INDIA continued...
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Opening |
1076 |
1902-04 Covers and cards (9), stamps and pieces (11) with various Coronation datestamps, the covers including Maiden's Hotel c.d.s (2), local redirected cover to Visitors Camp No. III with four different backstamps, and No. 1, 11, 12 and 15
datestamps, also previously unrecorded "PAR" datestamp on 8a stamp, etc. (9+).
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1077 |
1902-03 Maiden's Hotel Coronation Durbar datestamps, an unusually fine strike of the double ring datestamp cancelling 1a on postcard, and single ring Delivery datestamp on reverse of a cover sent locally to Sir Mancherjee M. Bhownagree M.P at the
hotel. (2).
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1078 |
1902-03 Durbar datestamps comprising no. 15 c.d.s (5 Dec. 02, earliest recorded date for any Durbar cancel?) on a ¼a postcard from the postal official in charge of Bengal & Madras Chief's Camp P.O; ¼a postcard from P.O no.13 (Central
Railway Station) to the Police Central Camp with printed message concerning tickets for special trains to the investiture and state ball; and cover with a crown on the flap sent locally to "Col. Wilson, RE, Director of Railways, Oude Rohilkhan
Railway Camp, Delhi Durbar", the last two with fine arrival datestamps. Also postcards with printed messages concerning the Rangoon Coronation celebrations or pay office closure during the Durbar. (5).
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1079 |
1902-03 Telegraph receipts bearing half telegraph stamps, 1a + 2a + 4a + 1r, or 2a + 2r (2), both cancelled by dated straight line "DELHI CAMP H" used at Telegraph Office H at Hastings Road. Some peripheral faults not affecting the stamps or cancels,
very scarce. (2).
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1080 |
1902-03 Invitations and ephemera including invitations named to Col. Williams to the Durbar Amphitheatre on 1st January and a ball given by The Viceroy at Delhi Fort on January 6th, invitation to a meeting of the Chapters of the Order of the Star of
India and the Indian Empire at the Delhi Fort on January 3rd, programme of the parade held on January 8th, order of service for January 4th, etc. (6).
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1081 |
1902-03 Royal Chain Postcards, the series of ten cards produced for the tour of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught who represented the crown at the Durbar, cards 1-6 posted on the outward journey from London, Genoa, Port Said, Assouan, Suez and
Bombay, card 7 posted at the Coronation Durbar (1st Jan 1903), cards 8-10 posted on the return journey from Calcutta, London and Dublin. A scarce set, rarely seen complete, all very fine.
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1082 |
1903 (Jan 1) Speech delivered by The Viceroy Lord Curzon, 8 pages superbly printed in Indian script, all in gold, embossed crown and arms on the card cover, signed on the front by Lord Curzon. A rare signed item produced for Indian royalty and high
ranking officials. Also postcards of Lord and Lady Curzon. (3).
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1083 |
1903 (Jan 1) Picture postcard of the Commander-in-Chiefs Camp with embossed "Bengal Camp Delhi", the message written from the Coronation Durbar Camp (Dec 28), the KEVII ½a cancelled by "LT GOVERNORS CAMP / BENGAL", the card and message
suggesting the cancel was used at the Durbar at this date. Also an unused card. (2).
Est. £80-100
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1084 |
1903 (Jan 8) Registered cover to London franked 4a tied by Coronation Durbar No. 7 Delhi c.d.s with boxed "R / CORONATION DURBAR No. 7 / DELHI" registration handstamp. A fine and scarce registered cover from the
Viceroys Escort Camp Post Office. Photo on Page 144. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1085 |
1903 (Jan 10) Registered ½a envelope to Calcutta bearing QV ½a, 1a, 2a6p, 4a and 6a + KEVII 3p and 1a all cancelled by "CORONATION DURBAR No. 5 / DELHI" double ring c.d.s with boxed "R / CORONATION
DURBAR No. 5 / DELHI" registration handstamp. A fine and scarce registered cover from the Commander-in-Chiefs Camp Post Office. Photo on Page 144.
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1086 |
1903 (Jan 13) Registered cover sent within Delhi, reverse with 12a + 1r each cancelled by the Coronation Durbar Central H.O Delhi "REG" datestamp, front with boxed "R / CORONATION DURBAR / CENTRAL H.O DELHI" registration handstamp.
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1087 |
1903 Post Office Guide (315 pages) including QV 3p - 5r stamps and KEVII 3p - 1a stamps on two pages, the 22 stamps with printed Durbar cancels. Also the two pages removed from another Guide, and a single QV ½a with similar C.T.O cancel showing
differing fount for the date and time.
