Romania continued...
Later Issues continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
30380 |
, |
99-144 |
1893-1911 Issues: An extensive, attractive, and valuable assembly of over one hundred covers, postal stationery cards, and picture postcards, showing an array of different usages including single, multiple, mixed value, and mixed issue
frankings, plus printed matter and registered mail present, apart from the local uses there is also a fine selection of destinations including Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, Ceylon, China, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy,
Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, a wonderful lot for the specialist and an excellent basis for study and expansion (100+ items)(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
(Image 5)
(Image 6)
(Image 7)
(Image 8)
(Image 9)
Get Market Data for [Romania 99-144] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 800
SOLD for CHF 1,100.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30381 |
,,DE,O |
146-153 |
1903 Postal Coach: 1b to 50b complete duplicated assembly of unused and used on stock page, mixed to fine (Mi. €1'000+)(Image 1)
Get Market Data for [Romania 146-153] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 100
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30382 |
1916-1919 Monogram Issue: Specialised attractive group of 46 covers and cards, showing an array of different censored markings and registered usages, with useful Monogram ovptd issues, a fine and scarce group (46)(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [Romania Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 400
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30383 |
, |
1929-41 WWII & Censored Mail: Attractive group of 18 covers & cards, showing mostly censored mail during WWII all addressed to Palestine, including some useful registered usages, mixed to very fine, a scarce assembly (18). Please note
that there are 18 covers/cards in the lot and not 20 as described in the printed catalogue.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
(Image 5)
Get Market Data for [Romania Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 300
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30384 |
1931-1945 WWII: Specialised attractive group of over 115 covers and cards, showing an array of different censored markings and registered usages, Red Cross mail, postal stationery, Field Force usages, a fine and scarce group (115+)(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
Get Market Data for [Romania Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 700
SOLD for CHF 800.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
Former Austrian Territory
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
30385 |
5H IIIb |
Alt-Orsova: 1850 9kr spectacular and rare multiple franking of 5 singles on letter-piece cancelled Alt-Orsova in what is today Romania; very fine condition with only one stamp slightly touched, with opinion Ferchenbauer 1996.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Romania 5H IIIb] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 100
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30386 |
O |
Bucharest: 1850, 6Kr with central nearly complete cancellation of the rare "BUKAREST 1.2" cds, small corner crease outside cliché otherwise fine.(Image
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 400
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30387 |
Caransebes: 1850, 3Kr HP type I (2) tied to folded letter by pre-philatelic oval CARANSEBES, pmk., a bit indistinct but dated inside 22.6.1850 (first month usage) to Temesvar, fine and fresh cover, (Mü 389a 200p.) + pre-phila cover
Caransebes 1838(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Estimate. CHF 200
SOLD for CHF 200.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30388 |
4M, 5M |
Er-Semjen: 1855, Registered folded lettersheet bearing at front totally misscut 9Kr MP + at back large margined 6KrMP, both wit ER-SEMJEN double circle ds, very fine cover (Mü 650a 120p).(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Get Market Data for [Romania 4M, 5M] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 300
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30389 |
O |
8 Ia |
Hermannstadt: 1851 Newspaper stamp 30kr rose Mercury, extremely fine gem with unusually strong colour and a superb central Hermannstadt 10/12 cds (today in Romania), an very attractive example of this key value of Austrian philately; with
certificate Calves (2015) and Scheller (2024), (Michel €18'000).(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Romania 8 Ia] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 8,000
SOLD for CHF 7,500.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30390 |
Kronstadt: 1850, 9Kr HP ty I tied to folded cover (from the Pausenberger correspondence) by 2-line 'KRONSTADT 23.6.(50)' to Temesvar, first month usage (23rd of June was a Sunday).(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 120
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30391 |
Szaszvaros: 1854, 3Kr HP III tied to folded lettersheet by SZASZVAROS 30.8.(54) cds to Hermannstadt, very fine postmark (Mü 326b).(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 60
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30392 |
O |
Temeser Banat: 1850, 1Kr ochre yellow Type Ib in horizontal Strip of three printed on both sides, the reverse print is a bit lighter and shifted and shows large parts of three St. Andrew's crosses! Well margined strip of three with sheet
margin at left, each stamp clearly and decoratively cancelled with decorative two circles "LUGOS 5 / 12" cds (today Lugoj in Timis county, Romania). A magnificent and very spectacular multiple, probably unique in what is today modern Romania. Signed
Wallner and cert. Matl (1980).(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Estimate. CHF 2,000
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30393 |
Temeser Banat: 6Kr brown type III, fresh colour and wide margins tied by rare "LOVRIN 7 / 10" cds (Müller 1554a = 70 points) on 1854 embossed Valentine cover sent to Vukovar (Croatia) with transit Temesvar and Essegg. Ladies' envelopes
used in the Temeser Banat are very scarce.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 1,000
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30394 |
Transylvania (Siebenbürgen): "MÜHLBACH / .. JAN." (Müller 1765a = 600 points!, today Sebes in the district of Alba) with handwritten date '9', perfect strike on Austria 1850 3 Kr. red type I, well margined on piece, the finest known
strike of this cancellation rarity; signed Puschmann.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 800
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
Romania Austrian Levant Post Offices
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
30395 |
Austrian Occupation of Moldavia & Walachia: 1850-1854, Austria 9kr blue, a four margined example used on 1855 disinfected cover to Vienna endorsed "Krajova", tied by "K. K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA" Field Post Office datestamp (Feb 6) in black
(Tchilinghirian fig. 735). Reverse with very fine strike of circular "GEREINIGT .B.K.K.RASTELAMTE / ALT ORSOVA" disinfection cachet (Feb 7) in black and Wien arrival cds (Feb 12). Trivial imperfections but a very rare and most attractive cover.
Austrian field post in Moldavia & Walachia franked with postage stamps and bearing a disinfected mail handstamp are major rarities. K. F Meyer describes in his handbook only two comparable covers (see page 44).(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 4,000
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30396 |
3M |
1850, FELDPOST No. 4 (Ibraila), 3Kr MP IIIa tied to fragment by 'FELDPOST No.4' of IBRAILA, oily but very clear postmark and v.fine 4-margined adhesive, rare item, cert. Ferchenbauer (Mü 3442a, 900p.)(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
Get Market Data for [Romania 3M] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 500
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30397 |
1854-1866 Folded entires from three different towns, showing an array of markings including blue fancy JASSY/26.11, 2-line IBRAILA/19,NOV., cds IBRAILA/5.7, oval AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO in blue, 2-line BUKAREST/4.JUL and cds
BUKAREST/5.11 cds, all strikes are very fine and scarce assembly (6)(Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
Get Market Data for [Romania Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate. CHF 300
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30398 |
Baziasch: 1861 Folded entire from GALATZ with clear strike of the BAZIASCH/30.4 cds, addressed to Vienna, very fine(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 100
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
30399 |
Botuschan: 1869 Folded registered entire from Botuschan to Prague, franked 1864 10s blue tied by blue "BOTUSCHAN/9.2" cds with s/l "RECOMANDIRT" alongside, an attractive usage from the end of the Moldau post office period which closed on
March 31st 1869; cert. Goller (2010).(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 1,500
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |
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