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Postal History, Foreign continued...

United States continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
481 CVR 65 image1862 (February 18), "The Union Must & Shall Be Preserved", all-over patriotic Civil War cover, franked with 3c rose Washington, tied by unclear "COLUMBUS OHIO" c.d.s., all-over blue design depicting Union soldiers on each side (Weiss ST-558a), illustrating Union solidarity with a banner listing all the states in an interlaced ribbon and a shield at the bottom, captioned "THE UNION MUST & SHALL BE PRESERVED," publisher Chas. F. Sonneborn, New York, on back flap, usual edge flaws, an impressive and scarce Civil War patriotic design. (Sc. #65). (Image) (image2)


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482 CVR 65 image1862 (March 18),"The Star Spangled Banner Must Be Upheld" patriotic Civil War cover, to Montrose, Pennsylvania, franked with 3c rose Washington, cancelled by "RAMSEY, NEW JERSEY" (Susquehanna County)  mansucript cancel, cover with F.L. Pope patriotic illustration depicting a red, white, and blue eagle, flag, and drum with inscription in banner, embossed "J.F. EDWARDS CHEMIST & DRUGGIST. RARITAN N.J." on back flap, couple of tiny tears at bottom, light edge stains in places, else fine. (Sc. #65). (Image) (image2)


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483 CVR 65 image1862 (December 1), Eagle, Shield, & Flags, patriotic Civil War cover to Marengo, franked with 3c rose Washington, tied by "CAIRO ILLINOIS" (Alexander County) double-circle datestamp, illustrated with a red, white, and blue design depicting a centrally placed eagle and shield flanked by American flags on both sides, a bold Union patriotic design, fine. (Sc. #65). (Image)

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484 CVR 65 image1863 (December 25), "The Girl I Left Behind Me", patriotic Civil War cover to Brighton, Iowa, with contents, franked with 3c rose Washington, tied by "MEMPHIS TEN." (Shelby County) double-circle datestamp,  featuring an oval image of a weeping girl with a soldier titled "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME." Enclosed is an interesting four-page letter headed 80th Reg. Iowa Volunteers, depicting an encircled eagle with the slogan IOWA "BOYS" ALWAYS TRUE, dated (17 Oct 1863) from Camp Lincoln, written to his sister in Iowa, though dated two months before the cancellation on the cover, it was not uncommon for letters to be carried before being sent; various faults, yet an evocative Civil War soldier’s letter. (Sc. #65). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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485 CVR 68, 76 image1864 (11 June), New York to Stotel, Hannover, 15c rate transatlantic cover, franked with 5c brown Jefferson and 10c green Washington, each cancelled by black cork cancels, bearing red "N. YORK AM PKT PAID 12" single-circle postmark, manuscript "Via Bremen" crossed out and replaced with "Hamburg" on front, with black "HAMBURG" oval transit (26 June) and blue "STOTEL" single-circle receiver (27 June) on reverse, an attractive and scarce routing; (Sc. #68, 76). (Image) (image2)


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486 CVR 11 image1864 (August 15), Darlington Heights to Richmond, Confederate soldier’s forwarded folded letter, with contents, initially sent stampless from Darlington Heights, Prince Edward County (8 Mar), addressed to State Senator C.S. Thomas in Richmond, Virginia, struck upon arrival in Richmond with undated serifed single-circle cancellation, subsequently affixed with 10c blue Davis, tied by March 10 Richmond c.d.s.,  cover struck with a truncated boxed "FORWARDED 10" handstamp, forwarded again on March 16, as indicated by another sans-serif cancellation and manuscript instruction on the front directing the letter to Franklin, Virginia; a well-travelled and striking Confederate cover. (Sc. #11). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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487 CVR 65, 69 image1864 (September 19), Buffalo to Geneva, 18c rate transatlantic cover to Switzerland, franked with a vertical strip of three 3c dull red and a 12c black Washington, each cancelled by geometric "circle in a circle" cork cancels, with black "BUFFALO" single-circle datestamp, red "NEW YORK PAID 18" single-circle postmark, boxed "PD" and "ET. UNIS. SERV. BRIT. CALAIS" (2 Oct) double-circle French entry mark on front, with black "GENEVA SWITZERLAND" (3 Oct) double-circle receiver on reverse, roughly reduced at right, an appealing multiple franking. (Sc #65 (3), 69). (Image) (image2)


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488 CVR 78 image1865 (January 13), New York to Warrington, transatlantic folded letter, with contents, franked with 24c lilac Washington, cancelled by black geometric cork cancel, bearing red "NEW YORK AM. PKT 3 (21 Jan)" single-circle postmark and red "PAID LIVERPOOL U.S. PACKET (3 Feb)" single-circle transit marking on front, with black "WARRINGTON (3 Feb)" single-circle receiver on reverse, a scarce single 24c franking. (Sc. 78, $425). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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489 CVR   image1866 (19 Nov), San Francisco to Bordeaux, stampless transatlantic folded letter via Panama, with contents, bearing black "30" in circle double rate marking, "SAN FRANCISCO CAL" double-circle datestamp, and "NEW YORK 6 Dec 12" single-circle handstamp, red "ET. UNIS. SERV. BRIT. CALAIS 12 Dec" double-circle French entry mark, manuscript "16" decimes double rate marking and "Via Panama & New York" directional instruction on front, with black Paris à Bordeaux TPO (23 Dec), Paris (23 Dec), and Bordeaux (24 Dec) double-circle receiving marks on reverse, light filing fold, else very fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7)

