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United States continued...

Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
101   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . Glenn Curtiss, 1898 signed cheque,. Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Bath New York, cheque dated Sept 28 1898, signed G.H. Curtiss at lower right, typical filing folds, fine, an early Curtiss autograph, signed when he was only twenty years old, three years before he began manufacturing motorcycles, and six years before his Curtiss 9 HP-V twin motor engine would power the first successful dirigible in America, the California Arrow. (Image1)

Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$240.00
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102   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . Amelia Earhart, typed letter signed,. in black ink, on her letterhead, to Miss Hyacinthe Lambart at the Canadian Flying Club Association. In the letter, Earhart discusses the importance of encouraging female aviators, writing: "I believe that it is advantageous to organize informally even a few women pilots rather than wait until a larger number have their licenses. Very often the joining together has the effect of increasing interest generally.  I have just returned from several more weeks of lecturing and have not yet had the opportunity of reading Canadian Aviation yet. I shall try to save a minute or two in the next few days to catch up on my aeronautical literature." An important Earhart letter, with further significance to Canadian aviation history. Amelia Earhart was an American aviation pioneer, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, and one of the driving forces behind the creation of The Ninety-Nines, an international organization for the advancement of women pilots. Hyacinthe Lambart was one of Canada's first female pilots, who in 1932 flew her Gipsy Moth aircraft to Quebec City, where she landed on the Plains of Abraham. During the Second World War, she served as secretary of the Canadian Flying Club Association. (Image1)

Est. US$1,500-2,000

SOLD for US$2,900.00
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103   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . R.A.J. English (Lieutenant), 1935 typed letter & delayed mail. to Mr. J.F. Welsh at the U.S. Navy Yard, Brooklyn, hand-written on Byrd Antarctic Expedition II letterhead, datelined "S.S. Bear of Oakland, Bay of Whales, Antarctica, 30 January 1935," sending greetings "from the bottom of the world", with original Byrd Expedition envelope, franked but uncancelled, with handstamped Bear of Oakland cachet, also with typed letter from Donald G. Shook to J.F. Welsh, noting that the enclosed letter was discovered among the supplies of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, and that "because of the Assistant Postmaster's physical and mental breakdown at Little America, it was necessary for the Post Office Department to send an expert from the United States to Little America to take charge of the mail service," further explaining that some letters "which he had failed to turn over to the proper authorities were found in some trunks and boxes," an informative letter detailing the challenges of mail handling on this Expedition, scarce and fine. (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$675.00
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104   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . R.A.J. English (Lieutenant), 1935 typed letter to Commander A.M. Penn,. hand-written on Byrd Antarctic Expedition II letterhead, datelined "S.S. Bear of Oakland, Bay of Whales, Antarctica, 30 January, 1935", with exceptional content; Lieutenant English writes "Warm greetings from the frigid desolation at the bottom of the world! The "Bear of Oakland" has been here since the 19th and the "Jacob Ruppert" since last Saturday, but continuous gales and unstable ice have prevented the latter ship from mooring. My command is engaged in the operation of moving equipment from the ice barrier to the other vessel..." with original franked but uncancelled enclosure bearing handstamped "Bear of Oakland" cachet, a scarce and important letter. (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$375.00
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105   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . Charles Lindbergh, signed Rideau Club menu,. printed on thick card, dated July 3, 1927, signed CHARLES LINDBERGH in ink, small tear at centre, else fine and scarce. In honour of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King invited “Lucky Lindy” to lead a flypast over the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. Thousands gathered to catch a glimpse of the heroic pilot, while five hundred police and militia waited at the airfield. Tragedy struck when, upon descent, one of Lindbergh’s escort pilots, Lt. Thad Johnson, was killed after his plane struck the propeller of another escort. A funeral was held for Lt. Johnson the following day - the same day as the Rideau Club celebrations for Lindbergh. Lt. Johnson’s casket was conveyed down Wellington Street to the Ottawa train station, for the final journey to Michigan. Lindbergh played a role in the ceremony, flying the Spirit of St Louis in such proximity to the procession as to allow him to drop a bouquet of flowers onto the passing cortege.. . . AN IMPORTANT AND ALMOST CERTAINLY UNIQUE ITEM. (Image1)

Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$1,300.00
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106   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . United States Bureau of Engraving & Printing Presidential por. of seven, approximately 6"x 8", depicting Presidents Washington, Jackson, Madison, Lincoln, Taylor, Van Buren, and Kennedy, the latter signed "R.M. Bower / 1961" in pencil, a lovely group. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$65.00
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107   imageUnited States: Autographs, Manuscripts, & Ephemera . United States Bureau of Engraving & Printing Presidental port. approximately 10.75" x 14.9", most sunk on thick card, with Eisenhower, Coolidge, F.D.R., Grant, Harding, Hoover, Jefferson, Kennedy, Lincoln, McKinley, Taft, Truman, Washington, and Wilson, the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Truman engravings signed in pencil "Chas A. Brooks" and dated 1947, 1953 and 1961, some with negligible edge toning, an attractive group. Charles A. Brooks was a prolific engraver, who joined the B.E.P. in 1938, serving until his retirement in 1966, with the exception of a brief time at the Security Bank Note Company. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$210.00
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Stamp Collections & Balances
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
108   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, 1851-1996 powerful mint collection,. in five SAFE hingeless albums, many useful items noting 1851 1c and 3c unused, good run of 1857 Issues with 1c through 30c values mint or without gum (12c heavily toned, 24c toned gum and a few toned perfs), 1861-6 Issues 1c blue through 24c (most unused, a few appear o.g., the odd toned perf), 1869 Issues with 1c. through 3c mint, 1870-88 Bank Note Issues 1c to 6c, 10c, 12c, 24c, 30c (a few unused), 1875 5c blue, 1882-8 1c through 5c mint (2c red brown. appears never hinged), 1890-93 Issues 1c through 90c, (mint, some toned gum), 1893 Columbians 1c through 50c (some toned gum), 1898-9 1c through 50c, 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 50c, 1901 Pan-American Exposition 1c through 10c, 1902-3 Regular Issue to the 15c, near complete then to 1971 for the available spaces, missing only a handful of Washington-Franklins, though including $1-$5 values, 1922-5 Regular Issue complete, 1926 White Plains souvenir sheet, 1929 Kansas & Nebraska overprints complete, three further volumes through 1996 near-complete for the available spaces, including booklet panes and coils, Air Posts complete save for $2.60 Graf Zeppelin, 1879 Postage Due with 1c, 3c, 30c, and 50c, 1884 Issues with 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, and 30c (some foxing mostly confined to album pages), 1895 and 1910-15 watermarked issues, extensive run of mint officials (some no gum), with 1873 Agriculture 1c to 30c, Interior 1c to 90c, Justice 1c to 12c, Navy 1c-6c, 10c-12c, 24c, and 30c, Post Office 1c-90c, State 1c-24c (some toned perfs), Treasury complete save for 24c, War complete but for 6c, 1910-1 Postal Savings 1c-$1, Official Carrier Stamps Franklin (reprint on thicker paper) and U.S.P.O. Despatch, 1911 10c Registration, useful Newspaper stamps with 1865 10c and 25c, 1875 5c reprint, 1875 1c to 10c black and 12c and 60c (gum crease), 1895 1c-10c black, and 1897 Issues complete, 1912-13 Parcel Post, 1913 Parcel Postage Due and 1925-8 Special Handling complete, Special Delivery complete save for the 10c 1894, Hunting Permit Stamps complete through 1996, with an additional selection of Florida Duck Stamps, some interesting collateral items including TB Christmas seals, stamp show souvenir sheets, etc, condition varies with some having small faults or showing signs of toned gum or perfs, though despite the appearance of some pages many stamps remain fresh and desirable, some no gum examples as well as potential regumming/reperfs to be expected among the earlier issues, a collection of significant catalogue value, deserving close inspection, with many better items throughout, chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17) (Image 18) (Image 19) (Image 20) (Image 21) (Image 22) (Image 23) (Image 24) (Image 25) (Image 26) (Image 27) (Image 28) (Image 29) (Image 30) (Image 31) (Image 32) (Image 33) (Image 34) (Image 35) (Image 36) (Image 37) (Image 38) (Image 39) (Image 40) (Image 41) (Image 42) (Image 43) (Image 44) (Image 45) (Image 46) (Image 47) (Image 48) (Image 49) (Image 50)

