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Postal History, Foreign continued...

LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
41 CVR 346, C21-C22 image1930 (May 31), Graf Zeppelin Round Flight cover, Buenos Aires to Braunschweig, Germany, franked with of 1930 50c and 1p Overprinted Air Post issues, additionally franked with a 12c blue San Martin, all tied to special Premier Vuelo Zeppelin flight cover by "Buenos Aires Aero" c.d.s. (21 May), struck with violet Zeppelin and  "First Europe-Pan American Round Flight" flight cachets,  "Friedrichshafen" (6 Jun) c.d.s. backstamps, an attractive and scarce Zeppelin franking, (Sc. 346, C21/C22). (Image) (image2)


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New South Wales
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
42 CVR   imageNew South Wales, 1844 (May 20), Sydney to Edinburgh, stampless transpacific folded letter, with manuscript "8" rate marking, struck with red Paid Ship Letter Sydney oval crown handstamp (S1.2) on front, endorsed "Per Penyard Park" in manuscript, red L.E. (2 Oct) and S.A. (3 Oct) transit and receiver single rim datestamps on back, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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43 CVR 15 imageNew South Wales, 1854 (May 17), 2d blue Laureated, Plate II, imperforate, Sydney local usage, adhesive with large margins at top and foot, touched in places at right and left, tied by ornate boxed 6 O’Clock time marking (T5) and oval obliterator (B1j) on front, crowned Sydney New South Wales handstamp (S13b) on reverse, wax seal removed, fine. (Sc. #15) (Image) (image2)


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44 CVR 33 imageNew South Wales, 1859 (November 15), 2d blue Victoria, imperforate, on cover from Carcoar to Bathurst, good to large margins on three sides, close at top, tied by 10 (Carcoar) ray type obliterator (B23b), with Carcoar N.S.W. despatch and Bathurst N.S.W. double split-ring receiver on reverse, a fine and scarce usage. (Sc. #33) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
45 CVR   imageTasmania, 1859 (September 31), Hobart to London, stampless folded letter, rated with manuscript "8", struck with red General Post Office Hobart Town rimmed circular crown and manuscript ship endorsement "Per Marmion" on front, red AG (15 Jan) single-ring receiver on reverse, a fine example of this difficult GPO marking. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
46 CVR   imageVictoria, 1859 (July 17), 6d blue Victoria on Throne, rouletted, tied to cover from Geelong to London by black "2" (Geelong) barred oval obliterator, red London Paid receiver (9 Aug) and black manuscript ship endorsement "Per Benares" alongside "Paid" on front, black Geelong Victoria rimless departure cancellation on reverse, adhesive somewhat toned, an uncommon franking. (Sc. #30) (Image) (image2)


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47 CVR 16 imageVictoria, 1864 (April 7), 2d vermilion Victoria, rouletted, tied to cover from Gawler to Kapunda, by black "25" (Gawler) diamond in barred oval obliterator, matching Gawler S.A. split-ring despatch cancellation alongside, black Kapunda S.A. split-ring arrival datestamp on reverse, fine. (Sc. #16) (Image) (image2)


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48 CVR B1 imageVictoria, 1903 (June 24), 1d deep blue Victoria semi-postal on cover from Melbourne to Hawthorn, tied by black (Melbourne PM 215 20) single-circle cancellation, reverse with black Hawthorn, Victoria, June 24 single-circle receiver cancellation, fine. (Sc. #B1) (Image) (image2)


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49 CVR 196, 201 imageVictoria, 1905 (April 23), Melbourne to Prince Edward Island, registered transpacific cover, franked with 2d violet and 6d emerald Victoria issues, tied by two black "R" circular obliterators, with "Registered / Melbourne" circular cancellation alongside, New York, N.Y. registration etiquette on front, violet three-line Registered Seattle, Wash. (21 Apr)  and black New York (26 Apr) double oval transit handstamps, reverse with two St. John’s, N.B. (29 Apr) single-circle transits and two Charlottetown, P.E.I. (30 Apr) split-ring arrival cancellations, a fine cover to a seldom-seen destination. (Sc. #196, 201) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
50 CVR 36, 37 image1877 (February 3), folded letter from Vienna to Rio de Janeiro via London, franked on back with 5Kr rose, two 10Kr and pair of 10Kr blue fine print Franz Josef issues, each cancelled by "MARIAHILF WIEN" single circle datestamps, red circular "LONDON PAID" transit marking on front with two British boxed "1d" markings, black "RIO DE JANEIRO" (15 Feb) double circle receiver on back, slightly reduced at left, else fine. (Sc. #36, 37). (Image) (image2)


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51 CVR 36, 37 image1913/14, Austria, Greece, France, and Samos mixed-country franking on cover to Smyrna, franked with Austria Offices in Crete 10c scarlet on rose Franz Josef Karl, cancelled by "LEOPOLIS OSTERR LLOYD" ship mail single-ring c.d.s. (11 Jan, 1914), French Offices in the Levant 1c gray and 3c red orange, each cancelled by "VATHY SAMOS" single-ring c.d.s. (10 Jan, 1914), Greece 2L carmine rose and 1L gray (on reverse), 5L light green and 10L rose ΕΛΛΑΣ overprinted Samos Provisional Government issues, each cancelled by "VATHY" c.d.s. (28 Dec, 1913), with German Offices in Turkey "SMYRNA" arrival backstamp (11 Jan, 1914). "Oesterr. Lloyd Triest" imprint in blue on back flap, a most unusual mixed franking, fine. (Sc. #15, #21, 23, #199, N76/8). (Image) (image2)


