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INDIA continued...

INDIA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1051 Dagshai. 1916 Ahmednagar P.O.W envelope and postcard, both with "Ahmednagar" altered to "Dagshai" in manuscript, both with violet boxed "PASSED CENSOR / G.E.K" dated in manuscript. Scarce, very little mail known from this convalescent camp. (2).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1052 Katapahar. 1915 (Sep 5) Printed "I am well" type postcard from Detention Camp Katapahar, plain address side, sent to Austria with light boxed Katapahar censor, circular "POST FREE / P.C / PRISONERS OF WAR" and a Vienna censor. Very scarce, very little mail recorded from this camp, which held just 36 people in a census of March 1916.

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1053 Yercaud. 1918-19 Stampless P.O.W covers headed "For Transmission Overseas from India" with "Prisoners of War / Yercaud" and imprint "5,000-8-1-18" (2), and a printed P.O.W card, all sent to Germany, one cover with circular "PASSED BY CENSOR / (crown) / YERCAUD), the other two with Bombay censors. Also a similar unused Yercaud P.O.W envelope with imprint "1,500-17-9-19". (4).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1054 Burma - Shwebo. 1919 (Aug 11) Stampless cover to Switzerland headed "Civil Detenu's Letter, Postage Free" with manuscript "Passed 11/8" and initials, Shwebo backstamp, opened out, fine and scarce. Shwebo was used as a convalescent camp for Turkish P.O.Ws from Thayetmyo Camp, very few covers recorded.

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1055 imageBurma - Thayetmyo. 1917 (May 3) Stampless P.O.W lettersheet to Colonel Hall, Station Hospital, Maymyo, with circular violet Thayetmyo censor cachet (date and initials in red), backstamped at Thayetmyo and Maymyo Alexandra Barracks. The letter, written in French, requests medical provisions. Fine and unusual addressed locally in Burma. Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1056 Burma - Thayetmyo. 1917 Stampless cover from Iraq with Indian F.P.O 57 c.d.s of Baghdad (covered by censor label) addressed in Arabic to a P.O.W at Thayetmyo with circular violet Thayetmyo censor cachet (date and initials in red) and censor label, redirected to the P.O.W Camp at Bellary, Iraq censor, Thayetmyo and Bellary datestamps. Part flap missing and piece torn from lower edge (repaired), good appearance and unusual.

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1057 imageBurma - Thayetmyo. 1918 (Sep 20) Stampless P.O.W envelope addressed in Arabic to Constantinople with large type dated Thayetmyo censor cachet and "TURKEY" both in red, Stamboul and Galata (29 Jan 19) backstamps, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1058 1875 (Oct 28) Printed invitation card headed with finely printed and embossed Prince of Wales arms and "AE", "The Equerry in Waiting is desired by H.R.H The Prince of Wales to invite Rev. C.E York to Dinner on Thursday 28 Oct.", the Prince then en route to India on H.M.S "Serapis". Also three Carte de Visite size coloured cards bearing coloured pictures of the Prince (2) or Princess of Wales, published by L&Co of New York, with an elephant and "Souvenir of the Royal Visit to India 1876" printed on the reverse. (4).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1059 Aden. 1875 (Nov 1) Part wrapper posted from Aden, addressed in the Prince of Wales handwriting to "Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, Sandringham, Kings Lynn, England", initialled and dated "A.E Nov 1 / 75", also signed by Henry Bartle Frere, Aden Steamer Point and London (Nov. 14) datestamps, red wax seal impressed with the royal arms, reduced at right with the stamps cut away, nevertheless a unique item from the Prince.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1060 image1875 (Dec 23) Cover with enclosed letter from the Prince of Wales at Calcutta, addressed in his hand to "Mrs A.C Smith, Chitrali Park, St. Thomas Mount, Madras" bearing ½a strip of four each cancelled by a diamond of horizontal bars (Cooper type 26, used at experimental post offices), backstamped at Calcutta, Sholapur, Madras and St. Thomas Mount. The Prince of Wales requests a Photo of Mrs Smith and her family under the splendid Bassian tree. Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1061 1875 (Dec 24) Letter to Lord Tenterden, asking for an enclosed letter to be sent by F.O messenger to Berlin, signed "Albert Edward", on printed "Government House, Calcutta" notepaper with "AE" and the Prince of Wales arms superbly printed and embossed in blue and gold.

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1062 image1876 (Jan 7) Cover from the Imperial Durbar at Delhi to Bangalore franked ½a, cancelled by "2nd INFANTRY DIVISION / CAMP P.O" duplex (bars without number), reverse with similar type duplex "FIELD POST OFFICE / IMPERIAL / DURBAR", flap missing, otherwise fine, two rare datestamps. Photo on Page 140. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £1,500-1,800

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1063 1876 (Jan 10/11) "East India Railway, Time Bill, Special Train for His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, Cawnpore to Delhi", finely printed in blue and gold with royal arms at the top and Prince of Wales feathers at the corners, very attractive, 20x30cm.

