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Postal History, Canada continued...

Canada continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
21 CVR   image1906, Birtle, Manitoba, real photo postcard to the Philippines, franked with 1c KEVII, postmarked NEEPAWA, Winnipeg, San Francisco, and ILOILO, violet oval WINNIPEG DEAD LETTER OFFICE datestamp, some light toning, scarce destination. (Image) (image2)


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22 CVR   image1908, Quebec Tercentenary uprated postal stationery cover to France, 2c KEVII postal stationery cover, uprated with 1c and 2c Quebec Tercentenary, paying the 5c rate to Neuchatel, Switzerland, postmarked Montreal, Swiss address crossed-out and redireted to France, with Neuchatel (IX 08) and Vesoul (7-9) c.d.s. backstamps, trivial cover fault at top clear of stamp, a lovely and scarce cover. (Image) (image2)


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23 CVR   image1910 (September 15), Aldershot Field Post Office to Halifax, returned to DLO, 78th Highlanders at Pictou postcard, franked with 1c Edward VII, tied by Field Post Office Aldershot Camp c.d.s. (15 Sep), Halifax c.d.s. (21 Sep), handstamped RETURNED FOR POSTAGE, violet oval Halifax BRANCH DEAD LETTER OFFICE and violet DLO CANADA HALIFAX BRANCH c.d.s. (21 Sep), some light edge wear, a scarce militia card with DLO markings, with quality strikes. (Image) (image2)


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24 CVR   image1916 (July 20), Camp Borden machine cancel, real photo postcard depicting Camp Borden, franked with 2c Admiral, tied by choice example of CAMP BORDEN machine cancel, in use only from June 2 to August 3, to Halifax, attractive and very fine. (Image) (image2)


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25 CVR   image1916 (July 20), Vancouver to Hugh Rose Barracks, Japalpur, India, postcard franked with 2c Admiral War Tax, tied by Vancouver slogan cancel, to Royal West Kents, Hugh Rose Barracks, Jabalpur, India, with c.d.s. receiver (1 Sep), violet rose two-line "PASSED CENSOR / BOMBAY" handstamp, light edge wear, desirable and scarce. (Image) (image2)


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26 CVR   image1916, RMS Cameronia, 14th Brigade en route to England, 2c Admiral postal stationery card, postmarked with unusual mute circular obliterator, message on back datelined "Cameronia Sept 12" and references the 14th Brigade and sailing for England, Tiverton split-ring arrival backstamp, a scarce World War I naval usage from an ocean liner that had been requisitioned for a troop ship. (Image) (image2)


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27 CVR   image1917 (April 6), 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade, Killed in Action, cover franked with three 1c Admiral War Tax, postmarked Upper Stewiacke, to a soldier in France, Field Post Office 183 c.d.s. on reverse (5th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 25th Battalion), struck on front UNDELIVERABLE FOR REASON STATED / RETURN TO SENDER and CANADIAN CONTINGENTS RECORD OFFICE POSTAL REC'D (4 Jul), manuscript KILLED IN ACTION on front, some toning to one stamp, a tragic piece of First World War history. (Image) (image2)


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28 CVR   image1917, Canadian Prisoner of War in Crefeld, Germany, Prisoner of War postal card, from a POW in Crefeld, with c.d.s. and German POW censor h/s in violet, to Crowborough, Sussex, where 1c KGV was postmarked, cancelled and sent on to Hamilton, franked with 2c Admiral, also cancelled Crowborough as well as with Hamilton flag (25 Jun), Hamilton Heights split-ring receiver, some creasing or small toned spots, not surprising given the origin and route of this well-traveled card, quite unusual. (Image) (image2)


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29 CVR   image1917, FPO 4P, 4th Canadian Brigade, "PB" wax seal on cover, postmarked Field Post Office 4P (RF E), "PC" wax seal at upper right likely applied at Liverpool, affixed with 2c Admiral, tied by Toronto flag cancel (10 Jul), scarce. (Image) (image2)


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30 CVR   image1925 (October 24), Sifto Salt full-back advertising cover, franked with 3c carmine Admiral, Die II, tied to cover by Saskatoon slogan cancel, superb full-back colour illustrated advertisement for "Sifto" Iodine Salt, for household purposes and "for prevention of goitre", the odd trivial wrinkle, lovely and very fine. (Image) (image2)


