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Germany continued...

Württemberg continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
6086 imageWürttemberg 1862/65: Lot neun Ganzsachenumschläge, der Grossteil ohne Zusatzfrankaturen, interessante Datumsstempel kleiner Orte, dabei 1862 Klappenstp. 1, 6 Kr. blau (2), 9 Kr. schwarzbraun resp. gelbbraun (2), 1863 3 Kr. karmin, 1865 6 Kr. lebhaftblau mit gelbem Überdruck und 3 Kr. karmin mit Zusatzfrankatur 1865 1 Kr. hellgrün & 6 Kr. blau als Einschreibebrief Heilbronn nach Leipzig. Weiterhin 1864 Brief mit 1863 9 Kr. braun von Stuttgart in die Schweiz. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)




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Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM


Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2151 imageMixed Literature Lot with G.S. Ryan 'The Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on the First Issue of Hungary 1867/71', Vols. I & II in excellent condition, together with 'The Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on the stamps of Austria 1850-67', Dieter Bortfelds' Workbook 'The Sovereign States of Colombia' (part II), Alan D. Anyon 'Handbook of Colombian Revenue Stamps' (2009) as well as an antique stamps and stationery catalogue (ca. 1892), issued by Adrian Champion in Geneva. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17)




SOLD for CHF240.00
Closing..May-31, 11:59 PM
2154 imageThe varied collection of philatelic literature with emphasis on Austria and Military Postal History, with Wilhelm Klein "Postwertrzeichen-Ausgaben 1867, 1883 und 1890" Vols. 1 and 2 as presented by the author (1967) to Keith Tranmer, Edwin Müller "Gröss Handbuch" (1925); "Early Postmarks of Turkey" by Orhan Brandt, "Baden" by Fred Melville, "Preussen Nummerstempel" by Bütow (1925), "Disinfection Marks" by Carlo Ravasini (1958) phgotocopied, Greece "Foreign Post Offices" by Nicolas & Galinos, "Camp Postmarks of the UK" by R.A. Kingston, three volumes on Yorkshire Postal History, Egypt "Postage Prepaid Military Datestamps" by Benians, Auction catalogues including "Pantheo" collection of Lombardy Venetia (RL, 1960) with PR but one or two photos excised, "Riesco" collection of GB and Austria (Harmer Rooke, 1962) with PR; "Weinburger" European Classics collection (Harmers, 1974); "Visconti" Lombardy Venetia (RL, 1976), "Michael Sacher" Palestine (RL, 1977), some of the above marked in mss., 'Arge for Feldpost & Cenzurpost' circa 2002-2010, the original traced Maps as used in and by Tchilinghirian / Stephen / Tranmer for the Russia and Austrian postmark handbooks, together with Keith Tranmer's own listings of Turkish FPO's, warships incl. a box of photographs, philatelic awards and medals. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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SOLD for CHF260.00
Closing..May-31, 11:59 PM


Lots and Collections, United Nations
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
664 image1950/2000ca.: United Nations Collection, predominantly from the Geneva office, incl. six albums with complete sets used and unused in Swiss currency, together with many commemorativ sheets and covers in a large box. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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SOLD for CHF150.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM


Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
665 imageSGTM 1868 (Nov 4): Entire letter written from San Lorenzo to Marseille, franked by unusual usage of France 1862 20 c. blue (3) and laureated 1867 20 c. blue (5) used to pay the double rate of 1 fr. 60 c., tied by dotted Anchor lozenge in black. Carried on the SGTM Steamer "Poitou" and struck with superb impression of octagonal Consular "CONFÉDÉRATION ARGENTINE / *" datestamp (Nov 20) at left (Salles fig. 1058). Adhesives, one with fault when overlapped at right, also tied by Marseille entry marking (Dec 23) in red. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 116. Probably a unique usage of such a franking, a most extraordinary cover. Signed Calves.rnProvenance: Collection Sabattini, Afinsa, Madrid, 20-21 Sept 2000, lot 197. (Image 1) (Image 2)


