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INDIA continued...

INDIA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1026 Egypt. 1856-79 Stampless covers to Bombay, posted at the British P.O at Cairo (7) or Suez (7) or the Egyptian P.O in Suez, four 1856-57 covers with manuscript 1/- or 2/- charges, the other 1857-71 covers with circular "ST BG" charge marks for 4a8p, 5a4p (2), 8a (3), 1r (3) or 2r, the 1879 cover from the Egyptian P.O with 6a Overland Postage Due charge marks applied in the Sea Post Office. An interesting group. (15).

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1027 Hong Kong. 1869 (July 16) Stampless cover to Bombay, backstamps of Hong Kong, Bombay and Colaba, circular "ST BG / As 4" charge mark, opened out, fine and unusual from Hong Kong.

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1028 Italy. 1875 (June 18) Double weight cover from Naples to Bellary franked 10c + 60c, circular Overland Postage Due 15a charge mark, fine and unusual from Italy.

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1029 Persian Gulf. 1858-68 Stampless covers to Bombay, believed to originate in the Persian Gulf, with circular "ST BG" charge marks for 2a, 8a or 12a, boxed "BOMBAY /Bg" handstamps for 2a, 4a or 6a, or boxed "BOMBAY / Bearing __ Annas" handstamps for 1a (2), 2a (2), 4a (2) or 6a (2), two with edge faults, otherwise fine. (14).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1030 imagePersian Gulf. 1877 Stampless covers to Bombay, believed to originate in the Persian Gulf, with superb boxed "BOMBAY / SHIP LETTER / POSTAGE DUE 1A", a further ½a inland postage shown in manuscript, Bombay backstamps, superb and unusual. (2). Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1031 Tasmania. 1891 (Aug 28) Cover from Hobart to Calcutta franked 1d + 2d, handstamped "Deficient Postage (3½) / Fine (3½) } 7d to pay", an unusual destination from Tasmania.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1032 1865-1903 Covers (4) and postcards (3) to various foreign countries including 1865 unpaid entire letter to France with "MADRAS / INDIA UNPAID" datestamp and "G.B / 1F624/10c" Anglo-French accountancy mark, 1901 stampless cover to Singapore and 1903 ¼a postcard to Belgium charged 15c both with scarce horseshoe type "MADRAS / 1 / ANNA / DUE" or "MADRAS / ANNAS / DUE" (intended for use on inland mail only), etc. (7).

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1033 1860-66 Covers to G.B sent via Marseille with boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE" handstamps in red, all franked 2a + 4a, two charged 9d (3d deficiency + 6d fine), one charged 7d (1d deficiency + 6d fine). (3).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1034 1869-74 Covers all with black "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE 9d" handstamps applied in England, one sent via Marseille franked 8½a with a 10d charge, the others sent via Southampton charged 11d (franked 4a 8p), 1/- (3, franked 4a, one with ½a block of eight) or 1/2 (franked 5a), one cover tatty, the others largely fine. (6).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1035 1877-78 Covers sent via Brindisi, two to G.B franked 4a with a 5d charge or a double weight cover franked 6a and charged 1/3, also a double weight cover to Canada via G.B franked 6a with a 1/3 charge, converted to 32 Canadian cents. All fine, the Canada destination very unusual. (3).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1036 1880-85 Covers and a postcard, the postcard franked 1¾a and charged 7d, the covers all with unusual G.B charge marks comprising "1½d" (2), "10d" (2), "11d" and "1/-". (7).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1037 image1868 Cover to London franked 6a8p, posted on a steamer between Calcutta and Madras and cancelled by Madras India Paid duplex, with red framed "FOUND IN THE PORTABLE L.B", fine. Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1038 image1875 Cover to Calcutta franked ½a, posted on a steamer between Calcutta and Madras, the cover cancelled in Madras and handstamped black framed "FOUND IN THE PORTABLE L.B". Charged 4a with circular "MADRAS / B.P.P / Bg 4AS" datestamp on reverse, boxed "INSUFFICIENT", "TOO LATE" and "UNPAID / SORTING", Madras and Calcutta datestamps, an unusual cover. Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1039 Suez to Bombay Sea Post Office. 1879-1909 Covers and cards from or to India all with Sea Post Office transit datestamps, including c.d.s with horizontal wording (5), small 20mm c.d.s, etc. (30).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1040 Suez to Bombay Sea Post Office. 1895-1907 Covers and cards comprising two 1895-96 registered envelopes to Germany with circular framed "R" applied on the Sea Post Office, 1906 postcard of Aden posted on S.S "Carthage" with 1a cancelled by "SEA POST OFFICE / C" c.d.s, and three 1907 underpaid postcards with unusual boxed "5/CTS" postage due handstamp apparently applied on the S.S "Persia". (6).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1041 1861-1937 Covers and cards from or to soldiers (26), several with letters, including 1861 cover from Bangalore to Secunderabad with red boxed "1st D.", c.1880 cover to Aden, 1887 cover from G.B to S.S "Jumna" at Madras endorsed "not in Troopship Jumna" and returned not known, etc., also 1885 telegraph form detailing troop movements and 1927 Christmas card. (28).

