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Postal History, Foreign continued...

United States continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
461 CVR   image1832, Philadelphia to Scotland, missent transatlantic letter, manuscript rated 12-1/2 in red, handstamped PAID, datelined Philadelphia, to Aberdeenshire, Scotland, endorsed "pr. Ajax via N. York / for Liverpool Apl 28", manuscript notation at foot "Missent to Huntly" (?), backstamped with dual red c.d.s. and boxed LIVERPOOL / SHIP LETTER, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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462 CVR   image1834, Philadelphia to Saxony, stampless transatlantic letter via Havre Packet,  with multiple manuscript rate/accountancy markings, with "8-1/2", "1no backstamps, 7", an "22" in black, "12-1/2" and "15" in red, the latter crossed-out in same bluish ink as the "17", postmarked Phil (15 Aug), to Neukirchen, Saxony, endorsed "p. Havre Packet of the 16th", neatly-struck boxed "PAYS D'OUTREMER / PAR LE HAVRE" on front, pressed filing fold does not detract, a scarce and visually appealing letter. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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463 CVR   image1835 (December 15), Philadelphia to Liverpool stampless transatlantic letter, manuscript "8" rate marking, struck with oxidized red "PHILA" and "PAID" double-framed octagonal handstamps, black boxed "LIVERPOOL SHIP LETTER" handstamp on reverse, with original contents headlined "PHILADELPHIA" and dated December 13, a fine transatlantic letter. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6)

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464 CVR   image1839, New York to Livorno, Italy, stampless transatlantic letter via forwarding agents, postmarked "VIA DI / PONT-BEAUVOISIN" and with LE HAVRE double-circle c.d.s. (7 Feb), three-line black arrival backstamp and blue Paris transit backstamp (8 Feb), fair strike of "Forwarded by / Quesnel Freres & Cie, Havre" script-style forwarding agent marking, light pressed filing fold, scarce and fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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465 CVR   image1845 (January 18), Mobile to London, stampless transatlantic letter via Boston forwarders Judson & Andrews, with contents, including a printed Mobile, Alabama Prices Current and written letter, bearing black "2 shilling" manuscript double rate marking and "Hibernia" ship directional marking on front, red "RR 1845 Mar 18" single-circle UK transit, and black "FORWARDED BY JUDSON ANDREWS Co. BOSTON" oval forwarder handstamp on reverse, dual vertical filing folds, otherwise fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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466 CVR   image1848 (February 19), “STEAMER GEN’L LAFEYETTE”, folded letter from New Orleans to Cincinnati, with printed “Prices Current” contents, datelined New Orleans, blue Louisville 10 (1 Mar) single-circle transit c.d.s., streaight-line STEAM and dual strikes of red oval “STEAMER GEN’L LAFEYETTE” on front, fine strikes of the uncommon Ohio River steamboat. (Milgram 497) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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467 CVR   image1848 (October 9), "TROY & NEW YORK STEAM BOAT", blue boxed steamship marking on stampless folded letter from New York City to Troy,  alongside blue double-circle "7 cts" handstamp, some staining, but an uncommon inland waterways steamboat mark. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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468 CVR   image1850 (February 13), Williamsburg, New York, to Scarborough, Canada West, stampless folded letter, with contents datelined February 12, bearing red "PAID 10" and "WILLIAMSBURGH N.Y." single-circle datestamp on front, alongside black "QUEENSTON U.C." split double-circle handstamp, with black "TORONTO U.C." and "SCARBORO C.W." split double-circle backstamps, light wrinkles, a fine cross-border letter. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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469 CVR   image1851 (July 15), New York to London, redirected to Paris, stampless folded letter, with manuscript "16" rate marking in black, struck with large red  "NEW YORK 19" single-circle datestamp, red "W PAID July 27" British receiver, black "L.S. July 29" British Branch Office handstamp, and "ANGL. CALAIS" (30 Jul) double-circle French entry mark on front, endorsed "Per Africa," with Paris (30 Jul) double-circle receiver on reverse, includes two separate enclosures dated July 13 and July 15, a fine and well-traveled transatlantic usage. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7)

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470 CVR   image1855 (June 1), stampless transatlantic folded letter from San Francisco to Paris, with contents, manuscript "8" rate marking, struck with large black "SAN FRANCISCO CAL." single-circle datestamp, red "NEW YORK AM. PACKET" (27 Jun) and "ETATS UNIS PAQ. AM. CALAIS J" (9 Jul) double-circle French entry mark on front, endorsed "Via Panama & New York," with red London (9 Jul) transit backstamp, usual filing folds, a fine West Coast transatlantic usage via Panama. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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471 CVR 26 image1858 (August 8), Baltimore, Maryland, Flour & Whiskey Merchants advertising cover to Frederick, Maryland, franked with 3c dull red Washington, tied by blue "BALTIMORE Md." single-circle cancellation on brown embossed FOWLER & ZEIGLER, FLOUR, WHISKEY & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS cameo corner card, a fine cameo advertising cover. (Sc. #26). (Image) (image2)