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Est. US$15,000-20,000

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109   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, 1859-68 group of used with certificates,. generally attractive but with some form of fault or repair, including Sc. 22 reperforated at right, 29 sound used but with black ink smudge, 67 with lovely appearance but closed tear at upper right and short perf, 75 superbly-centered with bright color and neatly-struck San Francisco cogwheel cancel, but with faults including corner repair and light horizontal crease, and 97 with small tear above "OS" of "Postage", a generally visually-pleasing and fine-appearing group, each with P.F. certificate. (Sc. $2,050) (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$400.00
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110   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, 1940s-60s signed plate block group,. of eleven, with 2c Liberty, 4c George Norris, 8c Pershing, 3c Minnesota Statehood, 4c Naval Aviation, 4c Wisconsin Workmen's Compensation Law, 3c Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 3c Polio, 3c Horticulture, 3c Eastman, and 4c James Naismith, almost all with three signatures of the issue's designers and engravers, including Robert Jones, Mathew Fenton, Charles Brooks, George Payne, Richard Bower, Victor McCloskey Jr, and others, attractive and chiefly very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$80.00
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111   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, 1950s-70s plate block collection,. likely over a thousand glassines organized by Scott number, with representation of issues mostly from 1958 Gunston Hall to 1974 Sleepy Hollow, an ideal lot for the plate number enthusiast, some duplication of numbers as expected, but a useful accumulation, chiefly fine-very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$180.00
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112   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, 1970s-2000s new issue accumulation,. filling a large carton, almost all in their original post office packaging, predominantly blocks, panes, and souvenir sheets, though note a few 1970s Year Sets, postal card packages, etc, most appears to be 1990s/2000s era, noting popular items such as Legends of American Music, Looney Tunes, Celebrate the Century, Legends Of Hollywood, Nature of America, and more, face value almost certainly exceeds $1,500, chiefly very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$850.00
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113   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, 1980s-2000s mint hoard,. with hundreds of souvenir sheets, panes, etc, with duplication (note roughly 100 Pacific ’97 souvenir sheets), as well as myriad singles, blocks, self-adhesve coil strips, many popular items such as Legends of Hollywood, Comic Strip Classics, Civil War, Legends of the West, Popular Singers, Vintage Circus Posters, Star Wars, etc, significant face value with likely over $2,500 in the panes and souvenir sheets alone, an excellent lot of useful denominations, worthy of closer examination, chiefly very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$1,500-2,000

SOLD for US$1,900.00
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114   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, carton with postmark interest,. several binders with an emphasis on 1990s/early 2000s cancellations, a great many postmarks on souvenir sheets including issues such as Legends of the West, Civil War, Comic Strip Classics, etc, a few albums and stockbooks of mostly mid-to-late twentieth century singles with c.d.s. cancels, one album of unused blocks of similar vintage, etc, an ideal lot for the cancellation enthusiast, particularly one seeking more modern material, varied condition, chiefly fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$375.00
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115   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, collector’s mint hoard,. mostly 1950s-70s and denominated 10c and under, with several hundred complete panes loose or in sheet folders, in addition to many thousands of loose stamps from singles to large multiples, these filling to the brim a 12x12x7” box, as well roughly a couple dozen rolls of partial coils, and two small boxes and two large file drawers filled with thousands of plate blocks sorted into glassines, most 1940s-1950s era, a trove of material for the patient collector, some faults from storage, and a modest number of blocks partially adhered together, trivial given the significant quantity of material, chiefly fine-very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$1,500-2,000

