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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Switzerland sitting Helvetia perforated continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
421 CVR 41, 43, 45, 48, 53 image1867 (August 5), five-colour franking transatlantic cover from Geneva to New York, franked with 2c gray, 5c dark brown, two 10c carmine, 20c orange, and 60c bronze Helvetia definitives, tied by  "GENEVA" single-circle datestamps, additional "GENEVA" (5 Aug) double-circle cancellation on back, one 3c adhesive fallen off in transit, thus struck with French "12" tax handstamps in red, "SUISSE BELLEGARDE" (6 Aug) single-circle transit, black "PD" handstamp, and red "NEW YORK" (20 Aug) single-circle arrival handstamp on front, small tears and missing pieces at back flap, some blunted perfs, else fine and most unusual. (Sc. #41, 43, 45, 48, 53(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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422 CVR 56a image1867 (March 9), (COD) folded letter Bern to Blankenburg, home-made ‘Cash on Delivery’ envelope made of re-used printed document with red crayon ‘20’ manuscript marking franked with a 30c blue sitting Helvetia definitive with two "BERN/FILIALE" single circle cancellations, ZWEISSIMEN March 10 double circle transit on back, small tear at top, small edge faults and minor toning spots, scarce; with SBVO certificate. (Sc. #56a, Zum #41b) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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423 CVR 53 image1867 (June 15), folded letter from Hasle to Pfaffnau, with contents, manuscript "1.40" red crayon marking, franked with a vertical pair of 10c red Sitting Helvetia definitives, each tied by two "HASLE" straight-line handstamps, black boxed "Hasle Ctn. Luzern" struck at upper right, no markings on reverse, hinge remnants on back, fine (Sc. #53(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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424 CVR 50, 53 image1867 (September 18), 1Fr single franking on transatlantic cover from St. Croix to New York, franked with 10c red and 1Fr gold Sitting Helvetia definitives, tied by three "ST. CROIX" double-circle datestamps, "BERN N PONTARLIER T54" (18 Sep) TPO transit on back, addressed to New York with red "SUISSE PONTARLIER" (19 Sep) double-circle transit, black "PD" handstamp, and red "NEW YORK" (2 Oct) single-circle arrival handstamp on front, a fine and attractive small cover. (Sc. #50, 53). (Image) (image2)


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425 CVR 45 image1871 (June 25), registered "Charge" cover from Weissenburg to Rapperswyl, with "Bains de Weissenburg" imprint on the back, franked with two 20c orange on white Sitting Helvetia definitives, tied by "WEISSENBURG" double-circle datestamp, four truncated box "CHARGE" handstamps on front, two of which are used to tie the stamps, with "CHUR-ZURICH-CHUR," "AARAU-THUN," and "BERN-ROMANSH" double-circle TPOs, all dated (25 Jun), and "RAPPERSWYL" (25 Jun) receiver on back, trimmed at top with small pieces missing from back flap, else fine. (Sc. #45(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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426 CVR 32a image1879 (December 1), Salt Baths hotel illustrated advertising cover from Schauenburg to Leipzig, an attractive light green on beige envelope depicting the hotel at the Salt Baths of Schauenburg, franked with 25c green on white Sitting Helvetia definitive, tied by two "SCHAUENBURG" straight-line handstamps, blue "NIEDERSCHÖNTHAL" (2 Dec) double-circle transit on front, "1. AUSGABE" (8 Dec) backstamp, a few trivial opening flaws at top, most attractive; with Briefmarkenprufstelle Basel certificate. (Sc. #55; Mi. 32a). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
427 CVR 55 image1926 (June 30), hotel advertising cover from Pontresina to Princeton, New Jersey, United States, attractive blue-on-cream illustrated cover depicting the Grand Hotel Kronenhof - Bellavista, franked with 30c deep blue on buff William Tell definitive, tied by "CONTRESINA" double-circle cancellation, no backstamps, fine and most attractive. (Sc. #55). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
428 CVR C7-C9 image1921 (October 5), 1pi-10pi Air Mail set on First Day Cover from Aleppo to Alexandrette, envelope with "ALEXANDRETTE BUREAU des POSTES civile Par Avion Mr. NIHAD" printed at top, franked with a complete set of three (1pi-10pi) 'O.M.F. Syrie' overprinted issues, two bilingual "HALEP" ALEPPO single-circle cancellations on front, black bilingual "ALEXANDRETTE" (5 Oct) double-circle arrivl backstamp, filing folds clear of adhesives, else very fine. (Sc. #C7/9, Mu. #7). (Image) (image2)


