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AUSTRALIA continued...

AUSTRALIA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
626 Rocket Mail. 1934-37 Flown covers (10), 1935 Silver Jubilee "Telegraph" facsimile front pages (2), vignette sheetlets (9) and a single vignette, also a Photo of the official party at the 1935 (Aug 11) rocket post firing at Fraser Island. E. R1/4, 6/7, 9/11. (23).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
627 Air Mail labels. 1923-56 Labels including booklets, panes and sheets, uses on cover (13), etc. (53+).

Est. £100-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
628 1930-31 Covers comprising 1930 first N.Z acceptance for Sydney to Brisbane or Adelaide to Perth air routes (only about 10 N.Z covers posted for each flight), 1931 tenth anniversary of N.Z internal airmails cover flown in Australia, N.Z acceptance for second Imperial Airways flight to England, 1931 Christmas flight to England (2, one with 4d + 7d Air stamps first day use on Nov 10th). (6).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
629 1931 (Apr 2) Cover from Ceylon to New Zealand "by Australian air service" with Ceylon 9c + 20c and Australia Air 3d all applied and cancelled in Colombo. A very unusual use of the Australia 3d, applied in Ceylon to pay for internal Australian air mail.

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
630 1933-42 Covers and cards including 1933 (Feb 27) cover from Mt. Bryan East (birthplace of Sir Hubert Wilkins) to New Zealand flown by New England Airways signed by Wilkins, 1934 first air acceptance from New Zealand to Malta or Greece, 1940 Pan Am first flights from Australia to Hawaii, New Caledonia, USA (2) or Canada, New Caledonia to Australia, 1942 forces covers from Ceylon to N.Z with red boxed "Per AUSTRALIAN Inland / & Trans-Tasman AIR MAIL" (2), etc. (16).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
631 1933-34 "Faith in Australia" flights comprising 1933 (Dec 3) Australia to N.Z souvenir cards (2), Auckland to Invercargill flight (2), 1934 (Feb 17) N.Z to Australia covers (7) and souvenir cards (2), April 11th Australia to N.Z covers (8, two flown back to Australia), N.Z to Australia covers (4) and souvenir card, May 11th Australia to N.Z goodwill flight cover, July 2nd N.Z to Australia covers (2), July 24th Papua flight covers (8) and souvenir card, Australian cover intended for the return flight from Sydney to Melbourne with "AIR SERVICE / NOT AVAILABLE", and Anzac Memorial Appeal flight ticket, some items signed. E.348, 360/1, 369/71, 389/95. (40).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
632 image1934 (Jan 13) Third "Southern Cross" Australia to New Zealand flight by Kingsford Smith, cover with Australia 2d cancelled at Mascot (Jan 12) and N.Z 1d cancelled at New Plymouth (Jan 15), signed by Kingsford Smith. Fine and very scarce, just twelve covers carried. E.350, $650. Photo on Page 88. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
633 1934-35 "Southern Cross" flights by C. Kingsford Smith, 1934 (Mar 29) N.Z to Australia covers (7, one flown at Hastings on March 24th, three signed), cover intended for the flight with "TOO LATE", and proof impressions of the two special N.Z datestamps; and 1935 Jubilee flight, Australia to N.Z flown covers (3), covers with "Received Too Late For / Jubilee Air Mail" and "Deliver as Addressed By Ordinary Mail" (2), unused envelopes (3) and N.Z covers intended for the return flight but sent by sea (4), also postcards and photos (5) and a new year greetings card from Ernest Crome to Stephen Smith bearing a piece of fabric from the plane. E.367/8, 499. (27).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
634 image1934 (Nov 22) Cover posted at Enmore (Nov 19) franked 1d, flown by Ron Whitehead and Rex Nichol from Gerringong Beach to New Zealand in a DH80A Puss Moth "Faith in New Zealand", very scarce, twelve covers flown. E.463, $425. Photo on Page 88. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
635 1938 (July/Aug) First All-up flights from New Zealand, including covers to Ceylon, Canada, Burma, Southern Rhodesia and Hong Kong (2), various printed envelopes. (20).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
636 1940 (Apr 30 - May 2) First regular TEAL air mail service between Australia and New Zealand, covers flown from N.Z to Australia (14, one pilot signed, one flown back to Australia) or Australia to N.Z (8, also Ulm card signed by the crew), G.B acceptance cover posted at Jersey, and New Zealand cover franked 5d with uncancelled Australia stamps intended to be flown in both directions, returned to the sender with the flight cachet obliterated by dumb "seapost" type cancel and "RETURN ENVELOPES / NOT ACCEPTED FOR / TRANSMISSION IN / TRANS-TASMAN AIR / SERVICE". Also May 6th outward and return "Awarua" flight covers both signed by the pilot Oscar Garden. An interesting lot, various printed covers and cachets. E.899/900ab. (27).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
637 1946-59 Covers including 1946 (Dec 19) R.A.A.F Mosquito Sydney to Auckland flight, pilot signed (12 flown), 1951 (May 15) Christchurch to Melbourne charter flight with a cargo of rubber during a dock strike (unlisted by Eustis), etc., some signed, also some photos and ephemera. (36+).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
638 1931 (Dec 17) Registered cover from Wau to England franked 5d pair, endorsed "Per Air Mail Wau Salamaua", backstamped at Sydney and Adelaide. An early New Guinea flight, unlisted by Eustis.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
639 1933 (Mar 2) First New Zealand acceptance for air in Papua New Guinea, two covers franked N.Z 1d cancelled at Wellington and Australia 2d cancelled at Sydney (Mar 7), flown from Port Moresby to Wau (41 flown) or Port Moresby to Salamaua (36 flown), carried by Guinea Airways piloted by Orme Denny. E.P57/a, $500. (2).