Est. £100-150
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1088 |
1911 (Dec 13) Cover to Binduhuri franked ½a, cancelled superb "CORONATION DURBAR R.M.S / SET No. 2" double ring datestamp. This Durbar T.P.O datestamp not recorded in any book or article on the subject, one
other example believed to be recorded. Photo on Page 144. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1089 |
1864 Cover (letter enclosed) from Thayetmyo to London franked 8p, 2a and 4a each cancelled octagonal "B/179", redirected on the reverse within London, a 1d charge mark applied but then crossed out as redirection
was within the same postal district and was therefore free, indicated by an "R" in circle. Backstamped with a good "THAYETMYO / P.O" c.d.s, two differing India Paid handstamps. Photo on Page 144. (Image1)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1090 |
1872 (May 6) Cover from Thayetmyo to Jersey, Channel Islands, via Brindisi, with 2a pair + 4a paying the correct 8a rate, each cancelled octagonal "B/179", two blue boxed "Deficiency / Fine - 9d" handstamps
applied in error at Calcutta and crossed out. Backstamped with datestamps of Thayetmyo, Calcutta India Paid in red and two Calcutta datestamps in blue (both crossed out), and at Jersey. An interesting and unusual cover. Photo on Page 144. (Image1)
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1091 |
Postage Due Mail. 1874-1905 Covers (2) and postcards (2) all with postage due charges, including an unusual 1874 cover posted within G.B franked 1d, redirected to Rangoon so underpaid by 8d, with Rangoon arrival c.d.s and circular "ST BG / As 6"
charge mark (crossed out and altered to 6½a in manuscript); 1889 cover from USA to Rangoon franked 5c but overweight with 4a6p Overland Postage Due charge mark, etc. (4).
Est. £100-150
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1092 |
French India. 1846-87 Entire letters (3), cover and a postcard, also a few stamps and pieces, with red boxed "PONDICHERRY / Paid" datestamp on 1846 entire letter to Lt. General Sir J. Doveton in Madras, 1859 entire letter to Pondicherry with ½a
cancelled "C/147" numeral of Karikal, 1859 cover to Karikal with ½a cancelled "C/111" of Pondicherry with boxed "INSUFFICIENT", 1871 entire letter with ½a cancelled by Pondicherry 111 duplex, 1887 postcard cancelled by Mahe c.d.s, etc.
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1093 |
Tranquebar. 1864 Entire to France franked 8p, 2a yellow and 4a black pair each cancelled triangular "C/152" numeral, a fine red "TRANQUEBAR" backstamp, also backstamped at Bangalore, Madras and in France, red
"INDIA PAID" and "PD / MADRAS" datestamp on the front. A fine entire from this former Danish settlement. Photo on Page 144. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1094 |
Tranquebar. 1892-1900 Postcards, two cancelled by Tranquebar squared circle or double ring c.d.s, two with Tranquebar small or large single ring arrival datestamps, also single QV stamps with Tranquebar c.d.s or "152" numeral cancels. (6).
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1095 |
Bagdad. 1886 Registered cover to Madras franked on the reverse with 3a orange cancelled by "B" in a circle of bars, Bagdad c.d.s and boxed registration handstamp alongside.
Est. £80-100
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1096 |
1919 (Feb 24) Cover to England franked I.E.F 1a cancelled by "F.P.O 55" c.d.s and tied by boxed "POSTAL SERVICE M.E.F / AERIAL MAIL, BAGHDAD - CAIRO / BY 31ST WING R.A.F, MESOPOTAMIA", backstamped at A.P.O SZ10
(Cairo, March 1), signed by a Captain in the M.E.F. Carried by R.A.F on the flight from Baghdad to Cairo with Lt. Col. Wilson, Civil Commissioner for Mesopotamia, who was going to the Paris Peace Conference as a passenger; the aircraft was forced
down by engine failure at Romani and the mails were sent on to Kantara by train. Edge tears repaired internally with brown paper, nevertheless scarce, this cover not amongst the 23 covers recorded in "Air Mails Across the Middle East" by Laurence
Kimpton. Photo on Page 144. (Image1)
Est. £600-800
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1097 |
1911 (Feb 18) Allahabad First Aerial Post, cover to Germany franked Q.V 2a6p with the special pictorial cancel in magenta, Allahabad and Bombay backstamps. Photo on Page 146. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1098 |
1925 (Feb 7) Alan Cobham Anglo-Indian survey flight, cover franked 1a, flown from Akyab to Rangoon, arrival backstamp, initialled "AJC", 49 covers flown.
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1099 |
1925 (Feb 8) Alan Cobham Anglo-Indian survey flight, 1a envelope flown on the return flight from Rangoon to Akyab and onto Calcutta, transit and arrival datestamps, initialled "AJC", 32 covers flown. Also
"Calcutta to Karachi" and "Calcutta to London" vignettes in sheets of five. (3). Photo on Page 146. (Image1)
Est. £240-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1100 |
1928 (Feb 3) R.A.F Empire Cruise seaplane flight, covers with different vignettes flown from Calcutta to Akyab or Rangoon, also covers flown within the Philippines from Puerto Princesa to Manila or Manila to Sala, the last signed by S/Ldr G.E Livock.
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |