partial Hagenow/Rostock railway transit backstamp (7 Jul), adhesive touched at left, opening tears to flap, else fine. (Sc. #2; Mi. 2) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Hanover
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
194 CVR 12 image1857 (Jan. 15) 1/10 Th black with orange network on folded cover from Lafferde to Limburg, margins clear to large, tied by blue “Lafferde” double-circle c.d.s., with next-day Berlin transit and 17 Jan c.d.s. receiver backstamps, small central stain from wax seal, else fine. (Sc. #14; Mi. 12) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Oldenburg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
195 CVR 3II image1857 (January 27), 1/15Th black on rose on folded letter, single franking, margins into at right, large to very large on other three sides, tied by blue “Seefeld” straight-line, reverse with Oldenburg arrival backstamp (28 Jan), fine.  (Sc. #2; Mi. 3II) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Prussia
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
196 CVR 7 image1858 (September 7), 2sg blue King Frederick William IV, solid background, single-franking on folded letter to Demmin, adhesive with three large margins, into design at foot, tied by four-ring “1439” numeral cancel of Stettin, reverse with September 9 c.d.s. receiver, fine. (Sc. #7, Mi. 7) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Oldenburg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
197 CVR 7 image1861 (May 31), 2gr black on rose, single franking on folded letter to Ebstorf, very large margins on three sides, cut into at foot, tied by Wildeshausen boxed datestamp in blue, reverse with Delmenhorst transit (31 May) and next-day Ebstorf arrival backstamp, fine, a scarce franking. (Sc. #7, $2,500; Mi. 7) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Mecklenburg Strelitz
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
198 CVR 4 image1865 (April 16) 1 Sg red Coat of Arms, rouletted, on cover to Neustrelitz, tied by black “NEUBRANDENBURG” segmented arc cancellation), faint boxed datestamp on reverse, fine. (Sc. #4; Mi. 4) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Wurttemberg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
199 CVR 28a image1865 (January 28), folded letter from Stuttgart to Montpellier, France, franked with single perforated 9Kr red-brown Coat of Arms issue, tied by black Stuttgart c.d.s., struck with red oval "PD" and "BADE STRASS." (29 Jan) octagonal entry mark on front, reverse "BADEN BAHNHOF" (29 Jan) railway transit, "K. WURTT. FAHREND. POSTAMT Z.2" c.d.s. and Montpellier, France arrival backstamp, horizontal fold, a fine and pleasing single franking. (Sc. #39a; Mi. #28a). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Hamburg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
200 CVR 15b image1865 (March 4), transatlantic cover from Hamburg to New York, United States, franked with a vertical perforated pair of 3 Sch Prussian blue Numeral issues, cancelled by coarse four-bar cancellation, with red "HAMBURG PACKET PAID 3" c.d.s. struck on front, some small edge faults, pair with the odd toned perf, else fine. (Sc. #17d; Mi. #15b, €1,500 for pair). (Image) (image2)


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