David Feldman SA Sale - 24JUNCHF
Early Letters
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10000 |
1418 (14.1) Disinfected with chemicals, entire from Damieta to Alexandria addressed to Blaxio Dalfino, plus 'tong' makings proving that it was also held over the flame in the disinfection process, a rare early letter sent through the
Venetian mails.
Provenance: Lars Alund(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 150
SOLD for CHF 460.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10001 |
1419 Small neat entire from Venice to Alexandria, showing small way seal on reverse, rare early letter sent through the Venetian mail.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 180
SOLD for CHF 800.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10002 |
1419 Small neat entire from Damieta to Alexandria, showing small wax seal and string on reverse, a rare early letter sent through the Venetian mail.(Image
Estimate. CHF 180
SOLD for CHF 480.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10003 |
1712 Ship mail entire from Alexandria to Venice, carried by Con Polacha, Santa Maria Madeline, with manuscript God'd Guard "Che Deo Guarda", very fine usage from the Venetian Post.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 400
SOLD for CHF 500.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10004 |
1732 Ship mail entire from Cairo to Venice, transported by an Italian Ship, and letter endorsed with the captain's initials, very fine usage from the Venetian Post.
Provenance: Lars Alund(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 150
SOLD for CHF 190.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10005 |
1741 Small neat entire from Alexandria to Marseille, letter endorsed in Latin with "blessing" written at lower left, very fine usage from the Venetian Post.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 120
SOLD for CHF 120.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10006 |
1743 Entire letter from Cairo to Venice, letter endorsed in Latin with "CDC" written at lower left and translated as "Whom God Conserve", very fine usage from the Venetian Post.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 200
SOLD for CHF 220.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10007 |
1745 Entire letter from Alexandria to Venice, letter endorsed in Latin with "CDC" written at lower left and translated as "Whom God Conserve", very fine usage from the Venetian Post.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 120
SOLD for CHF 120.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10008 |
1827 Entire consular letter from Alexandria to Genova, bearing red s/l "VIA DI MARE" with Sardinian Consulate General oval cachet in black on the reverse of the cover, very fine usage from the Venetian Post.
Provenance: Lars Alund(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 280
SOLD for CHF 460.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
Napoleonic Campaign
Lot |
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Catalog No. |
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10009 |
Medal of Napoleon Bonaparte. Front of medal is a profile of Napoleon with the inscriptions “BONAPARTE GENERAL EN CHEF”. The back shows the troops next to the Pyramids with inscriptions “SOLDATS: DU HAUT DE CES PYRAMIDES 40 SIECLES NOUS
CONTEMPLENT” and “NAPOLEON EN EGYPTE / 25 JUILLET 1798”, an important historic item.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 240
SOLD for CHF 280.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10010 |
1799 Complete letter signed by "Napoleon Bonaparte" to General Dommartin, informing him of the availability of "six 3-pound swivel guns with the necessary number of cannonballs.", the guns are to be used to "defend streets' entries and
protect the French quarter.". Napoleon continues in his letter "I urge you to place a 3-shot cannon on the small minaret located in the headquarters overlooking Beguins' square and Boulac's street, as well as to place a cannon of any caliber at the
Pyramids' gate, and another one at the Delta's gate."
A wonderful exhibition showpiece and an extremely rare historical document, apparently only 8 letters from Egypt recorded with Bonaparte's signature.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 7,000
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10011 |
1799 (7 Brumaire An 8) Folded letter sheet from Hector Daure (Commissaire Ordonnateur en Chef) in Cairo to General Menou in Rosette and redirected to Alexandria, bearing black "LE CAIRE" and "ROSETTE" straight line strikes, also faint
oval cursive handstamp "Commre Ordr en Chef" alongside, a unique usage of the two handstamps.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 3,600
SOLD for CHF 3,600.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10012 |
1799 (28.10) Folded letter sheet from Hector Daure (Commissaire Ordonnateur en Chef) in Cairo to Rosette, bearing black "LE CAIRE" straight line strike, with oval cursive handstamp "Commre Ordr en Chef", very fine and very rare,
apparently only 8 examples exist with the Commre Ordr en Chef mkg.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 1,500
SOLD for CHF 1,700.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10013 |
1799 (25 Fructidor An 7) Folded letter sheet with printed "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISW/Au Quartier-général du Caire" from General Dumas in Cairo, addressed to General Menou in Alexandria, bearing black "LE CAIRE" straight line strike, very fine
and scarce.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 1,300
SOLD for CHF 2,000.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10014 |
1800 (3 Brumaire An 9) Folded entire from Siouth to Reynier the "Directeur des Revenus en Nature" in Cairo, bearing superb red "SIOUTH" straight line strike, a very rare showpiece.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 2,200
SOLD for CHF 2,600.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10015 |
c1800 Folded entire from Rosette to Cairo, bearing superb strike in black of the "ROSETTE" straight line hs, showpiece.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 1,800
SOLD for CHF 5,500.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10016 |
1800 (26 Messidor An 8) Folded letter sheet with printed "JOURNAL OFFICIEL" from General Menou in Cairo, addressed to Le Payeur General in Alexandria, bearing red "LE CAIRE" superb straight line strike, very fine and a scarce showpiece.(Image 1)
Estimate. CHF 1,400
SOLD for CHF 1,200.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10017 |
1800 (27.11) Folded entire with headed paper from General Rampon in Damiette to General en Chef Menou in Cairo, bearing large part black "DAMIETTE" straight line strike, the rarest of the Napoleonic offices.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 1,400
SOLD for CHF 1,600.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10018 |
1800 (27 Vendre An 7) Large part folded entire with printed headed stationery to General Via in Mansura, bearing black 2-line "ARM. DE LA MEDNEE / 1re Divon", plus unusual are very rare Arabic arrival hs of Mansura alongside, very fine
and a scarce Napoleonic usage.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 1,200
SOLD for CHF 1,600.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
10019 |
1800 (20 Fructidor An 8) Folded entire from Sorbien the "Chef's engineer's Corps" to General Santon, Commander Chef, bearing clear straight line "Alexandrie" (Smith Type II) in lower case and in black, very fine and very rare.(Image 1)
(Image 2)
Estimate. CHF 1,200
SOLD for CHF 3,200.00
Closing..Jun-17, 02:00 AM |
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