SOLD for US$850.00
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116   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, mostly used dealer stock,. with likely over 600 102/104 cards, many containing more than one stamp, filling a 14” “red box”, appears organized but not identified or catalogued, strongest in late nineteenth/early twentieth century material, including lower-denomination Bank Note Issues, Columbians, Trans-Mississippi, some Washington-Franklins, Prexies, precancels, back-of-the-book including airmails and special delivery as well as interesting revenues, wine stamps, etc, condition mixed, mostly fine, with some faults to be expected, useful show dealer inventory with potential for better value to be found through close inspection. (Image1)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$350.00
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117   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States valuable Air Post collection,. hinged on quadrille pages, noting C1-C3 mint and used (two sets), C1 and C2 used blocks of four, C2 mint block of four, C2 arrow block of four, C3 arrow block C4-6 mint and used, C4-6 mint blocks of four, C4 plate block of four (gum bend but appears never hinged), C11 plate strip of four, C13 and C14 used and centered very fine , C18 used (3, one with first day cancellation) C25 vertical margin pair with "R.F." overprint cancelled aborad French Battleship "Richelieu" with matching c.d.s., various others mostly to 1950s, much in mint and used singles as well as mint blocks, C4-6 on 1925 covers, the odd fault to be expected but note many very fine examples, chiefly fine-very fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17) (Image 18) (Image 19)

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Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$800.00
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118   imageUnited States: Stamp Collections & Balances . United States, Special Delivery collection,. mint and used, some in multiple examples, hinged on quadrille pages, with E1 mint (2) and used (1), E2 mint (2) and used (1), E3 mint (2) and used (2), E6/8 14 examples in multiple shades, appears complete to E21, most both mint and used examples, some multiples of each, a worthwhile group, chiefly fine-very fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3)

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Est. US$750-1,000

SOLD for US$600.00
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Postal History Collections & Balances
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
119   imageUnited States: Postal History Collections & Balances . United States, 1918/1939, Aviation postal history group,. with many better, noting 1918 real photo postcard depicting soldiers surrounding a biplane, postmarked in West Lafayette, Indiana; Boston First Landing in the United States of World Flyers machine cancellation on uprated postal stationery card; unusual 1927 10c Lindbergh (C10) first day cancellation on 2c Canadian postal stationery cover; 1927 10c on 1c postal stationery card carried on the first flight from San Francisco to Honolulu, Hawaii, addressed to Governor Farrington, endorsed "no air mail sent on Dole Flight"; 1927 First Flight Under Contract Chicago to San Francisco; 1929 First Flight from Miami to Buenos Aires, Argentina, with striking block of eight 5c Air Post (C11); two 1930s registered airmail covers from California and New York to Paraguay; and 1946 "Carried on Atom Bombing Plane "A" Day Bikini, Marshall Islands" 58th Wing cachet with U.S. Navy (1 July) cancellation, a few minor faults but an overall select group, chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$450.00
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120   imageUnited States: Postal History Collections & Balances . United States, 1921/35, aviation postal history group,. with eight items, noting 1921 2c rate cover from Santa Clara CA to Richmond VA with manuscript "Aerial Mail" endorsement, 1925 cover to Lucca, Italy with uncommon blue boxed "Air Mail / London to Continent" handstamp, 1928 C.A.M. 9 special flight from Milwaukee to Chicago on commemorative postcard for German-Irish Flyers, 1929 F.A.M.-9 first flight cover to Santiago, Chile, and others, typical small creases and edge faults, an interesting group. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$170.00
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