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Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
76 Acts of Parliament. 1684-1840 Acts concerning the posts (26) and newspapers containing postal notices (11), some acts covering many areas of the posts, others specific acts and notices dealing with the franking privilege, London Penny Post, registration on letters to and from abroad, new postal rates, packets between Great Britain and Ireland, mail coaches to be exempt from tolls, ship letters, newspapers and printed papers, etc. Also an 1862 poster announcing future tolls on the Crickley Hill & Campsfield turnpike road to be sold by auction. (38).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
77 1887-1901 Covers and entire letters (12), postcards (2) and parcel post labels (6), various inland rates including 2d registration envelope franked 4d with oval "EXPRESS" handstamp, 3d Notice of Objection rate, registered covers sent at 3d, 3½d, 4d or 5d rates, parcel post labels franked 4d, 5d, 6½d, 7d or 11d, etc. (20).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
78 1892 (July 8) Printed postcard sent at the ½d rate from Kings Lynn to Derringham, the front headed "North-Western Division of Norfolk Parliamentary Election", with some results of six years of Unionist rule printed on the reverse (120,000 additional allotments for labourers, pensions and votes given to Police, defensive forces increased by 60,000, 112 additional naval ships, peace restored to Egypt, African slave trade checked, two million square miles added to Empire in Africa, etc). The opened card gives details of where to vote and why one should vote for Lord Bentinck with a superb printed picture of Bentinck surrounded by flags, patriotic symbols and pictures of Salisbury, Devonshire, Balfour and Chamberlain. Very unusual and attractive.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
79 1892-96 Tie-on parcel tags, two registered from London franked 4d, others from Preston franked 3d + 4d or from London franked 3d block of six both with boxed Parcel Post datestamps, unusual. (4).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
80 Postal Fiscals. 1893-94 Size K 2d registration envelope from London to Germany franked 4d + 10d + 1d postal fiscal (type FI2 die I); and 1894 cover from Birmingham to France franked ½d (2) + 4½d + 1d red plate 171 strip of three + 1d postal fiscal (type F8, watermark single lined cabled Anchor). Two unusual frankings, the scarce K size envelope with vertical folds, the 1894 cover a late use of the 1864-79 1d red. (2).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
81 T.P.O - Continental Night Mail. 1892-1900 Covers to Russia or Germany, posted in the Continental Night Mail late fee box at Cannon Street franked 10d + 1½d late fee, bearing 1½d + 5d pair (perfin "CL") cancelled by "CONTINENTAL NIGHT MAIL / C.S / 2" duplexs, or ½d + 1d + 10d (perfin "WB/SCo") cancelled "CONTINENTAL NIGHT MAIL / C.S" double ring datestamps. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
82 1888-1901 Covers to various destinations mainly in Africa including registered cover to Egypt franked ½d + 1d (12) + 4½d, covers to Madagascar (3) franked 2½d, 2½d pair or ½d + 4½d, cover to St. Helena franked 6d (opening faults), also 2½d rate covers to Algeria, Egypt and Syria, registered cover to Constantinople franked 1d + 6d, and 2d registration envelopes franked 2½d to Gibraltar or 2½d pair to Mauritius. (11).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
83 1888-98 Covers to the Far East, comprising 1888 cover from Stirling to Hong Kong franked 5d redirected to Ceylon, datestamps of Hong Kong, Singapore to Hong Kong, Colombo and Galkissa; 1891 2d registration envelope franked 1d + 6d pair + 9d (perfin HUTH) all cancelled oval framed "R" to Saigon; and 2½d rates to Japan or Burma. (4).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
84 Belgium. 1896-1902 Covers (5) and a postcard to Belgium, four registered including 1896 cover franked 2½d + 4½d + 10d, 1899 2d registration envelope franked 1d (2) + 1½d + 9d + 10d, etc, two with Belgian registration labels, an interesting group with some scarce rates and combinations of stamps. (6).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
85 France/Netherlands/Italy. 1887-1900 Covers to France (6), Netherlands (5) or Italy (3), ten registered including 1895 2d registration to Paris franked 10d, 1898 2d registration envelope to France bearing five 3d stamps, 1893 cover to Italy franked ½d + 9d, etc., some unusual rates and stamp combinations. (14).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
86 Germany. 1892-1901 Covers (17), postcards (2), lettercard and a wrapper to Germany (20) or Austria, including seven covers from Cooks Tours Office with differing frankings comprising 2d + 6d + 1/-, ½d + 6d pair, 1½d + 3d pair, 5d pair, ½d strip of three + 6d, 1½d + 6d or 5d all with "TC/&S" perfins; also ½d printed matter rates (3, one an adverting envelope for Amiac Paste for Cigar Making), 1900 ½d + 4½d with hexagonal late fee cancels, 1d strip of five + 2½d, ½d wrapper bearing ½d block of five, etc. An unusual group. (21).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
87 Germany. 1888-1902 Registered covers to Germany including 1d + 6d and 2½d + 4½d frankings, the others all 2d registration envelopes, franked 4½d, 5d, 3d + 4½d, etc. (14).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
