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Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
176 1758 Entire letter from London to Bordeaux, packets to France suspended due to the Seven Years War, therefore sent via a forwarding agent in Holland, the Rotterdam agents endorsement on reverse, handstamped "HOLLANDE". Also a 1764 letter sent after the end of the war by the newly reopened Dover to Calais service. (2).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
177 1780-83 Entire letters from London to France with blue circular "DA/B" (D'Angleterre par Bruxelles) used at the Thurn & Taxis office at Brussels on mail sent via Belgium during the 1779-83 War with France. (2).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
178 1793 Entire letters to France with differing "D'ANGLETERRE" handstamps, a March 12th letter sent from Dover to Calais, a March 26th letter sent from London to Flushing with "OSTENDE" handstamp applied at the Thurn & Taxis frontier office at Ghent. Also 1802 (June 3) entire letter from France to London sent during the Peace of Amiens. (3).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
179 1805-06 Entire letters from London to Cognac sent after the resumption of war with France, an 1805 (Aug 20) letter sent via Hamburg with "R.N.4" charge mark, 1806 (Aug 9) letter endorsed by a forwarding agent in Rouen (Aug 21), and 1806 (Dec 4) sent via Holland with red circular framed "H" handstamp. An interesting group, the last sent after Napoleon's decree banning all letters from Britain or written in the English language (2017 Roumet Certificate). (3).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
180 1811 (Mar 4) Entire letter from Paris to London privately carried to Calais where it was held for over three years until the end of the war, the reverse endorsed by the forwarding agent Culie in Calais and posted in Dover with "DOVER / 72" handstamp and a May 15 1814 London c.d.s. Also 1814 (Mar 22) entire letter from London to Bordeaux, detained by the Post Office until the resumption of the Dover to Calais packet in April, red "FOREIGN / 6 / 1814" handstamp, received on April 27th. Two unusual items. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
181 image1815 (Feb 27) Entire letter from London to Havre via Southampton prepaid 7d ship letter rate, with two strikes of red "PAID SHIP LETTER / LONDON" c.d.s, initially applied with the year reversed in error (reading "1581"), a second corrected handstamp then applied. Probably a unique error. Photo on Page 28. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
182 image1815 (May 6) Entire letter from Le Havre to London sent during the 100 days war after Napoleon's return from exile, packets again suspended so sent as a ship letter with scarce single oval "SHIP-LETTER / (crown) / PORTSMOUTH" (S11, only recorded in 1815), charged 1/2. Photo on Page 28. (Image1)

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
183 1818-36 Entire letters (13) and a part entire including Calais forwarding agents (4, two with cachets, one with endorsement and Dover Ship Letter), 1843 letter from Andover to France sent via Southampton, 1845 letter from Paris to Gravesend with Dover c.d.s and therefore not sent via London, entry handstamps of Calais (4) and Boulogne (2), etc. Also 1836 French Postal Convention with Great Britain. (15).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
184 1843-44 Entire letters (2) and an entire from France, or Spain via France, to London, all sent on the packet from Le Havre to Brighton, with Brighton backstamps. This packet service operated 1843-47. (3).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
185 imageSussex. 1846 Stampless cover from Hastings to Boulogne prepaid 10d in cash, handstamped curved "PAID / 1d" in black with the "1d" crossed out, red oval "P-D". The only recorded example of this Hastings U.P.P handstamp in black, probably a unique use on a cover addressed abroad. Photo on Page 28. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
186 1848-1974 Covers and cards including French T.P.Os with "COURRIERS SP. L. DU HAVRE", "RETARD-DU-CONVOI / PARIS" c.d.s used on delayed mail, 1848 letter to France franked 1d red, 1897 "The Channel Tunnel Company Limited" newspaper wrapper, etc. (56).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
187 Late Fees. 1865-1902 Covers and cards from Paris to G.B with octagonal late fee datestamps (4, late fees of 40c, 20c or 5c), or G.B to France (10, also a front) with late fees of 1d or 2d. (15).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
188 Late Fees. 1866 Entire letters from Bradford to France franked 6d or 2d + 4d (faults to 4d stamp), paying the 4d postage + 2d "northern towns" late fee, for mail from the Yorkshire towns of Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield and Leeds to France sent on the special late train to London to connect with the Continental Night Mail. Scarce, few examples recorded. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
189 1869-70 Covers comprising 1869 registered cover from France franked 1f20 with superb oval "REGISTERED LONDON / FROM / FRANCE" datestamp (edge faults); 1870 entire from Le Havre to London "via Southampton" with red "PAID / LONDON SHIP LETTER" c.d.s; and 1870 (Nov 28) entire from G.B to Switzerland routed via Belgium due to the Franco-Prussian War (closed tear); also 1875 (Dec 13) Post Office Circular announcing the entry of France into the U.P.U on January 1st and reduction in rates. (4).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
190 Dover - Paquebot Mail. 1897 Reunion 10c postcard, from Reunion to London, cancelled by "DOVER / STATION OFFICE / 208" duplex, apparently landed and treated as paquebot mail. Minor edge creasing but early and very unusual; Dover did not have a Paquebot handstamp until 1905.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
191 Continental Night Mail. 1894-1908 Covers (3) and a picture postcard to Paris, posted into the late fee boxes at Cannon Street or Charing Cross (3) with a late fee of 4d (2) or 2d (2) paid, "CONTINENTAL NIGHT MAIL" duplex cancel "C.S/2" or double ring datestamps "C.X" (3), all fine. (4).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
192 T.P.O. 1870 (Oct 3) Entire letter from Liverpool to Havre "via Southampton", franked 3d + 2d late fee, cancelled "N.W.R.P. OFFICE / LIVERPOOL / 466" duplexs, very fine.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
193 T.P.Os. 1890-1931 Covers and cards (30) and a front, various British T.P.O datestamps used on cross channel mails, mainly London & Dover T.P.O (14) including scarce circular framed "L.D / S.C / D" and tiny boxed "L & D / S.C" (one stamp missing), two differing London & Dover T.P.O Night Mail datestamps cancelling 1890-93 postcards, other T.P.Os including 1907 card franked uncancelled France 10c with Great Western T.P.O Night Down c.d.s and "POSTED WITHOUT LATE FEE" charged 2d (a few faults), also other railway related cancels. (31).

