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126 |
Norwich. 1908 Cover to Bournemouth franked KEVII 1d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, very fine and unusual on a cover, 14,905 items posted. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £160-200
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
127 |
Ormskirk. 1909 Cover to London franked KEVII ½d with "X / MAS cancel, also a piece bearing two KEVII ½d stamps with the 1906 cancel (illustrated on the front of Cyril Kidd's 1974 pamphlet), both fine and very scarce.
1,500 Items posted in 1906, 3,900 in 1909. (2). Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £350-400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
128 |
Prescot. 1906 Cover to Chester franked KEVII ½d, tied by a very fine "X / MAS" cancel. Very scarce, just 3,200 items posted in 1906. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £350-400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
129 |
Prescot. 1908 Picture postcard to Rockferry, a KEVII ½d tied by "X / MAS" cancel, corner crease, otherwise fine and scarce, also KEVII 1d on piece with 1907 cancel. Just 3,200 items posted in 1906, 1,500 in 1907, the
postcard with R.P.S Certificate (1986). (2). Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
130 |
Reading. 1908 Picture postcard to Sussex franked KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, unusually in red. This "X / MAS" cancel is only known in red ink from Altrincham and Reading in 1908, although black ink was also
used for many of the 1908 Reading cancels, 17,035 items posted in total. Fine and scarce. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
131 |
Rochdale. 1902 Unaddressed cover franked KEVII 1d with trial strike of oval "POSTED IN ADVANCE / FOR DELIVERY / ON / CHRISTMAS DAY / 1902" cancel, vertical fold and a couple of ink spots well away from the stamp, otherwise
fine and rare From the papers of John Philips, Postmaster of Manchester, who was responsible for the Advance Posting scheme being trialled in Rochdale in 1902 and subsequent operations largely in the Manchester area and north west in subsequent
years. Philips produced trials of the Rochdale cancel in red and black, on both unstamped and stamped covers; other examples are illustrated in "Posted in Advance for Christmas" by Patrick Campbell. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £750-850
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
132 |
Rochdale. 1902 Large cover (flap missing) sent within Rochdale franked KEVII ½d (small fault) cancelled by red oval "POSTED IN ADVANCE / FOR DELIVERY / ON / CHRISTMAS DAY / 1902". Also pieces with KEVII ½d cancelled in red or 1d cancelled
in black. The scheme was trialled at Rochdale in 1902, this oval cancel only used during this 1902 trial, in red ink on ½d stamps and black ink on 1d stamps, 18,910 items posted in total. (3).
Est. £280-320
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
133 |
Rochdale. 1904 Picture postcard posted within Rochdale, a KEVII ½d tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel code "R.O." in red, 21,275 items posted in 1904. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
134 |
Runcorn. 1908 Picture postcard sent within Runcorn, with KEVII ½d tied by a fine "X / MAS" cancel. Also 1d on piece, missing year of use. The card fine and scarce, just 3,900 items posted. (2). Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £350-400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
135 |
St. Helens. 1908 Picture postcard with printed Christmas greetings posted to Southport, a KEVII ½d tied by a fine "X / MAS" cancel, the "08" year set sloping downwards. Also KEVII ½d on piece with 1906 cancel. Fine
and scarce, 9,600 items posted in 1906, 11,300 in 1908. (2). Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
136 |
Shrewsbury. 1903 Picture postcard posted within Shrewsbury franked KEVII ½d tied by superb oval Advance Posting cancel, code "S.Y", in red. The only year the scheme operated in Shrewsbury, just 884 items posted, the only
recorded example. Photo on Inside Front Cover. (Image1)
Est. £1,200-1,500
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
137 |
Southport. 1904 Christmas greetings picture postcard posted within Southport with KEVII ½d tied by red "594" numeral. Southport operated the Advance Posting scheme in 1903 and 1904 but no special cancels are recorded;
however ordinary cancels in red were used for mail posted in advance for Christmas at Norwich and Cheltenham (see lot 124) in 1903, and it seems this also occurred at Southport, no special datestamps being issued to these towns, presumably in error.
