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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Old German States Thurn and Taxis continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
221 CVR 2 imageSouthern District, 1860 (December 20), 3kr blue imperforate strip of three on folded letter to Elberfeld, margins cut into or touched in places, tied by 163 four-ring number cancel of Worms, black Mainz (21 Dec), Cologne, and Mainz transit backstamps, some light wrinkles, else fine. (Sc #48; Mi. 2) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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222 CVR   imageSouthern District, 1861 (March 6), 9kr yellow on folded letter to Bremen, ample to large margins on three sides, cut into at top, tied to cover by black “270” four-ring numeral of Coburg, choice c.d.s. at upper right, reverse with Meingen transit (7 Mar) and next-day Bremen receiver, horizontal filing fold crossing adhesive, else fresh and fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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223 CVR 24, 41, 43 imageSouthern District, 1863 (June 7), transatlantic cover from Homberg to Boston, Massachusetts, United States, franked with rouletted 1Kr green and 6Kr blue, and imperforate 15Kr lilac Numeral issues, margins typically closed to touched, each cancelled by black "218" (Homberg) four-ring cancellation, corresponding black c.d.s. alongside, struck below with red "PAID 10" in truncated boxed marking, backstamped with "Bremen" (8 June) boxed transit cancellation, two tears at bottom, light overall creasing, but a scarce franking; signed "Bühler BPP". (Sc. #51, 60, 62; Mi. #24, 41, 43). (Image) (image2)


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224 CVR 20, 24, 33 imageSouthern District, 1864 (April 26), transatlantic cover from Sonnefeld to Lehighton, Pennsylvania, United States, franked with imperforate 1Kr green, 6Kr blue, and 15Kr lilac Numeral issues, each cancelled by black "353" (Sonnefeld) four-ring and single-circle cancellations. Red "PD" in oval, "N. YORK 10" (16 May) single circle, and "AM. PACKET 3" single circle transit markings on front, backstamped with "BREMEN THS TK" (27 Apr), "BAHNHOF COBURG" (27 Apr) single circle, and "BREMEN" (28 Apr) boxed transit cancellations, margins cut close on all stamps, sealed tear at bottom and a few small pieces missing from back, but a scarce three-colour franking. (Sc. #47, 51, 54; Mi. #20, 24, 33). (Image) (image2)


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German Empire
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
225 CVR 1, 3 image1872 (January 23), folded cover from Königsberg to Soldin (now Myślibórz, Poland), franked with ¼Gr violet and ½Gr Eagle & Small Shield issues, each tied by black Königsberg single-ring c.d.s., reverse with black "AUSG. No. 4" (24 Jan) transit marking, light filing folds, a fine first-issue franking. (Sc. #1, 3; Mi. #1, 3). (Image) (image2)


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226 CVR 7, 10 image1872 (January 23), transatlantic folded letter from Frankfurt to New York, with printed contents, franked with 1Kr green and 7Kr Eagle & Small Shield issues, tied by three black Frankfurt A.M. single-ring c.d.s., red "NEW YORK PAID" (2 Sep) transit on front, no markings on reverse, vertical fold through one 1kr adhesive, else fine and attractive. (Sc. #7, 10; Mi. #7, 10). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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227 CVR 6, 20 image1872 (October 19), cover from Berlin to Botzdorf, franked with 5Gr bister Eagle & Small Shield and 2Gr Eagle & Large Shield issues, each tied by black Berlin double-ring c.d.s., no markings on reverse, fine. (Sc. #6, 18; Mi. #6, 20). (Image) (image2)


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German Empire, 1872 Large shield issue
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
228 CVR 13, 21a image1873 (August 22), folded money letter from Berlin to Pest, Hungary, with contents, franked with 30Gr blue Numeral and 2½Gr orange brown Eagle & Large Shield issues, cancelled by black boxed "POST-EXP. 1" handstamp, additional manuscript cancellation on 30Gr value, with red "aus Berlin Post-Umt 12" registration label on front, no markings on reverse, small pieces missing from side folds, not affecting overall appearance, a scarce franking; internally signed "HENNIES BPP". (Sc. #13, $1,350 with pen cancellation and postmark; 19; Mi. #13, €1,800 with pen cancellation and postmark; 21a). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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German Empire
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
229 CVR 29 image1875 (February 28), transatlantic cover from Bautzen to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States, with contents, franked with 2½Gr on 2½Gr brown surcharged Eagle & Large Shield, tied by black Bautzen double-ring c.d.s., smudgy red "NEW YORK PAID" arrival marking on reverse, creases and sealed tear at top, stain at lower left, but a difficult franking. (Sc. #27; Mi #29). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6)

