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AIR MAILS continued...

AIR MAILS continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
301 imageSouth America. 1928 Covers carried on the first experimental flight from Santiago to Buenos Ayres (May 8), or Montevideo to Rio de Janeiro (July 2, posted at Asuncion, Paraguay), both signed by the pilot J.H Doolittle, who later achieved fame as Commander of the first bombing raid on Tokyo in World War Two. Scarce, very few covers flown. (2). Photo on Page 44. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
302 South America /Germany. 1930-37 Covers and cards comprising 1930 (Mar 21) first Condor flight from Brazil to Europe (2); 1934 (Feb 2) first Condor flight from Germany to Brazil (franked Chicago flight 1m, pencil address rubbed out); 1937 250th Lufthansa South Atlantic crossing, card from Germany to Brazil and return flight cards from Chile, Paraguay or Peru to Germany. (7).

Est. £240-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
303 imageGambia. 1933 (June 3) Cover from Bathurst franked 1/7, carried on the experimental flight to the S.S "Westfalen" in mid Atlantic, with violet "LUFTPOST / 4 JUN 1933 / D. WESTFALEN" arrival handstamp. These experiments were successful, and a regular air service began in 1934 landing on the "Westfalen" to refuel, and taking off by catapult. Very rare. Photo on Page 44. (Image1)

Est. £600-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
304 imageGambia. 1933 (June 2/6) Experimental flights from the catapult ship "Westfalen", card and cover with violet "LUFTPOST / D. WESTFALEN" datestamps, 15pf card to Germany with June 2 datestamp, boxed "1 Flug vom / Katapultdampfer Westfalen / nach Afrika" with Bathurst c.d.s (June 2), the other cover franked 25pf to Pernambuco with June 6 datestamp and boxed "1. Flug vom / Katapultdampfer Westfalen / nach Sudamerika", Pernambuco (June 6) backstamp. A fine and rare pair. (2). Photo on Page 44. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £700-1,000

