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Sparks Auctions Sale - PH1

Postal History, Canada

LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
1 CVR   image1843 (January 12), Bytown to Montreal, stampless money letter, with commercial contents signed "J.B. Bruyere", regarding debts and financial matters, including reference to a debt owed to Gilmour, rated 2/3, endorsed "Money" in manuscript and twice handstamped "MONEY-LETTER", postmarked with Bytown double split-ring, no backstamps, a lovely and fresh cover. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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Will close during Public Auction
2 CVR   image1846 (August 31), Port Maitland, Ontario, manuscript cancel on stampless folded letter, with commercial contents, endorsed "On Her Majesty's Service", rated 1/4, to Montreal, with clear manuscript cancel at lower left, reverse with Dunnville (31 Aug), Hamilton (1 Sep), and Montreal (4 Sep) backstamps, typical filing folds, else fresh and very fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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3 CVR   image1850 (July 17), "Too Late" money letter from Brockville to Guelph, with contents, rated in manuscript and endorsed "Money" and handstamped "MONEY LETTER", postmarked with Brockville double split-ring (17 Jul), to Guelph, handstamped TOO LATE, backstamped with Hamilton (19 Jul) and Guelph (20 Jul) double split-rings, vertical filing fold, else fine and scarce. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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4 CVR   image1882 (September 18), "Not Called For" returned 1c postal stationery cover, postmarked with Montreal duplex (18 Sep), sent locally, crossed-out in blue crayon and handstamped NOT CALLED FOR / MONTREAL (30 Sep), illustrated corner card of the American Forestry Congress, visually striking and scarce. (Image) (image2)


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5 CVR   image1885 (September 27), Toronto to Riga, Russia (Latvia), 2c UPU postal stationery card,  postmarked with Toronto duplex, with c.d.s. receiver struck on front, red London transit c.d.s., stain to back, lovely and fresh appearance from front, a scarce destination. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
6 CVR   image1888 (November 10), Hamilton to Elmira, "Not Called For" illustrated advertising cover, franked with 3c Small Queen, tied by Hamilton duplex, Elmira split-ring receiver (12 Nov), with Berlin transit and partial DLO backstamp, beautiful illustrated advertisement for the Merchant’s Protective & Collecting Association, lovely and fine. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
7 CVR   image1889 (September 10), uprated postal stationery cover from Victoria to Germany, 1c postal stationery cover (EN3), uprated with two 2c Small Queens, tied by Victoria duplex (SP 10), to Leipzig, Germany, with c.d.s. arrival backstamp, a few small toning spots, attractive. (Image) (image2)


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8 CVR   image1896 (July 21), Halifax Summer Carnival, illustrated advertising cover, franked with 3c Small Queen, tied by Halifax JY 21 96 squared circle, addressed to Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton, with lovely illustrated advertisement for the Halifax Summer Carnival, imprint on back flap of A&W MacKinlay, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, attractive and fine. (Image) (image2)


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9 CVR   image1897 (July 24), Moncton Flour & Seed illustrated advertising cover, franked with 1c Small Queen, tied by Moncton c.d.s., lovely illustrated advertisement for Charles Fawcett, Flour, Cornmeal, Buckwheat, Meal & Heavy Feed, paying the 1c drop letter rate, stamp faulty, not detracting from the visual appeal of this beautiful cover. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
10 CVR   image1898 (July 11), "Dingman's Electric Soap" full-front advertising cover, franked with 3c carmine Numeral, tied by Toronto flag cancel (Indicia C), colour advertisement depicting the offices of Puglsey, Dingman & Co, promoting Dingman's Electric Soap, "the Wonder of the Age / Makes Healthy Happy Homes", reverse with neatly-struck next-day Owen Sound c.d.s. receiver, fresh and attractive. (Image) (image2)


