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AUSTRALIA continued...

AUSTRALIA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
601 1938 (Nov 5) R.A.F Long distance flight record, cover flown from Ismailia to Darwin with Egypt 5m cancelled at Moascar and Australia 2d cancelled at Darwin (Nov 7), signed by the pilot Richard Kellett, small edge tear at right, otherwise fine and scarce. Also a signed letter from Kellett to Miss Young, the addressee of this letter, Vickers Aviation Ltd compliments slip with typed note, and a typed list of names who had requested a cover. Ten covers supposedly flown from Egypt to Darwin although the typed list of cover requests totals 32. E.831, $525.

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
602 New Caledonia. 1939-41 Covers from or to Noumea, comprising 1939 (Mar 24) Henri Martinet flight to Bundaberg (2, one flown on to Paris); 1941 (Feb 1) Qantas Catalina flying boat delivery flight cover with New Caledonia 1f25 and Australia 1d cancelled upon arrival at Sydney (18 flown); and 1941 (Apr 19) Sydney to Noumea flight by R.A.A.F flying boat (30 flown). E.844/5, 915, 916, $1,800. (4).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
603 imageCocos Island. 1939 "Guba II" Indian Ocean survey flight, printed cover posted at New York (May 24, 1938) franked 2c, flown from Hollandia to Seychelles with Netherlands Indies 10c cancelled at Hollandia (May 10), Australia 5d cancelled at Rose Bay (June 1) and an uncancelled Seychelles 6c, reverse with "C&W. LTD / 12 JUN 39 / COCOS" cachet, signed by the pilot Richard Archbold, minor corner creasing. Also a Photo of the flying boat. E.865, $800. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
604 Fiji/Tonga. 1939 (Oct 21-23) "Aotearoa" Pacific survey flight, cover flown from Suva (Oct 21) to Tonga franked Fiji 1d pair (to Capt. W. R Dyer, c/o R.M.A "Aotearoa", 25 covers flown), and covers flown from Tonga (Oct 23) franked 3d to Australia (opening tears) or 2½d to New Zealand, both flown to Auckland. E.879b/d, $650. (3).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
605 1939 (Dec 10) - 1943 (Oct 25) Wartime first flight covers including 1941 (Sep 29) A.N.A Melbourne - Sydney - Brisbane service from all four legs (all signed by the crew, just 15 covers flown on each leg), etc. E.$1,470. (16).

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
606 Mornington Island Parachute Mail. Christmas parachute drop covers for 1939, 1941, 1942 (2, from Sydney and Brisbane), 1943, 1946, 1947, 1948, and 1949 flight cover, all pilot signed. Also unused vignettes for 1941, 1943, 1946 and 1947. E. $1,775. (13).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
607 1939-44 Commercial covers, mainly from Australia to USA, G.B or Europe, also a few incoming covers, including covers sent via the horseshoe route, 1942 (Feb.) cover to Singapore with "NOT TRANSMISSABLE / SERVICE SUSPENDED", 1940 covers flown via Hong Kong and Hawaii, and covers sent via New Zealand then by sea to the USA, several Internee and P.O.W covers noted, many Clipper covers with rates to 17/6. (61).

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
608 1940 (Feb 13) R.A.A.F Lockheed Hudson test flight, flown cover signed by the crew, 1d tied by Richmond Aerodrome c.d.s with red boxed "Posted from / R.A.A.F Station / RICHMOND. N.S.W", just five covers flown. Also 1940 (Jan 30) cover carried on the first flight from Brisbane to Bundaberg and back with ½d pair cancelled at Archerfield Aerodrome, pilot signed with "No. 23 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F" cachet, 17 flown. E.889, 891a, $225. (2).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
609 image1940 (May 29) Guinea Airways England to Australia delivery flight, two aircraft piloted by D.J Cameron, D. Buckley and E. Chaseling in a record 63 hours, cover flown to Darwin posted upon arrival franked 2d, signed by two pilots. Very scarce, just twelve covers flown from England to Darwin. E.902, $300. Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
610 1940-43 Commercial covers from G.B to Australia with 1940 express covers flown via France and Italy franked 5/6 or 8/-, 1941 covers sent via USA and Clipper via New Zealand franked 4/6 or 18/-, 1942 (Jan.) cover franked 4/6 returned with violet "TRANS PACIFIC / SERVICE SUSPENDED", 1943 express cover sent via USA and then by sea franked 8/-. (6).

