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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Italian Libya
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
321 CVR 77-82 imageLibya, 1938 (July 18), Bimillenary of the Birth of Augustus Caesar set on registered cover from Bengasi to Chur, Switzerland, stamps tied by black "POSTA AEREA BENGASI" double-circle datestamp, black "BENGAZI (Corrispondenze)" registration label, green "RACCOMANDATA" straight-line handstamp, and blue "PER VIA AEREA - PAR AVION" etiquette on front, Chur (20 Jul) double-circle receiver and untied red "GIACOMO COSTA" label on reverse, an attractive and scarce set on cover. (Sc. #77/82). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
322 CVR 23-32 imageOccupation of Montenegro, 1941 (November 24), Crna Gora overprinted provisional set on censored registered cover from Cetinje to Berlin, Germany, franked with a complete set of ten red or black Cyrillic "CRNA GORA" overprints, each tied by black bilingual "CETINJE" single-circle datestamp, black "Cetinje" on blue and white registration label and two small censor-related markings on front, Berlin W35 (24 Nov) double-circle receiver and German censor seal on reverse, a scarce complete set on cover. (Mi. #23/32). (Image) (image2)


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Aegean Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
323 CVR C1-C3 imageRhodes, 1925 (July 18), Rodi (Egeo) to Zurich, Switzerland, twice-censored registered airmail cover, franked with 50c black & yellow, 80c black & magenta, and three black & green Symbolic of Flight airmail issues, each tied by black "POSTA AEREA RODI (EGEO)" double-circle datestamp, with an additional strike on reverse, black "RODI (EGEO)" registration label on front, Milan "POSTA ESTERA" transit and Zurich (1 Aug) double-circle receiver on back, two "Verificato per Censura" censor tapes tied by additional markings along top and bottom edges, an appealing and scarce censored airmail usage. (Sc. #C1, C2, C3(x3)) (Image) (image2)


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324 CVR 36-46 imageRhodes, 1935 (January 3), Centenary of the Military Medal of Valour set, favour cancelled on cover, franked with the complete regular mail set, tied by black "RODI EGEO" double-circle datestamp, no backstamps, a scarce complete set on cover. (Sc. #36-46, used stamps only $825). (Image)

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Italian Somaliland
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
325 CVR 138-141, 144, 146, Ethiop imageSomaliland, 1938 (July 27), airmail cover from Mogadishu to Switzerland, franked with seven different pictorial definitives, 1L airmail issue, and a 10c Italian Occupation of Ethiopia issue, each tied by black "MOGADISCIO SOMALIA ITALIANA" double-circle datestamp, blue on white "PER VIA AEREA – VIA AIRMAIL" registration label on front, no backstamps, small stains at upper light including to adhesive, a scarce mixed-franking usage. (Sc. #138/41, 144, 146 & Ethiopia #N1). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
326 CVR 134, 141 image1908 (October 9), registered cover from Kingston to Berlin, franked with seven different definitive issues, each tied by "KINGSTON / JAMAICA REGISTERED" double oval cancellations, with additional "R" in oval and blue crayon "7/108" registration marking on front, addressed to Steglitz, Berlin, with "Berlin" (24 Oct) single-circle arrival backstamp, transited via London (16 Oct) with two red hooded "REGISTERED" markings on front and back, some acidic ink erosion affecting script and two hinge remnants on reverse, else fine. (Sc. #12, 16, 24, 33/34, 58/59) (Image) (image2)


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327 CVR/blOF B1-3 image1926 (December 31), Port Antonio to Wisconsin, trio of covers with semi-postal blocks, one cover sent registered, each franked with a different block of four of the ½d, 1d, and 2½d Native Boy and Girl semi-postal issues, with a total of eight "PORT ANTONIO, JAMAICA" double-ring cancellations, all to Genesee Depot, Wisconsin, without backstamps save for the registered cover with transit backstamps including "KINGSTON, JAMAICA" (1 Jan) and two "NEW YORK" (6 Jan) oval double-ring c.d.s.on reverse, very fine. (Sc. #B1/3) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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328 CVR 88/97 image1928 (March 15), Kingston to Zurich, registered cover, franked with ten different ½d to 2sh pictorial definitives, each tied by "KINGSTON / JAMAICA REGISTERED" double-oval cancellations, to Switzerland, with single-circle and double-circle receiver cancels (2 Apr), London transit (31 Mar) with violet hooded "REGISTERED" marking, blue on white "KINGSTON JAMAICA" registration etiquette on back, an attractive and colourful franking. (Sc. #88/97) (Image) (image2)


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329 CVR 99 image1933 (February 20), Montego Bay to New York, registered special delivery cover, franked with 5sh ochre & blue "Woodland Scene", tied by "MONTEGO BAY / JAMAICA" double-circle c.d.s., with violet "Fee Claimed by Office of First Address" two-line handstamp, "BY AIR MAIL PAR AVION" and "EXPRES Special Delivery" etiquettes on front, multiple transit markings including Kingston (21 Feb) and Miami (24 Feb), a fine special delivery franking. (Sc. #99) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
330 CVR 79 image1894 (May 18), Yokohama to Larnaca, Cyprus, re-directed to England, uprated 1s postal stationery card, franked with a single 2s red Imperial Crest, tied by black "YOKOHAMA JAPAN MEIJI" foreign mail double-circle cancellations, "SAN FRANCISCO" (4 Jun) and "NEW YORK" (9 Jun) single-circle transits and "LARNACA" (3 Jul) receiver backstamps, upon receipt in Larnaca, a red manuscript crossed-out Larnaca and a 'Hessle Hull' instructional ship marking were applied, redirected to England, where it received a "LONDON" (20 Jul) single-circle marking, some small edge flaws and uniform toning to reverse, unusual. (Sc. #79(x3)). (Image) (image2)


