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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Danish West Indies continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
121 CVR 18a image1903 (Jan 23) 4c bistre and dull blue bisect on Illustrated cover, cancelled with "ST. THOMAS" single circle, with printed collage of local photographs entitled ‘VIEWS FROM ST. THOMAS D.W.I.’, no backstamps, minor tone spots, else fine and scarce. (Sc. #18a) (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
122 CVR 20-21, 25-28, 34, 37, 45 image1920 (September 9), express registered cover from Zoppot to Bern, Switzerland, franked with nine different overprinted Germania issues, each canceled by "ZOPPOT" single circle datestamps, with "Charge" handstamp, "Zoppot" registration etiquette, and "Durch Eilboten – Expres" label on front, Bern (11 Sep) double circle receiver backstamp, attractive and very fine. (Sc. #20/21, 25/28, 34, 37, 45). (Image) (image2)


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123 CVR 9, C27, C31/C35 image1932 (July 27), Graf Zeppelin Return Flight registered cover from Danzig to Lorch, Württemberg, franked with set of Zeppelin overprinted Air Post stamps, additionally franked with 20pf and 1g airmails, all tied by "International Philatelic Exhibition Danzig" c.d.s. (31 Jul), struck with dark blue registration handstamp and green boxed "LUPOSTA-DANZIG 1932" flight cachet,  on-board Zeppelin flight cachet on reverse, backstamps with Danzig (27 Jul), Friedrichshafen (1 Aug), ands Lorch (2 Aug)  c.d.s., very fine. (Sc. #9, C27, C31/C35; AAMC #Z-194b; Sieger #170B). (Image) (image2)


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124 CVR 241-250 image1939 (February 8), registered cover from Lobenstein, Germany, franked with eight different overprinted Coat of Arms issues, each tied by "LOBENSTEIN THUR" double circle cancellations, with "V Lobenstein (Thuring)" registration etiquette on front, to Kolberg, with (10 Feb) double circle arrival backstamp, map of Lobenstein affixed to reverse, attractive and very fine. (Sc. #241-50). (Image) (image2)


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125 CVR 241-250 image1939 (February 8), registered cover from Lobenstein, Germany, franked with six different overprints issued under the German Administration, each cancelled by Lobenstein double circle cancellations, ‘Lobenstein (Thur)’ registration etiquette and red ‘Durch Eilboten’ label on front, sent to Ilmenau, with 4 Apr double ring receiver on back, attractive 1925 German Semi-Postal issue cutout affixed to back, fresh and very fine.  (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
126 CVR 28, 31, 33 image1876 (June 13), folded letter from Copenhagen to St. Croix, Danish West Indies, with contents, franked with 8 Øre slate & carmine, 20 Øre rose & gray pair, and 50 Øre brown & violet Numeral issues, each tied by "SJAELLANDSKE" c.d.s., further strikes of three-ring "181" numeral cancels,  two red "PAID JU 15 LONDON" circular transit markings on front, no backstamps, horizontal crease, else fine, and attractive franking.  (Sc. #28, 31 pair, 33). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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127 CVR 85, 181, 184, C1-3 image1926 (September 7), registered airmail cover from Bogense to Neukirchen, Germany, franked with 1 Øre orange numeral, 7 Øre on 8 Øre gray and 12 Øre on 15 Øre violet overprints, 10 Øre green, 15 Øre violet, and 25 Øre red Airplane & Plowman airmail issues, each tied by "BOGENSE" single-circle cancellations, with "Bogense" registration and blue "LUFTPOST PAR AVION" etiquettes, double-circle transit (8 Sep) and next-day arrival backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #85, 181, 184, C1/3). (Image) (image2)


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128 CVR C4, C6 image1929 (December 29), registered airmail cover from Copenhagen to Porte Alegre, Brazil, franked with a pair of 50ø gray and a single 1k chocolate Air Post, each tied by "Kobenhavn" c.d.s., bearing registration and airmail etiquettes, endorsed "Par Avion: France - Amérique du Sud," with "Rio do Sul 16.XI.29" receiver on reverse alongside oval "Hamburg-Sassnitz" (12 Jun) railroad transit, a fine transatlantic airmail usage conveyed via Germany and France. (Sc. #C4, C6) (Image) (image2)


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129 CVR 94, C2 image1930 (July 17), Robert Svendsen Flight postal card from Copenhagen to Malmö, franked with 5 Kr Svendsen semi-official airmail, 10 Øre green Numeral, and 15 Øre violet Airplane & Plowman airmail, each tied by "KØBENHAVN OMK" three-circle   and "KØBENHAVN LUFTPOST" two-ring cancellations,  "MALMÖ LUFTPOST" (30 Jul) single-ring receiver on front, blue "LUFTPOST PAR AVION" label and green "DANSKE FLYVERE" double-ring cachet handstamp, very fine. (Sc. #94, C2, Lünning #69). (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
130 CVR 34 image1913 (October 28), registered cover from Dominica to Halberstadt, Germany, franked with 5sh brown & black Edward VII definitive, tied by double-circle (Dominica) cancellation, with a blue-on-white Dominica registration label on front, struck on reverse with two red London (24 Nov) hooded transit cancellations, Halberstadt (25 Nov) single-circle receiver, a fine high-value single franking. (Sc. #34) (Image) (image2)