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
611 O.A.T. 1940-45 Covers with 1940 cover from Batavia to Perth handstamped violet boxed "By air to Australia and / onward airtransmission", and 1943-45 covers from Australia to Sweden (5), Finland, Switzerland (3), Holland (2) or France with oval framed "O.A.T" (6) or rectangular framed "O.A.T" (6, two types). (13).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
612 1941 (Jan 19/21) Quantas Sydney to Singapore service, first flights to Dili, registered cover flown from Sydney to Dili, signed by the pilot H.B Hussey (54 flown), and a cover carried on the first return flight from Dili to Sydney (21 flown), both fine. E.912/3, $900. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
613 imageGilbert & Ellice Is - Canton Is. 1941 (Aug 10) Qantas Catalina delivery flight, cover flown from Canton Island to Sydney franked Gilbert & Ellice 2d, an Australia 1d cancelled upon arrival (Aug 16), signed by the pilot Lester Brain, small grease spot at left, otherwise fine, 25 covers flown. E.920, $500. Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
614 imageFiji. 1941 (Oct 22) Qantas Catalina delivery flight, cover flown from Suva to Sydney franked Fiji 3d, addressed to Capt. L. Brain, signed by the three crew with Sydney arrival c.d.s. Very scarce, a few flown covers prepared by the crew. E.929. Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
615 1941-44 R.A.A.F flights comprising 1941 (Aug 25) first Australian built Beaufort Torpedo Bomber demonstration flight from Melbourne to Cairns and back, pilot signed, franked 2d (12 flown); 1943 (Nov 8) Lancaster Bomber 4th Liberty Loan flight over Sydney, signed by the crew, posted at Sydney franked 2d; and 1944 cover posted at Bankstown (Mar 30) franked 2½d, endorsed as flown in Mosquito DD664 on 17th Dec. 1942 and again in Mosquito A52-1001 on 11th July 1944 with signatures of 35 pilots and crew, numbered "one of 23", all scarce. E.920a, 968a, 976a, $475. (3).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
616 imagePenrhyn Island. 1942 (Sep. 2) Pan Am survey flight, cover carried on the return flight from Sydney to Penrhyn via Tonga with Australia 1d cancelled at Sydney, an uncancelled Tonga 1d and Cook Islands 1d pair cancelled at Penrhyn Island (Sep. 10), circular U.S Censorship "OVO" cachet, very few covers carried. E.947d, $750. Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
617 imageFanning Island. 1944 (Nov 8) R.A.F Trans-Pacific survey flight by Catalina JX 275 "Flying Bird", registered cover from Sydney to Fanning Island franked 5½d, flown via Fiji and Canton Island, arrival backstamp, signed by the pilot P.G Taylor, 15 covers flown. E.982, $650. Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £140-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
618 1945 (Apr 2) - 1958 (Jan 14) Qantas first flight covers in an album including 1945 outward and return flights between Sydney and New Guinea, Sydney to England overprinted airletter, Sydney to Singapore, outward and return flights between Sydney and Ceylon, 1946 overprinted airletters for Sydney to Singapore and England, typed inscription on England to Singapore airletter, 1947 outward and return flights between Sydney and Norfolk Island, Sydney and Japan, 1949 covers flown between Sydney and Hong Kong (4, one with vignette error "First Regular Service" omitted), etc., many pilot signed, also some ephemera, photos and vignettes. (45+).

Est. £500-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
619 1946 (May 15) - 1959 (July 3) First flight covers in an album, including 1946 (May 15) TWA round the world flight cover flown from Sydney to Fiji, 1946 Australia - Canada overprinted 7d airletters (2), Pan Am flights, 1948 "Sky Merchant" round the world airletter, etc., many pilot signed, also some ephemera. (59+).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
620 imageNorfolk Island. 1947 (Sep 25) Cover franked 5½d, carried on the Qantas survey flight from Sydney to Norfolk Island. Very scarce, just six covers flown. E.1111, $650. Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
621 image1947-69 Covers comprising 1947 (Dec 19) Nauru to Sydney charter flight to test homing beacons, addressed to Melbourne; 1948 (Aug 4) R.A.A.F outward and return flights from Hobart to Macquarie Island; 1955 (Dec 6) DC111 round the world flight covers from Australia to Canada or England (unlisted by Eustis); 1956 (Apr 27) General Doolittle tour of Australia posted at Darwin, crew signed (just four covers flown to Darwin); 1958 (Nov 24) R.A.F Comet round the world flight from G.B posted at Melbourne (unlisted by Eustis); 1969 (Dec.) London to Australia air race cover flown around the world by Sheila Scott (12 flown). A scarce group. E.1133, 1188/9, 1358, 1655, $760++. (8). Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
622 image1947 (Jan 21) R.A.F "Endeavour" flight to England carrying the Governor of Australia, H.R.H The Duke of Gloucester, signed by ten crew, Australia and G.B stamps; also 1953 (Oct 8) G.B airletter flown by R.A.A.F Canberra in the England to New Zealand air race then flown to Australia, posted at R.A.A.F Lowerton. Two very scarce Air Force flights, very few covers carried. E.1092c, 1327b, $375. (2). Photo on Page 88. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
623 1951 (Mar 14) "Frigate Bird II" experimental air mail to Chile, covers flown from Australia to Samoa (pilot signed) or Valparaiso (3), stampless registered cover from Tahiti to Mangareva with Papeete datestamps and various cachets (possibly containing official covers or documents, probably unique), and Valparaiso to Sydney return flight cover with datestamps or cachets of Easter Island, Tahiti, Mangareva and Suva. E.1269/71, $850. (6).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
624 Air Letters/Airgraphs. 1943-45 Air letters (5) and airgraphs (9) including 1943 (June 4) first airgraph despatch from England to Australia and 1945 (July 27) final airgraph flight from Australia, 1944 (Aug 24) first civilian airletter despatch from G.B to Australia (pilot signed), 1944 (Sep 11) first day civilian use of Australia 7d air letter to G.B (3, two overprinted in red, one pilot signed) or to Bahrain. A scarce group. E.953a, 977/8, $1,250+. (14).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
625 Pigeon Posts. 1933-46 Pigeongrams and covers comprising 1933 (Apr 22) cover with attached pigeongram, vignette block of four and pigeongram, 1934 (Nov 16) cover with attached pigeongram, 1946 (June 9) pigeongram, the last very scarce. E. PP3/6, 9a. (5).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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