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Postal History, Foreign continued...

China continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
101 CVR 364-367 image1939 (August 30), 150th Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution set on registered cover from Shanghai to Edinburgh, Scotland, franked with a complete set of four (5c to $1) , each tied by four bilingual "SHANGHAI" single-circle cancellations, with two red manuscript "Via Pacific" directional markings, violet "REGISTERED" handstamp, and violet "SHANGHAI" handstamp on red registration etiquette, Frederick Street Edinburgh (7 Oct) single-circle receiver on back, small yellow stain on back, else very fine. (Sc. #364/67). (Image) (image2)


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102 CVR 321 image1940 (May 8), Shanghai to Hong Kong via Canton, censored airmail cover, franked with 30c brown violet Liao Chung Kai definitive, tied by "SHANGHAI" c.d.s., red manuscript "Via Canton" directional marking, violet triangular "PASSED CENSOR 17 HONG KONG" handstamp, and bilingual black on blue "PAR AVION" airmail labels on front and back, bilingual "CANTON" circle and slogan machine transit and "VICTORIA HONG KONG" (14 May) double-circle arrival cancellations on back, trivial wrinkles, else very fine. (Sc. #321). (Image) (image2)


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103 CVR   image1941 (June 15), registered cover from Tientsin to New York, franked on back with strip of five 20c light blue Sun-Yat-Sen definitive issues, tied by four bilingual "TIENTSIN 13" single-circle cancellations, with bilingual "SHANGHAI" (1 Jul) single-circle transit and violet "TIENTSIN 13" handstamp on red registration etiquette, "SAN FRANCISCO" double-circle transit and oval "NEW YORK" (5 Aug) arrival backstamp, struck on front with violet three-line pre-censorship marking referencing "Executive Order No. 8939," which prohibited financial transactions with certain countries and their citizens, used as justification for the opening of mail,  small tear at right, else very fine.  (Image) (image2)


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104 CVR 347, 386, 461 image1942 (September 9), Chungking to Kapuskasing, re-directed to Brantford, Canada, censored airmail cover, franked on back with two $1 henna & dark brown, 50c dark blue, and four $2 dark blue & black Sun-Yat-Sen definitives, multiple similar postmarks along with bilingual "CHUNGKING" dotted single-circle cancellations on front, violet DHF/6 censor marking on front, partial Kapuskasing transit, re-directed to Brantford, Ontario, vertical crease and slight tear to front, else a fine and striking franking. (Sc. #347(x2), 386, 461(x4)). (Image) (image2)


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105 CVR 496, 514 image1944 (June), Canton to Boston, United States, censored airmail cover, franked with pair of 30c dull vermilion and  pair of rouletted $10 red-brown Sun-Yat-Sen definitives, struck with "CANTON" single-circle cancellations and a violet DHF/7 censorship marking, "KWEON IN" (5 Jun), "MIAMI" (12 Jun), and dual "BOSTON" (13/14 Jun) transit/arrival datestamps, fine. (Sc. #496(x2), 514(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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106 CVR 9N101-104 image1944 (July 7), Puppet Government set on registered cover from Shanghai to Chur, Switzerland, franked on front and back with a single and a block of four of each value in the set of four (50c to $5) depicting views and products of Nanking, each tied by  bilingual "SHANGHAI" single-circle cancellations, black "SHANGHAI" handstamp on red registration etiquette on front, Chur (28 Aug) double-circle receiver on back, striking and very fine. (Sc. #9N101/104). (Image) (image2)


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107 CVR   image1946 (October 30), Shanghai to Switzerland, cover franked with 14 Sun-Yat-Sen definitives, 8 of which are different, each tied by  bilingual "SHANGHAI" c.d.s. violet boxed native Chinese characters handstamp at left, no backstamps, some light wrinkling, else fine (Sc. #499, 501, 503, 505(x6), 630, type A57 (4, including 2 with overprint)). (Image)

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108 CVR 640, 688 image1948 (December 18), Shanghai to Kleive Molde, Norway, airmail cover franked on back with a single and block of ten $100 dark carmine and $500 overprint on 3c dull claret Sun-Yat-Sen definitive issues, tied by five bilingual "SHANGHAI" c.d.s., a very fine and striking franking. (Sc. #640(x11), 688). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
109 CVR   image1860, T.R. Cowan, Forwarding Agent, stampless folded letter to New York, with contents datelined Barranquilla, carried outside of the mails, then struck with superb oval “From / T.R. COWAN / SHIPPING & COMMISSION AGENT / Colon. New Granada.” forwarding agent marking, exceptional quality; ex Brian Moorhouse Estate. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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Cook Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
110 CVR 30, 31, 34, 36 image1903 (August 27), registered cover from Rarotonga to San Francisco, franked with ½d, 2d, 6d, and 1sh Torea definitive issues, each tied by four double-circle (Cook Islands, Rarotonga) cancellations, with blue truncated boxed "Cook Islands, Rarotonga" registration handstamp on front, sent via Auckland, with black Auckland, N.Z. (7 Sep) single-circle transit and violet San Francisco, Cal. (29 Sep) double-circle receiver on reverse, a lovely four-colour franking, and a very early registered letter from Rarotonga, very fine. (Sc. #30/31, 34, 36) (Image) (image2)


