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Postal History, Foreign continued...

LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
381 CVR   image1892, Cherifian Post cover from Mazagan (El Jadida), manuscript notation in Arabic at top, struck with violet Cherifian Post octagonal "MAZAGAN" all-Arabic negative handstamp, some trivial wrinkles, else very fine. (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
382 CVR 1 image1857, folded letter from Pietermartizburg to Pinetown, with partial contents, franked with 3p rose imperforate embossed Crown & "VR", cut into on all sides, tied by two strikes of oval "POST OFFICE P.M. BURG" oval cancellations, an uncommon first issue franking. (Sc. #1, S.G. #4) (Image) (image2) (image3)

image image

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
383 CVR 155, 156, 158, 162 image1903 (January 30), registered A.R. cover from San Juan del Norte to Switzerland, franked with ‘1901 Correos’ overprinted 10c purple, 20c orange brown, and 50c lake postage due issues, along with a ‘15 Cvos. 1902’ overprinted 2c vermilion issue, tied by  violet "SAN JUAN DEL NORTE" oval cancellations, struck on front with boxed SAN JUAN DEL NORTE registration handstamp and a violet ‘A.R.’ (Avis de Reception) oval handstamp, red and blue NEW YORK registration etiquette applied in transit, backstamped NEW YORK (11 Feb) and  ZURICH (21 Feb) , a few toned perfs, else a very fine and scarce A.R. cover. (Sc. #155/56, 158, 162) (Image) (image2)


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North Borneo
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
384 CVR 91/96 image1900 (April 17), registered cover from Sandakan to Baden-Baden, Germany, franked with six different "4 Cents" overprinted 5c to 24c pictorial definitives, each tied by "SANDAKAN" single circle cancellations, with additional strikes and black boxed "R SANDAKAN" registration handstamp on front. Baden-Baden (12 Jun) c.d.s. arrival backstamp, a very fine and most attractive franking. (Sc. #91/96) (Image) (image2)


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385 CVR 223/233 image1948 (January 21), registered cover from Sandakan, locally addressed, franked with eleven different "GR & Crown" overprinted 1c to 25c pictorial definitives, each tied by "SANDAKAN NORTH BORNEO" single circle cancellations, with additional strikes on front, striking. (Sc. #223/33) (Image)

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North Nigeria
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
386 CVR 10-13, 16 image1908 (April 24), registered cover from Lokoja to Koetzchenbroda, Germany, franked with 1/2d, 1d, 2d, and 1s Edward VII definitives, each tied by "LOKOJA" double circle cancellations, with additional strikes on front, violet "Registered" single-line handstamp, British oval "REGISTERED PLYMOUTH" transit marking on back, and Koetzchenbroda (26 May) double circle receiver, very fine. (Sc. #10/13, 16) (Image) (image2)


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Orange Free State
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
387 CVR 44j, 54 image1900 (November 30), registered cover from Fauresmith to Kimberley, Cape Colony, franked with a block of six and a single of the V.R.I. overprinted Orange Tree issue, ½d on 1d orange, and a block of six of the ORANGE RIVER COLONY overprinted ½d green Hope Standing Cape of Good Hope definitives, tied by thirteen strikes of "FAURESMITH O.R.C." single circle cancellations, large oval "REGISTERED KIMBERLEY" (9 Jan 1901) backstamp, very fine. (Sc. #44j(x7), 54(x6)) (Image) (image2)


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Palestine and Holy Land
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
388 CVR 63(x3), 64, 67/8, 70, 72/ image1940 (October 21), WWII censored hand-painted cover from Base P.O. BWI Gaza to Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, franked with ten period definitives, each tied by "BASE P.O. / B.W.I." single circle cancellations, at the time allocated to No.1 Australian Imperial Force Advanced Base Post Office, Gaza, Palestine, envelope with red "A.C.F." (Australian Comfort Fund) corner card and an attractive hand-drawn watercolour scene, struck with a boxed violet "Crown PASSED BY CENSOR" handstamps, a very fine and desirable hand-illustrated cover. (Sc. #63(x3), 64, 67/8, 70, 72/3, 76) (Image) (image2)


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389 CVR   image1941 (November 6), WWII censored registered airmail cover from Jerusalem to Southbridge, Massachusetts, United States, franked with twelve pictorial definitives, each tied by "REHAVIA B.O. JERUSALEM" single circle cancellations, blue on white "JERUSALEM 18" registration label and "BY AIR MAIL" etiquette, violet straight-line "REGISTERED" handstamp, and octagonal "PALESTINE PASSED BY CENSOR 1.33" handstamp on front and back, tying red on white "OPENED BY CENSOR" tape at left, backstamped with oval "REGISTERED JERUSALEM" (6 Nov), single-line "REGISTERED JAFFA" (10 Nov) transit, violet "HONOLULU HAWAII" (27 Nov) transit, and "SOUTHBRIDGE MASS" double-line receiver, some edge faults, else fine.  (Image) (image2)


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390 CVR 70, 73, 76 image1943 (November 15), Nathanya to Tel Aviv, registered cover, franked with 7 mil dark violet and 10 mil deep gray "2" traffic light margin singles, alogside 2 mil Prussian blue gutter margin block of four pictorial definitives, each tied by six strikes of "NATHANYA" c.d.s., two additional strikes on back, blue on white "NATHANYA" registration label on front, oval  "REGISTERED TEL AVIV" (16 Nov) receiver on back, very fine. (Sc. #70, 73, 76(x4)) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
391 CVR 16 image1900 (March 27), registered cover to Germany, franked with a strip of five 2c rose Map of Panama Colombia issues, tied by two black (AGENCIA POSTAL NACIONAL - PANAMA) single-circle and oval small-dots duplex cancellations, affixed with black and blue on light gray COLOMBIA PANAMA registration etiquette, red and blue NEW YORK registration etiquette applied in transit, backstamped NEW YORK (4 Jun) and Hamburg, a scarce franking, very fine. (Sc. #16(x5)) (Image) (image2)