Est. £240-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
194 Railways. 1844-1964 Written up collection showing the role of British railway companies in carrying mail and operating services to and from France, including 1844 London & South Western Rly cover with advert for the Paris & Rouen Railway services via Havre and Southampton on the reverse, posted in London franked 1d with No. 8 in Maltese Cross; 1911 L.B & S.C.R postcard with G.B KEVII 1d (railway perfin) cancelled at Dieppe and manuscript "Par Paquebot"; 1908 Folkestone Paquebot; also numerous picture postcards, waybills, advertising handbills and booklets, tickets, etc., from the L.B & S.C.R, S.E & C.R, L.C & D.R, L & S.W.R, etc. (86).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
195 imageRailway Letter. 1911 Cover to France franked KEVII 2½d and L. & S.W.R 2d letter stamp both cancelled oval "SUNNINGDALE / STATION / L. & S.W.RY", London machine, very fine and unusual to France. Also a 1920 L. & S.W.R 2d parcel stamp with "HAVRE / L.S.W.R / CANCELLED" datestamp. (2). Photo on Page 28. (Image1)

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
196 1840 Mulreadys comprising 1d envelope with very scarce stereo A305 used from Havant to Portsea with red Maltese Cross and datestamp on the front (AU 8 1840, a little soiled); and unused 1d envelope stereo A181, 1d lettersheets (2, stereo A236 and A54 with English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance advert in blue), 2d lettersheet stereo a90 and 2d envelope stereo a196, a few minor faults. (6).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
197 1883 Parcels Post official publications, "Rules for Head Postmasters", "Rules for Sub-Postmasters", "Rules for Town Receivers", "Circular Letter to Surveyors dated 1st February 1883", and "Report of the Deputy Postmaster-General to the Right Honourable The Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, 20th February 1883". Five rare publications produced prior to the introduction of the Parcels Post in August 1883, giving all rules and regulations of the new service with reproductions of the forms and labels to be used. (5).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
198 c.1883-1918 Post Office Notices (3) and ephemera with 1891 menu for The Foreign & Colonial Parcel Post Mount Pleasant fourth annual dinner, Parcels Post label and Postal Regulations card with rates, parcel tags with wrapper or cover giving rates, parcel tags with cover advertising parcels sent by the LMS, 1912-15 P.O Notices advertising parcel services to Rhodesia and Belgian Congo (faults), China via Siberia or Gold Coast Colony. (9).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
199 1842-c.1990 Covers and cards with various charge marks, many with due stamps including 1880-81 covers from USA with unusual "2" charge marks (2), albino stationery charged in error with the charge then cancelled, pre-war air mails, disallowed stamps, novelty postcards, 1964 cover with 4d Wilding pair used in lieu of postage dues at Epsom, some foreign due stamps and explanatory marks, etc. (450).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
200 Customs Charges/Accumulated Charges. 1938-92 Covers or parcel address panels with postage due stamps used to collect customs duty or purchases tax charges (14), or accumulated charges for several items (18), some large stamp blocks with charges up to £222.41, a few with mixed postage due stamp issues. (24).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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