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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Bahrain continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
61 CVR 126 image1963 (October), uprated registered airmail postal stationery cover to New York, 40NP red on creamy white registered postal stationery cover, uprated with 1r grey Sheik Sulman, tied by black (Bahrain) double-circle cancellation, with blue "Bahrain 4" registration label and violet boxed "AIR MAIL" handstamp on front, violet New York double-circle receiver on reverse fine. (Sc. #126, H&G C3) (Image) (image2)


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Belgian Congo
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
62 CVR   image1895 (January 10), 1892 15c blue overseas reply-paid postal stationery card from Matadi to Holland, outgoing half, struck with two blue "MATADI" single circle cancellations (10/11 Jan),  additional blue "BOMA" (13 Jan) and black "ANVERS BELGIUM" (15 Feb) single circle transit markings, black framed "E 65" marking corresponding to Utrecht, Holland, carried by the S.S. Ed Bohlen from Boma to Antwerp, some toning, else a fine and scarce example, seldom seen postally used; with 1996 Belgian Congo Study Circle certificate. (Stibbe #15). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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63 CVR 1L27 image1919 (June 29), registered cover from Pazaric to Basel, Switzerland, franked with strip of five 10H "KRALJEVSTVO S.H.S." overprints, tied by black "PAZARIC" double circle cancellations, with white "Pazaric" registration label affixed to front, backstamped with Basel c.d.s. receiver (8 Oct), reduced at top, else fine. (Sc. #1L27(x5)). (Image) (image2)


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64 CVR 219, 225 image1943 (September 1), twice censored registered cover from Leopoldville to New York, franked with 2.50Fr carmine and 20Fr plum & black, tied by LEOPOLDVILLE c.d.s. , corresponding registration etiquette affixed to front, backstamped with multiple NEW YORK transit markings (30 Sep / 14 Oct), and violet NEW YORK double ring receiver (15 Oct), dual Belgian Congo and United States censor seals affixed, some typical creasing, else fine. (Sc #219, 225) (Image) (image2)


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65 CVR 224, C6, C13/14 image1944 (October 21), Kalina to New York, officially sealed double-censored registered airmail cover, franked with 10Fr deep brown definitive, 15Fr dark brown & black, 15Fr brown violet, and 30Fr red orange pair airmail issues, each tied by six black "KALINA" single circle cancellations, with "LEOPOLDVILLE KALINA" registration label, "PAR AVION" label, Belgian Congo and U.S. censor tapes applied, backstamped with two black "LEOPOLDVILLE" (27 Oct) single circles, violet "MIAMI FLA." (7 Nov) double circle, two black double oval "NEW YORK" transits (11 Nov, 20 Nov) tying an "Officially Sealed" label, additional violet boxed U.S. "Customs label" marking, and "NEW ROCHELLE NY" (30 Nov) receiver, fine and unusual. (Sc. #224, C6, C13/14). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
66 CVR   image1853, stampless cover to Quebec, Canada, struck with a red double circle cancellation (presumably "BRUSSELS", manuscript "2/18/20" on back indicating 20 decimes postage prepaid, shared as 2 decimes to Belgium and 18 decimes British credit, red boxed "PD" and "PAID AU 12 LONDON" transit alongside green octagonal "LC AUG 12 LIVERPOOL" marking, manuscript "1/6" British marking, and red large "2" handstamp for Canadian credit, carried by the Cunard Line steamer Arabia from Liverpool (13 Aug) to New York (23 Aug), red Quebec City (25 Aug) split double circle receiver on back, wax seal removed and part of back flap missing, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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67 CVR 11b image1859 (Nov. 21), folded cover from Anvers to Ehrenbreitstein near Coblenz, Germany, franked with 20c blue Leopold I (unwatermarked, 18x21 mm) imperforate pair, cut into in places, tied by black "ANVERS" double circle cancellation, struck with black boxed "PD" and red "AUS BELGIEN DER AACHEN FRANCO" double circle transit markings on front, black single circle "AUSG 23-11 No. 1" and "EST No.1" double circle transits on back, fine. (Sc. #11b). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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68 CVR 51, 165 image1924 (May 1), Lodelinsart to St. Gallen, Switzerland, registered illustrated advertising cover, franked with 25c magenta and 1Fr black-brown King Albert, tied by black "LODELINSART" single circle cancellation, with (7 May) double circle receiver on back, featuring detailed illustrations of carbon, coke, and briquets on reverse, an attractive and fine advertising cover. (Sc. #51, 165). (Image) (image2)


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69 CVR B78-83 image1929 (June 29), Buildings (Anti-Tuberculosis) semi-postal set of six on registered cover, tied by black bilingual "BRUXELLES-BRUSSEL" single circle cancellations, sent locally and received the same day, bilingual "BRUXELLES-BRUSSEL" registration label on front, shallow vertical crease, else fine. (Sc. #B78/83). (Image)

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70 CVR B144-150 image1934 (January 4), Tuberculosis Society, semi-postal set of seven on registered cover, tied by black bilingual "BRUXELLES-BRUSSEL" single circle cancellations, to Chur, Switzerland, with double circle receiver (5 Jan) on back, bilingual "BRUXELLES-BRUSSEL" registration label on front, label and four advertising issues affixed but untied on back, very fine. (Sc. #B144/50). (Image) (image2)


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71 CVR B156-162 image1936 (January 19), Crusader Anti-Tuberculosis semi-postal set of seven on registered cover, stamps tied by black bilingual "BRUXELLES-BRUSSEL" single circle cancellations, to Basel, Switzerland, with (20 Jan) double circle receiver on back, bilingual "BRUXELLES-BRUSSEL" registration label on front, shallow vertical crease and slight toning to stamps, a fine semi-postal usage. (Sc. #B156/62). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
72 CVR   image1860, Antonio Mathe, Belize Forwarding Agent folded letter, London to Guatemala, stampless folded letter, datelined London, without London postal markings, struck in transit through Belize with oval handstamp of ANTONIO MATHE / BELIZE / HONDURS, 13mm "4". charge mark struck in black, reported by Harper used between 1853-67, a scarce example of this forwarding agent marking, ex-Drs. Harper.  (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
73 CVR C24a-C26a image1939 (July 30), Air Post Inverted Surcharge set of three, multi-franked large first flight cover to Rio de Janeiro, affixed with 1.50b on 15c, 3b on 20c, and 6b on 35 surcharged Air Post issues each with INVERTED SURCHARGE, 5c to 3b Air Post (Sc. C27-34),  and 25c on 2c surcharge, tied by La Paz c.d.s., handstamped Condor Bolivia-Brazil cachet and Correo Aereo / Lloyd Aereo Boliviano / Bolivia - Brazil etiquette, Lloyd Aereo Boliviano / Primer Correo Aereo Bolivia - Brazil handstamp, with c.d.s. arrival backstamps, slight stains at left not impacting the inverted surcharged adhesives, an attractive and extremely rare franking, with fewer than ten covers with such a franking recorded. (Scott C24a/26a) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
74 CVR 24 image1866 (July 27), 1850 60r black on folded cover from São Paulo to Santos, adhesive with four large margins, tied by black "SAO PAULO" double-circle c.d.s., illegible circular datestamp on reverse, internally docketed as replied to on July 31, 1866 from Campinas, light vertical fold, else fine, a pleasing solo franking. (Sc. #24) (Image) (image2)


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75 CVR 95, 96 image1888 (July 7), Belém, Pará to Winchester, Virginia, United States, cover franked with 100r lilac and strip of three 500r olive Small Numeral definitives, tied by two "CORREIO GRAL do PARA" double-circle cancellations, manuscript "p Ambrose via New York" instructional ship marking on front, reverse with "NEW YORK PAID ALL B" (20 Jul) two-circle transit and "WINCHESTER VIRGINIA" (21 Jul) single-circle backstamps, some edge creasing, else fine, a scarce franking. (Sc. #95(x3), 96) (Image) (image2)


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76 CVR 422-25, 428-430, 442 image1937 (December 6),  Passo Fundo to Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, cover franked with eight 1936/37 commemorative issues, tied by "PASSO FUNDO- R.G. DO SUL MANHA" double-circle cancellations, black on gray "Par Avion" airmail label crossed out with red crayon, and black "R – BRAZIL" registration handstamp struck on front, reverse with "RIO" (12 Dec), "VIENNA" (27 Dec) and two red bilingual "LJUBLJANA" (28 Dec) backstamps, a striking franking to an uncommon destination. (Sc. #422/25, 428/30, 442) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
77 CVR 44, 46, 47, 49 image1927 (March 29), registered cover to Birmingham, England, franked with 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, and 12c definitives, each tied by six single-circle (Brunei) cancellations, with boxed "Brunei" registration handstamp on front, sent via Labuan, with black Labuan (30 Mar) double-circle transit on reverse, a philatelically inspired yet attractive item. (Sc. #44, 46/47, 49) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
78   image1841 (August 31), "Colombo Post Free", folded cover to Kandy, endorsed "On H.M. Service", to the Government Agent in Kandy, struck on reverse with superb "Colombo Post Free" datestamp, a lovely example, fresh and very fine. (Image) (image2)


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79   image1844 (November 20), "Kandy Ship Letter"  to London, with contents, struck on front with "KANDY SHIP LETTER" circular datestamp (22 Nov), with red circular arrival backstamp on reverse, light filing folds, an attractive ship letter usage. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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80   image1846 (October 14),"Kandy Steamer Letter" to London, stampless folded cover via Galle and Southampton, bearing handstruck rate marking in black, endorsed "Overland Mail - per Galle Steamer via Southampton," with a fair strike of "KANDY STEAMER LETTER" handstamp on reverse, red circular arrival backstamp (2 Dec), light filing folds, a desirable and fine example. (Image) (image2)


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