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Postal History, Foreign continued...

Old German States Lubeck
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
201 CVR   image1866 (Jan. 30) 1-1/4sch dark brown Coat of Arms, two singles on folded letter to Hammer, adhesives with ample to large margins, tied by black  double-circle “Luebeck” c.d.s., reverse with next-day c.d.s. receiver, fine.  (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Prussia
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
202 CVR Prussia 20, NDP 4, 6 image1868 (December 5), Prussia and North German Confederation mixed-franking registered cover, franked with 1gr red and 5gr bistre, in conjunction with 10sg rose Prussian imperforate, tied by Potsdam c.d.s., to Magdeburg, with black c.d.s. struck on front alongside "Aus Potsdam" registration etiquette, December 6 arrival backstamp, Prussian adhesive trimmed on three sides, some soiling in places, but an uncommon franking. (Sc. Prussia #21, NDP #4, 6; Mi. Prussia 20, NDP 4, 6). (Image) (image2)


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Old German States North German Confederation
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
203 CVR 4, 6, 25, 26 image1869 (May 11) multi-franking money letter cover to Naples, Italy, franked on reverse with 1Gr red vertical strip of three, 5 Gr bister cancelled with black “RONSDORF” boxed cancellation and pair of 10 Gr gray and 30 Gr blue with “RONSDORF” manuscript cancels, affixed with ‘aus Ronsdorf’ registration etiquette, manuscript endorsement ‘via Innsbruck alla strada ferrata’, wax seal removed reducing top of bottom back flap, vertical fold crossing 10gr pair, else a fine and uncommon usage. (Sc. #4, 6, 25,26; Mi. 4, 6, 25, 26) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Wurttemberg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
204 CVR 41a image1869 (October 5), 14kr orange single franking on registered cover to Hamburg, tied by black Stuttart c.d.s., free strike alongside, reverse with Hamburg (7 Oct) arrival backstamp, full wax seal on reverse, light wrinkles in places, else fine, a difficult franking. (Sc. #52, $700; Mi. #41a). (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Baden
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
205 CVR 1 imageBaden, 1853 (February 3), 1kr black on buff on folded letter from Meßkirch, locally addressed, cancelled by untied five-ring "92" (Meßkirch) and boxed (6 Feb) datestamp on front, adhesive cut into at bottom right and upper left, an unusually fresh "first issue" entire. (Sc. #1, Mi. #1). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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206 CVR 5 imageBaden, 1856 (March 7), 1kr black on white strip of three on folded letter from Karlsruhe to Eberbach, cancelled by five-ring "24" (Karlsruhe) and free strike of boxed datestamp,  E.B. (7 Mar) receiver backstamp, strip with margins cut into at top and sides, else fine. (Sc. #6; Mi. #5). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Bavaria
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
207 CVR 53ya, 56y, 60-68y, 69x, 7 imageBavaria, 1907 (October 24), money letter cover from Straubing to Munich, franked on back with perforated 1Mk to 5Mk and 2Pfg to 80Pfg Coat of Arms issues, neatly-cancelled by double-ring "STRAUBING 1" c.d.s. on both front and back, Munich (25 Oct) single-ring receiver on reverse, alongside mostly intact Reichsbank wax seals, some toning to reverse, creases, an otherwise fine philatelic franking. (Sc. #54/71; Mi. #53ya, 56y, 60-68y, 69x, 70x). (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Brunswick
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
208 CVR 12 imageBrunswick, 1854 (January 5), 3sgr rose, single franking on folded letter from Blankenburg to Vienna, Austria, adhesive with clear margins all around, cancelled by blue boxed "BLANKENBURG 5/1 *6-7" marking, black boxed "HALBERSTADT" and single-circle "WIEN" (8 Jan) receiver on front, reverse with "BAHNHOF 6/1 *8-9" transit, some edge separation reinforced with adhesive tape, otherwise fine. (Sc. #11; Mi. #12). (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Hamburg
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
209 CVR 2 imageHamburg, 1859 (September 6), 1sch brown Numeral, two singles on folded letter  to Lübeck, affixed to cover slightly overlapping, margins large to just touched, cancelled by four-bar cancellation, with "HAMBURG" Schmetterlingsstempel (butterfly) postal marking on front, "X No. 1" single-circle transit marking on back, filing folds and tone spots, but an uncommon franking. (Sc. #2; Mi. #2). (Image) (image2) (image3)