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52 CVR 145, 149, C1-C3 image1918 (April 10), Vienna to Limburg, Germany, flight cover, franked with the complete set of three 1918 Air Post issues, additionally franked with 1916/8 3h and 12h Crowns, all tied by Wien c.d.s., endorsed "Flugpost" at top, with Flugpost/Wien c.d.s. (11 Apr) struck on front, reverse with Limberg c.d.s. receiver (31 Apr), light diagonal crease clear of stamps, an uncommon franking. (Sc. 145, 149, C1/C3). (Image) (image2)


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53 CVR 36, 37 image1918 (May 26), first flight cover from Vienna to Krakow, Poland, franked with 15H dull red Karl I, 1.50K on 2K lilac and 2.50K on 3K ochre both on blue paper, and 4K gray overprinted Coat of Arms airmail issues, each cancelled by "WIEN" single circle cancellations, with a faint "FLUGPOST WIEN" c.d.s. also struck on front,  reverse with  Krakau arrival backstamp (27 May), flap removed, else very fine. (Sc. #168, C1/3, Müller #74). (Image) (image2)


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54 CVR 256, 259, 262, 265, 268/2 image1922 (December 8), inflation-period cover from Vienna to St. Eustatius, Dutch West Indies, franked on front and back with 11 different "Symbols" issues totaling 1,500Kr, each cancelled by "WIEN" double-circle c.d.s., properly franked for the foreign letter rate applicable during Period 10 (1 November 1922 – 31 July 1923), sent via New York, with "ST EUSTATIUS DUTCH WEST INDIES" (23 Jan) double-circle receiver on back, a seldom-seen destination with the correct rate. (Sc. #256(2), 259, 262, 265(2), 268/270, 273, 290, 292/3). (Image) (image2)


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55 CVR 256, 259, 262, 265, 268/2 image1923 (March 31), registered inflation-period cover from Vienna to Bougie, Algeria, franked on back with 11 different "Symbols" issues totaling 3,000Kr, each cancelled by eleven "WIEN" double-circle c.d.s., properly franked for the foreign letter rate applicable during Period 10 (1 November 1922 – 31 July 1923), comprising 1,500Kr postage plus 1,500Kr registration fee, sent via France, with "BOUGIE CONSTANTINE ALGERIA" (6 Apr) single-circle receiver on back, a seldom-seen destination with the correct rate. (Sc. #260, 264, 266/8, 270, 273, 275/6, 278, 294). (Image) (image2)


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56 CVR B132-137 image1935 (December 3), Stamp Day special event cover from Vienna, franked on front with  complete set of six "Military Leaders" semi-postal issues, each tied by violet globe-design "WIEN – TAG DER BRIEFMARKE" cancellations, dated two days after the first day of issue, no markings on back, very fine. (Sc. #B132/37, Mi. #617/22). (Image)

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57 CVR B138-141 image1936 (February 21), registered postal card from Vienna to Switzerland, franked on front with the complete set of four "Ski Concourse" semi-postal issues, each tied by  double circle "WIEN" and "WIEN-FLUGPOST" c.d.s., with additional "NÜRNBERG FLUGHAFEN" double circle transit c.d.s., blue "MIT FLUGPOST – PAR AVION" label and "WIEN" registration etiquette, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #B138/41). (Image)

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58 CVR B268-271 image1950 (October 10), Carinthia Plebiscite, cacheted first day postal card from Vienna, franked on front with the complete set of three Plebiscite semi-postal issues, each tied by black double circle "WIEN" cancellation, with octagonal "Ersttag" marking, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #B268/71, Mi. #952/4, €200). (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
59 CVR MR8 image1930 (January 2), Nassau to Miami, registered first flight cover, unclaimed, forwarded to Argentina and returned, franked with 1sh black and red War Tax overprint, corner block of four, tied by two black (Nassau) single-circle cancellations, red "First Daily Flight Nassau to Miami 1930" and "First Flight Nassau-Argentine Republic" cachets, black boxed "Non-Reclame", violet underlined "Return to Sender", blue "Nassau Bahamas" registration label, and black "Rebuts Buenos Aires" registration handstamp on front, reverse with violet Miami, Fla. (2 Jan) double-circle, Cristobal, C.Z. (6 Jan) single-circle, Registered Ret'd Letter Section oval, and three black Buenos Aires (13/14 Jan) transit marks, as well as Nassau, Bahamas c.d.s. (29 Jul), a striking and fine cover. (Sc. #MR8 (4)) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
60 CVR 6, 8, 12 image1940 (February 20), airmail cover from Bahrain to New York, franked with 2a vermilion, 3a6p deep blue, and 1r green and brown George V issues of India overprinted "BAHRAIN", tied by two (Bahrain Persian Gulf) double-circle cancellations, with two parallel red markings indicating possible re-routing on front. No markings on reverse. (Sc. #6, 8, 12) (Image) (image2)


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