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AUSTRALIA continued...

AUSTRALIA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
576 image1934 MacRobertson Air Race. USA 6c envelope cancelled at New York (Sep 26), flown by C.E Pangborn and Roscoe Turner around the world, the England to Australia portion flown as an entrant in the MacRobertson Air Race, with G.B 1½d cancelled at Mildenhall Aerodrome (Oct 5), Australia 3d cancelled at Melbourne (Oct 29) and a U.S Air 6c cancelled at New York (Dec 4). Fine and scarce. E.434a, $450. Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
577 image1934 MacRobertson Air Race. Cover flown by J.H Wright and J. Polando to Abadan with G.B 1½d cancelled at Mildenhall Aerodrome (Oct 20) and a Persia 30d cancelled at Abadan (Oct 28), posted to New York with arrival c.d.s, signed by Wright. 179 Covers flown to Abadan but 110 of these were destroyed; Wright and Polando withdrew from the race at Calcutta due to engine trouble. E.451a, $550. Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
578 1934 MacRobertson Air Race. Covers flown by Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pangborn, H.L Brook and Miss E. Lay (50 carried), J.D. Hewitt, C.E Kay and F. Stewart (3, one flown on to New Zealand), C.G Davies and C.N Hill (50 carried), N. McGregor and H.C Walker, or M. Hansen and D. Jensen, also a Post Office O.H.M.S cover with enclosed letter stating there will be no postal facilities for despatching letters by aeroplanes in the air race. E.434, 437/41. $2,100. (10).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
579 1934 MacRobertson Air Race - KLM "Uiver". Covers flown from Holland to Australia (4, one pilot signed cover to New Zealand), Holland to Batavia, Batavia to New Zealand (just 15 covers posted), Emma-Zegels T.B Charity envelopes flown from Batavia to Holland and carried on the entire flight to Australia or flown from Batavia both posted back from Australia, KLM envelopes used to return covers from Australia (2), also a postcard of the aviators, etc. E.444/6. (12).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
580 KLM "Uiver". 1934 Covers comprising Nov. 2nd Australia flight from Australia to Holland (45 covers flown), Batavia (2), Bandoeng or Medan (2) to Holland (one Batavia cover to G.B charged 3½d postage due) and proof impressions of the four Uiver datestamps used in the Netherlands Indies; Christmas flight to Batavia which crashed at Rutbah Wells, unused envelopes (2), flown covers (3, one badly burnt cover within an ambulance envelope with explanatory slip) and a Photo of the crashed plane, also a printed "Uiver" cover from Soerabaja sent on the "Ijsvogel". E.458. (14).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
581 image1934 (Nov 19) Melbourne to Cootamundra air race, cover carried by Arthur Butler, posted upon arrival franked 2d, signed by five pilots who competed in the race, a few minor tone spots but very scarce, only six covers flown. E.462, $425. Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
582 1934 (Dec 8-10) Imperial Airways England-Australia flights, covers sent on the first outward flight from England (21) including covers from Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Greece (2), Egypt (2), Palestine, Iraq (to Lombok), Bahrain, South Africa, KUT, Singapore, Kedah, Batavia, and covers carried on the return flight to England (14), one from Brisbane to Darwin pilot signed, covers to Java, Iraq, Sudan, Tanganyika, South Africa, Greece, also covers from Netherlands Indies and Iraq. E.469/470. (35).

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
583 image1935 (Jan 4) England to Australia Monospar VH-USN delivery flight for Eastern Air Transport, cover posted upon arrival at Charleville franked 2d, signed by the two pilots, very scarce, just six covers flown from England. E.483, $475. Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
584 1935 (Feb 2) Lord Sempill Australian tour, cover flown from Adelaide to Wyndham, posted upon arrival franked 2d, signed by Lord Sempill. Scarce, twelve covers carried. E.487d, $350.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
585 1935 (Mar 24) Darwin to England solo flight by H.L Brook, flown cover with Australia 1d cancelled at Darwin (Mar 21) and G.B 1½d cancelled at Croydon (Apr 1), then flown on to his home town of Harrogate, pilot signed. 85 covers flown. E.493, $400.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
586 image1935 (May 20) Harry Broadbent record flight around Australia, flown cover posted from Perth franked 2d, pilot signed, fine and scarce. E.502a, $525. Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
587 imageKingsford Smith. 1935-58 Covers and vignettes comprising 1935 (Oct 23) cover flown by B. Sheil from Australia to London, then flown by Kingsford Smith from London to Brindisi and back to London with two G.B 1½d stamps cancelled in London (Oct 18 & Nov 5, the last covers flown by Kingsford Smith, 49 flown); also 1935 (July 18) "Southern Cross" final flight vignette sheet, 1945 (May 21) "Southern Cross" flight for the film on Kingsford Smith (flown by his nephew John, twelve covers flown), and 1958 (Sep 11) T.E.A.L New Zealand flight for the 30th Anniversary of Kingsford Smith's first Trans-Tasman flight (2, one from Australia). E.516a, 545, 1006, $1,000. (5). Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
588 1935-39 Covers carried on flights around Australia, all posted franked 2d, comprising 1935 (July 23) cover flown from Darwin to Derrinallum by J.V Fairbairn (12 flown), 1937 (Sep 3) cover flown around the continent from and to Sydney by J. Clancy and R.H Julius (15 flown), and 1939 (Aug 30) cover flown around the continent by Gordon Elliot posted at Bowral (12 flown), all fine and scarce. E.509c, 746, 879g, $625. (3).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
589 1935-37 Mackay Aerial Survey Expeditions, 1935 third expedition covers flown from Cook to Petersham (June 15, six flown) or Oodnatta to Sydney (July 18, fifty flown, signed by three crew); and 1937 fourth expedition cover posted at Tennant Creek (Aug 18) with backstamps of Ray Hill (July 31) and Wave Hill (Aug 12), signed by three crew (11 flown), all fine and scarce. E.517/a, 758, $825. (3).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
590 image1935 (Oct - Nov) Harry Broadbent Australia to England and return record breaking flight, cover carried on the outward flight from Darwin to Basra where Broadbent crashed, continuing to England by Imperial Airways, then carried on his return solo flight completed in 6 days 21 hours, datestamps of Enmore (Oct 5) and Darwin (Nov 13), originally franked 1d, with a pen cancelled G.B ½d and Australia 2d postage due, pilot signed. Fine and scarce, 18 covers carried on the outward flight, very few of these also carried on the return flight. E.556, $750. Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
591 1935-37 Pan Am flight covers comprising 1935 (Oct.) San Francisco to Guam survey flight cover to Australia (with signed Photo of Capt. Sullivan and photos of the plane); 1935 (Nov 22) San Francisco to Manila first flight cover to Australia; 1937 (Apr.) first flights from San Francisco to Hong Kong (3), Manila or Honolulu to Hong Kong (all addressed to Australia or New Zealand), Australia to Guam, Manila or San Francisco. E.727/8a. (10).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
592 image1936 (Jan) Sydney to Perth trans-Australia flight by Harry and Beryl Broadbent, covers flown from Sydney to Kalgoorlie (4 flown) or Sydney to Perth (5 flown) both posted upon arrival franked 2d, both pilot signed, fine and very scarce. E.582/a, $700. (2). Photo on Page 82. (Image1)