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Old German States Hanover
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
210 CVR 1 imageHanover, 1850 (March 9), folded letter from Hildesheim to Vienenburg, franked with single imperforate 1gr black on gray blue Coat of Arms, large to very large margins on three sides, touched at upper right,  cancelled by crisp blue "HILDESHEIM" single circle cancellation, quite fresh, fine. (Sc. #1; Mi. #1). (Image) (image2)


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211 CVR 3b imageHanover, 1853 (February 13), 1/30th black on salmon, on folded letter from Osnabrück to Hamm, large to very large margins all around, cancelled by blue "OSNABRÜCK" single circle cancellation, backstamped with "AUSG N 2" (14 Feb) and "MÜNSTER" (14 Feb) double circle transits, stamp shows no signs of being impacted by horizontal filing fold, a pleasing franking. (Sc. #3; Mi. #3b). (Image) (image2) (image3) (image4)

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212 CVR 4 imageHanover, 1854 (April 5), 1/15Th black on gray blue, single franking on returned folded letter from Harburg, margins touched to into framelien on two sides,, cancelled by blue "HARBURG" double circle cancellation, with "HARBURG" arrival backstamp (7 Apr), light filing folds clear of adhesive, trivial soiling in places, else fine. (Sc. #5; Mi. #4). (Image) (image2)


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213 CVR 6 imageHanover, 1856 (circa) (November 3), 3pf rose single-franking on folded letter from Marienhafe to Bockhorn, stamp with ample to large margins on three sides, touched at lower right,  cancelled by blue "MARIENHAFE" double circle c.d.s., slightly reduced at one side, else fine. (Sc. #6; Mi. #6). (Image) (image2)


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214 CVR 11 imageHanover, 1859 (Aug. 1) 1/15th black with green network, single franking on folded letter from Luchow to Magdeburg, margins close to ample on all sides, tied by blue boxed "Luchow" datestamp, reverse with AUSG (2 Aug) c.d.s. receiver, small part of flap removed, else fresh and fine. (Sc. #13 ; Mi. 11) (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Mecklenburg Schwerin
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
215 CVR 1 imageMecklenburg, 1856 (July 1) 1&1/2 Sch postal stationery cover, uprated with 1/4 Sch red Coat of Arms imperforate pair, even margins all around, tied to cover by black “WISMAR BAHNHOF” double circle datestamp, to Neustadt, with Hagenow/Rostock railway transit (2 Jul) backstamp, some overall toning spots and small edge flaws, else fine; signed Diena. (Sc. #1/U2; Mi. 1).  (Image) (image2)


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Old German States Thurn and Taxis
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
216 CVR 13 imageNorthern District, 1860 (November 13), 1/3sgr black on buff strip of three, imperforate, on folded cover to Hochheim, tied by black “273” four-ring numeral cancel of Gotha, with corresponding c.d.s. alongside, without backstamps, strip cut into on one stamp, file fold crosses another, otherwise fine, a scarce franking. (Sc. #2; Mi. 2 €2,000) (Image) (image2)


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217 CVR 17 imageNorthern District, 1862 (October 2), 3sgr red-brown on folded cover to Nurnberg, single franking, margins closed to cut into at right, tied by black four-ring “302” numeral cancel of Luebeck, with corresponding c.d.s., reverse with black two-ring arrival backstamp, fine. (Sc #12; Mi. 17) (Image) (image2) (image3)

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218 CVR 26, 28 imageNorthern District, 1864 (July 29), folded cover from Apolda to Weimar, franked with imperforate ¼Sgr black and ½Sgr Numeral issues, each cancelled by black "221" (Apolda) four-ring and two single-circle cancellations, ¼Sgr stamp with left margin cut into, ½Sgr with fault at lower right, cover trimmed at reverse, else fine. (Sc. #15, 17; Mi. #26, 28). (Image) (image2)


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219 CVR 28, 29 imageNorthern District, 1864 (May 6), uprated ½Sgr postal stationery cover from Lage to Berlin, franked with imperforate ½Sgr orange yellow and two 1Sgr red Numeral issues, all with margins into design in places, each cancelled by black "323" (Lage) four-ring, c.d.s. alongside, reverse with blue (7 May) single-circle and black Herford (7 May) double-ring transit cancellations, vertical fold crossing one 1sgr adhesive, indicia oxidized, else fine. (Sc. #17, 18(x2); Mi. #28, 29, U1A). (Image) (image2)


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220 CVR 13 imageNorthern District, 1864 (September 26), 1/4sgr imperforate pair on folded cover to Imenau, large margins on three sides, into design at left, tied by faint black numeral cancel, “Plaue” c.d.s. alongside, reverse with same-day c.d.s. receiver, light wrinkles, else fine. (Sc. #8; Mi. 13) (Image) (image2)


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