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101 |
1931 Piece of silver backed cloth, handstamped "Guaranteed, Relic of the R100, Francis J. Field Ltd, Sutton Coldfield, England", signed by Field, approx 115x80mm.
Est. £80-100
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
102 |
Canada. 1932 (July 13) Cover from London to Ottawa, flown to Cherbourg, carried on S.S "Empress of Britain" to Bradore Bay then flown to Ottawa, the special flight for mail to the Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference, signed by the four pilots. Fine,
few covers signed.
Est. £100-120
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
103 |
Gambia / Germany. 1934 (Dec 7) Commercial cover from London to Bathurst "via Germany", carried on the Lufthansa Christmas flight (LH L43, which connected with the Graf Zeppelin pendulum flight at Bathurst) with the large green pictorial cachet
"DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA-SUDAMERIKA / a / WEIHNACHTEN 1934". Backstamped at Berlin (Dec. 14) and Bathurst (Dec. 17), vertical fold, otherwise fine and scarce.
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
104 |
Provincial Airways - West Country Air Services. 1933 Proofs of the 3d air stamp (6), mint sheets of four (6, shades, all four printings) and stamps on first flight covers (3). Also various letters concerning the forthcoming service, sale of stamps or
covers carried (13), postcards of aircraft (4, one signed by the pilot S.W.A Scott), letters from Scott (2), flight ticket, advertising brochures or timetables (7), luggage label, and four letters from the G.P.O to George King concerning detained
flight covers which contravened Poste Restante regulations. (47).
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
105 |
1906 Proof impressions of "X/MAS" handstamps for Liverpool, St. Helens and Newton-le-Willows on pieces, the last two with partially printed details of the handstamp manufacturer on the reverse, apparently reading
"George Lucy, Sole Engravers & Stamp Cutters to His Majestys Post Office". Probably unique. (3). Photo on Page 6. (Image1) (Image2)
Est. £350-400
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
106 |
Birkenhead. 1906 Cover to Liverpool with KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, unusually with a Christmas day Old Swan, Liverpool arrival datestamp alongside. Fine, about 28,000 items posted in 1906, the first year the
advance posting scheme was extended to Merseyside. Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
107 |
Birkenhead. 1907-09 Picture postcards franked KEVII ½d, with "X / MAS" cancels for all three years, all fine. (3).
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
108 |
Birkenhead. 1908 Picture postcard (headed "Xmas. 08") with KEVII ½d tied by "X / MAS" cancel, the year date at right clearly omitted in error. Also KEVII 1½d on piece with the cancel dated 1908. Similar year omitted
errors are recorded from Eccles, Stalybridge and Stockport. Tiny tear at upper edge, otherwise fine and unusual. (2). Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
109 |
Bolton. 1903 Picture postcard with KEVII ½d tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel, code "B.L", small ink stain on message half, otherwise fine, about 25,000 items posted in Bolton in 1903. Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
110 |
Bradford. 1904 Picture postcard to Thornton with KEVII ½d cancelled by "107" numeral in red and superb oval "B.D" Advance Posting handstamp alongside. A very unusual combination of handstamps, only recorded from Bradford
in 1904 (with some mail receiving the "107" in black, others cancelled by the oval B.D handstamp without the 107 numeral applied). Superb quality and very scarce, just 3,914 items posted in 1904. Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £450-550
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
111 |
Bury. 1903 Cover posted within Bury franked KEVII ½d, tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel, code "B.C", in red. Very fine, the only year this scheme operated in Bury, about 10,000 items posted. Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
112 |
Douglas. 1906 Cover posted locally in Douglas, franked KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel. Fine and scarce, 10,200 items posted in 1906, the first year of the posting scheme in Douglas. Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
113 |
Douglas. 1908 Cover to London franked KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, also a ½d on piece with part strike of the 1907 cancel. Fine and scarce, 12,600 items posted in 1907, about 25,000 items in 1908. (2).
Photo on Page 16. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
114 |
Douglas. 1909 Stampless cover to Ireland with red "DOUGLAS / PAID / ½" c.d.s dated "DE 09" with the day removed, overstruck by the "X / MAS" handstamp dated 1909 in black. Very rare and unusual, one similar "X / MAS"
cancel used with a red Paid c.d.s is recorded from Douglas in 1906. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £1,000-1,200
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
115 |
Glasgow. 1904 Picture postcard posted within Glasgow, a KEVII ½d tied by superb oval Advance Posting cancel code "G.W". 21,423 Items posted in 1904, the only year the scheme operated in Glasgow. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
116 |
Hull. 1903 Cover to the Hull Museum with KEVII ½d tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel code "H.U" in red, very fine. 15,635 Items posted, the only year the scheme operated in Hull, scarce. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
117 |
Leicester. 1903 QV 1½d Postcard with superb oval Advance Posting cancel, code "L.E" in red, very unusual on a QV card, 15,222 items posted. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
118 |
Leicester. 1904 Picture postcard sent within Leicester, a KEVII ½d tied by the oval Advance Posting cancel code "L.E" in red, very fine. 14,605 Items posted in 1904, the cancel used in both red and black ink. Photo on
Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
119 |
Leicester. 1908 Picture postcard to Stamford franked KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, very fine, 50,998 items posted
Est. £100-120
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
120 |
Liverpool. 1906-09 Covers with "X / MAS" cancels for the four years, the 1907 cover to Lancaster franked KEVII ½d, the others locally addressed franked KEVII 1d. All very fine, these cancels much scarcer on covers than picture postcards. (4).
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
121 |
Liverpool. 1906 Cover locally addressed franked KEVII ½d tied by the "X / MAS" cancel, with "6" reversed in the year "06", a very unusual error. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
122 |
Liverpool. 1908 Printed bundle label on red paper "CHRISTMAS / Advance Posted Letters / FOR / (Batley)" with a fine Liverpool "X / MAS" handstamp, unusual and scarce. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
123 |
Manchester. 1905 (Dec. 18) Cover posted from Manchester to Leeds with QV 6d envelope stamp cut-out tied by Manchester c.d.s, arrival backstamp, the stamp then tied by a superb strike of the violet oval "MANCHESTER / ADVANCE
POSTED / CHRISTMAS 1905", presumably cancelled to order, nevertheless a scarce cancel and very unusual. Photo on Page 18. (Image1)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
124 |
Norwich. 1903 Picture postcard with Christmas greetings posted within Norwich, a KEVII ½d tied by Norwich 575 duplex in red, simply containing a "5" and the year date "03" with the "3" inverted, very fine and rare.
Norwich and Cheltenham used their ordinary datestamps in red with the date omitted on mail posted in advance for Christmas delivery in 1903. Just 1,414 items posted in Norwich in 1903, this card being the finest of three recorded examples of this red
duplex. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £500-600
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |
125 |
Norwich. 1907 Picture postcard posted within Norwich, a KEVII ½d tied by superb "X / MAS" cancel. 6,650 Items posted in 1907. Photo on Page 20. (Image1)
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST. |