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AIR MAILS continued...

AIR MAILS continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
376 Kenya/Holland/Germany. 1974 (Nov.) Covers from Germany to South Africa (2), and a cover posted within Holland but missorted and sent on the Lufthansa Frankfurt to Johannesburg flight, all water or fire damaged, handstamped red bilingual "RETRIEVED FROM AIR CRASH ON 20 / NOVEMBER 1974 AT NAIROBI", the Dutch cover returned to Holland handstamped "BESCHADIGD ONTVANGEN / BESTELKANTOOR Ev. MEYSTERLAAN / DISTRICTPOSTKANTOOR UTRECHT". The Lufthansa plane crashed when taking off at Nairobi due to mechanical trouble, killing 59 people, the Dutch cachet not recorded by Nierinck. N.741120a. (3).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
377 G.B. 1984 (Nov 19) Covers from Scotland to Peterborough franked 17p, both soiled at the edges, both with an Inverness Post Office letter (originally stapled to the covers) explaining the covers were on the Inverness to Edinburgh mail plane which crashed on the night of November 19th; the mail lay on an exposed hillside for up to 48 hours in atrocious weather. N.841119. (2).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
378 imageThe Liberty/Antigua. 1793 (Oct 11) Entire letter from Antigua to London "p. the Liberty Capn Forster" with scarce red "SHIP-LRE" (S34, applied in London to mails landed at out ports without their own handstamps), and Dec 17 backstamp, with a copy of a notice of the wreck of "The Liberty" taken from Lloyds List of 17 December 1793 - "The Liberty, Forster, from Antigua to London, went ashore on the Middle Ground, near Ramsgate, but is got off with the assistance of boats with considerable damage", and a copy of the 1793 Survey of the Varne & Ridge which shows the wreck site of the Liberty. This letter was landed at Ramsgate and taken in a sealed bag to London; the ship was pulled off the Goodwin Sands and stripped down for salvage. A unique early and well documented wreck cover, not recorded by Gwynn & Hoggarth who only record one earlier wreck cover. Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £1,500-1,800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
379 S.S "Kingstonian". 1918 (Mar.) Covers from Cairo or Alexandria to G.B (2) or Italy (2) all with the stamps washed off, one registered cover with two 10m stamps reaffixed handstamped "Salved from / submerged mail", the other cover to G.B with violet boxed "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN WATER", the two covers to Italy both handstamped "NAUFRAGIO". (4).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
380 S.S "Kingstonian". 1918 (Mar.) Stampless forces mail from Egypt or Palestine (6), one with an Officially Sealed label with Peterborough c.d.s (10 MY), the others handstamped "SALVED LETTER", "DAMAGED BY SEA WATER", boxed "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN SEA WATER" (2) or "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN WATER", also a cover to a soldier in the B.E.F, water stained and the stamp washed off, with violet "R.E Postal Section L'don N.W1 / Damaged by immersion / in sea water". (7).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
381 S.S "Comorin". 1930 Covers from Australia to England, from Sydney (Feb 18) or Perth (Mar 3) both with the stamps soaked off, handstamped black boxed "DAMAGED BY FIRE / ON / S.S COMORIN" (on O.H.M.S sealing label) or "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN SEA WATER I.S", or franked 1d from Melbourne (Feb 22) with unusual violet "Damaged by SEA WATER". A fire was discovered on the "Comorin" in No. 3 hold and extinguished by flooding the hold with seawater. Three fine covers, Hoggarth/Gwynn cachet types 7, 9, 12. (3).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
382 Argentina/Uruguay. 1941 (Nov. 22/24) Covers from Argentina to G.B both with violet boxed "DAMAGED BY / SEA WATER" (cut down "Airplane Accident" type); and 1943 (June) covers from Argentina (3) or Uruguay to G.B with violet "DAMAGED BY / SEA WATER", some water damage and signs of scorching. (6).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
383 S.S "Vidar"/ S.S. "Groningen IV". 1940 (Jan. 23) Cover from London to Copenhagen, water damaged and the stamp soaked off (a G.B. stamp from another cover reaffixed) handstamped violet "Beskadiget of Sovand", from S.S "Vidar" which was torpedoed in the North Sea on January 31st, three mailbags being washed up in Denmark; and 1945 (Jan 2) water damaged cover posted within Holland franked 7½c, delivered in December 1946, reverse with Dutch Post Office label explaining it was recovered from the S.S. "Groningen IV" which collided with the "Jan Nieveen" on the Ijsselmeer on 8th January 1945 (the label incorrectly stating 1944). (2).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
384 1940-42 WW2 Covers comprising 1940 (Dec 28) cover from London to Yugoslavia but returned with "NO SERVICE / RETURN TO SENDER" cachet, and 1942 (Oct 27) O.A.S Honour Envelope from Valletta to G.B, both with boxed "DAMAGED BY SEAWATER" (S.S Comorin type, with lower lines cut away); 1941 (Aug 21) O.A.S Honour Envelope from Iceland to London with F.P.O 308 c.d.s and "SALVED FROM THE SEA"; and 1942 (Jan 1) cover sent within London and readdressed to Baghdad with boxed "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN SEA WATER", arrival backstamp (June 18). All with some water damage, the first probably from the "Alhena". (4).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
385 South Africa. 1942-43 Covers to South Africa comprising 1942 (Oct 2) O.A.S cover from Cairo (Egypt Postage Prepaid 71 c.d.s) with violet bilingual "CORRESPONDENCE DAMAGED BY SEAWATER" (the 1939 Challenger crash cachet with "Flying Boat" removed); 1942 (Nov 9) cover from G.B with violet "DAMAGED / BY SEA WATER"; and two 1943 (Mar 10) covers with stamps washed off, both handstamped bilingual "DAMAGED BY SEAWATER" in black or violet, from the S.S "City of Baroda" torpedoed off Luderitz on April 2nd. (4).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.