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230 CVR 62, 63 image1900 (August 20), registered cover from Colmar to Basel, Switzerland, franked with 80Pf lake & black on rose paper Germania and 1Mk carmine rose Reichspost issues, each tied by black Colmar single-ring c.d.s., "Colmar (Els) Eingeschrieben" registration label on front, Basel (20 Aug) receiver on reverse, small part of top backflap removed. (Sc. #61, 62; Mi. #62, 63 MiF, €420). (Image) (image2)


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German Empire, 1923/32 Weimar Republic
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
231 CVR C38-C39 image1930 (May 19), Zeppelin First South America Flight, Round Trip cover, franked with two 2M and two 4M Graf Zeppelin "South America Flight" Air Post issues, each cancelled on board with "Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin"c.d.s., struck with violet "EUROPE - PAN AMERICA - ROUND FLIGHT" cachet and circular rose confirmation cachet, with blue airmail etiquette alongside, reverse with Friedrichshafen (6 Jun) and Berlin (7 Jun) c.d.s. backstamps, a scarce franking and desirable example carried from Germany to South America & returned. (Sc. #C38/C39; Sieger #208A) (Image) (image2)


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232 CVR Blk 1 image1930 (Sept. 18), IPOSTA semi-postal souvenir sheet on cover from Berlin to Karlsruhe, franked with a full souvenir sheet of four, commemorating the Berlin International Philatelic Exhibition, struck with two black "BERLIN W62" special event cancellations depicting the Brandenburg Gate, no backstamps, two vertical creases clear of the sheet, slight oxidization spots, and a glue stain at the bottom left, a scarce franking. (Sc. #B33, Mi. Blk #1, €2,400). (Image) (image2)


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German Empire, 1933/45 Third Reich
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
233 CVR   image1944 (June 28), Mauthausen Concentration Camp, folded cover to Hohenelbe, Sudetenland (now Czechia), with contents, franked with 12Pfg bright carmine Hitler issue, tied by black Mauthausen double-ring c.d.s., violet "Poststelle k.L.M zensiert" censor marking on front, a few small stains, else fine. (Sc. #513; Mi. #788). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
234 CVR 17 image1948 (January 10), cover from Berlin to Columbus, Ohio, United States, franked with 1Mk olive, tied by black "BERLIN" double-ring c.d.s. and "LUFTBRÜCKE BERLIN" cancellation, no postal markings on reverse. (Sc. #9N17; Mi. #17, €320). (Image)

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235 CVR 25, 67 image1949, registered cover with BERLIN overprint franking to Nurnberg, franked with 15pf chocolate overprinted BERLIN in red and 3mk copper red overprinted with 1mk BERLIN in dark green, each tied to cover by Berlin c.d.s., 15pf adhesive with corner crease, no backstamps, edge creases and small edge tears, but an uncommon franking. (Sc. #9N25, 9N67) (Mi. #25, 67 MIF €350) (Image) (image2)


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236 CVR 24-26 image1949 (January 20), registered first day cover from Berlin to the United States, franked with 10Pfg yellow green, 15Pfg chocolate, 20Pfg blue, and 60Pfg red brown, each with red "BERLIN" overprint, tied by three black Berlin double-ring c.d.s., double-ring "ERSTER AUSGABETAG" handstamp on front, addressed to Berlin with same-day (20 Jan) double-circle backstamp, an attractive and scarce first day usage. (Sc. #9N24/6, 9N31; Mi. #24/6, 31, €1,500). (Image) (image2)


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German Federal Republic
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
237 CVR 121-2 image1950 (July 28), Johann Sebastian Bach Bicentenary first day cover to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, franked with 10+2Pfg green and 20+3Pfg deep carmine semi-postal issues, each tied by black Aachen double-ring c.d.s, no backstamps, very fine. (Sc. #B314/5; Mi. #121/2, €650). (Image) (image2)


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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
238 CVR   image1813 (April 24), stampless folded letter from Gibraltar to Palermo, with clear red GIBRALTAR PAID arc handstamp on front, contents indicate receipt on May 21, a fine letter to Sicily. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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239 CVR   image1815 (May 18), stampless folded letter from Gibraltar to London, with manuscript "5/8" rate marking and red GIBRALTAR arc handstamp on front, contents indicate receipt on June 12, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5)

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240 CVR   image1826 (June 26), stampless folded letter to Genova, with contents, struck on front with red S. ROCQUE FRANCA two-line and M. GIBa. S. ROQUE ANDa. BAXA three-line Spanish handstamps, black T.F., ESPAGNE PAR BAYONNE two-line French entry mark, and NIZZA DI MARE one-line Italian handstamp, red 15. LUGLIO straight-line arrival backstamp, typical wrinkles, fine. (Image) (image2) (image3)

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