88 Germany. 1898-1904 Registered covers to Germany with cover franked 5d + 6d and 2d registration envelope franked 9d both with boxed "LATE FEE 4d", KEVII 3d registration envelope franked QV 4½d + KEVII 1d (4) with boxed "LATE FEE 2d", 2d registration envelopes size H franked 1d (3) + 1/- and size K franked 1½d + 4½d + 9d +10d, the last with a few stamp faults but a scarce high franking, an interesting group. (5).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
89 India/Aden. 1888-96 Covers to India (2) franked 1d strip of five + die I 5d, or a single 5d (Dover Station Office duplex), or to Aden (2) franked 5d or 2½d + 10d, the die I 5d uncommon on cover. (4).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
90 India-Kashmir. 1888-93 Covers to Capt. A.E Sandbach of the Royal Engineers, the first to Roorkee and redirected to Leh franked die I 5d, others to Srinagar franked die I 5d or to Gilgat franked ½d + 1d (2), all with arrival datestamps, the two 1888 covers also with Kashmir backstamps. A good group, the die I 5d uncommon on cover. (3).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
91 New Zealand/Australia/Fiji. 1888-99 Covers (7) and a postcard to New Zealand (3), Australia (4) or Fiji, the covers to New Zealand franked 6d + 1/-, 9d pair or ½d + 2d, also a cover to Australia franked 6d and 2d registration envelope franked 4d + 5d pair, cover to Fiji franked 2½d, etc. (8).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
92 Scandinavia/Russia. 1889-1914 Covers (9) and a postcard to Denmark (4), Sweden (3), Finland (2) or Russia, including ½d printed matter rate (2), Foreign Office cover signed by Lord Salisbury franked 2½d pair to Sweden, 1914 registered cover to Sweden with QV 4½d, registered cover to Russia franked 2½d + 3d + 1/-, etc. (10).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
93 South Africa. 1890-1901 Covers to the Cape including long covers franked 1/- pair or registered with 2d + 1/- pair, 2d registration envelope franked ½d + 1d + 6d, also a cover from South Africa with ½d pair tied by F.P.O c.d.s., etc. (6).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
94 South America. 1891-99 Registered covers to Argentina (2), Uruguay or Chile, one franked ½d + 4d + 1/- (perfin "JHS") with boxed "LATE FEE 2d", 2d registration envelopes franked 1d + 9d, 1/-, or ½d + 3d + 9d, one with a Valparaiso registration label, four unusual frankings. (4).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
95 Switzerland. 1891-1913 Covers to Switzerland including 2d registration envelope size H franked 2½d + 10d tied by Budleigh Salterton single ring datestamps, 2d registration envelope franked 1d + 4½d (2), two 1913 registered covers franked QV 4½d with "WEST PART / LEEDS" rubber datestamps, etc. (8).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
96 USA. 1892-1900 Covers to the USA including registered cover franked 1d (4) + 4½d block of four, 3d envelope franked ½d + 3d + 6d, registered Whitfield King & Co. 1d + 10d envelope franked 1d and 2½d, 2d registration envelope franked ½d + 1d pair + 10d, also ½d printed matter rate (2), Victoria Hotel Carlisle advertising cover with ½d strip of five, registered cover franked 1d + 2d (3), other covers franked ½d + 4½d, ½d + 2d + 2½d, ½d + 1d + 6d, etc. (13).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
97 West Indies. 1889-97 Covers comprising 1889 cover to Demerara franked 4d, 1896 2½d envelope registered to St. Thomas franked 2½d and 4½d, and 1897 2d registration envelope to Turks Island franked 1d + 4d with New York registration label and arrival c.d.s on the front. (3).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
98 1905-13 News cuttings on aviation, hundreds of contemporary cuttings pasted into a very large and thick album, including reports of the 1906 Wellman Airship Expedition to the North Pole, airship and balloon races and trials, pioneer aeroplane flights and records, Wright brothers flights, 1906 Zeppelin disaster, Channel crossing by Bleriot, Cody flights, air meetings including Rheims, Le Mans, Glasgow, Blackpool, Lanark and Bournemouth, Daily Mail Circuit, Grahame-White, London to Manchester air race, U.S aviation, Allahabad flight, London to Windsor flights, army manoeuvres, Royal Flying Corps, accidents and deaths, etc. A remarkable record of the pioneer days of aviation.

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
99 imageSouth Africa. 1911 (Sep 9) London to Windsor brown postcard with scarce typed Daily Telegraph advert on reverse, addressed to Cape Town franked KGV ½d + 1d (overpaid by ½d) each tied by the London Aerial Post c.d.s code "2", a Cape Town arrival c.d.s (Oct 6) on the front. A fine and unusual card. Photo on Page 16. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
100 1930-38 Mainly commercial covers all bearing KGV Stamps, with 1930 express cover to Germany franked 1/10, 1935 cover to Brazil via Condor Lufthansa franked 6d + Bradbury Wilkinson 10/-, 1938 registered commercial papers to Brazil franked 2/9 or 5/5, 1936 London to Kano first flight, etc., also 1937 cover from Egypt to London carried on first return flight by "Castor". (9).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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