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Postal History, Foreign continued...

India continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
281 CVR 46, 52 image1855, 4a grey black and 8p purple horizontal pair, tied to folded cover by "1" numeral of Bombay (lines ascending from left to right), to Bordeaux, France, endorsed "via Marseilles", blue "Jules Siegfried & Co Bombay" merchant mark, "Cette a Bordeaux" (5 Apr) TPO and same-day Bordeaux arrival backstamp. (S.G. 46, 52) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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282 CVR   image1859, 4a black, 2a orange, and 8a carmine, tied to folded cover by octagonal "B/1", boxed INDIA PAID in red, to London, endorsed "Per Steamer via Marseilles", CDS receiver on front (28 Jan),  faint indistinct transit backstamp, filing folds, one through 4a, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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283 CVR   image1860 (February 14), 4a grey black and 2a orange,tied to cover by "97" diamond of bars, Ghazeepore c.d.s., to Bangor, Wales, boxed red INDIA PAID and LONDON PAID c.d.s., endorsed "via Bombay & Marseilles / Paid 6as" in manuscript, partial red Bombay transit and Bangor (23 Mar) arrival backstamp, fine. (Image) (image2)


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284 CVR   image1860, 8a carmine, tied to folded cover by "ARBUTHNOT & CO" forwarding agent handstamp, to Genova, crescent "INDIA PAID" in red, "15/15" accountancy mark in blue, endorsed "p. Steamer" in manuscript, with boxed arrival backstamp (10 Apr), typical filing folds, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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285 CVR   image1861, 2a orange and 4a grey black, tied to folded letter by "Calcutta '1'" duplex, boxed INDIA PAID in red, to London, endorsed "via Marseilles" in black, light split-ring 26 May arrival backstamp, attractive and fine. (Image) (image2)


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286 CVR   image1861, 2a yellow buff and 4a black, on Gladstone Wyllie & Co forwarding agent cover, adhesives tied by Calcutta "1" duplex (Cooper Type 9a) and oval GLADSTONE WYLLIE & CO forwarding agent handstamp, boxed red INDIA PAID, "EX Bombay OC 28 61" b/s, endorsed "Per Overland / via Bombay & Marseiles", with Liverpool arrival (21 Nov) backstamp, partial wrapper only. (Image) (image2)


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287 CVR   image1862 (January 14), 2a orange and 4a black, tied to folded letter from Madras to London by indistinct diamond grid cancel and oval Madras cancellation, double split-ring despatch backstamp, endorsed in manuscript "Via Marseilles / Stamped 6 Annas", handstruck INDIA PAID crescent and red "London EC / XB / FE 14 62 / PAID" receiver on front, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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288 CVR   image1862, 2a orange and 4a black, tied to cover by "Calcutta '1'" duplex, to London, handstruck "INDIA / PAID" in red, manuscript "via Marseilles / Stamped 6a", c.d.s. arrival backstamp (28 Jul), fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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289 CVR 48 image1862, Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co forwarding agent folded letter,  franked with 8a carmine, tied  by "CALCUTTA MY 8" "1" duplex, boxed red INDIA PAID and "LONDON HF PAID" (11 Jun) split-ring receiver on front, backstamped with cicular forwarding agent's strike of Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co. in blue, filing folds, else fine. (S.G. 48) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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290 CVR   image1865 (December 13), 2a orange, 4a green, and 8p mauve, tied to cover from Bombay to Dover by "BOMBAY / INDIA PAID" c.d.s., further cancelled in manuscript,  endorsed "via Marseilles", with 7 Jan c.d.s. arrival backstamp, includes contents datelined "Byculla Club, Bombay", some edge creasing, still a lovely three-colour franking. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8)

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291 CVR 66 image1865, 6a purple, cancelled with "B/1" octagon and blue "F.Casella & Co / Calcutta" merchant marking, to Naples, Italy, endorsed "per Str. Nubia" and "via Alexandria & Brindisi, Alexandria (6 Sep) transit c.d.s. on front, backstamped Calcutta Paid (3 Aug), Brindisi, and Napoli, reduced slightly at left, but a scarce franking.  (S.G. 66) (Image) (image2)


