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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Manchukuo continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
361 CVR 92, 138, 139 image1941 (June 1), registered airmail first day cover from Harbin to Shanghai, China, franked with a 9f red orange pagoda definitive and blocks of four of the 2f and 4f Conscription Law issues, each tied by violet Chinese commemorative postmarks, dark violet "REGISTERED" handstamp, two horizontal Chinese character handstamps, and blue "Harbin 214" handstamp at lower right on front, bilingual "SHANGHAI" trisected single-circle receiver, very fine. (Sc. #92, 138/9(x4)). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
362 CVR   image1848 (November 25), Port Louis to Bordeaux, France, stampless folded cover, struck with black "MAURITIUS POST OFFICE" double circle cancellation, unclear manuscript ship directional marking, French red boxed "COLONIES Sec. ART 13," entry mark and "BOULOGNE" (6 Feb) double circle transit, blue Irish "COVE SHIP LETTER" two-line handstamp and "8" incoming ship letter charge on front,  blue "COVE" (2 Feb) double split-ring, red "DUBLIN" (3 Feb) and "LONDON" (4 Feb) c.d.s. and black "Route No. 10 PARIS" (6 Feb) transit markings, "BORDEAUX" (8 Feb) double circle receiver on reverse, an attractive and well-traveled transatlantic letter. (Image) (image2)


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363 CVR   image1850 (August 24),  London to Port Louis, stampless folded letter, with red accountancy marking and "LONDON PAID" split double circle handstamp, manuscript "Via Marseille," black crowned "MAURITIUS G.P.O." (14 Oct) double split-ring handstamp on front, fine. (Image) (image2)


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364 CVR   image1851 (March 12), Port Louis to Bordeaux, France, stampless folded letter, struck with red "PACKET LETTER MAURITIUS" double oval handstamp and "10" accountancy marking, manuscript "Gov. Packet Briton’s Queen to Ceylon by Overland Mail via Marseille" ship directional marking, French red "INDES OR MARSEILLE 1" (16 Apr) transit on front. Bordeaux (19 May) double circle receiver on back. (Image) (image2)


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365 CVR   image1851 (June 21), Calcutta to Port Louis, Mauritius, stampless folded letter, struck with a straight-line "CALCUTTA / SHIP LETTER" handstamp, manuscript "per Barque Tenasserim" ship directional marking, and black crowned "MAURITIUS G.P.O." (9 Jul) double split circle handstamp on front, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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366 CVR   image1869 (September 24), Port Louis to Paris, France, folded letter, with contents, franked with a pair of 4p rose, each cancelled by a "B53" barred numeral, manuscript "Via Suez et Marseille" ship directional marking, French red "P.D." and "POS. A.X.F. SUEZ P.F. AMB. MARS" hexagonal transit marking on front, blue Mauritius (24 Sep) single circle departure marking and Paris (24 Oct) double circle arrival backstamp, a fine and attractive cover. (Sc. #35(x2)) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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367 CVR   image1871 (September 9),  Port Louis to St. Denis, Réunion, stampless folded letter, struck with black accountancy marking, "REUNION ST. DENIS" (18 Sep) double circle receiver cancellation on front and back,  "4 & I'" boxed marking on back, a fine and uncommon usage. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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368 CVR 186, 191 image1933 (May 21), registered airmail cover from Vacoas to Chester, England, franked with 8c orange blocks of four and six plus 15c dark blue single King George V definitive, tied by multiple strikes of "VACOAS MAURITIUS" c.d.s., with an additional strike on reverse, black on blue "BY AIR MAIL - PAR AVION" etiquette and blue on white "VACOAS" registration label on front, G.P.O. Mauritius (27 May) c.d.s. on reverse, an attractive high-franking airmail usage. (Sc. #186(x10), 191) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
369 CVR 190a image1861 (May 30) 4r black Hidalgo bisect on folded letter to Sayula, tied by blue "GUADALAJARA" double circle, no backstamps, a fine example of this desirable bisect franking. (#Sc. 190a) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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370 CVR 22 image1864 (June 18), folded letter from Guanajuato, franked with an imperforate 1r ultramarine Coat of Arms (Type 1 with district name overprint only), tied by black "GUANAJUATO" negative double-circle cancellation, with manuscript "Junio 18/64" written alongside, addressed locally, no backstamps an attractive single franking. (Sc. #22) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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371 CVR   image1871, 50c black Hidalgo on folded letter from Guanajuato to Guadalajara, with contents from Stallforth, Alcazar & Co, franked with 50c black on yellow Hidalgo, four large margins, tied by Guanajuato c.d.s., oval commercial h/s at lower left (29 Mai), to Guadalajara, no backstamps, an attractive cover. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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372 CVR 93 image1872 (September 13), 6c green Hidalgo, two pairs on folded cover from Tula de Tampas to Tampico, pairs overprinted "12 / 72" (Victoria District, 1872), each with large margins all around, tied by neatly-struck oval "Admon de Correos / Tula Tampas / FRANCO", to Tampico, no backstamps, some separation along folds, particularly at top, light filing fold crossing top of adhesives, a scarce and attractive franking. (Sc. 93) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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373 CVR 73 image1877 (January 20), folded letter via Havana to Madrid, Spain, with contents datelined Mejico, endorsed in manuscript "Via de le Habana" franked with a pair of 25c dark green Alfonso XIII definitive issues, obliterated by oval handstamps, with "MADRID" (2 Mar) single-circle receiver cancellation on the back, vertical and diagonal creases clear of stamps, a fine example from Mexico conveyed via Cuba. (Sc. #73(x2)) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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374 CVR 108 image1883 (March 6), 10c orange on folded letter from Villagran to Linares, with contents, datelined 6 March, 1883, franked with 10c orange Hidalgo, overprinted "4' / 82", Victoria District, postmarked with double oval "FRANCO  EN / VILLAGRAN", to Linares, no backstamps, piece torn from back, an attractive single franking. (Sc. 108) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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375 CVR 242, 243a image1897 (Apr. 28), bisect franking cover from Tapachula, Chiapas to Tepic, Nayarit, franked with a diagonally bisected 2c red Letter Carrier definitive, tied by a "TAPACHULA CHS." single-circle cancellation, with a manuscript "Via St. Blas" directional marking on the front, to Tepic, Nayarit, where a 1c green Letter Carrier definitive was applied and tied with a "TEP" single-circle cancellation, no backstamps, vertical crease and two small tears at the right edge, else fine-very fine. (Sc. #242, 243a) (Image) (image2)