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
305 Germany. 1926-44 Covers and cards including 1926 card flown from Konstanz to Cologne (to Brazil with 100r postage due), 1929 first flights from Berlin to Canary Islands (2) or Spain, 1932 "Junkers G38 D-2500 Bord stempel" cachets (2, one Berlin to London flight), 1944 Rhodes card bearing Inselpost stamp and Italian stamps for Rhodes, etc., also an Aero Lloyd ticket issued at Konstanz for a round flight. (11).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
306 Germany. 1925-38 Covers and cards, all pilot signed, including 1925 round flight card posted at Munich and 1931 U.S cover from Cleveland Air Races both signed by Ernst Udet (WW1 fighter ace with 62 confirmed victories, committed suicide in 1941), 1938 cover from New York signed by Joachim Blankenburg, 1930 Europa catapult flight cover to USA signed by Gerhard Fieseler, 1932 postcard with "Junkers G38 D-2500 Bord Stempel" cachet written by Captain Otto Kramer, etc. (9).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
307 Germany - DoX Flights. 1931-33 Covers and cards comprising 1931 (Aug 20) Antigua to St. Thomas; 1932 (Sep 30) card from Bonn to Cologne and November 14th Swiss card flown from Zurich to Altenrhein both with boxed "FLUGSCHIFF / DORNIER "DoX" / D. 1929" and signed by Capt Christiansen; 1931 (Jan 30) first DoX flight from Germany to Rio de Janeiro (signed Capt. Christiansen) and first return flight with stamps of Brazil (Rio, Aug 4) and Colombia (Cali, Sept. 15) backstamped at Trinidad (Aug 19); 1933 covers flown from Leningrad to Berlin then by DoX from Passau to Stad in Switzerland (2, one also with German stamps cancelled at Passau). A good lot. (7).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
308 Germany - Aviatrix. 1931 Dusseldorf to London flight by Elli Beinhorn, card pilot signed on reverse, and card flown from Karlsruhe to Mannheim signed by Vera von Bissing and Gerhard Fieseler; also two 1934 covers from Chicago both signed by Elli Beinhorn. Beinhorn completed several long distance solo flights in Africa, Asia, Australia and South America; von Bissing was an aerobatics pilot and test pilot, and ferried over 1,000 aircraft during the war. (4).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
309 1954-73 Covers, mainly test flights, including G.B test flights of the Canberra (1956) and EE P1A Jet (1957), 1958 U.K to Venezuela by E.E Canberra Jet Bomber, 1957 R.A.F Comet Lyneham to Venice, others from USA or Canada. (10).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
310 image1937 (July 5/16) First I.A Survey flight by the "Caledonian" from Foynes to Botwood and return, outward flight cover with stamps of Ireland (Foynes, July 5), Newfoundland (Botwood, July 6) and USA (New York, July 10), and return flight cover with stamps of USA (Port Washington, N.Y, July 12), Canada (Montreal, July 12), Newfoundland (Botwood, July 15) and Ireland (Foynes, July 16). Both addressed to Capt. Wilcockson and signed on the reverse, fine and scarce, very few flown. (2). Photo on Page 44. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
311 image1938 (July 20) Registered cover from London to USA franked 4d, provisional type registration label, endorsed "for Mercury Maya 1st Transatlantic flight" and signed by Capt. Don Bennett of the "Mercury". Bennett later developed the Pathfinder force in World War Two. Baldwin states "only official greetings and newspapers were flown" and this is the first flown cover we have seen. Very scarce. Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
312 1927 (Aug 14) Dessau to New York flight in the "Bremen" by Kohl, Loose and von Hunefeld, registered covers (2) and a card to New York, the covers franked 25m in air stamps, all returned with cachets after the flight was abandoned, datestamps of Norderney (Oct. 4), one cover signed on the reverse by von Hunefeld. (3).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
313 1928 (May) Cards (5) and a cover produced in the USA to commemorate the first Europe to USA flight in April 1928, all depicting the aviators Kohl, von Hunefeld and Fitzmaurice who flew from Bremen, three cards with wording in English and two in German (one unused), the four used cards all carried on the special Milwaukee to Chicago flight on May 13th; the cover posted at Boston on Bremen day (May 20) and flown to Chicago. Also six covers posted at Blanc Sablon on Greenly Island (Canadian Labrador) on 13 April 1929, where the "Bremen" first landed in North America exactly one year earlier. (12).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
314 1929 (Feb 19) France to Indo-China flight in the "Dragon d'Annam", abandoned after the plane crashed near Bondy Station, returned cover handstamped "RAID INTERROMPU / PAR ACCIDENT / Retour a l'envoyeur", unusually signed by the two pilots Costes and Cedos.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
315 1929 (Sep) Moscow to New York flight by the Russian plane "Land of the Soviet", flown cover franked 60k in air stamps, also a real Photo of the plane, and a press photo of the pilot Semyon Shestakov. (3).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
316 image1929 (Sep 29) Moscow to New York flight by the Russian plane "Land of the Soviet", cover franked 5c cancelled at Seward, Alaska, New York backstamp (Nov. 2), signed by the four Russian aviators. Rare, just ten covers flown from Seward to New York, this cover possibly unique signed, Mikulski guarantee handstamp. Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
317 image1930 (Dec 15) General Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation flight from Rome to Rio de Janeiro, cover to Balbo franked 1.25L and the special 7.70L stamp issued for this one flight (S.G. 303, £1,400) tied by the special machine cancel, Rio arrival machine (Jan 22), signed by Balbo and eighteen other pilots and crew, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £500-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
318 image1932 (July 5) Jimmie Mattern and Bennett Griffin circumnavigation attempt, cover flown from New York to Minsk with USA 5c cancelled at New York, Germany 4pf cancelled at Berlin (July 6) and Russia 15k cancelled at Minsk (July 7), signed by both pilots. The flight was abandoned after a crash in Russia. Very scarce, just ten covers flown, Mikulski guarantee handstamp. Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £350-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
319 image1933 (May 21) Picture postcard of Ernst Udet (second highest scoring German fighter ace of WWI with 62 confirmed victories), addressed to Switzerland franked Greenland Pakke-Porto 20ore (corner torn prior to use) and Denmark 40ore, cancelled by violet "Nugatsiak" and "Styr-" handstamps and in Copenhagen, further Greenland handstamps for Umanak and Igollorssuit. Signed by Udet, bearing a blue Luftpost label, red oval "Universal - Dr. Fanck / Greenland-Expedition", violet "Ernst Udet / Greenland Reise 1932" and "Nr. 30 / avane" cachets. Udet was in Greenland starring as himself in the film "S.O.S Eisberg" directed by Dr Fanck for Universal Studios; he was nearly killed in an air crash during filming. Unusual and scarce, apparently flown from Greenland. Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
320 image1938 (Aug 10) Focke Wulf 200 "Condor" record breaking flight from Berlin to New York and back, flown cover with 5pf + 10pf cancelled by red 8pf Focke Wulf Condor meter mark, with flight cachet, signed by the four crew, Alfred Henke, R. von Moreau, Paul Dierberg and W. Kober. The flight to New York completed in 24hr 56min., the return flight in 19hr 56min. Fine and rare, very few covers carried. Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
321 image1938 (Nov 27) Focke Wulf 200 "Condor" record breaking flight from Berlin to Tokyo, completed in 46hr 18min, express cover to Paul Dierberg at the Focke Wulf factory in Berlin, ten German stamps totalling 54pf cancelled at Bremen with four Japan stamps tied by the special pictorial cancel on Nov. 30th. Also a Japanese card with map of the route and 2s cancelled to order with the Japanese datestamp. Vertical fold, otherwise fine and rare, very few covers carried, the same aircraft and crew used as for the August flight to and from the USA. (2). Photo on Page 46. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
322 image1939 (Apr 28) Moscow to New York non-stop flight, forced to descend in New Brunswick, registered picture postcard (Lenin's tomb and Kremlin) with four stamps totalling 230k, Moscow and "MISCOU LIGHTHOUSE / N.B" datestamps, straight line flight cachet. Fine and scarce, 32 postcards flown, with 2013 L. Hovest Certificate. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
323 image1937 (Nov 3) Picture postcard to Germany bearing KUT 5c + 30c cancelled at Arusha, boxed cachet "Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke A.-G., Dessau / Rund-Afrika-Flug / 3 Nov. 1937 an Bord der Ju 52 D-AMUO". Very scarce, just one other postcard from KUT recorded by Colley. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
324 image1937 (Nov 16) Picture postcard to Germany bearing South Africa 6d cancelled at Johannesburg, fine boxed flight cachet, message signed by F.H Koppenburg details the places stopped at en route, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
325 image1937 (Nov 23) Cover to Berlin with seven Belgian Congo stamps totalling 17f all cancelled at Stanleyville, superb boxed flight cachet, fine and very scarce. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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