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Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
151 1892-1900 Stampless covers, the postage having been applied to an "E" form, including an undated cover simply addressed to a "Victoria Street" and 1897 cover sent within Worthing both with red oval "POST OFFICE / EXPRESS / PAID" first type handstamp; other covers sent within London with oval "EXPRESS" handstamp (3, one an early use with 6 April 1892 c.d.s), and an undated cover sent within Falmouth endorsed "All paid in full by hand local" with red "POST OFFICE / EXPRESS" first type label. (6).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
152 image1895 1d Lettercard sent by express parcel post within Exeter, presumably sent with or attached to a parcel with the express fee applied to an "E" form, with Exeter parcel cancel and boxed Parcel Post handstamp, and first type oval "POST OFFICE / EXPRESS / PAID", minor tone marks, very unusual. Also a Parcel Post label franked 3d. (2). Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
153 1895-1901 Covers from Ventnor, Southampton, Dundee, Lyndhurst, or Walsall all to London, Margate to Canterbury or Exeter to Newton Abbot all franked 4d, also a registered wrapper from Birmingham to London franked 6d, and a piece with pen cancelled ½d block of eight and 2d Great Southern & Western Railway stamp. The Exeter cover handstamped oval "EXPRESS", the other seven covers with red first type "POST OFFICE / EXPRESS" (2) or second type "M. - No. 55 / POST OFFICE / EXPRESS" (4) labels, a good lot. (9).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
154 London. 1896-1900 Covers posted within London (5) or from London to Salisbury, two sent entirely by express messenger within one mile so only paid the 3d express fee (and no postage), the others all franked 4d, two with oval "EXPRESS" handstamps, the others with red "POST OFFICE / EXPRESS" or "M. - No. 55 / POST OFFICE / EXPRESS" (3) labels. A good lot, the 3d frankings uncommon. (6).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
155 Postal Stationery. 1896-1902 1d Lettercard and 1d pink envelopes (3, one a front) all handstamped oval "EXPRESS", the 1896 1d lettercard and 1902 cover posted within London with the express fee applied to an "E" form, 1901 1d cover franked 3d from Cambridge to London, and 1900 1d front franked 5d posted within London (6d rate for two mile delivery), the unfranked lettercard and cover both very unusual. (4).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
156 1904-11 Covers with KEVII stamps paying the 4d rate (15), also a registered cover franked 6d (faults), five handstamped oval "EXPRESS", the other eleven bearing red Express labels (type 2 or 4), from London, Croydon, Bath, Stirling, Portsmouth, Abingdon, Swanage, Bedford, Kidderminster or Wigan, two 1d stationery envelopes franked 3d. A good lot. (16).