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376 CVR   image1913, revenue franking on revoluntionary-period cover from Santa Ana to Magdalena, franked on the back with a strip of five 2c black on orange Sonora State 'ESTADO LIBRE Y SOBERANO DE SONORA' revenue issues, struck with three violet handstamps and MAGDALENA, SONORA (21 Oct) double-circle receivers,vertical filing fold through left-side perfs of block, staple holes beside, clear of stamps, an otherwise fine and most unusual franking. (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
377 CVR   image1893 (April 19), 15c Prince Albert I uprated postal stationery cover to Geneva, franked with pair of 1c olive green and a strip of four 2c dull violet Prince Albert I definitives, each tied by "VINTIMILLE A MARSEILLE" scalloped TPO cancellations, Geneva (20 Apr) double-circle receiver on back, an attractive usage to Switzerland. (Sc. #11(x2), 12(x4)). (Image) (image2)


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378 CVR   image1896 (February 6), cover from Monte Carlo to Nervi, Genoa, Italy, franked with ten different Prince Albert I definitive issues, each tied by black "MONTE CARLO PRINCIPALITE DE MONACO" double-circle datestamp, Nervi (Genova) (7 Feb) squared-circle receiver on back, a striking franking. (Sc. #11/13, 15, 17, 20, 22/25). (Image) (image2)


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379 CVR   image1913 (October 3), registered cover from Monte Carlo to Szabadka, Hungary, franked with a pair and gutter strip of three 2c violet, 5c yellow green, 10c carmine, and 40c slate on rose Prince Albert I definitives, each tied by "MONTE CARLO PRINCIPALITE DE MONACO" single-circle datestamp, red registration label handstamped "MONTE-CARLO" on front, Ventimiglia-Genova (4 Oct) double-circle TPO transit and two Szabadka (6 Oct) double-circle receivers on back, an appealing multi-issue franking to a less common destination.  (Image) (image2)


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380 CVR   image1933 (January 13), registered Valeur Déclarée cover from Condamine to Bristol, franked with 50c brown and 1fr 50 blue Prince Louis II, and 5fr green & rose View of Monaco definitives, each tied by "MONACO CONDAMINE PRINCIPAUTÉ DE MONACO" single-circle datestamp, red registration label handstamped "MONACO CONDAMINE," black on red "INSURED (VALEUR DÉCLARÉE)" label, and two rounded-box "CHARGÉ" handstamps on front, London (15 Jan) oval registered transit on back, wax seals intact, a fine insured franking. (Sc. #76, 85, 91). (Image) (image2)


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