SUDAN continued...
SUDAN continued...
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Opening |
1876 |
1885 (Feb 10) Military Telegraphs form from Schnitzler, the Reuters News Agency representative at Cairo, to Halfa with violet "FIELD TELEGRAPH / HL / No.4" datestamp, endorsed "Korosko" in pencil, message reads
"Italy decided to assist England if asked. Following troops ordered Egypt, 20 Hussars, 1st Battn 11th, 3rd and 5th Lancers, 103rd, 53rd and now the 16th Regt. On Saturday 3rd Battn Grenadier Guards, 1st Battn Coldstream, 2nd Battn Scots Guards embark
for Souakim". Scarce. Photo on Page 253. (Image1)
Est. £300-400
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1877 |
1884 Christmas cards entitled "No. 1 - The Siege of Khartoum, General Gordon holds the fort" (creasing, edge tear) or "No. 2 - The Nile Expedition. Gordon in sight. Hooray" with comic drawings by W.G Baxter, published by Alfred Gray. Also a cartoon
from St. Stephens Review (Dec. 13 1884) showing Gordon delivering a letter to an aged Wolseley outside Khartoum, "The Daily Sentinal" newspaper published in Canada (10 Sept. 84) with reports on the campaign, 1898 letter from Charles Beresford (who
led the naval contingent in the Nile Expedition), etc. (23).
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1878 |
1884 (Nov 15) Stampless cover endorsed "Semnet, stamps not available" with "WADI-HALFA" c.d.s (Nov. 22) and boxed "T", "I.B / 2½d" charge mark applied in the Inland Branch and boxed "P.C" applied in Hull,
backstamped at Alexandria and Hull. The enclosed letter from Wadi Halfa reports his arrival having got leave to rejoin his company on his own account; his company have gone up river so he has attached himself to a company of the 46th who are going to
proceed to Sarras. The 56th Regt have now all left Assouan except for the depot. A fine cover. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1879 |
1884 (Dec 22) Stampless cover endorsed "Dongola, stamps not available", scarce "DONGOLA" star and crescent c.d.s with name in a straight line, boxed "T", "2½" single rate charge mark and boxed "P.C" applied
in Hull. The enclosed letter headed "about 8 miles past Dongola" includes "I left the 46th Company at Dal & joined one of ours which was stuck there. The next day I took over four boats of ours & came straight on by myself .... Apshara 60 miles from
Dal was the first station I got to ..... then Kaibat where there was a baddish cataract 26 miles on, from there to Abu Fatmeh or Hanneh was about 35 miles & very bad going .... got to Dongola about 2pm today. I did not stop but shouted our strength &
description as I passed .... I shall probably post this at Handah which we ought to reach on the 24th or 25th". A fine cover and letter. Photo on Page 244.
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1880 |
1885 (Jan 10) Stampless cover endorsed "Korti-R. Nile, stamps not available" with "DONGOLA" star and crescent datestamp (Jan. 15), boxed "T", "2½" single rate charge and boxed "P.C" applied in Hull. The
enclosed letter from Korti reports all the regiment at Korti except a few stragglers, one company has been sent to the wells of El Howeijah about 56 miles on the way, the 30th are up river beyond Merawee. Photo on Page 244. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1881 |
1885 (Feb 16) Cover franked 1pi cancelled by large "KORTI" star and crescent datestamp, a second strike on the front, a fine cover. Also a Feb. 8th letter written from Korti, which includes "we only heard
yesterday that Khartoum has fallen ..... the 50th are all the Infantry here now. The Light Camel Corps have gone to relieve the heavies who are escorting the wounded in ..... a Lance Corporal & 3 of our men who have been up with the Mounted Infantry
brought in the despatch telling us of the fall of Khartoum .... they rode from El Howeizah 60 miles in 10 hours without stopping ..... only one man of ours in the M.I was killed, they kept up too good a fire on their side of the square to let them
get past". (Cover + letter). Photo on Page 244. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1882 |
1885 (Mar 29) Stampless cover endorsed "Tani, stamp not available" with large "TANI" star and crescent datestamp, "2½" charge mark and boxed "P.C" applied in Hull, vertical fold, otherwise fine and very rare.