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111 CVR 91-97 image1937 (November 6), registered cover from Penrhyn to Washington, D.C., USA, franked with the complete set of six ½d to 1sh perf 14 definitive issues, each tied by eight double-circle (Penrhyn Islands) cancellations, with a blue-on-white registration label on front, with violet Seattle (3 Jun) transit and Washington, D.C. (7 Jun) double-circle receiver on reverse, an attractive registered cover. (Sc. #91/97) (Image) (image2)


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Costa Rica
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
112 CVR 55-56 image1904 (October 23), San Jose to Austria, uprated registered postal stationery cover, embossed red 20c Columbus stationery, franked with 4c red violet & black and 6c olive green & black definitives, tied by black target cancel and postmarked on reverse with blue "SAN JOSE COSTA RICA", large "R" handstamp at upper right corner, blue boxed "COSTA RICA SAN JOSE" registration handstamp, and red and blue "NEW YORK" registration etiquette applied in transit on front,  "NEW YORK" (2 Nov) double-oval transit and two "WIEN 102 BESTELLT" (11 Nov) double-circle receivers on back, very fine and scarce. (Sc. #55/56). (Image) (image2)


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113 CVR 121, 150, C1, C9 image1930 (March 10), San Jose to Mexico, registered first flight cover, franked with 5c green definitive, 13c on 40c overprints, 20c ultramarine Air Post, and 40c overprinted "Correo Aereo" on 1c lilac & black Officials, two violet "R.R. EXTERIOR SAN JOSE" double-circle c.d.s., struck with violet  "CORREO AEREO PRIMER VUELO COSTA RICA – MEXICO" boxed cachet, reverse with violet "CERTIFICADOS MEXICO D.F. SERVICIO AEREO" (14 Mar) double-oval transit and "CERTIFICACION TAMPICO TAM." (15 Mar) double-oval receiver, an appealing and scarce first flight cover. (Sc. #121, 150, C1, C9(x2), Mu. #15). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
114 CVR 9 image1856 (circa), ½ p green Isabella, pair and two singles on folded cover from Havana to Valencia, adhesives tied by barred obliterators, manuscript ‘Por Principe Alfonso’ ship endorsement,Cuban oval commercial merchant handstamp on front, no backstamps, vertical fold clear of adhesives, one stamp frameline touched on one side, else a fine usage to Spain. (Sc. # 9(x4)) (Image) (image2)


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115 CVR   image1857 (September 22), Havana to Paris, France, stampless forwarding agent letter, struck with  red "NEW YORK PAID 24" single-circle transit, French "ET. UNIS SERV. BR. A.C." (19 Oct) double-circle, indicating the letter was carried by the British service to France, manuscript "Forwarded by" and red "DENNISTOUN, WOOD & Co. NEW YORK" oval double-circle forwarding agent handstamp, "PARIS" (20 Oct) double-circle receiver on back, a very fine forwarding agent cover. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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116 CVR 73 image1911, all-over pharmacy advertising cover, Havana to New York, very attractive ‘JOSE SARRA’ brown orange and gray pharmaceutical importer and manufacturer envelope, depicting the company's headquarters and medals awarded to them on the front, and multiple views of their facilities and manufacturing operations on the reverse, franked with a 2c rose Maximo Gomez definitive issue, tied by a "HABANA, CUBA" machine cancel, no backstamps, a very fine and attractive cover. (Sc. #248) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
117 CVR B140-143 image1926 (June 26) Congress of Sokols semi-postal set on registered cover from Prague to Dobris, struck with two "PRAHA VIII. SLET VSESOKOLSKY" double circle cancellations and ‘Praha VIII. Slet vsesokolsky’ registration etiquette on front, no backstamps, light horizontal crease, else very fine. (Sc. #B140/43) (Image) (image2)


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118 CVR C7, C9 image1927 (May 27), airmail cover from Prague to Austria, franked with 50H on 100H dull green and 250H on 400H brown airmail issues, tied by two "PRAHA" double circle cancellations and a "PRAHA 82-LETISTE" (31 May) double circle cancellation,  red boxed "LETECKA POSTA – POSTE AERIENNE" and a similar black two-line handstamp, Vienna (31 May) double circle receiver on front, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #C7, C9). (Image) (image2)


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119 CVR C7-C9 image1928 (November 10), Prague to Turkey, registered airmail cover, franked with 50H on 100H dull green, 100H on 200H violet, and 250H on 400H brown airmail issues, tied by  "PRAHA" double circle datestamp and  "PRAHA-LETISTE" (12 Nov) c.d.s., with "Praha" registration and blue "Letadlem - Par Avion" labels on front, to Galata, Constantinople,  with native script double circle arrival backstamp (16 Nov), very fine. (Sc. #C7/9). (Image) (image2)


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Danish West Indies
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
120 CVR 116, 19, 20 image1892 (March 21), registered cover from St. Thomas to California, United States, franked with 1c green & brown red pair, 5c green & gray inverted frame, and 10c blue & brown pair, each tied by a lightly strike of "ST. THOMAS" single-circle datestamp, red "Dansk Vestindien" registration handstamp on front, black double-oval "NEW YORK" (11 Apr) transit and violet three-line "SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA" (11 Apr) receiver backstamps, small repaired tear to back flap, else very fine. (Sc. #116(x2), 19, 20(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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