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31 CVR   image1926, Admiral multiple-franking on registered Royal Bank of Canada tag, franked with six $1, single 50c, 10c and 1c Admirals, postmarked with large oval R h/s and with oval REGISTERED / WINNIPEG d/s (15 Jul), partial Mont, S. Falls & Toronto RPO transit, to Montreal, scarce and a visually-appealing franking. (Image) (image2)


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32 CVR 209 image1934, 10c Loyalists, first day cover group of eight,  each franked with single 10c Loyalists, to Newark, New Jersey, on day of issue, one cover each cancelled in Port Arthur, Fort William, Moose Jaw, Lethbridge, Calgary, Vancouver, Regina, and Victoria, an attractive and very fine group. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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33 CVR   image1937, 45c rate Air Mail cover, Montreal to Buenos Aires, Argentina, franked with 20c Harvesting pair, 5c Air Post, each tied by Montreal 12 FE 34 datestamp, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, with machine arrival backstamp, a nice franking to an uncommon destination. (Image) (image2)


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34 CVR   image1941 (January 15), Farnham Internment Camp, letter sheet from internee, postmarked BASE APO (15 Jan) and censored with straight-line "EXAMINED BY CENSOR" and 'CANADA INT OP / CENSORED", backstamped New York (28 Jan), with letter (in German) from Internee Josef Finkelstein, small tear to back flap, overall nicer quality than usually seen. (Image) (image2)


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35 CVR   image1943 (December 2), Y-Force, Jamaica, Up-Park Camp military cover to Galt,  franked with 1/- KGVI Pictorial, tied by Kingston machine cancel, handstamped with clear MILITARY CENSOR NO 2 / "Y" Force h/s, return address of Up Park Camp, no backstamps, lovely quality. (Image) (image2)


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36 CVR   image1950, hand-painted sailing ship cover from Steep Rock, Ontario, franked with 4c KGVI, lovely watercolour illustration on front of a sailing ship,  to Betty Jayne Tuttle of Seattle, Washington, return address of C. McDougall, Steep Rock, Ontario, a lovely item. (Image) (image2)


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New Brunswick
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
37 CVR   image1830, St. Andrews straight-line, stampless folded cover to Fredericton, rated PAID 1N6 in red manuscript, endorsed "On Service of H.M. Customs" and struck with two-line ST ANDREWS / NEW BRUNSWICK at upper left, to Fredericton, no backstamps, portion of address lightened, vertical filing fold, yet an uncommon strike. (Image) (image2)


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Nova Scotia
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
38 CVR   image1842, Cumberland Star cancel on stampless folded letter to Halifax, with contents datelined Amherst,  rated 1/6 +1 = 1/7 (double rate and 1d local delivery), endorsed "On H M Service" and postmarked with Cumberland Star, filing folds, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Postal History, Foreign

LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
39 CVR   image1862 (January 8), "Chargé" cover from Algiers to Switzerland, franked with an imperforate 80c red Louis Napoleon, tied by "3710" lozenge obliterator, "ALGER, ALGERIA" double-circle datestamp alongside, struck with red boxed "PD" and  straight-line "CHARGÉ" handstamp, truncated box accountancy handstamp and manuscript notations on back flap, reverse with multiple transit markings including "BUR. AMB. MEDITERRANE" single-circle, French "LYON A PARIS" (12 Jan) and "PARIS A BALE" (12 Jan) double-circle TPO transits, Swiss "BASEL-OULTON" (13 Jan) and "AARUA-WINTERTHUR" (14 Jan) single-circle TPO transits, and "ZURICH NACHMITTAG" (13 Jan) single-circle receiver, some wrinkles, else fine and attractive. (Image) (image2)


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Andorra French Post
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
40 CVR 32, 56 image1932 (October 14), Graf Zeppelin, 9th South America Flight cover to Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2F and 10F singles tied to cover by “Andorre le Vielle” c.d.s., struck with red flight cachet, circular “CERTIFICADOS / CENTRAL 364” and straight-line RECOMMANDEE handstamps, reverse with Paris transit and Buenos Aires (29 Oct) c.d.s. backstamps, back flap replaced, else fine. (Sc. 32, 56; Sieger 195Ac) (Image) (image2)


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