Get Market Data for [Argentina Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for CHF460.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
666 imageMessageries Impêriales 1872 (Feb 4): Cover from Buenos Ayres to Arnstadt bei Gotha at double rate endorsed "Par la Vapeur Française via Bordeaux", franked by Cêrès 1871/75 15 c. bistre and 25 c. blue - single and two blocks of four, all tied by dotted Anchor lozenge with octagonal "BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J No. 2" datestamp (Feb 29) in black (Salles fig. 1072). Carried on Paquebot "Sindh" to Bordeaux with Arnstadt arrival cds (April 1) on reverse. The block is folded over the edge of the envelope and now displayed well. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 108. An unusual and attractive cover.rnProvenance: Maurice Burrusrnrn (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF360.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
667 imageSGTM 1875 (Oct 20): Cover from Buenos Aires to Milan, Italy endorsed "Vapore La France", franked by Argentina 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, tied by "Buenos Aires / OM" despatch cds (Oct 20). Carried by the SGTM Steamer "France" direct to Marseille with 'Plata /Marseille' entry mark in red (Nov 16). Taxed on receipt as entirely unpaid with 1870 Italy 1 lire Postage Due tied by Genova cds (Nov 18). A fresh and fine cover, carried on the same voyage as the previous lot. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
668 imageFrench Military Concessionary Rate 1875 (Aug 26): Siège 40 c. orange, slight corner fault, used on double rate Military Concession cover from Buenos Aires to Toulouse, tied by dotted Anchor lozenge in black. Circular "CORR. D. ARM. / LIG. J PAQ. F. NO. 1" datestamp (Aug 26) in black (Salles fig. 1098) and transferred to Paquebot "Rio Grande" for journey to Bordeaux with circular "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 6" datestamp (Sept 1) struck in blue (Salles fig. 1063), with further strike on reverse. Bordeaux a Cette TPO alongside (Sept 28) and Toulouse arrival in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 113. Despite the small fault, a very rare cover.rnProvenance: Collection Rodolpho Campigotto. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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SOLD for CHF800.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
669 imageBritish Post Offices 1877: Cover from Buenos Aires to Indiana, USA via London on the RMSP "Neva", franked by Argentina 1877 8 c. lake, rouletted, tied by framed "Buenos Aires / O.M." datestamp (Nov 15) in black, Great Britain 1873/80 5 d. grey pl. 15 pair (Gi 147) initially left uncancelled and tied in transit with "FB" Foreign Branch obliterators in London (Dec 18). Reverse with 'New York / Paid All' duplex of entry (Dec 28). Illustrated in Edition 59 on page 111. A fine and scarce cover.rnNote: The British P.O.'s in Buenos and Montevideo were closed in July 1873, however British stamps were sold by the British Consul until Argentina joined the UPU on April 1, 1878. Uruguay joined the UPU on July 1, 1880. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF800.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
670 imageBritish Post Offices 1877: Cover from Buenos Aires to Bremen. Germany via London on the RMSP "Elbe", franked by Argentina 1877 8 c. lake, rouletted, tied by circular "Buenos Aires / O.M." datestamp (June 15) in black with buzon (box) "A" marking alongside; Great Britain 1858/79 1 d. red pl. 182 pair and 1873/80 1 s. green pl. 12 tied in London in transit by "28" numeral obliterators in black. London cds (July 16) and Bremen arrival of the following day on reverse. Illustrated in Edition 59 on page 111. A fine and scarce cover.rnNote: The British P.O.'s in Buenos and Montevideo were closed in July 1873, however British stamps were sold by the British Consul until Argentina joined the UPU on April 1, 1878. Uruguay joined the UPU on July 1, 1880.rnProvenance: Collection Rodolfo Campigotto. (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for CHF800.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
671 image1864/65: Rivadavia 15 c. blue, wmk. RA, imperforate, a used example with large even margins all round, of rich depth of colour, lightly cancelled by obliterator in black. A superb example of an extremely rare stamp. Signed G. Bolaffi. Certs. A. Diena (1961), BPA (1997) Scott = $ 6'500. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




SOLD for CHF2,600.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
672 image1826/1828: 'Republica Argentina' printed postal documents (4), with manuscript detailing of revenue accrued from letters, packets and registered mail sent from Buenos Ayres to Arequipa, Lima and Tacna, the fourth in smaller format from Salta. An unusual and interesting group. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
673 image1873/77: Covers (3) with 1867 5 c. red used on cover to London and taxed on arrival at '1/-' due to pay with "Ship Letter / London" cds in red on reverse (March 5); 1867 5 c. red used on 1875 cover from Buenos Aires in combination with Italy Estero 30 c. brown and 40 c. carmine uncancelled - charged on arrival with Italy 1870 Postage Due 1 lire (Nov 17); and 1877 8 c. lake used on fine 1877 cover to Genova tied by Buenos Aires cds and italic "Da Buenos Aires / coi Postali Italiani" in black, charged with Italy 1870 Postage Due 1 lire (Sept 2). A scarce group. (Image 1)

