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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
421 Used   imageSamoa . 1900, 2m blue & 3m black violet Yacht,. each cancelled with neatly-struck “Fagamolo” c.d.s., select centering, very fine. (Sc. 67, 68, $295+). Used (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$70.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
422 og   imageSeychelles . 1890-92, 48c ochre and green,. showing the albino ‘3 cents’ surcharge at top (as used on the 1893 3c on 4c), with traces of ink, overprinted "SPECIMEN", highly unusual and the only known example, fine. (S.G. 7s, variety). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$500-600

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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
423 og   imageSomaliland . 1904, 2a dull and bright purple,. showing the "no stop after ‘M’ in ‘O.H.M.S.’" variety, lightly hinged, a fine example of this rare stamp, with only eight examples recorded, one of which is in the Royal Philatelic Collection, pencil expertising signature on reverse. (S.G. O14a, £2,500). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$950.00
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South Africa
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
424 c   imageSouth Africa . 1911, Kenilworth to Muizenburg First Flight,. First South Africal Aerial Post illustrated postcard, used on occasion of the 27 December Experimental Flight, franked with Transvaal 1/2 KEVII, tied by Wynberg (Cape of Good Hope) 26 DEC 1911 c.d.s., with Kenilworth (27 Dec) and Muizenberg (27 Dec) flight handstamps and Muizenberg (28 Dec) c.d.s., minor edge wear, a fine and attractive example from this early flight. (AAMC #1). Cover (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$220.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
425 Used   imageSpain . 1865, 19c brown & rose,. four large margins, faint trace of postmark, appears unused, two small spots on face, deep color, very fine. (Sc. 70, $600). Used (Image1)

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Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$65.00
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426   imageSpain . 1926, Red Cross Semi-Official Airmail,. most in blocks of up to ten, dennominations to the 40c in quantites of 45 stamps each, with over forty 50c and 25 4p values, allowing for twenty-five complete sets with many additional singles and multiples, most never hinged throughout though not some gum disturbances particularly on the 4pta issues, else a chiefly fresh and useful lot for the retailer, significant catalogue value, fine-very fine. (Edifil 339/48, €7,000+ as never hinged) (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)

image image image

Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$400.00
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427 Used   imageSpain . 1939, Unissued Air Post imperforate set of seven,. with 2p "Ford" in four shades and 5p "Douglas DC-2" in three shades, without gum as produced, large margins and fresh color, very fine, handstamped Francisco del Tarré and accompanied by his certificate. (Mi. Unlisted, Edifil NE39/45). Used (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3)

image image

Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$150.00
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St. Pierre & Miquelon
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
428 c   imageSt. Pierre & Miquelon . 1942, "France Libre" censored registered cover. franked with nine "FRANCE LIBRE / F.N.F.L." overprints (eight different, one surcharged), postmarked St Pierre (20 Feb), to Montreal, Quebec, with Halifax (4 Mar), and Montreal (6 Mar) backstamps and St. Pierre & Miquelon censorship handstamp, the odd toning spot, attractive.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$110.00
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St. Vincent
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
429 og   imageSt. Vincent . 1885, 4d red-brown and purple brown,. the red-brown with part redistributed original gum, with 2004 Brandon certificate, the purple brown with part original gum, a fine duo. (S.G. 50-1, £1,050). Mint H (Image1) (Image 2)


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Est. US$500-600

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Straits Settlements
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
430 og   imageStraits Settlements . 1906-12, $25 purple and blue on blue,. lightly hinged, some lightly toned perfs in places, pretty color, fine-very fine; with 1977 B.P.A. certificate. (S.G. 168, £3,750). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$1,200.00
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431 og   imageStraits Settlements . 1906-12, $25 purple and blue on blue,. hinged, nicely-centered, pleasing shade, fine; with 2007 A.P.S. certificate. (S.G. 168, £3,750). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$1,450.00
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432 og   imageStraits Settlements . 1912-23, £25 purple and blue on blue paper,. hinged, lightly toned gum, delicate shade, centered very fine; signed E.D(iena). (S.G. 213, £3,250). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$700-900

SOLD for US$1,100.00
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433 og   imageStraits Settlements . 1938, $100 black and carmine on blue,. block of four, hinged (browned) gum, a few split perfs at bottom and lower right stamp with slighty rounded corner and thin at right, the largest recorded mint multiple of this scarce stamp, very fine appearance.. Mint H (Image1)

Est. US$6,000-8,000

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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
434 Unmounted Mint   imageSweden . 1949/1996, collection of booklets & panes. neatly-organized and much identified, beginning with Sc. 415a, with examples ranging to #2173a, both definitive and commemorative issues represented, note examples of the work of many talented engravers including Slania, Jakus, Wallhorn, Morck, etc, over 150 booklets and a couple dozen panes, some duplication of up to six each, overall fresh and very fine.. Mint NH (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$70.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
435 c   imageSwitzerland . 1913, Burgdorf-Bern semi-official airmail,. on Nationale-Flugspende event postcard, used in combination with 5c William Tell, postmarked with violet flight c.d.s. (30 March), small stain to semi-official and hinge marks to card from prior mounting, else a fine and scarce card. (Zumstein IV, CAT CHF1,200). Cover (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

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436 Unmounted Mint   imageSwitzerland . 1913, 50c Schweizerische Nationale Flugspende Bern Aviation Meet. semi-official airmail, never hinged, beautifully-centered amidst balanced margins, exceptionally fresh, very fine; with 1991 Rellstab certificate. (SBK III, CHF 700). Mint NH (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$180.00
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437 Unmounted Mint   imageSwitzerland . 1913, 50c Schweizerische Nationale Flugspende Herisau Aviation Meet. semi-official airmail, never hinged, a bright and fresh example, well-centered and choice, very fine. (SBK V, 600CHF). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$160.00
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438 Unmounted Mint   imageSwitzerland . 1913, 50c Flugpost Laufen semi-official airmail,. Type IV, never hinged, fresh, issued on occasion of the airmail flight from Lauren to Solothurn on 28 September, 1913, very fine; handstamped Vugniaux and accompanied by his certificate. (SBK VII, 900CHF). Mint NH (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$210.00
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439 Unmounted Mint   imageSwitzerland . 1913, 50c Journée Valaisanne d'Aviation semi-official airmail. never hinged, depicting a monoplane in flight, fresh bright colour, superbly-centered, a choice example of this scarce stamp, extremely fine; with 1992 Renggli certificate. (SBK Xa, 1,500CHF). Mint NH (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$425.00
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440 Unmounted Mint   imageSwitzerland . 1934, NABA souvenir sheet,. never hinged, fresh, issued on occasion of the Swiss National Philatelic Exhibition at Zurich, very fine. (Sc. 226, $700). Mint NH (Image1)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$170.00
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