Persia continued...
Postal Stationery continued...
Lot |
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Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
30842 |
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PC11, PC12 |
1897 2ch green (PC11) and 4ch red (PC12), used 2ch and unused 4ch with the arabesque control handstamps in violet that was not regularly issued on these cards; a scarce pair of cards with control marking existing in just a few
copies (Persiphila notes that 2ch with control mark is not known as used).(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
(Image 5)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC11, PC12] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 1,500
SOLD for CHF 800.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30843 |
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PC11, PC12, PC13, PC |
1892 2ch green (PC11), 2ch + 2ch reply card (PC13) and 4ch red (PC12), 4ch +4ch reply card (PC14) fourteen post cards mounted on six pages, including 2ch reply card Teheran to Vienna 1897 uprated with 1897 5ch surcharge on 8ch (x3) for
registered mail, and 2ch registered Sultanabad to Switzerland 1895 uprated 10ch, also 4ch two registered cards from Teheran and Toko Teheran to Germany uprated with 10ch and 13ch respectively. Finally a 2ch + 2ch intact reply card used in both
direction (one of very few recorded); a very attractive group of cards that includes the picture post cards produced by Enschede in Holland.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC11, PC12, PC13, PC] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 700
SOLD for CHF 600.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30844 |
PC13B |
1902 2ch + 2ch double cards with type I arabesque control handstamp in violet and provisoire control handstamp in black (PC13B), two cards on page, Kermanchah to Teheran 1903 and Hamadan via Baku to Berlin 1903 with 3ch uprating; two very
attractive and scarce postcards showing the combination of arabesque handstamp and provisoire handstamp not listed in Persiphila.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
(Image 5)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC13B] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 400
SOLD for CHF 380.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30845 |
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PC15, PC16, PC17, PC |
1897 2ch brown (PC15), 2ch + 2ch reply card (PC17), 5ch red (PC16), and 5ch + 5ch reply card (PC18), four pages with attractive range of mostly used postcards, including a very attractive 2ch card from Hamadan via Dauletabad (superb postmark) to
Sultanabad June 1898, uprated with strip of three yellow 5ch lion type to pay the registered rate, and a registered complete double card 2ch from Sultanabad to Switzerland July 1898, uprated 16ch, also 5ch reply card Sultanabad to Switzerland 2 July
1898 (earliest recorded) with uprating of 12ch, and a group of picture post cards as produced by Enschede; an exceptional range of 10 attractive items in very fresh condition.(Image 1)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC15, PC16, PC17, PC] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 300
SOLD for CHF 240.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30846 |
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PC15A, PC17A |
1899 2ch brown and 2ch + 2ch brown on green arabesque control handstamp issue (PC15A and PC17A), one page with unused 2ch, one used from Teheran to Tabriz 17 June 1899 (earliest recorded) with drastically misplaced control mark, also 2ch
+ 2ch on green background from Teheran 9 Sep 1899 (earliest recorded) to Shah Abdul Azim; a unique group of earliest recorded usages, very fine and scarce.(Image
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC15A, PC17A] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 200
SOLD for CHF 160.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30847 |
PC15B, 300, 329 |
1905 1902 2ch brown postcard uprated 1902 lion issue 1ch violet and 1904 surcharge 3ch on 5ch rose , struck by Teheran circular cds 12.9, commercial correspondence to London; the 3ch surcharge is heavily over-inked resulting in a bizarre
design, very attractive and unusual.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC15B, 300, 329] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 100
SOLD for CHF 70.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30848 |
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PC15B, PC16A, PC16B, |
1899-1902, five pages with fourteen postcards, 5ch red with arabesque control (PC16A), 5ch + 5ch (PC18A), 2ch and 5ch 1902 provisoire issue (PC15B, PC16B), 5ch + 5ch 1902 provisoire issue (PC18B), including two 5ch with
arabesque marking uprated with 12ch for registered rate to Paris and Frankfurt 1901, and a very attractive 2ch 1902 provisoire with beautiful Natanz shield cancellation 18.8. 05, also very interesting 5ch provisoire registered card Teheran via Baku
to Brussels with uprating 12ch 1902 imperf., two very attractive 5ch cards with shield cds Rafsanjan and Sistan-Nassirabad uprated with 1ch for the new domestic rate of 6ch 1905. Finally a 5ch card uprated with 1901 violet surcharge 12ch on 1kr and a
1ch stamp in lieu of a 1ch reg. label; a spectacular group of diverse and very scarce uses.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC15B, PC16A, PC16B] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 400
SOLD for CHF 550.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30849 |
PC15B, PC17BA |
1902-03 2ch brown provisoire 1319 issue (PC15B) and 2ch + 2ch brown on green (PC17BA), one unused double card with violet arabesque handstamp, and a used reply card from Teheran to Zendijan 1905 also with arabesque control; very fine and
exceedingly scarce, with the 2ch brown with arabesque marking unrecorded in Persiphila.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC15B, PC17BA] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 700
SOLD for CHF 600.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30850 |
PC15C, PC16C, PC17C |
1904 2ch brown with Imperial Post handstamp (PC15C), 2ch + 2ch reply card brown on green (PC17C), and 5ch red (PC16C), a fine group on five pages, including registered 2ch card Kermanchah to Switzerland 1907 uprated with 17ch, including
1906 overprint 13ch without overprint, all struck by bold shield cancellation of Kermanchah, also showing striking purple “R” cachet with manuscript number, and a 2ch + 2ch card uprated with 1906 overprint 2ch (x2) to Paris 1906, also registered 5ch
card to Germany uprated with 14ch1909 coat of arms issue; an impressive and very attractive group of eleven cards that includes the picture cards printed by Enschede.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC15C, PC16C, PC17C] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 700
SOLD for CHF 550.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30851 |
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PC17, PC18 |
1897 2ch + 2ch brown on green double card (PC17), one of very few recorded intact double cards with used message and reply section, from Tabriz via Teheran to Urmia May 1898, also one 5ch + 5ch card (PC18) similarly used in
both directions, from Yezd to Germany 1897 and returned to the Russian Embassy in Teheran; a spectacular matching pair of reply postcards, very scarce and fine.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC17, PC18] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 500
SOLD for CHF 400.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30852 |
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PC17B |
1902-03 2ch + 2ch brown with provisoire 1319 handstamp (PC17B), three cards, including one with misplaced control and struck by vibrant purple Meshedisar datestamp (rare) to Teheran 1903, also two cards sent to Switzerland and Tabris,
uprated with 15ch for the registered rate, including the rare 12ch violet surcharge on 1kr 1901; a very attractive and scarce trio.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC17B] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 400
SOLD for CHF 900.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30853 |
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PC18, PC26 |
1896-1910 5ch + 5ch red, message and response card (PC18) unused, and 1910 6ch surcharge on 5ch card (PC26) with picture of Mount Demavind (as printed by Enschede in Holland) sent from Teheran to Constantinople 13 Dec 1911 struck by
violet “C” in circle (for Controle), also a card from Enzeli to Greece 1913, and registered card Teheran to Berlin 1914, uprated with 13ch, with the card paying the international rate and stamps the reg. fee; very fine and attractive lot on two
pages.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC18, PC26] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 300
SOLD for CHF 320.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30854 |
PC18BA |
1902-03 5ch + 5ch red double card provisoire issue with additional violet arabesque control handstamp (PC18BA), one page with an unused card and a used from Hamadan via Baku to Berlin paying the 5ch rate; two attractive and exceedingly
scarce postcards with combination of provisoire and arabesque control mark.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
(Image 5)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC18BA] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 300
SOLD for CHF 240.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30855 |
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PC19H, PC20H |
1903 internal use picture postcard 3ch surcharge on 5ch (PC19H, PC20H), Enzeli to Switzerland 1904 marked imprimés and showing 3ch print matter rate, and card Mechedisser to Germany with uprating 1ch (x3) boldly struck by Mechedisser
shield cancellation17.5 05, also one page with 3ch blue overprint, Sengledge to Hijra, and two registered cards to Paris and Belgium 1904, 1905, with uprating to show the increase in reg. fee 1905 from 12ch to 13ch; a scarce and attractive range of
domestic, print matter and registered usages.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC19H, PC20H] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 400
SOLD for CHF 360.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30856 |
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PC25 |
1910 2ch on 5ch red (PC25), one page with three cards, one unused without picture and one domestic use from Tabriz July 1915 to Joulfa-Arax, also a card used to UK with a picture of Jardin a Teheran, uprated with 1914 3ch on 26ch, sent
from Yezd via Teheran and showing Russian censorship; a fine small range of very fresh and attractive postcards.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC25] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 200
SOLD for CHF 190.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30857 |
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PC30 |
1914 2ch green Coat of Arms postcard (PC30), two pages including one unused card and one used from Isfahan via Russia and Sweden to London 8 Oct 1914 (early use), with added 3ch Ahmad Shah Qajar 1911 issue for the 5ch international rate. Also two
privately printed cards from 1916 with pictures of Ahmed Shah and the Crown Prince, as well as a card from Senneh to Hamadan 1923 with the indicium struck with propaganda cachet of Kurdistan party supporting Reza Khan (only two cards recorded); a
very fine range of the 2ch postcard with a scarce propaganda usage.(Image 1)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 150
SOLD for CHF 420.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30858 |
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PC30 var |
1913-14 2ch green Coat of Arms postcard proofs, two cards printed in black on beige and light green background, with hole with outline of a crown punched top left. Two extremely scarce proofs mounted on a page with a note that
some proofs were printed by Enschede & Zonen, Holland; very fine, unlisted in Persiphila.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC30 var] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 700
SOLD for CHF 4,200.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30859 |
PC31 |
1922 5ch red postcard (PC31) used as a special flight card for the Croydon to Calcutta flight (part of a proposed world flight), piloted by Blake and Macmillan with Malins as photographer, signed by Malins on front and endorsed “By major
Blake’s aeroplane Service”, sent to Karachi and cancelled Chahbar 19 July1922 and beside is Karachi 20 July; a very fine post card and an extremely scarce air mail item, interesting also for showing that Chahbar continued to use the Indian postmark
after the Persian postal service took over, with RPS certificate1994 and documentary material.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC31] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 1,500
SOLD for CHF 800.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30860 |
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PC35 |
1921 revalued coat of arms post cards, 5ch on 2ch green (PC35), two cards on page, Isfahan to Teheran Sep 1921 cancelled by Isfahan No2 cds (showing an unrecorded small “c” of chahis), and Barfouche to Teheran Oct 1921 with a misplaced
overprint (unrecorded); two very fine copies of this highly scarce post card which was issued for a postal rate that lasted a few months only.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC35] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 200
SOLD for CHF 1,000.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30861 |
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PC35 |
1921 5ch on 2ch green (PC35) coat of arms postal cards, two unused postcards with the short-lived 5ch rate, one showing the small size capital “C” and the Farsi surcharge measure 13x16mm, and one card with the very scarce misspelled 5 “Ceahis”; very
fine and scarce postcards.(Image 1)
Get Market Data for [Iran PC35] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 150
SOLD for CHF 800.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
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