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SOLD for CHF350.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
2119 imageOverseas - Argentina/Peru, Moens, J.-B. 1882; TIMBRES DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE ARGENTINE et de ses diverses provinces (Buenos Ayres, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre-Rios, Jujuy, San Luis, Santa-Fe, Santiago del Estero), both volumes of 170 + 148 pages with 90 + 90 gravures sur bois, bound together with the 1878 issue of LES TIMBRES DU PEROU, 2ème êdition with 104 pages and 42 gravures sur bois, both books with a print run of 150 examples, half leather hardbound with raised and gold tooled spine. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)




Closing..May-31, 11:59 PM
6230 imageFrench Shipmail from the Americas 1875 (Jan 26): Combination cover from Buenos-Ayres to Bordeaux, endorsed "Vapor Gironde" and bearing Argentina 1867 Rivadavia 5 c. red with strongly vertically shifted perforation showing marginal imprint '..ILLETES DE FRANCO NUEVA YORK' & San Martin 15 c. blue (Gi 28+30a), tied by "BUENOS-AYRES 26 ENO 1875". In addition franking with France Siège 40 c. orange as well as Cêrès 1872 5 c. green, 15 c. bistre Gros Chiffres and 80 c. rose, a single and a pair, all adhesives with fresh colour and good perforation, tied by light Anchor lozenge. In order to prevent a possible theft of the French adhesives in Argentina, the sender pre-cancelled them with tiny pen strokes. Front struck with Shipmail's octogonal datestamp "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No. 5 26 JANV. 75" as well as framed PD in red. Reverse with BORDEAUX arrival (Feb 25, 75) cds, sent there with the steamer 'Gironde'. An amazing mixed franking with in total six colours, the Argentinina franking paying the double rate to the port, the French franking paying the triple rate Shipmail journey to France. Cert. Robineau (1986). (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




Closing..May-26, 09:30 AM
6715 imageArgentine Confederation 1858 (May 1): 5 c. red, a used example with large margins all round, on circa 1861 lettersheet to Buenos Aires, tied by FRANCA handstamp with oval "CORREO / GUALEGUAICHU" handstamp alongside. Horizontal file fold well away from the franking, an attractive and scarce entire. (Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM
6716 imageArgentine Confederation 1858 (May 1): 10 c. green, a used horizontal pair with fair to large margins all round, on Aug 21, 1859 quadruple rate cover from Goya to Rosario cancelled by central FRANCA handstamp in black. A very rare multiple on letter.rnProvenance: Collection Luis Alemany, Ivy & Mader sale (June 1998), lot 2059. (Image 1) (Image 2)


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Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM
6717 imageArgentine Confederation 1858 (May 1): 15 c. blue, a used exceptional example with large to enormous margins all round incl. parts of the right neighbouring adhesive, on triple rate cover from Rosario via Paraná to Goya, tied by oval "CORREO NACIONAL / FRANCA / DEL ROSARIO" handstamp in black, "CORREO DEL PARANA" transit (May 20, 1861) cds in blue alongside. An exceptional franking, signed Kneitschel, cert. Solari & Mautalen (1995) Scott = € 3'000.rnProvenance: 91. Corinphila sale (April 1996), lot 6802. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM
6718 imageArgentine Republic 1862: Escuditos 5 c. rose-lilac, with accent, a fine example with large margins all round, used on 1863 cover to Mendoza tied by framed "CORREO NACIONAL / DEL / ROSARIO" handstamp with "Correo Del Rosario" cds alongside (Jan 2), both in blue. Signed E. Diena. (Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM
6719 imageArgentine Republic 1862: Escuditos 15 c. blue, with accent, a fine and fresh example with large margins all round incl. part of the upper neighbouring stamp, used on 1863 triple rate cover to Buenos Aires tied by framed "CORREO NACIONAL / DEL / ROSARIO" handstamp with "Correo Del Rosario" cds alongside (Jan 28), both in blue. A great rarity, an exhibition item for a connoisseur, cert. RPS (1963) Scott = $ 3'000.rnProvenance: 77. Corinphila sale (Sept 1988), lot 4601/Y. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Get Market Data for [Argentina 7] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM

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