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429 CVR   image1922 (August 7), cover from Beyrouth to Germany, franked with an O.M.F. Syrie 3 Piastres pm 60c blue & violet overprinted issue of France, tied by bilingual "BEYROUTH" double-circle datestamp, to Tübingen, Germany, which was crossed out and re-directed to Ziegenrück, Thüringen, with a PORT SAID (11 Aug) single-circle transit on back, some toning spots, else very fine. (Sc. #94). (Image) (image2)


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430 CVR 194-195, C30-C33 image1930 (April 1), airmail set on registered first flight cover from Damascus to Baghdad, Iraq, with stamp dealer corner card, franked with two 7.50 on 2.50 peacock blue overprints and set of four (2pi-10pi) ‘red airplane overprinted’ issues, tied by  bilingual "DAMAS R.P." single-circle cancellations, large violet first flight cachet inscribed ‘Premier vol aeropostal Damas-Bagdad’, bilingual black on gray "PAR AVION" label and blank black registration etiquette on front, black bilingual "BAGHDAD" (2 Apr) double-circle receiver on back, light wrinkles at top, else very fine. (Sc. #194/95, C30/33, Mu. #17). (Image) (image2)


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431 CVR C72-79 image1937 (July 5), Syrian Pavilion at Paris Exposition set on registered cover from Damascus to New York, envelope with hand-painted mosque with minarets, franked with the complete set of seven (1/2pi-25pi), tied by bilingual "DAMAS R.P." single-circle cancellations, bilingual black on gray "PAR AVION" label with embossed "3" in wreath, and black Arabic & No. 8 registration etiquette on front, black and violet "NEW YORK" (16 July) double-oval receivers on back, very fine. (Sc. #C72/79). (Image) (image2)


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432 CVR 88a image1938 (July 15), 10th Anniversary of First Marseille-Beirut flight, souvenir sheet on registered cover from Damascus to Marseille, postmarked with bilingual "DAMAS R.P." single-circle datestamp, bilingual violet "FRANCE-SYRIE" flight cachet, bilingual black on gray "PAR AVION" label, embossed "3" in wreath, and black Arabic & No. 65 registration etiquette on front,  "MARSEILLE GARE" (21 Jul) double-circle transit backstamp, "MARSEILLE" (27 Jul) single-circle transit on front and back, and "MARSEILLE" (29 Jul) single-circle arrival marking, returned to sender as evidenced by black boxed "RETOUR A L'ENVOYEUR" handstamp, upon return, received a "DAMAS" (3 August) double-circle receiver and a boxed "NON RECLAME" handstamp, very fine. (Sc. #88a, Mu #20a). (Image) (image2)


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433 CVR 293-297, 103-106 image1943 (April 1), President Hassani Mourning set on airmail cover from Damascus to New York, United States, franked with complete set of nine (1pi-50pi) ‘Mourning for President Hassani’ issues, tied by bilingual "DAMAS" single-circle cancellations, bilingual black on gray "PAR AVION" label on front, no backstamps, fresh and very fine. (Sc. #293/97, 103/6). (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
434 CVR 189 image1924 (December 9), first flight cover from Ubol to Bangkok, franked with a pair of 3s chocolate King Vajiravudh definitive issues, each tied by black "UBOL" two-circle cancellation featuring a stylized airplane design, typed "VIA AIRMAIL" instructional marking, bilingual BANGKOK (12 Dec) large double-circle receiver backstamp, very fine (Sc. #189(x2), Mu. #12). (Image) (image2)


