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United States 19th Century Stamps and Postal History continued...

1881-88 Re-engraved American Bank Note (205-218) continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3304 image211 var, 1883 4c Blue green, Diagonal bisect, tied across the cut by December 26, 1883 New York City duplex to locally-addressed cover, Very Fine and unusual use, 1977 and 2006 Philatelic Foundation certificates (Image 1) (Image 2)



SOLD for $180.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 10:58 AM
3305 image213, 1887 2c Green, top margin single with "NN" imprint, o.g., stamp NH, hinged in the margin only, fresh and Fine; 1983 PF certificate (Scott $120) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $65.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 10:59 AM
3306 image217, 1888 30c Orange brown, warm shade, double oval registry cancels, wonderful margins, a very handsome stamp, 1984 and 2015 Philatelic Foundation certificates, the latter graded XF 90 (Scott $175) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $110.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 10:59 AM
3307 image218, 1888 90c Purple, deep color and sharp impression, socked-on-the-nose New York double oval registry cancel, a choice stamp, scarce so nice, 2017 Philatelic Foundation graded 90 certificate (Scott $475) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:00 AM
1890-93 American Bank Note Issue (219-229)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3308 image220, 1890 2c Carmine, exceptionally well centered single with large balanced margins, light straight-line machine cancel, 2008 PSE graded XF-Sup 95J certificate (SMQ $160) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $85.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:00 AM
3309 image222, 1890 4c Dark brown, particularly well centered within large balanced margins, rich color, lightly canceled, 2014 PF graded XF-S 95 certificate (Scott $185) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $120.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:01 AM
3310 image229, 1890 90c Orange, nicely centered, slightly disturbed o.g., Very Fine; 1978 PF certificate (Scott $450) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:01 AM
1893 Columbian Exposition Issue (230-245)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3311 image230-40, 1893 1c-50c Columbians, 4c-5c unused, 15c h.r., others o.g., 3c light stain, 8c straightedge, few other flaws, otherwise Fine (Scott $1,199) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $130.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:02 AM
3312 image232, 237, 1893 3c, 10c Columbians, plate no and imprint strips of three, 3c #57 top (stamps small h.r.), 10c #100 bottom (l.h.), 10c VG-Fine, 3c Fine (Scott $550) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:03 AM
3313 image233, 1893 4c Columbian, block of four, unblemished o.g., NH, fresh and F-VF (Scott $560 as singles) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $60.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:03 AM
3314 image239, 1893 30c Columbian, nicely centered, o.g., l.h., fresh, cert mentions "light horizontal bend at the bottom and a small laminated scuff at the lower left," both of which are very nearly imperceptible and do little to detract from the Very Fine appearance of this stamp, 2021 and 1994 PSE certificates (Scott $225) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $110.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:04 AM
3315 image240, 1893 50c Slate blue, rich color and crisp impression, cancelled by neat and unobtrusive duplex, an attractive stamp, 1993 PSE and 2019 Philatelic Foundation certificates, the latter graded VF-XF 85 (Scott $240) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $190.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:04 AM
3316 image241, 1893 $1 Columbian, regummed, Fine sound example (Scott $500) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:05 AM
3317 image241, 1893 $1 Columbian, well centered single with lovely color and a light duplex cancel, Very Fine and choice; 2019 PF certificate (Scott $525) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:05 AM
3318 image243, 1893 $3 Columbian, select used single featuring excellent centering, rich verdant color and a light unobtrusive cancel, 2019 PF graded VF-XF 85 certificate (Scott $1,025) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $900.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:06 AM
1894 Bureau Unwatermarked (246-263)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3319 image247P2, 1894 1c Ultramarine, Small die proof on wove, 26x28mm, a trivial bit of corner wrinkling upper left not affecting design, still fresh and Very Fine (Scott $250) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:07 AM
3320 image263, 1894 $5 Dark green, deep color, particularly well centered for the issue, lightly struck oval registry cancel, shallow thin, Very Fine and choice, 2021 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $2,600) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:07 AM
1898 Trans-Mississippi Exposition Issue (285-293)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3321 image285, 1898 1c Trans-Mississippi, pair tied by August 19, 1898 Jacksonville, Fla machine cancel, on Spanish-American War patriotic cover with an eagle above crossed American and Cuban flags, addressed to New York City, Very Fine and fresh, ex-Provera (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:08 AM
3322 image285, 1898 1c Trans-Mississippi, single tied by August 1, 1898 Milwaukee duplex to "Remember the Maine!" picture postcard to Dresden, Germany, underpaid and rated 5pf postage due, interesting message ("Back then I took this ship to America..."), Very Fine and attractive (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $80.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:08 AM
3323 image287, 4c Trans-Mississippi, block of four, o.g., NH, upper left stamp speck of gum disturbance, very lightly oxidized at the sides, Fine block (Scott $1,320 as singles) (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 11:09 AM

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