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472 CVR   image1858 (September 1), New York to Lisbon, stampless transatlantic letter via forwarding agents C.M. Lewis, with contents, struck with black "480" rate marking, red "NEW YORK PAID 36" single-circle datestamp, and  "FORWARDED BY C.M. LEWIS NEW YORK" forwarder handstamp (unlisted in Rowe), black boxed "P.D." and "ET. UNIS SERV. BR. A.C.L Sep. 13" double-circle French entry mark, manuscript "Pela Vapore Arabia" ship notation on front, with PARIS (Sep 14) transit and Lisbon (20 Sep) double-circle receiver on reverse, vertical filing fold, a scarce and attractive cover. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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473 CVR 26 image1859 (May 2), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saddlrey & Hardware illustrated advertising cover, to New Holland, Pennsylania, franked with 3c dull red Washington, tied by black "PHILADELPHIA PA" octagonal cancellation on an illustrated RICHARD G. STOTESBURY, IMPORTER & DEALER IN SADDLERY HARDWARE, COACH & HARNESS TRIMMINGS advertising cover, contemporary docketing on front and back, an attractive illustrated advertising cover. (Sc. #26). (Image) (image2)


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474 CVR   image1859 (October 5), San Francisco to Cognac, stampless transatlantic folded letter via Panama, with contents, bearing red crayon "45" triple rate marking, red boxed "P.D.," "SAN FRANCISCO CAL. PAID" and "NEW YORK PAID 18 Oct. 25" Exchange Office single-circle handstamps, black "ET. UNIS. SERV. AM. A.C M. 12 Nov" double-circle French entry mark, manuscript "Via Panama & New York" directional instruction on front, with black Paris à Bordeaux TPO (13 Nov), Paris (13 Nov), and Cognac (14 Nov) double-circle receiving marks on reverse, light filing fold, else attractive and very fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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475 CVR 26 image1860s (May 11), Flag, Cannon & John Dix Quotation, Civil War patriotic cover, franked with 3c dull red Washington, tied by black "COLUMBUS OHIO" single-circle datestamp and lined box killer (Camp cancellation) depicting a flag and cannon (Weiss F-R-427) with the inscription, "If any one attempts to haul down the AMERICAN FLAG, shoot him on the spot. JOHN A. DIX," some scattered stains, a striking design. (Sc. #26). (Image)

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476 CVR 65 imagecover #65 1861 (June 3), "The Union Forever" patriotic Civil War cover,to Lowell, Massachusetts, franked with 3c rose Washington, tied by "CAIRO, ILLINOIS" (Alexander County) c.d.s., illustrated with an elaborate all-over red and blue design with Union soldiers, one holding the Constitution under the heading "SECURED" and a Zouave in full regalia under the heading "DEFENDED," with the inscription "THE UNION FOREVER," published by JAS. CATES, Cincinnati, slightly trimmed at right, a fine and visually striking Civil War patriotic cover. (Sc. #65). (Image)

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477 CVR 26 image1861 (June 25), Liberty & Flag, patriotic Civi War cover, to Watertown, patriotic Civil War cover, franked with a pair of 3c dull red Washingtons, tied by two black "OGDENSBURGH N.Y." double-circle datestamps on front, cover depicting a draped Liberty figure holding an American flag, some edge staining mostly confined to bottom, else a fine patriotic design from the early Civil War period. (Sc. #26 (2). (Image) (image2)


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478 CVR 65 image1861 c. (August 8), American House Hotel, Boston, cameo advertising cover to Auburn, Maine, franked with 3c dull red Washington, tied by black "PAID" cancel with red "BOSTON MASS." single-circle datestamp on red embossed AMERICAN HOTEL, HANOVER ST., BOSTON, LEWIS RICE, PROPRIETOR cameo corner card, depicting the hotel building, slightly reduced at left, else very fine and attractive. (Sc. #65). (Image) (image2)


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479 CVR 26 image1861-4 (circa), "The Union, the Constitution, and the Enforcement of the Laws" patriotic Civil War cover, franked with 3c dull red Washington, cancelled by blue "COLUMBUS OHIO" double-circle datestamp and lined box killer (Camp cancellation) on front, to Paris, Virginia, cover depicting an eagle and shield with the inscription below, fine. (Sc. #26). (Image) (image2)


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480 CVR 65 image1861-4 (circa), "The War For the Union," Seal of New York, patriotic Civil War cover, to South Danvers, Massachusetts, franked with 3c rose Washington, tied by "CASTILE, NEW YORK" (Wyoming County) c.d.s., cover featuring an intricate gray-blue all-over design of the Seal of New York City, draped with flags and a shield, inscribed "THE WAR FOR THE UNION," printers inscription "Manufactured by REAGLES & Co., 1 Chambers St. NY" on back flap, a few small flaws, an attractive patriotic design. (Sc. #65). (Image) (image2)


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