This card bears the ½d yellowish green (issued 1904) so must date from Christmas 1904, when just 2,353 items were posted in advance for Christmas delivery. The only recorded example of this cancel. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
138 |
Wakefield. 1903 Picture postcard addressed locally to the telephone call office franked KEVII ½d, tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel, code "W.F", in red. Also two pieces both franked 1d, red cancels. Scarce, 7,053
items posted, the only year the scheme operated at Wakefield. (3). Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £180-200
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
139 |
Walsall. 1903 Picture postcard sent locally with KEVII ½d tied by oval Advance Posting cancel code "W.L" in red, superb quality. The only year this scheme operated at Walsall, 11,618 items posted. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £240-280
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
140 |
Widnes. 1906 Picture postcard to Salford with a KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, a couple of letters at the base off the card and repair to lower edge, otherwise fine and very scarce, just 2,200 items posted at
Widnes in 1906. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
141 |
Wigan. 1903 (Dec 21) Picture postcard sending Christmas greetings from Hindley Green to Wigan, the KEVII ½d tied by a "HINDLEY GREEN" c.d.s, with oval "POSTED IN ADVANCE / W.I. / 1903 / FOR DELIVERY ON XMAS DAY"
alongside. The only item we have seen posted at an ordinary office not operating the Christmas posting scheme but then transferred to the Christmas delivery scheme by the office of delivery. A remarkable card, exceptionally fine, 9,020 items posted
in advance for Christmas day delivery in Wigan in 1903. Photo on Page 22. (Image1)
Est. £600-700
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
142 |
Wigan. 1904 Picture postcard addressed locally, franked KEVII ½d tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel, code "W.I", superb. 17,171 Items posted in 1904. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)
Est. £200-240
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
143 |
Wigan. 1905 Picture postcard with printed Christmas greetings posted within Wigan, the KEVII ½d tied by oval Advance Posting cancel code "W.I", very fine. 25,522 Items posted in 1905. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)
Est. £160-180
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
144 |
Wigan. 1906 Picture postcard, locally addressed, franked KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, very fine, 23,400 items posted in 1906. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
145 |
Wigan. 1909 Cover sent within Wigan, a KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel. 23,800 Items posted in Wigan in 1909. Photo on Page 24. (Image1)
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
146 |
Wigan. KEVII ½d and 1d Blocks of four, the 1d block with oval Advance Posting cancel of 1903, ½d block with "X / MAS" cancel for 1906, both superb. Both blocks were illustrated on the front of Cyril
Kidd's 1974 pamphlet. Very unusual and scarce. (2). Photo on Page 6. (Image1) (Image2)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
147 |
Reproductions & Forgeries. 1940 Postcard and cover from Col. Guy Grouch to George Brumell in Aylesbury both with an Aylesbury "X / MAS" handstamp produced by Crouch for use on his 1940 Christmas cards, used as a cancel on a 1d stamp on the postcard
and on the reverse of the cover (the card probably sent within the cover). Also recent covers with rather crude forgeries of Advance Posting cancels (3), and 1980-81 Isle of Man Post Office Christmas cards with "A MERRY / X / MAS" handstamps. (7).
Est. £70-80
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
148 |
1897-1939 Stamp Exhibitions, covers (25) including 1897 label on cover from W.T Wilson, 1937 cover from the second annual London Stamp Exhibition to the Isle of Man flown by West Coast Air Services, various exhibition cancels. Also 1912 1d Ideal
Stamp labels (77, perf or imperf, various colours), and two tickets. (104).
Est. £100-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
149 |
1905-69 Covers and cards with exhibition or special event datestamps including 1905 Trades Exhibition Plymouth, skeleton datestamps (36), Mobile Post Offices (25, with scarce 1958 Mobile Post Office No 114 c.d.s), etc. (212).
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
150 |
1924-48 Covers and picture postcards from 1924-25 British Empire Exhibitions (16, including 1924 stampless cover with red "Paid 1½d" exhibition datestamp), 1938 Glasgow Empire Exhibition (128, mainly picture postcards) or 1948 Olympics (13, also
two covers with Olympics stamps posted from Tristan da Cunha and three related Austria covers). (162).
Est. £140-160
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |