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Postal History, Foreign continued...

India continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
301 CVR   image1878, 2a orange strip of three, tied to official cover from Bombay to London, the stamps perforated such that portion of adjoining stamps show at foot, tied to official cover by Bombay JA 14 '1' duplex, endorsed "via Brindisi", with Bombay (14 Jan) and London (2 Feb) backstamps, piece removed from back flap, else fine. (Image) (image2)


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302 CVR   image1880, ten 1/2a blue in a block of four, strip of three, pair, and a single, postmarked with indistinct obliterator and cancelled "Postage Paid" in manuscript, to London, endorsed "via Brindisi", to London, with Ashamboo  (26 Jan), Outw Bombay (30 Jan), and London (18 Feb) backstamps, some wrinkling, but an attractive and unusual franking. (Image) (image2)


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303 CVR 39 image1880/1, 1a brown (x3) , cover to Rev. J.W. Hall aboard the Steamship "Quetta" at Point de Galle, Ceylon, strip tied by boldly-struck C-3 I (R.L. Type 17d), crossed-out and endorsed "Try Colombo", "Steamship Left for London", and "Left the Steamer / Refused", the cover having been carried to London and then returned, multiple datestamps with ?IDAIPUR (13 Oct), OUTW BOMBAY (17 Oct), Galle (2- Oct and 9 Nov), Colombo (Nov 1-), Calcutta (5 Dec), London (28/29 Dec), DLO Bombay (20 Jun) and DLO Calcutta (29 Jun), opened on three sides for display, bottom fragile, typical faults as expected on such a well-traveled cover, a delightful item with tremendous visual appeal. (S.G. 39) (Image) (image2)


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304 CVR 37, 41 image1882 (January 3), 1/2a blue and 2a dull pink, tied to cover to New York by Pursewarom c.d.s and "M-3" handstamp (Robson Lowe Type 17d), to Saratoga Springs, United States, endorsed "Via Brindisi thru Italy", backstamped OUTW Bombay (5 Jan), Sea Post Office (5 Jan), New York PAID ALL opera-glases (Feb 8), and Saratoga Springs (Feb 9), fine. (S.G. 37, 41) (Image) (image2)


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305 CVR 88 image1893 (January 2), 1a brown purple,  uprating 2a6pi surcharged postal stationery cover, tied by "A" circular grid, registered from Dehra Dun to H.B.M. Vice Consul F.W. Ramsden at "St. Jago de Cuba", SPANISH WEST INDIES, endorsed "via Brindisi" and "via United States", "Registered London" (21 Jan) oval transit on front, "Sea Post Office B" (7 Jan) and "Santiago de Cuba" (4 Feb) c.d.s. backstamps, repaired opening tears at top and to back, an eye-appealing cover to a scarce destination. (S.G. 88)  

F.W. Ramsden, British diplomat, was also the first person documented to have climbed the peak of Pico Turquino, the highest point in Cuba.  (Image) (image2)


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306 CVR   image1893 (September 15), 1a  brown-purple and 2a blue, tied to registered cover from Dahijuri by small "C" in circle of bars, to  Kanigiri, Madras, with despatch and Mindapore transit backstamps, the 2a affixed to reverse, a scarce cancellation. (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
307 27 image1714 (April 14), disinfected letter to Verona, with enclosure sent by Domenico Corzola Ossemigo, showing a distinctive "charred" impression from disinfection by smoke, else quite fresh, a fine example of disinfected mail. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
308 7 imageModena, 1853 (April 22), 5c green strip of three on folded letter to Livorno,  with contents, franked with 5c green, period after figure, horizontal strip of three, cancelled by six-bars obliterator, with Carrara despatch c.d.s. (22 Apr) on front and Livorno c.d.s. arrival backstamp, slight stain at right, else a fresh and attractive franking; with 1988 Enzo Diena certificate. (Sassone #7). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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309 CVR 1 imageModena, 1856 (September 25), folded letter from Reggio to Carpi, with contents datelined "Reggio," franked with 5c black on green, tied by black horizontal line obliterator, black "REGGIO" two-line marking and blue "MODENA" hooded double-circle handstamp on front, fine. (Sc. #1, on cover $525). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Early States Naples
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
310   imageNaples, 1862 (October 4), invalid period folded cover from Naples to Agnone via Isernia, franked with 1861 2gr light blue, four margins, tied by a neatly-struck Napoli Porto thimble datestamp (4 Ott), with an additional strike on reverse, a lovely and extremely fine example, ex-Provera.