France & Colonies / P.O Abroad
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
386 France. Two pages bearing virtually all 1900-10 issues including 1900 2f vermilion postage due, 1900 2f, 1909 50c red postage due, twenty single stamps and fourteen strips of three, all with "Specimen" handstamps R3 or R4, receipt dates from Berne or London written alongside the stamps. (62).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
387 Dahomey. Two pages bearing 1899-1905 2c - 5f (ten values issued in 1905), 1906 postage set of fifteen and postage due set of eight all in strips of three, 1912 surcharge set of nine in singles, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4, receipt dates from Berne written alongside. (108).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
388 French Congo. Page bearing scarce 1903 5c and 10c surcharge strips of three, also 1907 Middle Congo set of sixteen (no 15c issued in 1917), all with "Specimen" handstamp type R4. (22).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
389 French Guinea. Two pages bearing all 1904-13 postage and postage due sets, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (76).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
390 French Guiana. Page bearing 1900-04 5c and 2f, 1904-07 set all in strips of three (1907 45c a single), also 1912 surcharge set in singles, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (62).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
391 French Oceanic Settlements. Page bearing 1900-07 35c and 45c, 1903 surcharge set of three, 1913 set of sixteen (no 15c issued in 1915) all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (21).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
392 French Somali Coast. Three pages bearing 1902 and 1903 sets in strips of three, 1909 set in singles, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (106).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
393 Gabon. Two pages bearing 1904-07 set in strips of three (45c a single), 1910 "Congo Francais" set, 1910 "Afrique Equatoriale" set (no 15c issued in 1918) and 1912 surcharge set in singles, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (94).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
394 Guadeloupe. Three pages bearing 1904 1f on 75c strip of three, 1905-06 postage due set in strips of three, 1905-07 set in strips of three (45c a single) and 1912 surcharge set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (74).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
395 Indo China. Two pages bearing 1905 surcharge pair, 1904-06 set of seventeen, 1905 postage due surcharge set of four and 1907 75c - 10f all in strips of three, the 1907 1c - 50c, 1908 postage due set of thirteen and 1912 surcharge set in singles, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (116).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
396 Indo China Post Offices in China. Eleven pages with 1903-04 overprint sets for Canton, Mongtze and Yunnansen in strips of three, Hoi Hao, Tchongking and Packhoi in singles (all 14 values), 1906 issue to 1f for Kouang Tcheou-Wan (12 values), Mong-Tseu (13 values), Pak-Hoi (13 values), Yunnan-Fu (13 values), Canton (13 values) in strips of three, Pak-Hoi, Hoi-Hao and Tchong King (all 12 values) in singles, 1908 sets for Hoi-Hao, Canton, Kouang-Tcheou, Mongtseu, Pakhoi (2 sets), Yunnanfou and Tchongking. A fine and scarce lot, all handstamped "Specimen" R3 or R4. (502).

Est. £1,400-1,800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
397 Ivory Coast. Two pages bearing 1906 set (no 1c, 5c, 10c) and 1906 postage due set of eight in strips of three, 1912 surcharge set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (65).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
398 Madagascar/Comoros. Three pages bearing 1900-07 35c strips of three for Madagascar, Anjouan, Grande Comoro and Mayotte and 45c for Anjouan, Grande Comoro, Mayotte and Moheli, 1906-07 set of fifteen for Moheli in strips of three, 1912 surcharge sets for Anjouan, Grande Comoro, Mayotte, Moheli and Madagascar, Madagascar 1903 set in strips three, 1908 set, 1908 postage due set, all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (178).

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
399 Martinique. Page bearing 1899-1906 35c, 2f and 5f in strips of three, 1908 set and 1912 surcharges all handstamped "Specimen" type R4. (29).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
400 Mauritania. Page bearing 1906-07 35c and 45c strips of three, 1906 postage due set of eight in strips of three, 1913 set of sixteen, all handstamps "Specimen" type R4. (46).

Est. £140-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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Lot 378