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392 CVR 79 image1906 (March 7), Colon to St. Laurent de Moroni, French Guiana, cover franked with red overprinted ‘PANAMA’ 10c orange Map of Panama Colombia issue, tied by a violet "AGENCIA POSTAL COLON" single-circle and Panamanian flag duplex cancellation, backstamped with PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD single-circle transit, CAYENNE, GUYANE (March 30) double-circle transit, and a ST. LAURENT DE MORONI, GUYANE double-circle receiver, a scarce destination. (Sc. #79) (Image) (image2)


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Penrhyn Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
393 CVR 12 image1914 (January 7),Penrhyn to Germany, registered cover franked with ten "PENRHYN ISLAND Tahi Silingi" overprints on 1sh orange-red bird definitives of New Zealand, (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
394 CVR   image1775 (circa), "Por el Rey" cover front, Lima to the Royal Governor of Chile in Santiago, endorsed at top “Por el Rey” (“on behalf of the King”) and “Virrey” (Viceroy) at lower left, manuscript rate “2” (reales), struck with red straight-line LIMA, "The Field Court, Agustín de Járegui y Aldecoa, President, Governor and Captain General of the Viceroyalty of Chile" in Santiago, scarce and remarkably fresh.  

Agustín de Jáuregui y Aldecoa served as Governor of Chile (1772-80) and Viceroy of Peru (1780-84).  Before his appointment to Chile, he served in Honduras, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. While in Chile, he oversaw the establishment of the postal service in April, 1775. Shortly after his appointment as Viceroy, he put down the insurrection of Túpac Amaru III, who was a direct descendant of the earlier Túpac Amaru, the last Inca Emperor of Vilcabamba. (Image)

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395 CVR   image1869 (November 6), 1d/ green Coat of Arms on cover to Italy, three large margins, touching at foot, tied to folded cover by TACNA-PERU c.d.s., endorsed "Europa-Italia" in manuscript, red Arica (Nov 7) and Panama-Transit (Nov 20), multiple British accountancy and charge markings, struck on back with London transit (Dec 13) and Genova receiver (Dec 16), the odd small edge tear and minor wrinkles, a scarce usage; ex Julio Lugon Badaracco. (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
396 CVR   image1852 (May 27), stampless "Aus Russland" folded letter from Warsaw to Wohlen, Switzerland, with manuscript "20" and red crayon "130" rate markings, red "WARSAW 5" small single-circle datestamp and black boxed "AUS RUSSLAND" handstamp on front, Berlin-Breslau (28 May) TPO double-circle transit, boxed three-line "HALLE EISENACH" (28 May) transit, Berlin-Leipzig (29 May) rimless TPO, and boxed "Curs IV" (31 May) handstamps on back, Wohlen (2 Jun) double-circle receiver on front, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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397 CVR 81-92 image1919 (May 31), Northern Poland imperforate definitive set on registered cover to Schüpfen, Switzerland, franked with the complete eleven-value imperforate set, each tied by "WARSAW" double-circle datestamp, violet "R WARSAW" registration handstamp on front, Schüpfen (21 Jun) double-circle receiver on back, a uncommon complete set on cover. (Sc. #81/92). (Image) (image2)


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398 CVR 81-92 image1926 (October 11), Baltic Round Trip flight cover from Warsaw to Tallinn, Estonia, franked with a single 10g green biplane airmail issue, tied by violet "WARSAWA 19 PORT LOTNICZY" double-circle datestamps, black "POSTA LOTNICZA - PAR AVION" handstamp, and large oval bilingual cachet reading "Raid Baltique du Col. Rayski 14-21-26 WARSAWA-LIDA-WILNO-RIGA-TALLIN-HELSINKI-WARSAWA" on front, Tallinn, Estonia (18 Oct) double-circle receiver on back, the odd toning spot, else fine. (Sc. #C5; Müller #34). (Image) (image2)


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399 CVR C6-9 image1935 (September 15), Gordon Bennett Balloon Post cover from Warsaw, franked with five biplane airmail issues, each tied by large special "GORDON BENNETT WARSAWA 31 BALLONPOST" triple-circle datestamp, black boxed "POCZTA BALONOWA – PAR BALLON" handstamp, blue on white "PAR AVION LOTNICZA" airmail label, and black on violet "EXPRES" label on front, addressed to Warsaw with Sokołów Podlaski (16 Oct) transit on front and Warsaw 1 (16 Oct) double-circle receiver on back, very fine. (Sc. #C6/9; Müller #133). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
400 CVR 153 image1937 (January 25), Roland Garros, first flight registered cover from St. Denis to Paris, franked with  50c Roland Garros overprinted Air Post, tied by Saint-Denis c.d.s. (25 Jan), struck with black four-line "Premiere liaison aeropostale / Reunion - France / (sans surtaxe) / Equipage: Laurent-Tougé - Lénie", Paris c.d.s. arrival backstamp (Feb 12), some typical edge flaws, a scarce flight cover; signed Calves. (Sc. #153) (Image) (image2)


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