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11 CVR   image1898 (July 19), "Havana Fruit" Chewing Gum advertising cover with double flag cancel, to Owen Sound, franked with 3c carmine Numeral, tied by Toronto flag cancel (Indicia B, 19-0 and Indicia D, 20-01), colour advertisement depicting a pack of chewing gum, extolling its medical virtues of improving digestion, corner card of S.T. Brittin of Lombard Street, trivial opening tear at top, reverse with neat c.d.s. receiver, a scarce topic, attractive. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
12 CVR   image1898 (September 20), "Kolona" Pure Ceylon Tea illustrated advertising cover to Paris, Ontario, franked with 3c carmine Numeral, tied by Toronto flag cancel (Indicia E), colour advertisement at left depicting a woman's arm holding a tea box, reverse with Anchor Brand imprint on flap, trivial opening flaw at upper left, else very fine. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
13 CVR   image1899 (December 26), Parrsboro Nova Scotia illustrated merchant's cover, to St. John, New Brunswick, with illustration depicting the town on the Bay of Fundy, franked with 2c carmine Numeral, Die I, tied by partial Parrsboro c.d.s., corner card of General Merchant James W. Day, reverse with next-day c.d.s. arrival backstamp, adhesive with some aging, else a fine and scarce illustrated Maritime cover.​ (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
14 CVR   image1900 (May 24), "Monarch Ready Mixed Paints" front & back advertising cover, to Moncton, franked with 2c carmine Numeral, Die I, tied by St. John, New Brunswick c.d.s., colour advertisement depicting a can of the company's paint, reverse promoting various products including plumbing supplies, brass goods for engineers and gas fitters, etc., opening tear at right removing small portion of text on back, a scarce and attractive cover. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
15 CVR   image1900 (October 20), A.R. Williams Machinery, full-front advertising cover from Toronto, franked with 2c Numeral, tied by Toronto flag cancel, sent locally, no backstamps, attractive. (Image) (image2)


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16 CVR   image1901 (October 11), Royal Review, Exhibition Park Camp, Toronto, cover franked with 2c Admiral, tied by choice strik of "ROYAL REVIEW / EXHIBITION PARK CAMP / OCT 11 1901 / TORONTO / ARMY POST OFFICE", Assistant Postmaster / Toronto backstamp (22 Oct), better quality than often seen. (Image) (image2)


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17 CVR   image1903 (November 7), Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, book advertising cover, to Thamesville, franked with 2c carmine Numeral, Die I, tied by Toronto machine cancel, with illustration for the book by Cyrus Townsend Brady and published by the Copp, Clark Company, one of Canada's oldest publishers, reverse with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (9 Nov), some light discoloration to front, a scarce cover, promoting the famed inspiration for the popular rum, and the "story of a real pirate and the love affairs of the gallant Alvarado and the beautiful Mercedes." (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
18 CVR   image1905, rejected, returned, & re-mailed postcard to Belgium,  franked with 1c KEVII, to Antwerp, first assessed postage due, crossed-out, returned due to writing on image side making it ineligible for the printed matter rate, re-franked with 2c KEVII, tied by Riviere du Loup Station c.d.s. (8 Aug), receiver strike beside, an impressive and scarce usage of  desirable quality. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
19 CVR   image1906 (January 21), Toronto to Pietermaritzburg, Natal, returned cover, franked with 1c KEVII horizontal pair, paying the 2c Empire Rate,  Natal, c.d.s. receiver struck on front (26 Feb), address crossed-out, handstamped UNKNOWN, with multiple DEAD LETTER OFFICE strikes on back, scarce and fine. (Image) (image2)


Will close during Public Auction
20 CVR   image1906 (July 7), Carling Heights, London, Militia Camp postcard, attractive Adolph Selige card franked with 1c Edward VII, tied by London machine cancel, to Gromarty, with split-ring receiver and Dublin transit, sender signs message from "The Camp, Carling Heights, London", typical edge wear, a scarce early example from this summer training camp. (Image) (image2)


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