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490 CVR   image1868 (May 2), Sadorus, Illinois mannuscript cancel on transatlantic cover, to Bury,  franked with 2c black  Jackson and 10c green Washington, cancelled by pen strokes, with "SADORUS ILL"  (Champaign County) manuscript marking, red "NEW YORK PAID ALL May 6" single-circle transit marking on front, "16 May" single-circle receiver on reverse, small flaws, a desirable small-town transatlantic usage. (Sc. #68, 73). (Image) (image2)


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491 CVR 90 image1868 (June 1), New York to London, transatlantic illustrated advertising cover, with contents, franked with 12c black Washington E. Grill, tied by black geometric cork cancel, with red "NEW YORK" single-circle cancellation and red "LONDON PAID" (11 July) single-circle transit, J.B. JEFFERSON & Co. - Patent Agent illustrated advertisement at left, accompanied by an illustrated letterhead and additional illustrated page, most of back flap removed, else fine. (Sc. #90, $550). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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492 CVR 96 image1868 (October 1), New York to Bremen, transatlantic folded cover, franked with 10c green Washington F Grill (9x13), cancelled by black fancy cork cancel, bearing red "NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT" single-circle postmark with manuscript "Per Steamer Hermann" directional ship marking on front, blue "AUSG. No. 4 15 Oct" single-circle handstamp on reverse, some perf toning to stamp, else a fine single-franking to Germany. (Sc 96, $325) (Image) (image2)


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493 CVR 68 image1869 (March 30), Galesburg to Vienna, Austria, transatlantic cover, franked with 10c Washington, cancelled by blue circular cork cancel, Galesburg c.d.s. alongside, with partial black "WIEN" (21 Apr) single-circle receiver on reverse, stamp affixed slightly over top edge of cover, an attractive single franking to Austria. (Sc. #68). (Image) (image2)


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494 CVR 92 image1869 c. (April 8), Norfolk Insurance & Trust Co. advertising cover to Williamsburg, Virginia, franked with strip of three 1c blue Franklin F Grill, each cancelled by black cork cancels, with "NORFOLK VA" single-circle cancellation on an all-over  NORFOLK INSURANCE TRUST Co. advertisement, a scarce multiple franking. (Sc. #92 (3), $1,350 for used stamps) (Image) (image2)


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495 CVR 116 image1869 (July 20), New York to Merxhausen, transatlantic cover, franked with 10c orange Shield and Eagle, cancelled by black "NEW YORK" negative cross cancel, struck with red partial "NEW YORK PAID ALL" circular handstamp, manuscript "P Str. Allemannia" ship directional marking, and "HAMBURG J FRANKFURT" boxed datestamp on front,  black "HAMBURG" (8 Aug) single-circle transit on reverse, the odd light wrinkle, a fine single franking. (Sc. #116, $375). (Image) (image2)


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496 CVR 2 image1874 (December 21), Richmond to Aiken, South Carolina, Civil War soldier’s cover, franked with 10c blue Daivs, tied by black "RICHMOND VA." single-circle cancellation, addressed to Aiken, South Carolina, slight trimming at left some overall discoloration, adhesive stained at upper right, yet an uncommon usage. (Sc. #2) (Image) (image2)


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497 CVR 206 image1880s (January 16), Rochester, New York, Spring Bed Manufacturers advertising cover to York, franked with 3c green Bank Note issue, tied by black "ROCHESTER N.Y." single-circle duplex "1" cancellation on C.A. Clark - SPRING BED MANUFACTORY illustrated cover, depicting a box spring assembly, addressed to York, Pennsylvania, with single-circle receiver on reverse (10 Jan), very fine. (Sc. #184). (Image) (image2)


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498 CVR 206 image1880s, Boston, Massachusetts, Desk & Book Case Manufacturer advertising cover to Dexter, Maine, franked with 1c gray Bank Note issue, tied by black "BOSTON MASS." oval, with ORPIN BROS. & POND DESK & BOOKCASE FACTORY illustrated blue cover, depicting an encased bookcase on the front with additional bookcase and desk illustrations on the reverse, red diagonal address change stamp on back, very fine. (Sc. #206). (Image) (image2)


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499 CVR   image1881 (August 31), D.E. RAHM & Co. forwarding agents, folded cover to France, franked with 5c Taylor, tied by New York duplex (Aug 31), endorsed "pr City of Montreal", to Guebwiller, Alsace, blue oval "FORWARDED BY DE RHAM & CO NEW YORK" hanstamp, partial c.d.s. backstamp, light filing folds, fresh and attractive. (Image) (image2)


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500 CVR 206 image1883 (August 25), Philadelphia, Bean & Rabe Druggists, 1c single-franking illustrated advertising cover, to McMichaels, franked with 1c gray Bank Note issue, tied by black "PHILADELPHIA PA." double-oval cancel on BEAN & RABE illustrated cover, depicting their building on the front and an extensive list of product lines on the reverse, including Paints, Root Beer, Perfumes, and other goods, accompanied by two inserts detailing products and price lists, very fine and attractive. (Sc. #206). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6)

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