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131 CVR 71 image1927 (July 23), registered cover to Georgetown, British Guiana, franked with a pair of 2½d orange & black King George V, each tied by three single-circle (Dominica) cancellations, with a blue-on-white Dominica registration label on front, Georgetown (31 Jul) single-circle receiver on reverse, somewhat roughly opened at left, else fine. (Sc. #71(2)) (Image) (image2)


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132 CVR 65, 67, 69/70, 72, 74, 76 image1936 (August 13), registered cover from Roseau, Dominica, local usage, franked with 10 different ½d to 5sh George V Seal of Colony definitive issues, each tied by single-circle (Roseau, Dominica) cancellations, with blue-on-white Dominica registration label on front, a fine and visually striking multi-denomination franking. (Sc. #65, 67, 69/70, 72, 74, 76/77, 79, 82) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
133 CVR   image1846, ALAUSI / FRANCA stampless folded letter to Quito, endorsed "Serv'o de Oficio", struck with two-line Alausi/Franca handstamp in red, a scarce and very fine example of this strike. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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134 CVR   image1853, ALAUSI/DEBE to Quito, stampless folded cover, internally dated 1853, struck with scarce two-line ALAUSI/DEBE in red, to Quito, with legal docketing on reverse, signed "Rivadeneira", light wrinkles, fine; ex Leo Harris. (Image) (image2)


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Egypt French Post Offices
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
135   image1859 (April 19), Alexandria to Paris, folded cover with 10c & 40c Ceres franking, franked with 10c bistre (Type I) and 40c orange, each with four large margins, tied by "3704" Petit Chiffres cancellations of Alexandria, with corresponding c.d.s. (19 Apr) at right, boxed "P.P." in black, blue Egyptian commercial handstamp at bottom, backstamped Marseille à Lyon (26 Apr), Lyon à Paris (27 Apr), and Paris arrival (28 Apr), a lovely and scarce cover; signed Roumet. (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
136 CVR 7 image1866 (October 31), folded letter from Cairo to Alexandria, franked with 1pi rose lilac overprinted definitive, tied by blue "POSTE VICE REALI EGIZIANE CAIRO" single-circle cancellation, "POSTE VICE REALI EGIZIANE ALESSANDRIA" arrival backstamp, fresh and very fine. (Sc. #7). (Image) (image2)


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137 CVR 105-107 image1925 (April 21), International Geographic Congress, registered first day cover from Alexandria to Switzerland, Alexandria & Ramleh Railway Co. envelope franked with  set of three commemoratives, each tied by bilingual "ALEXANDRIA" single-circle datestamps, violet "REGISTERED" handstamp, and black "ALEXANDRIA" registration etiquette on fron, addressed to Morges, Switzerland, with Morges (29 Apr) double-circle receiver on back, very fine. Note: The Scott Catalogue lists the date of issue for this set as April 25th. (Sc. #105–7). (Image) (image2)


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138 CVR 130, 135, C1 image1929 (April 2), first flight cover from Heliopolis to Karachi, India, franked with 3m olive brown and 5m dark red brown King Fuad definitive issues and 27mm deep violet mail plane in flight airmail issue, each tied by three bilingual "HELIOPOLIS" single-circle cancellations,, typed trilingual violet "BY AIRMAIL" and "First Flight to Karachi" endorsement at top, Cairo (2 Apr) single-circle transit and Karachi (6 Apr) double-circle receiver, along with blue "BCM/AIRFIELD letter with parachute" handstamp on back, very fine. (Sc. #130, 135, C1). (Image) (image2)


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139 CVR C3-C4 image1931 (April 10), Graf Zeppelin Flight cover from Cairo to Jerusalem, franked with 50m and 100m Air Post set of two, surcharged in blue and violet respectively, tied by Cairo c.d.s., on illustrated  Zeppelin envelope, struck with red "LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / AGYPTENFAHRT 1931"  flight cachet, to the Egyptian Consul in Jerusalem, Palestine, with machine arrival backstamp (13 Apr), a scarce and visually striking flight cover. (Sc. #C3/C4; Sieger #105Ax). (Image) (image2)


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140 CVR 163-165 image1931 (February 15), Agricultural and Industrial Exposition first day cover, Cairo to Switzerland, specially printed bilingual envelope franked with set of three (5m–15m) lower right corner imprint singles, each tied by bilingual "AGRICOLE & INDUSTRIELLE XIVe EXPOSITION CAIRE" special event c.d.s., to Basel, no backstamps, light vertical crease clear of stamps, else very fine. (Sc. #163–5). (Image)

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