The stamps of Naples were officially declared invalid on October 1, though tolerated for two weeks thereafter, a choice usage from this unofficial period. (Image) (image2)


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Papal States
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
311 CVR 27, 8 imagePapal States, 1854 (March 13), transatlantic folded letter from Rome to New York, franked with 6b black on greenish gray and four 8b black Papal Seal, each tied by black "ROMA" double-circle datestamp, black boxed "P.P." marking, French red (20 Mar) double-circle transit and "N. YORK" (5 Apr) single-circle transit handstamps on front, vertical crease clear of stamps, an uncommon franking. (Sc. #27, 8(x4)). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
312   imageSardinia, 1861 (August 5), folded cover from Genova to Buenos Aires, franked with 20c ultramarine and two 40c vermilion, each with margins all around, tied by Genova despatch c.d.s., sent via London, bearing red "P.P." straight-line and red "SARDAIGNE / 5 AOUT 61 / CULOZ" French entry c.d.s., with next-day London transit c.d.s. alongside, light filing folds clear of adhesives, an attractive and rare franking to Argentina; signed Diena. (Image) (image2)


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313 16Da imageSardinia, 1863 (December 1), 40c vermilion on folded cover from Milano to Paris, adhesive with four margins, tied by a neatly-struck Milano c.d.s. (1 Dec), with "ITALIE LANSLEBOURG .. DEC. 63" French entry mark alongside, Torino transit and Paris arrival backstamp (4 Dec), a remarkably late usage, postmarked on the day of issue of the De La Rue adhesives of Italy and within the final month of validity for Sardinian adhesives, wonderfully fresh and very fine; signed Vaccari. (Sassone 16Da) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
314 CVR   imageTuscany, 1851 (July 3), transatlantic stampless folded letter from Livorno to London, re-directed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with manuscript "2/6" notation denoting the rate from Livorno to London and "6" (centimes) for payment from France to England, black "LIVORNO" double-ring c.d.s., black "T.S." Tuscany handstamp, "VIA DE SARZANA" two-line transit, "LS" Lombard Street (10 Jul) cross-design London Branch Office datestamp, French red double-circle transit, and red "LONDON" (10 Jul) receiver on back, re-directed to the United States, receiving a black "NEW YORK 48 A PCKT" single-line c.d.s. (23 Jun) on front, representing the 45c double weight rate plus 3c inland postage due, likely carried on the Collins Line steamer "Arctic", which departed Liverpool on June 11 and arrived in New York on June 22, a fine and scarce transatlantic letter. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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315 CVR 4 imageTuscany, 1857 (January 1), folded letter from Livorno to Napoli, franked with  imperforate strip of three 1cr carmine Lion, tied by "LIVORNO" double-circle datestamp, with oval "AMM GENL. DELLA POSTE" double-lined handstamp struck on front, Napoli (3 Jan) double-circle receiver on back, stamp at right with margins cutting into design at right and bottom, else a fine and scarce multiple franking. (Sc. #4). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Italy Republic Venice
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
316   imageRepublic of Venice, 1617, folded letter to the Deputies of Health of Salo regarding sterilization of goods, written by Lucrezio Bernardi, President of the College of Health of Salo, addressed to "the Deputies for Health" of the city, noting that the goods of one Settimo Scagini, having been "sterilized with smoke," may now be delivered to the intended recipients, with intact imprinted seal on reverse, includes translation and notes, an attractive and scarce early medical document, well-suited for a disinfected mail collection or for the enthusiast of early Italian or European postal history. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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Italian Kingdom
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
317 CVR 119-122 image1911 (May 31), registered cover from Genova to Zurich, Switzerland, franked with a complete set of the 50th Anniversary of the Kingdom of Italy, including two additional 2c values and an extra 15c, each tied by eight strikes of "GENOVA No. 9 PIAZZA CAMPETTO" double-circle datestamp, black "GENOVA No. 9" registration label on front, reverse with "AMB. GENOVA-MILANO" (31 May) and "FERROVIA RACCOMANDATA" (31 May) double-circle transits, two "ZURICH" (1 June) double-circle receivers, light wrinkles mostly confined to top, a scarce and attractive franking. (Sc. #119/22). (Image) (image2)


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318 CVR 138-141, 144, 146, Ethiop image1938 (January 1), airmail cover from Mogadishu to Switzerland, franked with 1c and 2c "Libia" overprinted Italian stamps and seven pictorial definitives, each tied by black "POSTA AEREA BENGASI" double-circle datestamp, "Italcable" promotional label untied on back, a couple corner creases, else fine-very fine and scarce. (Sc. #1/2, 47, 49, 50(x2), 53/55). (Image) (image2)


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319 CVR C95-C99 image1938 (May 13), Bimillenary of the Birth of Augustus Caesar, airmail set on cover from Milano to Pfäffikon, Switzerland, adhesives tied by multiple strikes of "MILANO CORISP PACCHI POSTA AEREA" double-circle datestamp, black boxed "PER VIA AEREA - PAR AVION" handstamp on front, crossed-out blue crayon postage due markings, no backstamps, an attractive and scarce set on cover. (Sc. #C95/99, set on overfranked cover $1,100). (Image)

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320 CVR 400-409, C100-C106 image1938 (December 16), Proclamation of the Empire complete regular and airmail set on four covers, from Milano to Pfäffikon, Switzerland, each stamp tied by multiple strikes of "MILANO CENTRO CORISPE. PACCHI ACCETI" double-circle datestamp, no backstamps, very fine and scarce on cover. (Sc. #400/409, C100/106). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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