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331 CVR 79 image1898 (October 1), registered cover from Yokohama to Albany, New York, United States, franked 10s brown orange Imperial Crest definitive single and vertical pair, each tied by  black "YOKOHAMA" foreign mail single-circle datestamp, manuscript "via San Francisco" directional marking, red "YOKOHAMA JAPAN" registration etiquette on front,  violet double-oval "REGISTERED SAN FRANCISCO CAL." (17 Oct) transit and "REGISTERED ALBANY" (24 Oct) three-line receiver on back, very fine. (Sc. #79(x3)). (Image) (image2)


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332 CVR   image1916 (April 26), Kurume Prisoner of War Camp cover to Coln, Germany, franked with black native Japanese "KURUME" double-circle cancellation, red "S. PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE" straight-line handstamp, and violet native Japanese double-circle Prisoner of War "A-Z" cachet on front, black "MOJI JAPAN"transit backstamp, very fine. (Image) (image2)


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333 CVR   image1916 (December 17), Kurume Prisoner of War Camp cover to Coln, Germany, franked with black native Japanese "KURUME" double-circle cancellation, violet native Japanese double-circle Prisoner of War "G Z" cachet, two red vertical three-character handstamps, and violet double-circle German censor marking on front,  tear to back flap, else fine. (Image) (image2)


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334 CVR 128, 129, 192, 193 image1928 (June 6), registered airmail cover from Tokyo to London, franked with 1s orange, six 1½s blue definitives, and a pair of 8s light red and 20s silver & gray green 20th Wedding Anniversary issues, tied by "TOKIO JAPAN" single-circle foreign mail cancellations, German red boxed two-line airmail handstamp, red "AIR MAIL" and violet "Via Siberia" directional markings, vertical boxed two-character handstamp, red vertical four-character handstamp, blue bilingual "PAR AVION" airmail label, and violet "TOKYO A" on red registration etiquette on front, with Moscow (16 Jun) and Berlin (17 Jun) double-circle transits and red "REGISTERED LONDON" (18 Jun) receiver on back, very fine. (Sc. #128, 129(x6), 192(x2), 193). (Image) (image2)


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335 CVR 206 image1930 (July 9), experimental first flight postal card from Fukuoka to Taihoku (Taiwan), franked with 1½s gray violet Great Shrine of Ise, with red "FUKUOKA" commemorative flight datestamp, blue-on-white vertical airmail label, which has been crossed outand red Japanese script notation added alongside, addressed to Higashiku, Nagoya, without backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #206, Mu #35). (Image)

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336 CVR 121, 172a, C3-C7 image1935 (June 29), registered airmail postal card from Tokyo to Switzerland, typed “Par avion; Tokio (crossed out) – Tschita – Moskau – Berlin – Zurich. Chargee,” franked with 5s violet definitive, 8s Mt. Fuji, and complete set of 8½s to 30s Passenger Plane over Lake Ashi airmail issues, tied by two "TOKIO NIPPON" double-circle cancellations, with blue bilingual "PAR AVION" airmail label and violet "TOKIO A" handstamp on blue-on-white airmail etiquette, with Basel Flugpost (18 Jul) double-circle receiver on front, and violet Hsingking (I.N.P.O.) (3 Jul), Harbin (4 Jul), and Manchoukuo (6 Jul) single-circle transits,  Olten (18 Jul) double-circle receiver backstamp, very fine. (Sc. #121, 172a, C3/7). (Image) (image2)


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337 CVR 156, 162-63, 191, 205-7, image1938 (November 28), registered cover from Okayama to Chur, Switzerland, franked with 10 different mostly commemorative issues, each tied by "OKAYAMA" native Japanese datestamps, with violet vertical boxed two-character and blue vertical five-character handstamps, red vertical four-character handstamp, and blue Simonoseki registration etiquette on front, with Chur (16 Dec) double-circlearrival backstamp, a striking franking, very fine. (Sc. #156, 162/63, 191, 205/7, 232/3, 257(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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338 7 image1948, Osaka and Nagoya Philatelic Exhibition imperforate souvenir sheet, tied by commemorative c.d.s. to censored cover to Portland, Maine, with typed inscription "First Day Cover of Philatelic Exhibition in Nagoya", additional franking on reverse, a scarce and attractive usage. (Image) (image2)


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339 CVR 1, 3 imageOffices in China, 1902 (December 24), Hankow to Switzerland, uprated postal stationery card, franked with 5r gray and two 1s light red-brown overprinted Chrysanthemum issues, each tied by three violet "HANKOW I.J.P.O." single-circle c.d.s., addressed to Bern, with Shanghai I.J.P.O. (29 Dec) and Hong Kong (4 Jan) transit markings, Bern (30 Jan) double-circle receiver on front, lightly toned on one side and slightly creased at corner, else fine. (Sc. #1, 3(x2)). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
340 CVR B1, B2, B3, B4 image1920 (December 28) multiple Semi-postal issues on registered cover Leepaja to Switzerland, envelope franked with a 50k purple numeral definitive, two 20+30k dark brown & red, 50+70k dark green & red and a strip of three and a single of 1+1.30k dark slate and red Mercy semi-postal issues, cancelled with nine (LEEPAJA LATWIJA) double circle cancellations and red boxed ‘R LEEPAJA’ registration marking on the front. Addressed to Zurich Switzerland with a black ZURICH Jan. 3 double circle receiver on back. (Sc. #23 B1(x2),B3, B4(x4)) (Image) (image2)


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