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435 CVR 242, 245, 248, 249, 251, image1941 (August 21), censored airmail cover from Bangkok to New York, franked with six different period issues, cancelled with  black "BANGKOK P.O." large double-circle cancellations, red typed "VIA SINGAPORE – PER K.L.M. PLANE REGISTERED" instructional notation, violet "REGISTERED" handstamp, bilingual gray "PAR AVION" label, blue BANGKOK G.P.O. registration etiquette, violet oval "FREE OF DUTY" handstamp, manila censor tape with "PASSED BY CENSOR III" two-line handstamp and "E" and "14" in circles on front, violet HONOLULU HAWAII (23 Aug) double-circle transit, and two NEW YORK (28 Aug) double-oval receiver backstamps, some edge creasing, else fine. (Sc. #242, 245, 248/49, 251, 253). (Image) (image2)


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436 CVR 199, C6-C7 image1941 (December 12), censored airmail cover from Bangkok to Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, franked with 1t gray violet & green Throne Room and 25s dark blue and 50s brown orange & black Garuda Air Mail issues,  typed "VIA Sydney – Auckland" directional notation, violet two-line "CALIFORNIA CLIPPER" handstamp, red-on-white censor tape with violet "PASSED BY CENSOR" handstamp and "4" in circle, no backstamps, some creasing, top stamp with corner crease, but an uncommon franking. (Sc. #199, C6/C7). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
437 CVR 38, 40/42 image1915 (December 17), registered cover from Nukualofa to Birmingham, England, franked with ½d blue, 1d red & black, 2d bistre & gray, and 2½d blue & black pictorial definitives, each tied by "NUKUALOFA" single circle cancellations, struck with black oval "REGISTERED AT NUKUALOFA, TONGA" registration handstamp and black boxed "SUVA FIJI" registration transit marking on front, illegible (presumably Suva, Fiji) double circle transit dated 28 December, "REGISTERED LONDON" (31 Jan) hooded circle transit, and "REGISTERED BIRMINGHAM" (31 Jan) oval receiver on back. (Sc. #38, 40/42). (Image) (image2)


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438 CVR   image1915 (October 24), Nukualofa to 99th Infantry, 10th Company, France, censored postal stationery card, one penny red George II of Tonga, brown on cream postal stationery postcard, depicting "Shipping at Nukualofa Wharf," datelined 24 October, with "NUKUALOFA" single circle cancellation and violet two-line "CORRESPONDANCE MILITAIRE CONTROLE BUREAU A" censorship handstamp, some typical edge wear, an elusive censor marking, fine. (Image) (image2)


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439 CVR 39/40, 70 image1935 (circa), registered Tin Can Island cover from ' Island to Nystroom, South Africa, franked with ½d green, 1d red & black, and 1d carmine & black pictorial definitives, tied by a partially legible "NIUAFOOU TONGA" single circle cancellation, struck with multiple Tin Can Island-related markings on front and back in various languages and colours, very fine. (Sc. #39/40, 70). (Image) (image2)


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440 CVR 39/40, 56/57 image1935 (December 25), registered Tin Can Island cover from Niuafoou Island to San Diego, California, franked with ½d green, 1d red & black, 2d violet & black, and 2½d blue & black pictorial definitives, each tied by "NIUAFOOU TONGA" single circle cancellations, with four uncancelled New Zealand issues below, struck with various Tin Can Island-related markings on front and back, violet "SAN PEDRO CALIF." (31 Dec) transit and "SAN DIEGO CALIF." (1 Jan, 1936) double circle receiver, very fine. (Sc. #39/40, 56/57). (Image) (image2)


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