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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Gibraltar continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
241 CVR   image1857 (January 20), San Roque to Cadiz, folded letter with contents, franked with imperforate 4c red Isabella II, tied by oval grid obliterator, with blue SAN ROQUE CADIZ double circle postmark on front,  Cadiz (21 Jan) double circle arrival backstamps, fine. (Sc. #37) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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242 CVR   image1865 (July 5), Gibraltar to New York, transatlantic folded letter, with contents, franked with 1d rose red (Plate 72) and five 2d deep blue (Plate 9) Victoria issues of Great Britain, each tied by Gibraltar "A26" duplex, red "London" small double-circle transit (10 Jul), black "New York 21" receiver (25 Jul) on front, no backstamps, a fine and scarce franking. (Sc. #33, 29(5); S.G. Z19, Z22) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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243 CVR   image1875 (September 6), Gibraltar to Malta, folded letter, franked with 2½d rosy-mauve on blued paper (Plate 1) Victoria issue of Great Britain, tied by Gibraltar "A26" duplex cancellation, black Malta single-circle receiver (11 Sep) backstamp, no contents, fine; with 1994 Royal Philatelic Society certificate. (Sc. #66; S.G. #4, Z23) (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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244 CVR   image1903 (December 4), Gibraltar to London, re-directed to the United States, uprated 2d Edward VII registered postal stationery cover, affixed with two 1d violet on red Edward VII definitives, each tied by oval "REGISTERED GIBRALTAR" cancellations, to London, upon arrival (18 Dec) re-directed to the United States and further franked with a pair of Great Britain 1½d Edward VII issues, tied by three "REGISTERED S.W.D.O." and "HAYMARKET B.O." single-circle cancellations (19 Dec), forwarded to Cleveland, Ohio, with oval New York transit (27 Dec) and violet double-circle Cleveland receiver (29 Dec) backstamp, an unusual and choice franking. (Sc. #37, 129(2); H&G #C3) (Image) (image2)


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Great Britain
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
245 CVR   image1838 (August 24), London to Gibraltar, stampless folded letter, with contents, endorsed "Per Calpe" ship directive, struck on front with red PAID SHIP LETTER LONDON oval crown handstamp, manuscript notation indicating receipt on (6 Sep),a fine transatlantic entire. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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246 CVR   image1840 (Apr. 14) London Ship letter to Fall River, Massachusetts, with commercial contents, rated in manuscript and struck with red rimless “SHIP LETTER LONDON PAID” datestamp, alongside red PAID / 14 AP 14 / 1840 Maltrese Cross, red NEW YORK / SHIP receiver (5 May), light filing folds, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Great Britain Mulready and Caricature
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
247 CVR   image1840 (January 28), 1d. Mulready letter sheet to Willington, struck with red Maltese Cross, without backstamps, some small marks or adhesions on reverse, else fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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248 ME1k image1840 (March 13), 1d Mulready letter sheet, Forme 1, Stereo A30, bearing a very fine strike of the black Maltese Cross, with Launceston despatch c.d.s. on reverse, a lovely and fresh example, very fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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249   image1840 (May 21), 1d Mulready envelope to Sherborne, "May Date" usage, postmarked with an ideal red Maltese Cross, London despatch backstamp (21 May) on reverse, addressed to Sherborne, Dorset, a lovely and scarce early May usage with tremendous visual appeal. (Image) (image2)