Est. £240-280

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1042 Tirah Field Force. 1898 (Jan 14) 2a6p Envelope from Major Hammond V.C to his wife in Rawalpindi, franked ½a, both stamps cancelled by "F.P.O / No. 4A" c.d.s, arrival backstamp. The earliest recorded use of this F.P.O datestamp, then located at Landi-Kotal. Major Hammond won the V.C in 1879 during the Second Afghan War; he commanded a Brigade during the Tirah Campaign.

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1043 imageSomaliland. 1903 (Apr 26) 1a Envelope from Lt. A.E Silvertop R.N, Commander of the Marconi Detachment sent to Somaliland to test wireless telegraphy in the field, to his wife in London, cancelled "F.P.O No 44" c.d.s ("Ap" inverted) used at Galkayu, backstamped "BASE OFFICE / OBBIA" (May 7) and at Aden and London, very fine. Also the book "Official History of Operations in Somaliland 1901-04" in two volumes produced by the General Staff, War Office in 1907, faults and volume 1 split into two parts but with excellent detailed content. (cover + book). Photo on Page 138. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1044 World War One - Hospital Ship "Glengorm Castle". 1915-16 Stampless covers (4, three to India) and a postcard, sent from Southampton, Indian F.P.O 20 at Marseille (2) or Base A.P.O Z at Alexandria (2), two handstamped violet "Indian Hospital Ship" and "GLENGORM CASTLE", one of these also with circular intaglio "INDIAN HOSPITAL SHIP" seal type handstamp, the other three with circular "INDIAN HOSPITAL / GLENGORM / CASTLE / Date - / SHIP" (two also with "ON ACTIVE SERVICE"), a good lot. (5).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1045 Ahmednagar. 1915-19 Stampless Prisoner of War envelopes (4) and postcards (7) all from A. Fritz to relatives in Germany, various types of stationery and censors including individual censors initials, one cover from the camp hospital. (11).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1046 Ahmednagar. 1916-19 ¼a Postal stationery postcards with pictorial Christmas or new year cards printed on the reverse, and two stampless P.O.W cards with violet "Frohliche Weihnachten / Prosit Neujahr" handstamp on the reverse, the card for new year 1920 with violet fancy framed "Service of Prisoners of War / FREE POSTAGE" handstamp, unusual. (4).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1047 Ahmednagar. 1915-16 Covers (4) and postcards (3) from the camp, also a cover to the camp, all handstamped with individual censors initials, including "J.H.G.G. 476", "E.B / 476", boxed "E.L.S" and "W.M.B", etc., one cover to an internee at Handforth Camp in England, two others to Denmark. Also four covers from internees in G.B with similar censors initials handstamps. (12).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1048 Ahmednagar/East Africa. 1918 (Jan 26) Stampless P.O.W cover to the Biological Station at Amani, via Tanga, East Africa with dated censor cachet, East Africa censor label and cachet, "TANGA" (Dec. 21) arrival c.d.s dated eleven months after posting. An unusual cover from Gottfried Schmidt, an internee from German East Africa, to his wife interned at the Amani Biological Station near Tanga (with biographical details).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1049 Ahmednager/S.S "Golconda". 1916 (May 10) Stampless covers (2) and a picture postcard all from female internees being repatriated to Europe on the S.S "Golconda", to internees in Ahmednagar. All posted from the ship whilst at Cape Town, with Cape Town Paquebot datestamps, the two covers with dated oval "CENSOR / CAPE TOWN", unusual. (3).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1050 Bellary. 1917 (Nov 20) Printed Bellary P.O.W Camp envelope headed "For Transmission Overseas from India", red lower left corner, addressed to Constantinople with camp censor cachet, the enclosed letter written in Arabic headed with "PRISONERS OF WAR CAMP / BELLARY" cachet, fine and scarce. Also a stampless cover from Baghdad, addressed in Arabic to a P.O.W at Bellary. (2).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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