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MALAYA continued...

MALAYA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1301 image1910 (June 24) Picture postcard to Holland franked 3c, cancelled circular violet "E. & O. HOTEL / PENANG" with manuscript date, a Penang c.d.s alongside. With Holcombe Certificate (1996). Photo on Page 172. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1302 image1910 (June 24) 3c Postcard to Germany cancelled circular violet "E. & O. HOTEL / PENANG" with manuscript date, a Penang c.d.s. alongside. Photo on Page 172. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1303 1916-35 Registered covers to England all cancelled at the Eastern & Oriental Hotel, including size F and G 10c and size G 15c registration envelopes, all with differing registration labels comprising 1916 and 1919 Penang labels handstamped violet "E. & O. HOTEL", 1925 Penang label with manuscript "E. & O. Hotel", 1929 "E. & O. Hotel, Penang" label and 1935 "Penang S.S 2" label, a fine group. (5).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1304 image1921 (June 11) 10c Size F registration envelope to South Africa, franked 4c, cancelled by Eastern & Oriental Hotel datestamps with "R / EASTERN & ORIENTAL / HOTEL PENANG" registration handstamp, scarce so fine. Photo on Page 176. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1305 1927 (Nov 9) 15c Registration envelope size H to London, nine stamps pay the 12c postage, with Penang registration label handstamped violet "E. & O. Hotel", the stamps and label all cancelled by the hotel c.d.s.

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1306 Runnymede Hotel. c.1911-66 Covers and cards including 1911 3c postcard with "Runnymede Penang" cachet cancelled at the Eastern & Oriental Hotel, c.1930 hotel envelope to Germany, picture postcards, photos, luggage labels, etc. (27).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1307 imageRunnymede Hotel. 1937 (Mar 1) Registered air mail cover to England, seven stamps paying the 40c rate, cancelled by "RUNNYMEDE HOTEL / PENANG" datestamps, bearing a Penang 5 registration label. Photo on Page 176. (Image1)

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1308 Railway Station Postal Agencies. 1919-29 Covers and cards (5), pieces (4) and stamps (17), including double ring datestamps of Simpang Ampat Rly. Station on covers (4) or Pinanti Rly. Station on postcard, 1920 piece with 4c pair cancelled oval "SIMPANG AMPAT RLY STATION / PENANG" (unlisted by Proud), and distinctive datestamps of Jerak Ry Stn (2 pieces + 7 stamps) or Kreh Ry Stn (piece + 8 stamps), a few faults, a very scarce group. (26).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1309 Registered Mail. 1917 10c Size F registration envelope franked 4c pair to Canton, redirected to Pakhoi, superb Balik Pulau datestamps and Penang registration label handstamped violet "BALIK PULAU". Also 1920 size F 10c registration envelope franked 10c to USA, Prye c.d.s and Penang registration label handstamped violet "PRYE", and 1925 10c size G registration envelope franked 14c to Holland with Penang registration label handstamped violet "Butterworth", all fine. (3).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1310 Bukit Mertajam. 1894-1946 Covers and cards, seven registered with boxed registration handstamp, Penang registration labels handstamped or altered to Bukit Mertajam (5, one with manuscript "B.M"), stampless 1946 cover, two A.R covers, etc. (11).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1311 Dato Kramat. 1903-61 Covers and cards including arrival datestamps, registered mail with handstamped, manuscript or printed registration labels, etc. (20).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1312 Glugor Cantonment. 1940 (Dec 27) Censored cover to England franked 55c with Glugor Cantonment datestamps, also cancels on six single stamps. Scarce, the office only open 1940-41. (7).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1313 imageGovernment Hill (Penang Hill). 1894 (May 16) 2c Postcard franked 1c to England, cancelled by Penang c.d.s with manuscript "Govt Hill" within the datestamp. A rare cancel, just four examples recorded, all dated 1894. Photo on Page 176. (Image1)

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1314 McNair Street. 1929-62 Registered covers, various registration labels including 1934 "Kuala Lumpur 19" label altered to "Penang No.3", 1947 label made from stamp edging, 1962 "McNair Strbet" error, handstamped labels, etc. (21).

Est. £150-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1315 Nebong Tebal. 1885-87 Pieces with the distinctive diamond of dots cancel (7), also QV stamps with the crown cancellation (10, recorded 1892-93), all fine. (17).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1316 Nebong Tebal. 1895-1936 Covers and cards (14) and a front including 1895 2c postcard to London with "T" handstamp charged 1d, 1896 2c postcard to Sumatra, 1896 10c registration envelope franked 8c to India and 1901 front to Rhodesia franked 13c both with boxed registration handstamp, registered covers with handstamped registration label (3), etc. (15).

Est. £150-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1317 imagePenang Hill. 1910-55 Covers and cards (9), also six real Photo postcards of the Post Office. (15). (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1318 Penang Road. 1946 Registered covers (2), pieces (2) and a 10c pair, also Japanese Occupation 2c block, including 15c size H registration envelope from a Dutch soldier franked 46c to Holland. Scarce, Proud states the office only open Dec. 1945 - Oct. 1946 though the block suggests it had opened during the occupation. (6).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1319 Pitt Street. 1923-81 Registered covers including Penang registration labels with the name handstamped (8) or in manuscript (5), labels for Penang 8, 7 or 5, 1947 boxed "PITT ST / No." handstamp, also registration receipts (2, one handstamped "A.R"), a few faults. (34).

Est. £150-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1320 Pulau Tikus. 1926-66 Registered covers including registration labels with the name handstamped (10) or in manuscript, label for "Kepong" altered to "Penang No. 4", other labels for Penang 4, 6 or 11, 1927 and 1948 "AR" handstamps, etc. (23).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1321 1903-88 Covers and cards, various sub-offices including Bukit Tambun type D and E c.d.s on 1903-10 cards and type G c.d.s on 1936 cover, Butterworth, Prai, etc., registered mail, some faults. (65).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1322 1949-56 Stationery comprising KGVI 4c postcard and reply card unused, 4c card with added 2c stamp unused and used and reply card unused, 4c + 2c card unused and used (2), 1956 QEII 6c postcard unused and used (2, one a F.D.C); KGVI 10c envelope unused (2, one with albino stamp in error) and used, QEII 10c envelope with pointed flap unused or First Day use and rounded flap unused and used; also aerogrammes with Penang stamps applied (11) and later stationery used from Penang (6), all fine, the albino envelope error very scarce. (35).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1323 Registration Envelopes. 1949-56 Envelopes comprising 1949 KGVI 20c size G unused and used, size H unused, size H2 unused and used, size K unused and used, c.1953 KGVI 20c envelopes with name and address details added to reverse, size G and H used; 1954 QEII 20c size G unused and used, size H2 used (3); 1956 QEII 20c with name and address details added to reverse, size G unused and used, also two Federation envelopes used in Penang. (18).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1324 image1891 2c Bright rose overprinted "FERAK", "F" amended to "P" in manuscript, used with barred cancel and manuscript cancel dated 28.8.91. S.G. 19ab, £600. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1325 image1889 1c on 2c Pale rose with "PREAK" overprint error, fine used. S.G. 35a, £1,100. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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