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Postal History, Foreign continued...

LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
441 CVR   image1845 (April 7), Constantinople to France, disinfected in Malta, stampless folded letter, rated with manuscript "14", scored throughout with diagonal disinfection slits, struck with "CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE" double-circle cancellation, "PURIFIE AU LAZARET - MALTE" handstamp, and red boxed "PAQUETBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" ship marking, with "MARSEILLE" (21 April) double-circle transit and "LYON" backstamps, horizontal filing fold, particularly fresh for disinfected mail. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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442 CVR 426, 547, B47 image1846, Gemlik Iskelesi Admiralty frank on stampless folded letter to Istanbul, struck with black "PP" double oval handstamp of the Gemlik Wharf (GEMLIK ISKELESI), some tone spots, but a scarce marking; with 1996 Turkish Philatelic Federation certificate. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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443 CVR 22 image1870s, three 1pi yellow overprinted Star & Crescent on folded letter from Sivas to Istanbul, franked on the back tied by three 3-lined boxed Arabic handstamp of SIVAS, double-circle STAMBOUL receiver marking, some light wrinkles, else fine (Sc. #22(x3)) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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444 CVR J32 image1871, 1p bistre brown Crescent & Star Postage Due strip of three, pin-perforated, tied by three-lined boxed Arabic handstamp, small flaws, a uncommon franking. (Sc. #J32(x3)) (Image) (image2)


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445 CVR 22-23 image1872, 1pi & 2pi overprinted Crescent & Star on folded letter from Kayseri, franked on back with 1pi yellow and 2pi orange & red, bied by three-lined boxed Arabic handstamp of Kayseri, struck alongside second triple-boxed Arabic symbol and a double-circle marking, tiny tears along folds have reinforced with clear archival tape, small missing piece from bottom, else fine. (Sc. #22/3) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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446 CVR 22 image1878 (August 29), 20p postal stationery card from Constantinople to Paris, bilingual dark violet card struck with two blue "CONSTANTINOPL/TURQUIE" despatch c.d.s. and single "CONSTOPLE R.PARIS" double-circle transit,  some trace of soiling around edges, else a fine usage to France. (Image) (image2)


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447 CVR 70 image1884, 2pi ochre pair on cover from Kastamonu to Istanbul, stamps tied by three-lined boxed Arabic handstamp of Kastamonu, violet negative "A" handstamp, and large blue single-circle receiver from Stamboul, small imperfections, else fine. (Sc. #70(x2)) (Image) (image2)


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448 CVR 111 image1905, 10p green Tughra, strip of four on cover from Jerusalem to Germany,  with Jewish School corner card, strip tied by two violet bilingual "JERUSALEM" single-circle cancellations, reverse with Frankfurt (11 Jan) double-circle receive, filing folds clear of adhesives, else fine.. (Sc. #111(x4)) (Image) (image2)


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449 CVR 122 image1915 (March 30), 1 pi Tughra bisect on cover from Hora to Istanbul, bisect tied by violet "HORA" double-circle cancellation with Arabic inscription in center (Type XVIII/48), with trisected single-circle Arabic receiver backstamp, some toning to stamp, else a very fine example, correctly paying the 20pa rate, one of only a small number of recorded examples; with 1996 Turkish Philatelic Federation certificate. (Sc. #122 var.) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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450 CVR   image1916 (January 29), Angora Prison Camp to Surrey, England, stampless prisoner of war cover, struck with bilingual "ANGORA"c.d.s., violet Turkish boxed and circular Arabic handstamps, and red triangular Vienna, Austria, censor marking on front, with Constantinople (31 Jan) machine cancellation on back and red London E.S. PAID (21 Feb) machine cancellation on front, very fine. (Image) (image2)


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451 CVR 426, 547, B47 image1918 (October 13), Elmalou to Selime, uprated 20pa Leander's Tower postal stationery card, covered with stamps on one side and partially on the other, including four dull violet 1pi Sultan Mohammed definitives, seven Prussian blue 5pi on 2pa overprinted issues, and carmine rose 10pa on 20pa semi-postal issue, all tied by bilingual "ELMALOU" single-circle cancellations, bilingual "SELIMIE" c.d.s. and two negative black circular handstamps and a black single-line handstamp imprint side, striking and fine. (Sc. #426(x4), 547(x7), B47) (Image) (image2)


