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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Great Britain Queen Victoria
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
261 CVR 100 image1886 (January 11), cover from London to Port Louis, Mauritius, with contents, franked with pair of 2d lilac Queen Victoria definitives, tied by black "LONDON N-12" single circle and barred numeral duplex cancellation, manuscript "Via Aden" directional marking on front. Port Louis, Mauritius G.P.O. (6 Feb) single circle receiver on back.  (Sc. #100(x2)) (Image) (image2)


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Great Britain
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
262 CVR 111 image1900 (June 1), uprated 1d Victorian postal stationery cover from Palmers Green to Bulawayo, Rhodesia, re-directed to Mafeking, Cape of Good Hope, shortly after the siege, franked with a strip of three ½d orange Victorian definitives, tied by four "PALMERS GREEN S.O." squared circle cancellations, initially addressed to Bulawayo, Rhodesia, with Bulawayo (25 Jun) double circle receiver, then re-addressed to Mafeking, Cape of Good Hope, receiving Bulawayo (27 Jun) departure c.d.s. and Mafeking (1 Jul) squared circle receiver, further Mafeking (8 Jul) and (22 Aug) squared circles applied, before being sent to Cape Town, evidenced by the red "RETURNED LETTER OFFICE CAPETOWN" circular handstamp on reverse, a fine and scarce cover, posted only days after the Siege of Mafeking ended on May 17, 1900. (GB Sc. #111(x3)) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
263 CVR   imageBritish Post Office in Valparaiso, 1860, folded letter to New York via Panama, postmarked on back with British Post Office VALPARAISO double split-ring (Nov 18), Panama “A” double split-ring (Dec 6) on front, to New York, struck with fine two-line “PAID TO / PANAMA” in red and black circular “Steamship /10” due marking, a lovely and fresh cover; ex Brian Moorhouse Estate.  (Image) (image2) (image3)

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British Levant
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
264 CVR   imageOffices in the Levant, 1921 (August 3), registered cover from Constantinople to Melbourne, Australia, franked with two 71/2d / PIASTRES on 5d. yellow brown, tied by double-circle “British Post Office / Constantinople” c.d.s., second strike on reverse, corresponding registration etiquette affixed at upper left, backstamped Port Said (21 Aug), Melbourne/ Vic and Registered/Melbourne (21 Sep), small tear to back flap, some discoloration in places, else fine. (Image) (image2)


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265 5 imageOffices in the Levant, 1894 (January 17), 80pa uprated 40pa stationery cover, Constantinople to New York, registered, indicia and adhesive each cancelled with “British Post Office / Stamboul” c.d.s., free strike at lower left, red “Registered / London” hooded transit (22 Jan) on front, reverse with two violet c.d.s. receivers, typical light wrinkles, fine. (Sc. 5) (Image) (image2)


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British Military Post II. World War
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
266 CVR   imageMiddle Eastern Forces, 1947 (March 19), Asmara to Lucerne, Switzerland, cover franked with two 6d and single 3d "M.E.F." overprints, tied by multiple strikes of “Asmara Centro Corrispondenze e Pacchi” c.d.s., corner card of Import/Export firm of Pietro Fontana, without backstamps, small opening tears at top, else fine. (Image)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
267 CVR 11, 20 image1878 (December 26), folded letter from Pointe-à-Pitre to Nantes, France,  franked with imperforate 10c bistre on rose and 25c blue Ceres French Colonies definitive issues, endorsed with manuscript "Voie Anglaise" route directive, each stamp tied by "PAQ.ANG. POINTE A PITRE GUADE" double circle cancellations, with red "COL. FR. ANGL. AMB." (14 Jan) double circle transit on front, reverse with Paris à Rennes (15 Jan) and Nantes Loire Inférieure (15 Jan) c.d.s. backstamps, some tone spots, filing folds, else fine. (Sc. #11, 20). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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Old German States Heligoland
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
268 CVR 19A image1890 (July 17), registered cover to Schandau, franked with 1Sh/1Mk deep green and carmine bi-currency issue, tied by two "HELIGOLAND" double split-ring, Schandau (19 Jul) single-circle receiver on reverse, vertical crease breaking paper at top and bottom, upper left corner reinforced with archival tape, but an uncommon example. (Sc. #22; Mi. #19A). (Image) (image2)


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269 CVR 13-16, 18 image1890 (August 9), registered cover to Hamburg, franked with 5Pfg, 10Pfg, 20Pfg, 25Pfg, and 50Pfg bi-currency issues, each tied by "HELIGOLAND" double split-ring datestamps, Hamburg (10 Aug) c.d.s. arrival backstamp, very fine. (Sc. #16/19, 21; Mi. #13/16, 18). (Image) (image2)