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250   image1840 (September), 1d Mulready letter sheet, Stereo A40, Corn Hill to Regent’s Park, struck with red "Corn Hill" handstamp, overstruck with black Maltese Cross, with "SP 9" arrival backstamp, contents printed for A. Cuddy by I. Page, Horseferry Road, featuring various advertisements including gunpowder sales, "Hill's Transparent Anti-Ophiasis," "Price & Co's Perfumery," "Bentley's Extract of Honey" hair tonic, Watts & Co "Foreign Wine Establishment," and Crosswaite's Occult Lozenges for "Cure of Asthma, Coughs, Sore Throats," etc., usual filing folds, fine and scarce. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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251   image1840 (October), 1d Mulready letter sheet to Edinburgh, Forme 1, Stereo A17, postmarked with a choice strike of the distinctive Perth Maltese Cross, with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (24 Oct), light horizontal fold along bottom, a lovely Scottish usage. (S.G. Spec. ME1un). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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252 ME1k image1840, 1d Mulready letter sheet to Southampton, Forme 5, Stereo A243, neat central strike of red Maltese Cross on front, with presumed Romsey despatch backstamp (21 Sep) and Southampton c.d.s. receiver, a remarkably fresh and attractive examplevery fine. (S.G. Spec. ME1k). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Great Britain
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
253 CVR   image1849 (December 13), folded mourning cover from London to Oran, Algeria, struck on front with black “B / Crown / E” double-rim c.d.s., “Angl. / Calais” TPO transit (14 Dec) and “Ligne De Calais / No 2” c.d.s. (14 Dec), reverse with Oran c.d.s. receiver (29 Dec), creasing in places, else a fine folded letter to an uncommon destination. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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254 CVR 14 image1853 (February 25), 2d. blue strip of six on transatlantic cover to New York, the stamps lettered IG-IL, margins large to into design in places, affixed to reverse of cover, each stamp cancelled with “620” barred oval, struck below with Plymouth double split-ring dispatch, green oval “L / FE 26” transit, red “5 CENTS” and “N. YORK. BR. PKT / PAID” c.d.s. on front, the strip with various faults, heavily creased through IJ, but a most unusual franking. (S.G. 14) (Image) (image2)


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255 27 image1858 (October 31), London to St. Catharines, Canada West, cover endorsed "per Canadian Packet", franked with wing-margin 6d lilac, tied by London "78" duplex, with split-ring arrival backstamp, an attractive and fine transatlantic usage. (Sc. #27). (Image) (image2)


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Great Britain Queen Victoria
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
256 CVR 48 (Pl. 4) image1870 (October 23), 1sh green Victoria cover from Birmingham to Potchefstroom, Transvaal, adhesive tied to cover by Birmingham duplex, endorsed in manuscript “via Devonport & Cape”, Cape Town c.d.s. transit (30 Nov) on front, reverse with Plymouth (25 Oct), Cape Packet / Plymouth (25 Oct), and Potchefstroom / Zuid Afrika (14 Dec) receiver, some scattered toning, else fine. (Sc. 48, Pl. 4) (Image) (image2)


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257 CVR 48, (Pl. 11), 59, (Pl.6) image1872 (August 9), 1sh green and 6d brown on folded letter from London to Lisbon, Portugal, with stamps tied by London “87” duplex, endorsed “via France”, struck with black oval “FRANCA” and red oval “PD” alongside, reverse with neatly-struck Lisbon receiver (14 Aug), some light wrinkles typical of this flimsy paper, else fine. (Sc #48, Pl. 11, #59, Pl.6) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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258 CVR 60 image1874 (May 7), folded letter from London to Porto, Portugal, franked with 6d grey, Plate 12, lettered SF, tied by London “100” duplex, endorsed “via Bordeaux & Lisbon”, struck on front with two oval red “PD” handstamps, oval “FRANCA”, reverse with Lisbon transit (12 May) and next-day c.d.s. receiver, quite fresh, fine. (Sc. 60). (Image) (image2)


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259 CVR #33 Pl. 204(2), #67 Pl.10 image1878 (May 3), registered cover from London to Stralsund, Germany, franked with pair of 1d red and 2½d claret, tied by “383” barred oval with REGISTERED oval strikes of Hull (3 May) and London (4 May) in red, endorsed “via Ostende”, affixed with ‘Vom Ausland uber Bahnp. 10 Verviers-Coln’ railway registration etiquette, with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (6 May), a few small flaws, horizontal filing fold, but a pleasing mixed-franking. (Sc #33 Pl. 204(2), #67 Pl.10) (Image) (image2)


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Great Britain
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
260 CVR   image1885 (December 16), Charing Cross Hoster machine cancel, on 1d. brown Victoria postal stationery card to Dedham, Massachusetts, handstamped “VIA SOUTHAMPTON” route directive, reverse with printed text regarding the publication of the book “Dwellers on the Nile”, a lovely usage of this scarce cancellation. (Image) (image2)


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