Est. £120-140

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
640 1933-49 Covers including 1933 (Feb 10) Australia covers flown from Port Moresby to Salamaua (2, one pilot signed), 1934 (Apr 12) Port Moresby to Townsville (pilot signed), Dec 19th Port Moresby to Cairns with Lord Sempill, 1936 (Oct 29) Port Moresby to Melbourne (pilot signed), 1938 (Mar 18) Rabaul to Salamaua, April 18th Sydney to Salamaua (pilot signed), 1938 cover from Australia to G.B intended for the first flight via New Guinea but disallowed with Australian explanatory label on reverse, 1938 (Oct.) Fairchild Aerial Surveys covers to Honolulu and Los Angeles, 1949 (June 2) Samarai to Bwagaoia, etc. E.$2,115. (18).

Est. £350-450

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
641 1935 (Aug 14) and 1940 (Mar 19) Sydney to Wau flight covers posted upon arrival, both signed by the pilot Ray Parer. E.P83, 153, $650. (2).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
642 image1935 (Sep 1) Daru to Port Moresby and Darwin, R.A.A.F Southampton flying boat A-11-1 flight, cover franked 3d, pilot signed. E.P89, $600. Photo on Page 88. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
643 1937 (June 4) Kokopo to Sydney charter flight during a volcanic eruption near Rabaul, cover franked 4d, pilot signed. E.P113, $400.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
644 1937 (Sep 22) Papua Oil Development Co. Ltd. Australia to Papua New Guinea flight, cover flown from Sydney to Thursday Island, posted upon arrival, pilot signed (12 flown); and 1939 (Feb 24) cover posted at Port Moresby, flown to Darwin via Thursday Island. E.P116, 142, $700. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
645 1899-2006 Mint and used collection in an album including 1910 Birthday Jubilee set mint, 1936 Dollfuss 10s unmounted mint, 1933 W.I.P.A 50g unmounted mint, etc. (100s).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
646 1914-18 Naval Mail. The collection in an album and on pages, many with named ship postmarks, cachets or censor cachets including battleships, destroyers, cruisers, torpedo boats, depot ships, etc., also cachets of submarine schools, gunnery schools, Danube Flotilla, former Austrian Lloyd ships, a few photos of ships, 1821 letter from the Emperor's War Cabinet "To the Commander of the Austrian Navy" and 1893 official card from the naval academy in Fiume, etc. An interesting collection. (140).

Est. £700-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
647 Hospital Ships. 1915-18 Stampless covers and cards (33, three registered) and Money Order receipts (3) with cachets of the "Adria" (5), "Alpha", "Mars", "Africa" (2, Lloyd Dampfer X), "Electra" (H.S I), "Metkrovich" (4, H.S II), "Tirol" (H.S III), "Graf Wurmbrand" (4, H.S IV), "Argentina" (14, H.S VI) or "Gamma", also a card from the "Baron Call" and a postcard of the "Tirol". (36).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
648 1916-19 Stampless Feldpost covers and cards from balloon troops, all with cachets. (21).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
649 Literature/Documents. Annual Reports for 1887-1900 and 1902 (15); 1914 agreement between the Bahamas Government and the New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Co. on the carriage of mail and freight; 1913 agreement between the Bahamas Government and Florida East Coast Hotel Co. on steamship services (including mail carriage) and running of hotels; 1826 document appointing William Webb to the Executive Council of the Bahamas; 1804 act allowing the export of salt to the USA, etc. (21).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
650 1772 (Nov 10) Entire to "The Reverend Doctor Daniel Burton, Secretary to Venerable Society for the Propagation in Foreign Parts, in Abington Street, Westminster", internal filing endorsement "Mr Moss, Missionary, Harbour Island, Nov. 10 1772", privately carried to London and posted within the Penny Post with fine triangular "PAYD / PENY / POST / T / FE" of the Temple office and "7 / O'CLOCK /W" time handstamp for Westminster. Small closed tear, otherwise fine and a very early letter from the Bahamas.

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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