Also a six page letter written from Tani on April 9th describing the building of barracks and a mess, also "we are losing our men again rather fast, the 28th since leaving Assouan died yesterday besides one killed with the M.I at Abu Klea .... the
"Lotus" arrived from Dongola today two days late, she only draws 18 inches but kept getting stuck the water being so shallow". The Tani Post Office opened after the office at Korti was closed but the datestamp is only recorded on March 29th,
apparently lost or damaged after a single day's use. Probably the finest of just three recorded Tani datestamps. (Cover + letter). Photo on Inside Back Cover. (Image1)
Est. £2,400-2,800
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1883 |
1884 (Nov 18) Egypt 20pa reply card (reply half) from Gemai to Canada, message states "address Canadian Boatman Egypt", cancelled by fine "WADI-HALFA" c.d.s with a second strike alongside, Toronto arrival c.d.s
(Dec 18). Light vertical fold and corner crease, otherwise fine and rare, the earliest of just five recorded items from Canadian Boatmen in Sudan. Photo on Page 244. (Image1)
Est. £2,000-2,500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1884 |
1884 (Nov 1) Cover franked Small Queen 5c cancelled by target obliterator, manuscript "Neilsonville, 1st Nov. 84 Quebec", addressed to "Surgeon Major Neilson, Canadian Voyageurs, Khartoum Expedition, Wadi Halfa,
Egypt", Quebec backstamp, endorsed "if en route please forward". Opening tear at right edge, otherwise fine and very scarce, with R.P.S Certificate (2002). Photo on Inside Back Cover. (Image1)
Est. £1,800-2,200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1885 |
Medal. 1882-84 Egypt and Sudan Medal, undated reverse, one clasp "The Nile 1884-85, named to "12. BOAT: J. JACOB CAUGHNAWAGA DET.", fine and scarce. 392 Medals awarded to Canadian civilian boatmen (56 from the Caughnawaga Detachment) recruited in
Canada at the request of Lord Wolseley, who had commanded the 1870 Red River Expedition, where such men proved their worth.
Est. £1,500-1,800
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1886 |
1885 (Mar 9) G.B 1d Postcard from Abergele to "Lieut. H.M Sandbach R.H.A, G/B Battery Royal Horse Artillery, Suakin Field Force, Egypt" with arrival backstamp (Mar 23). Edge creasing, otherwise fine, a scarce ingoing card.
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1887 |
1885 (Mar 18) Egypt 20pa postcard from surgeon Henry Johnston, to Edinburgh, cancelled by "SOUAKIN" c.d.s with a second strike alongside, very fine. Posted prior to the arrival of the British A.P.O at Suakin, the
writer having arrived there the previous day. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 244. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1888 |
1885 (Mar 31) Cover from Capt. F.W Wilson, 10th Prince of Wales Own Royal Hussars, to his wife in England, franked G.B ½d blue and 1d lilac pair each cancelled "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT" c.d.s code
"C". A superb cover, an early use of the c.d.s, unusual on the ½d value. Also a reproduction Photo of Wilson. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 244.
Est. £800-1,000
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1889 |
Indian Field P.O. 1885 (Apr 10) Cover from Coondor, India, franked 4a, addressed to "H.M Sandbach, 9.B Royal Horse Artillery, Suakin, General Grahams Expeditionary Force, Soudan" backstamped at Bombay and with
scarce India "FIELD P.O" arrival c.d.s. The enclosed letter is from Colonel J.C.A Alexander (father of the WW2 General) and includes mention of the situation in Afghanistan, and the Sir John McNeil affair. A scarce arrival c.d.s and an unusual origin
to Sudan. Photo on Page 244. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1890 |
Hospital Ship S.S "Bulimba". 1885 (Apr 22) Cover to Wales with G.B 2½d lilac tied by "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / A / EGYPT" c.d.s, the enclosed ten page letter written by Lt. A.E Sandbach from "S.S Bulimba,
Suakin, 18th April 1885". Sandbach commanded H. Co., 2nd Batt. M.I; he had led his men on a march from Suakin to Handoub but was invalided back to Suakin, and writes this letter from the hospital ship "Bulimba" in Suakin Harbour. He tells of his
journey back to Suakin with a sick sergeant each on a stretcher loaded on either side of a mule, accompanied by his baggage and Armenian servant and his arrival on the hospital ship; on April 22nd he notes the "Bulimba" is to leave for England with
invalids and the "Ganges" to Suez with convalescents, and he is to leave the ship and return to his troops. The only letter in the extensive and well known "Sandbach" correspondence from a hospital ship. Very scarce. Photo on Page 244. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1891 |
1885 (Apr 22) Cover to England headed "From 2nd Corpl Philip Spicer 10th Coy Royal Engineers Survey Detachment Suakim" and countersigned, a 1d lilac (corner fault) cancelled "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT" code
"A", the cover with some creasing, toning and minor surface scrapes, a unique soldiers rate cover from the R.E Detachment building the railway from Suakin to Berber. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 246. (Image1)
Est. £1,000-1,200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1892 |
1885 (Apr 25) Stampless O.H.M.S cover to "Lieut. H.M Sandbach, Royal Horse Artillery, Handoub" endorsed "From District Pay Office", with "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT" c.d.s code "A", containing a receipt for
£25 sent by Sandbach from Suakin to the War Office to be paid to the holder of the corresponding remittance voucher. Opening tear, otherwise fine and a very unusual official cover sent within Sudan. Photo on Page 246. (Image1)
Est. £600-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1893 |
1885 G.B 5d Green on piece cancelled by complete "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT" c.d.s (code "C", Apr. 15), a scarce value used at Suakin. S.G. Z49, £600. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1894 |
1885 (May 13) Stampless cover to London headed "From 6095 Pte A.L Martin Medical Staff Corps, no stamps obtainable" and countersigned by "C. Read, Surgeon Major, Coldstream Guards Comg Guard Field Hospital,
Tambouk" with "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT" c.d.s code "A", unusual oval framed "T" and a "1d" charge mark, London backstamps. A couple of very minor edge nicks, otherwise fine and a scarce soldiers rate cover. Photo on Page 246. (Image1)
Est. £600-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1895 |
1885 (May 14) Cover with printed address "Messrs Lucas & Aird, Suakin-Berber Railway, Suakin" and "via Military Post", posted from Kettering to Mr J. Blair, franked 2½d. Lucas & Aird of Kettering won the
contract to build the Suakin to Berber railway to supply the Nile Expedition forces; 19 miles of railway were constructed from Suakin harbour to Otao with the help of the 10th Railway Co. R.E when the Government decided to withdraw from the Sudan and
the railway was abandoned. A rare and unusual cover, ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 246. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1896 |
1885 (Aug 3) Cover with a printed Red Cross on the flap and initials M.S.C (Medical Staff Corps), posted from Cairo to London franked 1pi. The British Red Cross Society sent nurses to work in Wadi-Halfa and at the Citadel Hospital in Cairo, from
where this cover was probably sent. Ex Firebrace.
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1897 |
1886 (Sep 20-28) Eight page letter written and signed by Col. Charles Egerton, in command of the Suakin Expedition, which includes "We could march to Berber & join hands with Kitchener or hunt up Osman Digna or do anything but they are so jealous of
our having any share in the campaign that they will not allow us to undertake the most obvious necessary movements. We have just heard of the capture of Dongola taken by the Staffords in the gunboats and not by those accursed Egyptians. The Khalifa
has no intention of making a real stand before Khartoum ..... these so called victories of the Egyptians are mere outpost skirmishes. You have no doubt seen the magnificent pictures in the illustrated papers of fiery gippy cavalry charging hordes of
Dervish spearmen and driving them before them like sheep. The real fact is that the gippy cavalry did charge but it was in the opposite direction to the enemy. They were scared out of their lives by almost 20 Dervish horsemen who were driven off by
the British Officers with their revolvers." An interesting letter, no cover, ex Collier.
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1898 |
Lord Kitchener. 1886 (Oct 3) Four page letter written and signed by Kitchener from Suakin, to a Mr Wylde, which includes "I have got about 1,000 friendlies surrounding the rebels at Tamai but they can't get in to the rebel fort, the rebels have 13
guns 6 being Krupps, rather nasty things to face with a spear and shield so they ask me for help & I have to tell them to go and die for their country & that I would not for the world rob them of such a noble chance of doing so". A scarce letter from
the future Lord Kitchener. Ex Firebrace.
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1899 |
Military Telegraphs. 1885 (Mar. 20 - May 8) Pieces bearing Military Telegraphs stamps all cancelled violet "FIELD TELEGRAPH / SK No. 16" datestamps at Suakin, the six pieces franked 3d, 6d (2 pieces), 1/- pair or
2/- (2 pieces), a scarce group, ex. Firebrace. S.G. MT2/5, £2,200. (6). Photo on Page 248. (Image1) (Image2)
Est. £600-700
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1900 |
Military Telegraphs. 1885 (Mar 23 - Apr. 27) Military Telegraphs 3d strip of three and two pieces franked 1/- or £1, all cancelled by violet "FIELD TELEGRAPH / QI / No. 3" datestamps at Quarantine Island,
£1 with corner faults but very scarce, ex Firebrace. S.G. MT2, 4, 8, £900 + £1 value (unpriced by S.G.). (5). Photo on Pages 164 & 236.
(Image1) (Image2)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
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