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Hong Kong
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
270 CVR 134, 141 image1936 (November 5), Hong Kong to Foochow first flight cover, franked with 5c violet and 30c yellow and violet George V definitives, tied by "HONG KONG AIR MAIL" double-circle cancellation, with "MINHOW (FOOCHOW)" (6 Nov) bilingual single-circle receiver alongside, blue on white "BY AIR MAIL – PAR AVION" etiquette, manuscript "Unknown Ret’d to sender", red boxed "CANTON" (25 Nov) handstamp and black bilingual "CANTON" single-circle transit on back, overall age toning, else fine. (Sc. #134, 141) (Image) (image2)


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271 CVR 168-173 image1941 (May 16), Victoria to Mosman, Australia, Centenary of British Rule, set on censored airmail cover, franked with the complete set of the 2c to $1 commemoratives, tied by two "VICTORIA HONG KONG" double-circle cancellations, violet "CENSORED 976" diamond- handstamp on red-on-white censor tape affixed at left, slightly trimmed at left with a small piece missing from the back flap edge, else fine. (Sc. #168/73) (Image) (image2)


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272 CVR 157, 161, 175 image1946 (October 22), Hong Kong to Singapore, mixed issue franking airmail cover,  with two 2c green and three 30c olive bistre George VI definitives, $1 carmine & brown Peace issue, tied by four "HONG KONG" double-circle cancellations, blue "BOAC" airline directional manuscript on front and "By BOAC AIRMAIL" manuscript on back, light vertical crease, else a fine and attractive post-war franking. (Sc. #157(x2), 161(x3), 175) (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
273 CVR 3 image1856 (September 21), folded cover from Szegedin to Pesth, Hungary, franked with strip of three imperforate 3Kr red Coat of Arms issue, clear margins all around, cancelled by two strikes of "SZEGEDIN" single circle cancellations, Pesth "Fruh" single circle receiver on back, fine. (Sc. #3, $275). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
274 CVR C1-2 image1929 (June 26), registered first day cover from Reykjavik to Akureyri, franked with 5a gray Golden Falls definitive and 50a gray and violet airplane overprinted issue, each tied by black "REYKJAVIK" double-ring c.d.s. on the first day of issue for the 50a stamp, blue on white "Reykjavik" registration label and black on light blue "Par Avion" label on front, Akureyri (3 Jul) double-circle receiver on back, slightly naturally rounded edge at lower left, else a fine and attractive FDC. (Sc. #C1/2, Facit #160/61, FDC 5,000K). (Image) (image2)


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275 CVR C1-2 image1935 (August 8), registered Thor Solberg first flight cover from Reykjavik to Bergen, franked with 10a red and 25a dark violet definitives, 1k dark brown and 2k red orange airmail issues, each tied by black "REYKJAVIK" double-ring c.d.s., green "Solbergs-flug 1 August 1935" flight cachet, Bergen (16 Aug) machine transit cancel, forwarded to Berlin, Germany with Berlin (18 Aug) double-ring receiver on back, some light creasing at right, a difficult flight cover. (Sc. #170, C17, C19/20, Mu #31). (Image) (image2)


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276 CVR 240-245 image1944 (June 17), 10a to 10k Jón Sigurðsson set on registered first day cover, from Þingvellir to Reykjavik, each stamp tied by black "PINGVELLIR" double-ring c.d.s, blue on white "Reykjavik" registration label and black bilingual "First Day Cover" handstamp on front, Reykjavik (18 June) double-circle receiver on back, fresh and very fine. (Sc. #240/45; Facit #268/73, 161 FDC 800K). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
277 CVR   image1848 (10 April) folded letter to England via Madras, fully prepaid 4a rate to Madras (Apr 14), on to England with 1/- rate in manuscript, handstamped red crescent "INDIA PAID", carried by the P&O Overland Route via Suez & Alexandria, endorsed "via Southampton / via Madras" at lower left, to the saddlers H&T Peat, Picadilly, London, portion trimmed from back, else fine appearance. (Image) (image2)


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278 CVR   image1848 (18 August) Calcutta to France, stampless folded letter, datelined Calcutta, boxed INDIA and INDIA PAID in red, to Nantes, endorsed "p. Overland Express Mail via Marseille", Bordeaux c.d.s. backstamp (3 Oct), a fine stampless letter to France. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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279 CVR   image1849 (15 December) Salisbury to 14th Native Infantry, Bingapore, stampless folded letter, struck on front with  PAID DE 16 and DE 17 datestamps,  to James Graham with the 14 Native Infantry, Bingapore, received on 20 Feb 1850 via Bombay (30 January), forwarded to Titalyah, with undated arrival backstamp, vertical filing fold, attractive and fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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280 CVR   image1852 (6 June) Pondicherry to France, stampless outer wrapper, prepaid 1anna from Pondicherry to Madras, (Image) (image2)


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