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452 CVR 594, 606, 609, Turkey in image1924 (May 2), Smyrna to Switzerland, mixed-franking cover, affixed with pair of 3pi blue Fountains of Suleiman, Turkey in Asia pair of 20p pale Ankara Parliament issues, and pair of 2½p violet Compulsory Charity issues, each tied by violet bilingual "SMYRNE" octagonal cancellations, violet "U.P.U. TURQUIE" registration handstamp on the front. further franked on reverse with two pairs of 20p olive yellow and three 2pi green Star & Crescent definitivess, tied by Smyrne (6 May) c.d.s., with Bern (9 Jun) double-circle receiver on the back, filing folds clear of stamps, else fine. (Sc. #594(x2), 606(x4), 609(x3), Turkey in Asia Sc. #100, Mi. #VII(x2)) (Image) (image2)


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United States
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
453 CVR   image1805, Philadelphia to London, "Ship Letter Liverpool" transatlantic letter, with commercial contents, datelined Philadelphia, "8 mo 15", rated 3/6 in black, to London, struck with fair red crown oval SHIP LETTER LIVERPOOL, with partial red c.d.s. arrival backstamp (Oct 16), light filing folds, else a fine example. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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454 CVR   image1822 (October 19), Philadelphia to the Netherlands, transatlantic letter via forwarding agent, stampless folded letter, with contents datelined "Duplicate / orig. for ocean via Hamburg", Philadelphia, October 19th, 1822, rated "10" in black, to Schiedam, Holland, endorsed (and subsequently crossed-out) "per Unicorn / via Liverpool", forwarding agent endorsement from the firm of Bainbridge & Brown of London, with c.d.s. transit backstamps, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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455 CVR   image1824, Philadelphia to Schiedam, Netherlands, via Liverpool, stampless folded letter, rated "25" in red, endorsed "Paid to New York" and handstamped PAID, multiple further rate/accountancy marks in red and black, to Schiedam, Holland, postmarked LIVERPOOL / NO. 4 / 1824 / 206, with detailed forwaring instructions in Dutch on reverse, boxed "SHIP LETTER / LIVERPOOL" and neatly-struck red oval "PAID / AT / LIVERPOOL", light filing folds, fine and unusual. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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456 CVR   image1825 (September 7), Philadelphia to London, stampless ship letter via Liverpool, rated "12" and "3/2", handstamped PAID in red and postmarked with PHIL (7 Sep) c.d.s., to London, endorsed "per Ship Cortes", backstamped with neatly-struck SHIP LETTER / LIVERPOOL in black, red c.d.s. receiver (5 Oct), without contents, pressed filing folds, else a lovely cover with quality strikes.  (Image) (image2)


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457 CVR   image1825 (December 29), Northampton to Paris, stampless transatlantic folded letter via London and Liverpool by forwarder, with contents, bearing red "NORTHAMPTON" double-circle datestamp with manuscript "Dec 29" notation and manuscript "Paid 18 ¾" rate marking, various additional manuscript rate notations, originally sent c/o Baldwin & Spencer in New York, bearing straight-line "ANGLETERRE" as it was redirected from London via "Messrs Welles & Co" to Paris, with boxed "SHIP LETTER LIVERPOOL" marking and French double-circle receiver (3 Feb 1826) on reverse, docketing indicates letter was received in Rome (7 Feb), a well-travelled and striking cover. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6)

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458 CVR   image1828 (December 8), Philadelphia to Paris, France, stampless transatlantic letter, multiple manuscript rate markings, hand stamped PAID and postmarked with red PHIL c.d.s. (8 Dec), to Faubourg St. Germain, Paris, struck with red "COLONIES / PAR LE HAVRE", neatly-struck red 12 January arrival backstamp, partially missing due to tear surrounding wax seal, otherwise fine and quite attractive. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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459 CVR   image1830 (December 5), Philadelphia to Bordeaux, stampless translatic letter, with contents datelined New York, Dec 5th, PHIL c.d.s. in red (9 December), matching red PAID straight-line, rated "25" and "10" in manuscript, to Bordeaux, France, endorsed "per Packet for France", struck with boxed "PER D'OUTRE MER / PAR LE HAVRE", black French arrival backstamp (9 Janv), fresh and fine.  (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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460 CVR   image1832, Philadelphia to France, stampless transatlantic letter, with contents datelined October 18, 1832, rated "6" in manuscript, postmarked with red PHIL c.d.s. (Oct 30), to Paris, France, endorsed "p. Packet / Ship Erie / from New York / bound to Havre", with LE HAVRE c.d.s. (24 Nov) and boxed "PAYS D'OUTRE MER / PAR LE HAVRE" , most attractive. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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