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SPECIMEN STAMPS continued...

France & Colonies / P.O Abroad continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
401 New Caledonia. Page bearing 1905-07 set in strips of three (45c a single), 1906 postage due 20c strip of three, 1912 surcharge set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (57).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
402 New Hebrides. Page bearing 1908, 1910-11 and 1911 sets all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (21).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
403 Reunion. Two pages bearing 1900 Parcel Post 10c, 1907 set of fifteen and 1907 postage due set of eight all in strips of three, 1912 surcharge set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (80).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
404 St. Pierre & Miquelon. Page bearing 1900-08 35c strip of three, 1909 set of sixteen, 1912 surcharges (10, no 5 on 20c), also French Colonies 20c olive green postage due strip of three, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (32).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
405 Senegal/French Sudan. Three pages bearing Senegambia & Niger 1903 set in strips of three, Upper Senegal & Niger 1906 set of fourteen (no 5c, 10, 15c) and 1906 postage due set of seven in strips of three, Senegal 1903 surcharge set of four, 1906 35c and 45c and postage due 20c all in strips of three, 1912 surcharge set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (129).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
406 Tunisia. Page bearing 1898 20c, 1906 set of thirteen in strips of three, 1908 surcharge set, all handstamped "Specimen" types R3 or R4. (44).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
407 French & Indo China Post Offices in China. Two pages bearing French P.O 1902-06 set in strips of three, 1907 surcharge set, Indo-China 1902 set in strips of three, handstamped "Specimen" types R3 or R4. (83).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
408 Post Offices in Egypt. Four pages bearing Alexandria 1902 set of fifteen with additional 5f strip of three, Port Said 1902 set of fifteen in strips of three, handstamped "Specimen" type R3. (63).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
409 Post Offices in the Levant & Crete. Six pages bearing 1902 sets for Levant, Cavalla, Dedeagh and Crete, all in strips of three, handstamped "Specimen" type R3. (132).

Est. £350-450

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
410 Post Offices in Morocco. Page bearing 1902-10 set in singles (5 values) or strips of three (7 values), and all 1909-11 postage and postage due sets, all handstamped "Specimen" type R3 or R4. (43).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
411 Post Offices in Zanzibar. Page bearing 1902-03 set handstamped "Specimen" type R3. (11).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
Portugal & Colonies
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
412 Portugal. Four pages bearing 1903-08 franking stamps for Consumptives Aid Society (2, strips of three), civilian rifle clubs (6, three in strips of three) or Red Cross Society, 1904 postage due set of seven in strips of three, 1905 50r and 75r strips of three, 1910 set, 1910-12 Republica set and 1911 postage due set, 1911-12 set, 1911 Charity Tax 10r and 20r, 1912 set of sixteen and 2c charity tax, also 1911-12 Madeira set overprinted Republica, 1905 Funchal 50c and 75c strips, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (125).

Est. £400-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
413 Angola, Guinee, S. Thome & Principe. Five pages bearing 1908 Provisorio 50r and 75r, 1903 postage and 1904 postage due sets and 1905 50r on 65r from all three colonies in strips of three, singles of the 1911 postage and postage due sets from all three colonies, Angola 1912 set and 1912 surcharges, S. Thome 1912 set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (223).

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
414 Cape Verde. Two pages bearing 1903 Provisorio 50r and 75r, 1903 postage set and 1904 postage due set, 1905 50r on 65r, all in strips of three (faults to seven postage dues), singles of the 1911 postage and postage due sets, 1912 set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (100).

Est. £250-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
415 Azores. Two pages bearing 1905 50r and 75r from Angra, Horta and Ponta Delgada all in strips of three, Azores 1904 postage due set in strips of three, 1910 set, 1910-11 postage and postage due sets with Republica overprints, 1911 10r and 20r charity tax, 1911-12 postage and postage due sets, 1912 set of sixteen and 2c charity tax, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (107).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
416 Macau. Five pages bearing 1898-1900 5r, 10r, 15r, 20r, 75r singles, 10r and 20r strips of three, 1902 surcharges (24 different stamps), 1902 Provisorio set, 1903 set and 1904 postage due set, 1905 10a on 12a all in strips of three, 1910 dues overprinted for postal use, 1911 Republica postage and postage due sets, 1a on 5r fiscal, 2a on half 4a (2) and 5a on half 10a (2), 1913 set of fifteen, all handstamped "Specimen" type R3 or R4. (217).

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
417 Mozambique. Four pages bearing 1902 Provisorio 50r and 75r, 1903 set, 1904 postage due set, 1905 50r on 65r all in strips of three, 1911 postage and postage due sets, 1912 set; Mozambique Company 1904 set of four and 1907 set of thirteen in strips of three, 1911 set of fifteen, 1911 Republica postage and postage due sets, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (193).

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
418 Mozambique Provinces. Four pages bearing Inhambane 1903 set of sixteen and 1905 50r on 65r, Zambezia, Lourenco Marques and Congo 1903 sets of eight, 1902 Provisorio 50r and 75r, 1905 50r on 65r all in vertical strips of three, also 1911 Republica sets from Inhambane, Congo, Lourenco Marques and Zambezia, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (207).

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
419 Nyassa Co. Page bearing 1911 Republica set all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (12).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
420 Portuguese India. Three pages bearing 1902 Provisorio 2t, 1903 set of fourteen (also 1898 9r), 1904 postage due set and 1905 2t on 2½t all in strips of three, 1895-96 9r, 1900 1rp and 2rp, 1911 Republica postage and postage due sets, 1913 Vasco de Gama set, and unsevered pairs of the 1911 surcharges (19 stamps) all handstamped "Specimen" type R3 or R4. Also page with French India 1906 35c strip of three and 1907 45c with R4 handstamp. (164).

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
421 Timor. Four pages bearing 1902 surcharges (21 stamps), 1902 Provisorio pair, 1903 set, 1904 postage due set and 1905 10a on 12a all in strips of three, also 1899-1900 10a and 78a, 1911 Republica postage and postage due sets, nearly all handstamped "Specimen" type R3 or R4, a few faults. (164).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
Other Countries
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
422 Austrian P.O in Turkey and Crete. Two pages bearing P.O in Turkey 1903 set of four, 1908 postage and postage due sets, P.O in Crete 1903-04 set of seven and 1908 set, handstamped "Specimen" type R3 or R4. (35).

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
423 Belgian Congo. Page bearing 1896 15c and 40c with "Specimen" handstamp type R3. (2).

Est. £70-80

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
424 Bosnia Herzegovina. Three pages bearing 1903-04 30h, 40h and 45h, 1904 postage due set, 1906 set all in strips of three, 1912 12h, 60h and 72h, 1912 1h - 5k set of twenty, all handstamped "Specimen" type R3 or R4. (119).

Est. £350-450

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
425 Eritrea. Page bearing 1903 set of eleven, 1903 50L and 100L postage dues, 1905 15c on 20c, 1910 15c and 25c, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (16).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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