Est. £180-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
593 1936 (May 9) Lakehurst to Frankfurt transatlantic flight by the airship "Hindenburg", registered cover addressed to Australia with arrival backstamps. Also 1939 Pan Am New York to London first flight cover addressed to New Zealand. (2).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
594 image1936 (Nov 7) L.E Clark England to Australia and New Zealand flight, cover flown from Darwin to Longreach, posted upon arrival franked 2d, pilot signed on reverse. Fine and scarce, just eight covers flown. Also a signed letter, and photos (2, one signed). (4). Photo on Page 86. (Image1)

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
595 1936 (Dec 16) Brisbane to Adelaide South Australia Centenary Air Race, covers flown by J.L Scott (18 flown), H.F Broadbent (26 flown), P. Knapman (24 flown, previously flown Adelaide to Brisbane), P.H Moody (18 flown) or P. Moore McMahon (18 flown, force landed at Barjarg), all pilot signed, posted after the race franked 1d or 2d. E.667, 674, 677, 689, 693, $1,325. (5).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
596 1937 (Apr - Aug) Mrs H.B Bonney Brisbane to Cape Town solo flight, covers with Australia and Victoria stamps cancelled at Brisbane (Apr 8), posted back from various stops en route with stamps of India cancelled at New Delhi (May 12), Burma cancelled at Akyab (May 10), KUT cancelled at Nairobi (July 22) or South Africa cancelled at Cape Town (Aug 18), all pilot signed with flight cachets. E.714i, k, 715c, 716, $1,150. (4).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
597 1937-38 Jim Broadbent flights comprising 1937 (Apr 27) Australia to England flight posted upon arrival; 1938 (Mar 12) London to Australia flight attempt which force landed at Flores with G.B 1½d cancelled in London (Mar 9, 48 flown); and 1938 (Apr 13) Darwin to England solo flight with 2d cancelled at Darwin, G.B 1½d cancelled in London (Apr 23) and cachet of H.M Customs Lympne Airport (40 flown), the first two pilot signed, also a postcard of Broadbent. E.729, 818, 804, $1,075. (3).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
598 1937-39 Covers from Australia to the Netherlands Indies, comprising 1937 (Jan 19) cover carried on K.N.I.L.M charter flight (by Sir Laurence Phillips) from Brisbane to Batavia posted upon arrival franked 17c, signed by the crew; and 1939 (July 2) Guinea Airways survey flight from Adelaide to Dili, cover flown on the Darwin to Koepang leg and posted upon arrival franked 15c, signed by the crew. Fine and scarce, twelve covers carried on the 1937 flight, very few covers on the 1939 flight. E.701, 872a, $525. (2).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
599 1938 (Mar 15) A. E. Clouston and V. Ricketts England - Australia - New Zealand and return record flight completed in 10 days 21 hours, cover flown from London to Sydney and onto Blenheim with G.B, Australia and N.Z stamps, or on the return flight from Blenheim to Darwin and onto London with N.Z and Australia stamps and a London arrival c.d.s, both covers signed by the two pilots, also a press Photo of the aeroplane "Australian Anniversary". Fine and scarce, 14 signed covers carried on the outward flight, twelve signed covers on the return flight. E.801/6, $425. (2).

Est. £140-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
600 1938 (Aug 3) Cover from Canberra to Southern Rhodesia, carried on the first flight from the newly opened Rose Bay flying boat base in Sydney, with violet oval cachet "COMMEMORATING THE OFFICIAL OPENING / OF THE / EMPIRE AIRMAIL SCHEME / AUSTRALIA, 4th AUGUST, 1938", the incorrectly worded cachet only applied to a small number of VIP government covers. Sydney and Salisbury datestamps, vertical fold, otherwise fine, possibly unique on a cover to Africa. E.822c, $300.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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