Est. £450-550

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
157 1905-23 Stampless covers, the postage having been applied to an "E" form, four handstamped oval "EXPRESS", four with red Express labels (Wellsted types 2, 4, 6), with items sent locally in Edinburgh, Bristol, Birkenhead or London, one cover from Great Yarmouth to Gorleston refused and returned to sender. (8).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
158 1914-37 KGV Covers (25) and a picture postcard, the 1917 postcard sent within London franked 3½d, covers franked 4d (7), 4½d (3), 7½d (10, one 1922, others 1930-37) or 8d (4), another franked 2½d probably with a 6d stamp removed, various Express handstamps (8) or labels (18), one with unusual tiny "EX" label, also an unused block of 26 Express labels (Wellsted type 10, used 1927-31). (26 + labels).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
159 1937-67 Covers (20) and "E" forms (2), including 1937 cover franked 7½d in KEVIII stamps sent express from Sheffield to London then redirected by ordinary post to Derby, 1939 parcel wrapper with 1/- meter and private express label, 1953 railex cover franked 6/2½, registered covers with rates to 6/4 (6), etc., and two 1951 "E" forms for railex covers from London franked 2/2½ (with 2½d on the cover) or 1/6 (with 6d on the cover), the latter scarce as "E" forms should have been destroyed. (22).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
160 1910-23 Covers to Europe, comprising 1910 cover to Italy franked KEVII 2½d + 3d, 1918 censored cover to Switzerland franked ½d + 5d, 1923 cover to France franked 3d + 6d and 4½d registration envelope uprated 1d + 6d to Germany, all with differing express labels. (4).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
161 1892-1917 Covers (5) and a postcard from Europe to England, the 1892 (Dec. 3) Belgian 10c postcard franked 30c, covers from Bavaria, Germany (2) or Italy (2) all with boxed "EXPRESS FEE PAID 3d", the five 1892-1911 items also with oval "EXPRESS" handstamp. The 1892 postcard with faults but very early and scarce (a year earlier than the first incoming foreign express item recorded by Wellsted), 1896 cover from Germany endorsed "per express, but to order in the day time". (6).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
162 T.P.O. 1904-13 Postcards from Germany, Italy or Belgium to London, all with London & Dover S.C Night Mail Up (2) or London & Dover T.P.O Night Mail datestamps and violet boxed "EXPRESS FEE PAID 3d" probably applied on the T.P.O, two also with oval "EXPRESS". (3).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
163 Official Mail. 1804-46 Entire letters or entires, all printed wrappers for the Tithe Commissioners (2), Inspector of Corn Returns, Commissioners of Assessed Taxes or the Poor Law Commissioners (5), also an 1837 free entire to His Majesties Commissioners for the Building of Churches in England & Wales, seven posted prior to 1840 with Free datestamps, three posted after 1840 with Paid datestamps (10).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
164 Penny Posts. 1838-39 Entire letters of entires (6) and a front all with Penny Post handstamps including Ironbridge, Horndean and Cuckfield, two redirected, two on printed O.H.M.S wrappers from the Admiralty or Secretary of State's Office. (7).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
165 imageIreland. 1744 (Jan 21) Entire letter from St. Martins and La Rochelle in France to Dublin, "JA/23" London Bishop Mark on reverse, initials in the lower corner crossed out, handstamped circular "COUNTERFEIT / 2" (Galland DC1) and "RECHARGED" (DCh1) both applied in Dublin, charged 2/7. Just seven examples of the Counterfeit handstamp and eight examples of the Recharged handstamp recorded by Galland and Colton, all dated between 1743 and 1746, with two letters bearing both handstamps. Light horizontal file fold, otherwise fine and very rare. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £1,400-1,600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
166 1802 (Feb 20) Entire letter from London to Derby with red boxed "Above Privileged / Number" (LN2), a Free datestamp crossed out, 7d and 8d charges. Scarce, eleven examples recorded.

Est. £160-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
167 1811 (July 6) Entire from Hexham to London, a red Free datestamp crossed out, handstamped "Above Privilege / Number" (LN3) and charged 11d, repaired tear at base and flap missing, otherwise fine, an unusually good example of this handstamp, twelve examples recorded by Galland.

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
168 1821 (Aug 1) Entire letter from Exeter to London, written by R. Cartwright but franked by Lawrence Palk (a clear abuse of the franking privilege), manuscript "above 1oz" with red "ABOVE / WEIGHT" (LW2), charged 3/8, vertical file fold.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
169 1827-32 Entire letters from the Bishop of Norwich, both to John Kitson in Norwich, posted at Cheltenham or London, both handstamped "ABOVE / WEIGHT" (LW4) in red (two strikes) or black and charged, a fine pair. (2).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
170 imageUniform 4d Post. 1840 (Jan 3) Free Front to Ireland headed "Haddington Decr Three 1839" but endorsed "Posted 3 Jy 1840", therefore disallowed as a free frank, with Haddington "4" charge mark, very unusual. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
171 1869-1907 Covers and cards with 1869 Azemar on cover franked 1d and piece franked 6d, 1871-72 Azemars on covers (5) and a front; cards with sloper cancels (7); Hosters, a study of cancellations (26) and backstamps (10); and Boston cancels (51+ pieces) including Liverpool type, the Hoster and Boston cancels well written up on pages. Also printed patents for 1889-1905 machines (7) including International and Columbia Companies of USA and Nils Krag of Norway, all of whose machines were used by the British Post Office. (112+).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
172 imageFolkestone - Mobile Box. 1847 (Mar 8) Stampless mourning envelope to London with the distinctive boxed "M.B", Folkestone and London backstamps, charged 10d, recipients filing endorsement at right, otherwise fine and scarce. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
173 Greenock. 1901 (Oct 18) Cover with Newfoundland 2c cancelled at Greenock, handstamped "PAQUEBOT", the first recorded year of use of this handstamp, unusual with a Newfoundland stamp.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
174 1586 (July 23) Entire letter from Paris to Bartholomeo Corsini in London endorsed "ptto", with Merchant Strangers Post 11d charge.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
175 1699-1790 Entire letters (7) and an entire to or from France including 1699 letter with "DE SMALO" handstamp, 1774 "ANGLETERRE" handstamps (2 types), c.1717 entire to Searles Coffee House with scarce circular framed "P" handstamp (Jay 1050) used in the London Foreign Branch on letters passing through Paris, 1787 letter from Croisic with Dover forwarding agents endorsement, 1790 letters from France posted in Portsmouth or Dover, etc. (8).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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