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1064 image1876 (Feb 16) Registered cover from Gwalior to Sir Bartle Frere on tour with H.R.H The Prince of Wales in India and Nepal, franked 2a and ½a (3, other stamps possibly removed), the dates and places of the tour party listed below the address and on reverse, finally redirected to Lahore with boxed "REDIRECTED", "POSTAGE DUE 2a" and "UNPAID / SORTING". Eight transit and delivery datestamps include the rare "H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES CAMP" c.d.s dated FEB. 18 with "1 DELY" above the date and "FEB. 19" (date inverted), also Etawah, Agra, Aligarh, Moradabad, Umballa and Lahore. The cover has pieces missing at both ends and has been glued to paper, nevertheless exceptionally scarce examples of the Prince of Wales Camp datestamps. Photo on Page 140. (Image1)

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1065 imageNepal. 1876 (Feb 29) Registered cover from Banda to "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Camp, Barrily or elsewhere", franked ½a (another stamp missing), transit datestamps of Fatehpore, Aligarh, Etawah and Allahabad and arrival datestamp of "H.R.H THE PRINCE OF WALES CAMP / 1 DELY" dated MAR. 3 whilst the royal party was in Nepal. The cover with folds and piece missing at lower left corner, a very scarce datestamp, possibly unique used in Nepal. Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1066 imageAden. 1876 (Mar 19) Stampless cover with the Prince of Wales arms printed on the flap, addressed in the Prince's hand to "Mrs A. Spencer, Marine Lines, Bombay, India" (wife of Capt. A.G Spencer, Aide-de-Camp & Interpreter to the Governor of Bombay), privately carried to Bombay where it was posted, with two Bombay datestamps and boxed "POSTAGE DUE / 4 ANNAS". The enclosed seven page letter, written from Aden on March 19th on two sheets of notepaper with printed Prince of Wales arms and "H.M.S Serapis", includes news of the animals returning to England on the ship, all flourishing except for one deer which died after jumping into the sea, signed "A.E". The cover with a few opening faults and small part flap missing, otherwise fine and scarce with such a long handwritten letter. Photo on Page 140. (Image1)

Est. £600-700

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1067 imageAden. 1876 (Mar 20) Cover with printed Prince of Wales arms on the flap, addressed in the Prince of Wales handwriting to "Her Royal Highness The Princess Louise of Hesse, Darmstadt, Germany" (his mother-in-law and Queen of Denmark), initialled "A.E", franked 1a + 4a + 8a cancelled by Aden B-22 duplex, "PD" handstamp and Sea Post Office E backstamp. A clean tear crosses the address panel, a rare cover from the Prince of Wales at Aden. Photo on Page 140. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1068 1876 (May 19) Welcome Home reception of H.R.H The Prince of Wales, given by the Corporation of the City of London in the Guildhall, the superbly printed invitation card (255x215mm) named to Lt. Col. Haywood, and menu (193x267mm), both with pictures of the Taj Mahal, the invitation with Indian elephants, both fine and very attractive. (2).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1069 1876 Letter from Charles Buckland, President of the Durbar Committee, to Sir Mowbray Thomson, asking for a list of Oudh and Mysore royal family members to be invited to the Durbar at the Calcutta Maiden.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1070 1876-77 Telegraph receipts with two or four half 1r telegraph stamps, for telegrams sent from Pattialla to the Imperial Durbar. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1071 1889 (Dec 31) Receipt from the "H.R.H Prince Albert Victor Reception Fund" for a donation of 1000r, posted from Calcutta to Moorshedabad; also a printed invitation from the Executive Committee of the Reception Fund to Mr, Mrs and Misses O'Donoghue to meet the Viceroy and Marchioness of Lansdowne and H.R.H Prince Albert Victor at an entertainment given on the Maiden, 7th January 1890, the cover and invitation with some faults, few items recorded for this royal visit. (3).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1072 image1890 (March 6) Cover bearing five 1d lilacs, from Tetbury to "Captain Holford, H.R.H Prince Albert Victor of Wales Camp, India", Sea Post Office F backstamp. Just three covers recorded to the royal camp, which had no recorded postmark. Albert Victor was the eldest son of the Prince of Wales; he died in 1892. Photo on Page 140. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1073 1902 (Dec 4) 2a Registration envelope size H2 bearing five 1a stamps each cancelled by the Coronation Durbar Central H.O Delhi "REG" datestamp, with boxed "R / CORONATION DURBAR / CENTRAL H.O DELHI" registration handstamp, scarce.

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1074 image1902 (Dec 16) Cover to Arthur Sandbach at Jubbulpore franked 1a tied by Coronation Durbar c.d.s, with very scarce horseshoe type "CORONATION DURBAR No. 4 DELHI / DUE / ONE ANNA". Also a 1902 cover with Aden Paquebot, the enclosed letter from Sandbach referring to possibly attending the Durbar; and 1902 (Dec 19) cover from Chatsworth House to Mrs Sandbach at Remount Camp Delhi and redirected to Simla backstamped by Coronation Durbar Central Head Office Delivery and "DEP" datestamps. (3). Photo on Page 144. (Image1)

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1075 1902 Red leather covered "Delhi Durbar Light Railway Special Season Ticket, First Class", ticket no. 16 issued to Mrs Harrington costing 25r, valid from 28th December to 11th January including special train No. 3 to the amphitheatre and review grounds. A fine and rare item.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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Lot 1074