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SUDAN continued...

SUDAN continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1851 1883 (July 28) Letter from Major-General Hicks, Commander of the Egyptian forces, to the Editor of the Graphic informing him that Col. Colburne has returned to England, and he has recommended Mr Vizetelli to send sketches from Khartoum to the editor. Hicks was killed at the Battle of Kashgil on November 3rd, where the Mahdi's forces destroyed an Egyptian army of 10,000. Also a print of Hicks. A scarce autograph, ex. Firebrace. (2).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1852 imagePerf 11½ 1 rose, 2 orange, 5 green, 5 brown, 10 violet and 20 blue-grey 'stamps' depicting a smoking man with concubines behind, inscribed "MAHDI, POSTES DU SOUDAN", values in black, mint, also 20 blue stationery envelope (150x122mm), a scarce bogus issue. (7). Photo on Page 236. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

image image

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1853 image1884 (Feb 18) Egypt 20pa postcard written by General Gordon on the day he entered Khartoum, addressed to Jerusalem with "KHARTOUM" c.d.s (Feb. 19) below the stamp, datestamps of Assiout (Mar. 8), Cairo, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. Gordon writes "just arrived Khartoum having left London on 18.1.84 & Haifa 18.12.83, have had capital voyage........". Gordon had spent most of 1883 in Palestine. Minor creasing and small edge tear, a unique card, ex. Firebrace. Photo on Page 238. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £900-1,100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1854 1884 (Feb 19) Egypt 20pa postcard to the USA, from an American tourist at Luxor written the day after Gordon entered Khartoum, the message includes "we hear lots of talk about el mahdi. It is believed by some if the English do not act promptly he will march into Lower Egypt, however at present things are very quiet & the natives do not believe in him", horizontal fold.

Est. £70-80

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1855 image1884 (Aug 26) Letter written and signed by General Gordon on both sides of a small piece of thin paper (135x137mm), rather crumpled, clearly folded up and smuggled out of the besieged town. To "Senior Office R.N Massawah", it includes "we have (thank God) succeeded taking Arab camp and killing Arab Commander in Chief ..... this victory clears our vicinity in three parts of circle, the Arab defeat may be put down to a defection of a part of their forces who came over to us at moment of attack. The naval forces behaved splendidly ..... Spies from Kordofan report advance of Mahdi with 26 guns towards Khartoum .....", signed "C.E. Gordon" with his blue Arab seal handstamp alongside. An exceptional Gordon letter, smuggled out of besieged Khartoum by a native messenger, probably hidden in his hair or clothing, very rare, ex. Firebrace. Photo included on Back Cover. (Image1)

Est. £3,500-4,500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1856 imageBanknote. 1884 20pi Banknote issued in Khartoum during the siege, printed on card, hectographed Gordon signature and blue seal handstamp, unusually fine. Photo on Page 238. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1857 imageBanknote. 1884 100pi Banknote issued in Khartoum during the siege, printed on card, signed by Gordon with his blue seal handstamp and circular "GOUVERNORAT GENERAL DU SOUDAN", unusually fine. Photo on Page 238. (Image1)

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1858 Medal. 1884 General Gordon's Star for the Siege of Khartoum, in pewter, sewn onto red cloth with blue edges, contained in an old fitted case with enclosed note "medal made by Gen. Gordon for his troops in Khartoum. Brought by me at Metemmeh from a Bazouk in 1885", very fine.

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1859 Cabinet photos (2) and cdv photos (2) of Gordon, one showing him in Chinese costume, and one other photo, also a small piece signed on both sides by Gordon. (6).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1860 Postcards, covers, etc., including 1885 letter (with cover) from H.W Gordon thanking Charles Dyson for his sympathy on the death of General Gordon, 1885 (Feb. 5) telegram announcing the fall of Khartoum, 1907 letter from Sir Charles Dilke (a prominent member of Gladstone's cabinet in 1884) discussing Gordon, 1889 and 1911 "National Memorial to General Gordon" covers postally used (the first with enclosed letter and receipt), Sudan 1935 Gordon death anniversary set mint, etc. (24).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1861 Death of General Gordon commemorative medallion, inscribed "General C.G Gordon, C.B, R.E, The latest Christian Martyr", white metal, 46mm.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1862 Wooden matchbox presented by Captain Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson to General Sir Archibald Hunter, the sides with silver edges hallmarked AB & Sons, London 1910, the lid with applied silver lettering "A.H from H.S.R Nov. 1st 1910", a match striker in front, a silver plaque inside the lid engraved "This wood was taken from the Door of Gordons Palace at Khartoum on Sept. 4th 1898 by H.S.R". An interesting and unique Khartoum relic; Hunter commanded the Egyptian Division in the Nile Expedition of 1896-98, Rawlinson served in the cavalry and was a member of Kitcheners staff during the 1898 expedition. 8½x7x6cm.

Est. £450-550

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1863 1883-84 Official letters from Cairo, an 1883 (Nov 26) letter to General Valentine Baker, Inspector General of Egyptian Police, notifying him that his force comes under the command of the Ministry of War; and 1884 (Feb 11) letter signed by Charles Baker on behalf of Valentine Baker on Egyptian Police notepaper, to Col. Arthur Harrington, Chief of Staff, Soudan Field Force, Souakin, forwarding the Nov. 26th letter. Valentine Baker arrived in Souakin with a force of 3,650 native troops in Dec. 1883, but was defeated at El Teb on 4th February 1884; the British Government then undertook the defence of Suakin. Ex Firebrace. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1864 image1884 Cover to England headed "From M. Sullivan, Skilled Shipwt, H.M.S Euryalus, Suakin", countersigned with handstamped signature of E. Rolfe, a G.B 2d stamp paying the 1d concession rate + 1d ship letter gratuity, cancelled by "PLYMOUTH / SHIP LETTER" c.d.s (Feb. 6). A naval brigade led by Commander E.M Rolfe from H.M.S "Euryalus" formed part of the first Suakin Expedition; they distinguished themselves at the British victory at El Teb on 29th February. Flap missing and minor edge faults but very scarce, ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 238. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £600-700

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1865 image1884 (Feb 29) Stampless cover from Capt. P.F Durham, 10th Prince of Wales Own Royal Hussars, to his wife in London. Endorsed "Stamps not procurable" with "SOUAKIN" c.d.s and boxed "T", single rate "2½" charge mark, backstamped at Suez and London. Reverse endorsed "Posted El Teb the night of the battle 29 Feb 1884". Fine and scarce, ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 238. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1866 image1884 (July 31) Egypt 20pa postcard from Lt. J.M Hawtayne, N. Staffs Regt., to London cancelled "SOUAKIN" c.d.s, a second superb strike on the front, August 12th arrival datestamp. The message includes "we have had two exciting nights lately. Killed 17 rebels & dont know how many wounded. There is a live general out here now so things are looking up & it looks like Khartoum very soon for some of us". Vertical fold, very scarce, ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 238. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1867 image1884 (Oct 9) Stampless cover endorsed from "Cochrane Capt. Commanding Detachment 2nd Life Guards" with Alexandria Ras-El-Tin star and crescent datestamp, single rate "2½" charge mark, to Lady Cochrane at Abergele. Lord Cochrane commended a Detachment of 40 men and two officers, one of ten detachments which arrived at Alexandria on the "Deccan" on Oct 7th to form the Heavy Camel Regt in the Camel Corps. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1868 image1885 (Jan 8) Cover to "The Secretary, Marylebone Club, Lords Cricket Ground, London" endorsed from "L.M Carmichael Major, Comg 5 Lancers, Heavy Camel Regt", two 20pa on 5pi stamps cancelled with the scarce "DONGOLA" star and crescent c.d.s with straight line name, a second strike alongside, January 27th backstamp. The cover inscribed "N.B Major Carmichael was killed at the Battle of Abu Klea Wells", ten days after this cover was posted and before its receipt in London. Also a reproduction illustration of Carmichael. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £900-1,200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1869 image1885 (Jan 29) Egypt 20pa postcard from Deputy Surgeon General Stewart Lithgow, Principal Medical Officer, to his wife in Edinburgh, cancelled superb "DONGOLA" star and crescent c.d.s with a second strike on the front, message reads "arrived here last night & am just starting again, expect to be at Corti by 31st". Vertical and horizontal folds but scarce, ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1870 1885 (Feb 5) Four page letter written and signed by General Sir Garnet Wolseley, on War Office notepaper, written from Camp Korti to his sister Fanny. Wolseley reports the fall of Khartoum, which occurred on January 26th, "Last night I heard the news of the fall of Khartoum. It was a real facer to us all here. Everything had been going so well ..... just as the prize we have all been so long striving to win seemed within our reach it is snatched from us ...... I have not yet learned positively what has been Gordon's fate. I hope he was killed because death meant to him the beginning of a new and glorious life and it is too horrible to think of his being in the hands of a cruel monster like this fellow who calls himself the mahdi". Also a print of Wolseley. A unique and important letter (no cover), ex Firebrace.

Est. £700-800

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1871 image1885 (Feb 9) Stampless cover from Lord Cochrane to his wife in Wales, endorsed "no stamps available, on active service" with a fine large "KORTI" star and crescent datestamp and boxed "T", incorrectly treated as a soldiers rate cover with "1d" charge mark. Vertical fold and part flap missing, otherwise fine, an unusually clear strike of the Korti datestamp (recorded 26 Jan - 23 March, the office opened for the Nile Expedition troops). Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £600-700

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1872 image1885 (Mar 23) Stampless soldiers cover to Malta, headed "From No. 2002 Pte J. Doni 1/S.S Regt, on active service, stamps not obtainable", countersigned by an Officer at Tani Camp, Upper Egypt, with a fine "KORTI" star and crescent datestamp and boxed "T", backstamped at Cairo and Malta (Apr 16), charged the single 1d rate. The last recorded day of use of the Korti datestamp, the office apparently closed after this date and an office was opened at Tani on March 29th (the Tani c.d.s lost or damaged after one day of use). An exceptional soldiers rate cover to Malta. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £1,400-1,600

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1873 image1885 (Apr 20) Stampless cover from the Earl of Dundonald to his wife in Wales endorsed "no stamps available Soudan Expedition" with a "WADI HALFA" c.d.s and boxed "T", single rate "2½" charge mark, fine. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £350-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1874 image1885 (May 4) Stampless cover from Major The Hon. Charles Byng, commanding a detachment of the 1st Life Guards, to London, endorsed "Active Service, no stamps available" with a "WADI HALFA" c.d.s and boxed "T", blue crayon "2" indicating a double rate letter, therefore charged 5d. Ex Firebrace. Photo on Page 240. (Image1)

Est. £350-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1875 1885 (May 20) Six page letter from J.C Barker at "Headquarters, Dongola", very good content on the retreat of the expedition to Egypt, including "there is no water in the river except for light boats, the rapids are impassable and land transport in the shape of the ugly camel meagre to a degree, we are ordered to Fatmeh, an important station 35 miles below this where Col. Grant is to take command of the district and arrange for the passing of troops over a nasty section of the river ..... Dongola is to be held as a strong rearguard till the troops are well withdrawn from the front in case the Mahdi should come down on us ..... Wolseley was furious he had not brought Osman Digna to book and allowed him to vanish in the desert". Also a postcard of Osman Digna and a 1923 6m postcard from Sinkat to England signed on the reverse by Mohamed Bey Ahmed, who captured Osman Dinga in 1900. (3)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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