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United States 19th Century Stamps and Postal History continued...

1861-66 Issue (63-78) continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
1101 image78a, 1863 24c Grayish lilac, horizontal pair tied by San Francisco cogwheel to 1866 double weight cover to Worcestershire, England, matching June 6 San Francisco cds, July 12 London paid in red, Bewdley backstamps, Very Fine and attractive cover (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:24 AM
1867-68 Grilled Issues (79-101)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
1102 image87, 1868 2c Black, "E" Grill, large and balanced margins for this difficult issue, tied by black circle of wedges to locally-addressed orange cover, sender's handstamp at top left, Extremely Fine use (Scott $275) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $180.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:25 AM
1103 image92, 1868 1c Blue, "F" Grill, horizontal strip of three tied by "Washington D.C. Mar 26" cds and segmented cork killer, on small cover to Kendall's Mills, Maine, embossed backflap, Extremely Fine and attractive, a wonderful multiple of the 1c "F" grill on coverrnProvenance: William West, Marc Haas, Ryohei Ishikawa (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:26 AM
1104 image93, 1867 2c Black, F Grill, single with three full margins, tied by bold geometric with matching "New-York City Oct. 3" cds, on delightful all-over advertising cover for Andrew's Centrifugal Pumps, Engines, and Boilers in bistre, reverse with large vignette of boiler in dark bronze, Extremely Fine and choicernProvenance: Steve Metzger (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $220.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:26 AM
1105 image93, 1867 2c Black, F Grill, well-centered single tied by bold and attractive circle of arrows on April 1869 prices current from New York to Canada, Very Fine in every regardrnProvenance: Steve Metzger (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $230.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:27 AM
1106 image93, 1867 2c Black, F Grill, single with well-defined grill points tied to envelope by wedges cancel with "Carrier Jun 24 1st" cds alongside, well centered stamp on a Very Fine cover (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $90.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:28 AM
1107 image93, 1867 2c Black, F Grill, used alongside 1861 1c Blue (63), 2c with exceptional centering, each stamp tied by bold geometric killer, matching "Rockland Me Oct 13" double circle datestamp, addressed to Concord, New Hampshire, Extremely Fine in every regard, a gemrnProvenance: Edward Worden, Steve Metzger (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $170.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:29 AM
1108 image94, 1868 3c Rose, "F" Grill, large-margined single tied by "China, Me Nov 30" cds and matching target, on beautiful red and black Pomeroy "New American Heat Regulator" advertising cover to Orange, Massachusetts, slightly reduced at right, still Very Fine and attractive (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $50.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:29 AM
1109 image97, 1868 12c Black, F Grill, beautiful stamp with large balanced margins, tied by neat black cork cancel to folded lettersheet to Dundee, Scotland, red "Boston Paid. Nov 10" cds alongside, manuscript "St(eamer) Cuba, Nov 11, 1868," horizontal file fold well away from stamp, Extremely Fine, a choice stamp on a lovely cover, 1985 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $300) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:30 AM
1110 image100, 1868 30c Orange, "F" grill, single with clearly defined grill tied by circle of wedges cancel and blue French transit cancel on envelope addressed to Paris, red "Boston Paid 12 May 4" exchange cds, red framed "PD", Very Fine and attractive; signed Holcombe and with his 1992 certificate (Scott $1,800)rnProvenance: Ryohei Ishikawa (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:31 AM
1869 Pictorial Issue (112-122)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
1111 image114, 1869 3c Ultramarine, tied by geometric cancel on yellow envelope with red cameo "Metropolitan Mills, Trusdell & Phelps/ Coffees, Teas, Spices, etc" cc, New York Jun 11 cds, opened and slightly reduced at left, Very Fine (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:31 AM
1112 image114, 1869 3c Ultramarine, canceled by circle of wedges with a Gallipolis, Ohio cds alongside, on illustrated cover for "HW & AL Langley/ Manufacturers Fancy & Family Flours" with image of the factory at the left, envelope a tiny corner defect upper right not affecting stamp, still Very Fine and attractive (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:31 AM
1113 image114, 1869 3c Ultramarine, bright and fresh single tied by black geometric cork and "San Francisco Cal. Feb 24" cds, orange cover with I.O.O.F. corner card, addressed to Independence Lodge, No. 58 in Railroad Flat, Calaveras County, includes attractive enclosure from the Office of the Grand Secretary, very slightly reduced at left, still Very Fine and attractive (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $55.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:32 AM
1114 image114, 1869 3c Ultramarine, tied on envelope with dove and ribbon address panel by target cancel, "Canton Md" (?) cds alongside, with original ornate multicolor "Forget Me Not" enclosure with fancy lace and floral design, Very Fine (Image 1)

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SOLD for $55.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:32 AM
1115 image116, 1869 10c Yellow, tied by black circle of wedges cancel on an envelope addressed to Elizabeth, Pennsylvania with a lightly struck "P.O.D. U.S. Con. Genl. Shanghai Apr 12" cds, manuscript "Via San Francisco" at upper left with accompanying light strike of "San Francisco Paid All May 14" transit cancel, Fine stamp on envelope opened and slightly reduced at right, Fine use from China (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $1,100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:34 AM
1116 image118, 1869 15c Brown and blue, Type I, remarkable single with unusually large margins all the way around, cancelled by quartered cork on cover to Paris, bold red "New Paid York June 26 12" exchange office postmark, manuscript "per steamer Lafayette" and red entry cds and boxed "PD," July 8 merchant's receiving backstamp, Extremely Fine in every regard and certainly amongst the most attractive 1869 15c Type I covers in existence, a true showpiece, 1981 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $1,800)rnProvenance: Watt White (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $2,000.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:35 AM
1117 image118, 1869 15c Brown and blue, Type I, single just tied on envelope addressed to Bordeaux, France with black "New Orleans La Dec 24" cds alongside, red "New York Paid 6 Dec 30" exchange cds ("DEC" reversed), blue French transit and red framed "PD", backstamped Paris A Bordeaux and Bordeaux 13 Janv 79 arrival, Fine single on lightweight envelope opened at right and partially open the other sides, Fine use; signed Ashbrook (Scott $1,800) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:36 AM
1870-71 National Bank Note Grills (134-144)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
1118 image139, 1870 10c Brown, H Grill, single tied on folded letter datelined "San Francisco 2 Julio 1872" and addressed to San Jose, Costa Rica (Millet correspondence) by black crossroads cancel with a magenta "San Francisco Cal Paid Jul 9" cds alongside, blue sender's dated handstamp, manuscript "pr Steamer", stamp hinged in place to reveal grill, horizontal file fold, Very Fine; Jack Molesworth notations on back (Scott $1,000) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:38 AM
1870-71 National Bank Note Without Grill (145-155)
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
1119 image145, 1870 1c Ultramarine, pair cancelled but not tied on an unsealed envelope with printed "Choice Fancy Poultry" merchant cc, addressed to Fort Wayne Ind, ms "#281" at bottom left, right stamp a pulled perf, Fine circular rate use charged an extra 1c for pick-up (Image 1)

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SOLD for $10.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:38 AM
1120 image146-48, 1870 2c-6c Banknotes, slightly overlapping singles canceled by black targets on cover addressed to Muncie, Indiana, embossed seal of "Fairview Grange, Aroma, Ind." at left, envelope opened and slightly reduced at right, Very Fine, nice 3-color franking (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-22, 11:39 AM

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