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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Ceylon continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
81   image1848 (July 12) "Galle Steamer Letter" to Scotland, stampless folded letter, with contents, backstamped with neatly-struck GALLE STEAMER LETTER (12 Jul), endorsed "Per Haddington via Southampton", to Dumfriesshire, with red c.d.s. transit (25 Aug) and boxed Moffat (26 Aug) arrival backstamp, creases, vertical filing fold, but a difficult strike. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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82   image1852 (January 24), "Galle Post Paid" Mauritius Packet Letter, with contents datelined Galle, struck on reverse with a neatly-struck "GALLE / POST PAID" circular datestamp (25 Jan) (Proud PD6), with oval "PACKET LETTER MAURITIUS" handstamp (10 Feb) on front, light horizontal filing fold, a fine and scarce example of this difficult strike. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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83   image1853 (June 23), "Colombo Steamer Letter" to London, stampless folded letter, with contents datelined Colombo, rated 2/3,  endorsed "per Steamer via Galle, Suez, & Marseilles," with a neatly-struck "COLOMBO STEAMER LETTER" handstamp (25 June) on reverse and red arrival c.d.s., typical filing folds, a fine strike of this steamer marking. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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84   image1853 (August 19), "Colombo Ship Letter" to Nancy via Ceylon, with contents, datelined Port Louis, bearing red manuscript rate notation and "10" in black, struck on front with black "BRITISH PACKET POSTAGE / PAID" and Crowned "MAURITIUS GPO" (19 Aug) handstamp, endorsed "By Maria / via Ceylon," with red Marseille entry mark, backstamped with "COLOMBO SHIP LETTER" and "Nancy" (28 Oct) arrival c.d.s., some wrinkling and the odd small tear typical of this flimsy paper, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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85   image1855 (September), "Trincomalee Steamer Letter" to the East India Company, London,  stampless folded letter, with contents from a sailor requesting payment for naval service, backstamped with "TRINCOMALEE / STEAMER LETTER," struck on front with oval "RECEIVED / VIA SOUTHAMPTON" (24 Sep), partial red c.d.s. on reverse, address panel with tear, heavy vertical filing folds, yet a seldom-seen marking. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
86 CVR 8 image1856 (July 7), folded letter from Talcahuano to Valparaíso, franked with strip of three and a pair of 5c brown red Columbus, tied by black multiple-circle obliterator, datelined Concepcion, struck with black "TALCAHUANO" straight-line and endorsed with "Por Constitucion" ship instructional marking, no backstamps, stamps cut into in places, horizontal fold, but a desirable and rare franking, complemented by a scarce straight-line marking, of which only a small. number of examples are recorded. (Sc. #8(x5)). (Image) (image2)


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87 CVR   image1857, 5c red-brown on blue paper on cover from Curico, Perkins Bacon Second London Printing, large margins on top and bottom,on folded entire to Santiago, postmarked with black target cancel, struck with red ideal strike of red CURICO straight-line, light filing fold clear of adhesive, stamp cut into, but a quality example of this postmark. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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88 CVR   image1858 (20 December), 10c sky blue Columbus diagonally bisected pair on folded cover to Valparaiso, tied by lovely LINARES straight-line in red, internally docketed 20 December, 1858,  light horizontal file fold far from adhesive, a lovely and rare usage; with 1999 J. Maier certificate. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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89 CVR   image1858, 5c red Columbus, single franking on folded cover from Rancagua to Santiago, adhesive tied by black target cancel and struck with bold RANCAGUA in black, light vertical filing fold clear of adhesive, which has been affixed slightly over edge, clear card inserted for stiffner,  an ideal example of this difficult postmark. (Image) (image2)