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292 CVR   image1866 (April 4), 2a orange, 4a green, and 8p mauve on cover from Nyneetall to Basingstoke, tied by Nyneetall  duplex, endorsed "Via Bombay and Marseilles" overtop of franking, red boxed "INDIA / PAID" and May 6 c.d.s. receiver on font, Bombay (11 Apr) transit backstamp, a lovely cover with tremendous eye-appeal. (Image) (image2)


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293 CVR 56, 69 image1867 (September 27), 8p purple pair and 4a green, tied by ideal strike of "Madras  / India Paid / Se 27 / 1867" & "1" duplex (Cooper Type 3c ), manuscript endorsement "Steamer via Suez", hooded "Madras Pd" datestamp, "Cette A Bordeaux" (24 Oct) TPO transit and same-day Bordeaux c.d.s. arrival backstamps, horizontal fold, fine; Cooper notes examples of this duplex are "quite scarce." (S.G. 56, 69) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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294 CVR   image1867, 2a orange, 4a green, and 8p mauve, tied to cover by "48" diamond cancel, INDIA PAID crescent handstamp, Manuntoddy double split-ring despatch backstamp, Bombay (4 Apr) transit, to London, with 6 May receiver on front, embossed red "VIA MARSEILLES" endorsement, an appealing cover with a scarce printed route directive, some edge creasing, else fine. (Image) (image2)


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295 CVR   image1867, three 2a orange, tied to mourning cover from Bangalore to Devon by "BANGALORE AP 13 / M-13" datestamp, additionally cancelled in manuscript, endorsed "per Steamer via Brindisi", to South Devon, England, with "OUTW BOMBAY " (16 Apr) transit and Dartmouth c.d.s. backstamps, some creasing as typical of these flimsy envelopes, else fine. (Image) (image2)


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296 CVR 35 image1868, 4a black on bluish paper, single franking to London, cancelled with indistinct octagonal cancel, boxed red handstamp "INDIA PAID", red manuscript rate notation, endorsed "Overland via Southampton", indistinct transit backstamps, fine. (S.G. 35) (Image) (image2)


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297 CVR   image1868, 6a8p slate and 2a orange, tied to cover by Abbotabad '223' duplex, additionally cancelled in manuscript, small red boxed "INDIA / PAID", to Heath, England, endorsed "via Marseilles", with Rawalpindee, Lahore (28 Nov), Bombay (4 Dec), and Heath (28 Dec) backstamps, small fault at lower left, an attractive usage from present-day Pakistan. (Image) (image2)


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298 CVR   image1871, 4a green vertical pair, tied to cover by "RAWALPINDI '18'" duplex (rather than "48"), present-day Pakistan, to London, endorsed "via Bombay & Brindisi", neatly-struck London EC D PAID (1 Apr)  receiver on front, red EX BOMBAY (11 May)  transit backstamp, some small edge faults, else fine. (Image) (image2)


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299 CVR   image1871, 8a rose, tied to cover by "B/1" octagon (Cooper Type 7), further tied by Bank of Bengal oval, to Almondsbury, Bristol, unusual printed notation at upper left "Via Bombay & Marseilles" crossed-out and "Brindisi" written below, Calcutta (15 Mar) and Almondsbury (8 Apr) c.d.s. backstamps, intact Bank wax seal on reverse, fine. (Image) (image2)


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300 CVR   image1872, 8a rose, single franking cover from Tellicherry to Torquay, misperforated with portion of adjacent stamp showing at top,tied by neatly-struck Tellicherry '90' duplex, to Torquay, South Devon, England, handstamped "VIA BOMBAY & BRINDISI" in green, neat "Agence Consulaire de France / Tellicherry / Republique Francaise" consular handstamp on back, with EX Bombay (23 Aug) and Torquay (17 Sep) backstamps, some creasing typical of these flimsy envelopes. (Image) (image2)


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