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90 CVR   image1859, 10c deep blue Columbus, diagonal bisect on folded cover to Santiago, stamp with large margin at right and showing portion of adjoining stamp at foot, tied by black target cancel, struck with fine RANGAGUA straight-line in black, no backstamps, a scarce example in such quality. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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91 CVR   image1859, 10c pale blue Columbus, diagonal bisect on folded letter to Potrero, adhesive tied by black target cancel, struck with choice CHANARCILLO straight-line in black, to Potrero Seco, a pleasing example of this rare strike. (MPF15). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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92 CVR 9 image1860 (August 3), 5c rose red Columbus on folded letter from Serena to New York, United States, via Panama, adhesive tied by multi-circle obliterator, "SERENA" single-circle datestamp  and "10" rate marking alongside, "PANAMA" (24 Aug) double-circle transit on front, internal docketing denoting receipt on 3 September, stamp cut into at top and affected by vertical crease. (Sc. #9) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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93 CVR 10j image1860 (Mar. 8) 10c dark blue Columbus bisect on folded letter to Santiago, tied by black circular obliterator and struck with red "VALPARAISO" c.d.s., no backstamps, two internal file punches, fine. (Sc. #10j) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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94 CVR   image1861, 10c pale blue Columbus bisect, folded cover from Curico to Santiago, 10c diagonally bisected to pay the 5c domestic rate, tied to cover by bold taget cancel, choice strike of italicized CURICO straight-line in black (MPF12a), light horizontal filing fold clear of adhesive, some light overall aging, a scarce and desirable usage. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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95 CVR 14 image1865 (circa), 5c red Columbus single-franking, "Ligua" straight-line, on folded cover, adhesive with large margins at top and left, showing small part of adjoining stamp at top, else touched, tied to cover to Santiago by black target cancellation, postmarked with pale greenish-blue LIGUA straight-line despatch, a scarce usage, fine. (Sc. 14). (Image) (image2)


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96 CVR 79/80, 83-86 image1910 (December), uprated 2c Columbus postal stationery cover from Santiago to Switzerland, affixed with two "Islas de San Fernández" overprints and five Independence Centenary issues, tied by "SANTIAGO" double-circle cancellations, manuscript "Via Cordillera" directional marking, and black "R – SANTIAGO" registration etiquette on front, to Basel, with "LISBOA" (14 Dec) octagonal transit and "BASEL" (17 Dec) double-circle arrival backstamp, the odd trivial toned perf, else very fine. (Sc. #79/80, 83, 84(x2), 85/86). (Image) (image2)


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97 CVR 155 image1928 (May 8), Doolittle First Experimental Flight cover, Santiago to Buenos Aires, franked with 5c dark blue Cochrane, tied by "SANTIAGO DESPACHO" double-circle slogan cancellation, violet boxed "CORREO AEREO" and two shield-shaped "FIRST EXPERIMENTAL FLIGHT SANTIAGO – BUENOS AIRES" handstamped flight cachets in violet and black on front, struck on reverse with two "BUENOS AIRES" (8 May) double-circle receivers, very fine. (Sc. #155, Mu. #14). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
98 CVR   image1845 (August 28), stampless folded letter from Canton to Baltimore, United States, printed Canton market report and private letter, red manuscript "1/" on front, red "PAID L.S." Maltese Cross Liverpool transit (Oct. 29), black oval "L OC 30 A", and red "12" rate marking on front, red "BOSTON MS. SHIP" (21 Nov) single-circle handstamp on front, manuscript "Received Nov. 22" on back, apparently privately carried to Liverpool, then entering the mails for conveyance to Baltimore, fresh and very fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6)

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99 CVR 90, J5, J6 image1908 (January 24), Shanghai to Brussels, postage due cover franked with 4c Edward VII definitive of Hong Kong, tied by "SHANGHAI" single-circle cancellation, blue "VIA SIBERIA" straight-line handstamp on front, upon arrival in Brussels deemed underpaid and marked with manuscript "1/30," "36" in circle, and "35" in script, additionally franked with Belgian 10c carmine and 20c olive-green postage dues, two "BRUXELLES" circular date stamps (7 Mar) on front with receiver on back, a scarce and appealing underpaid cover. (Sc. #90, J5/6) (Image) (image2)


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100 CVR 126 image1912 (July 24), 4c Coiling Dragon issue on colorized Japanese "Geishas in Kimonos" postcard, definitive tied by "KINKIANG" single-circle cancellation, further struck Kinkiang (24 Jul), Shanghai (26 Jul), Shanghai (13 Aug), and Shanghai (14 Aug) single-circle cancellations, violet Japanese Offices SHANGHAI I.J.P.O. (18 Aug) double-circle transit cancellation, to Ohio, United States, fine strikes. (Sc. #126). (Image) (image2)


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